
Student InfoLine

+49 (0)441 798-2728

Mo – Th  9:30 am to 4:00 pm
Fr             9:30 am to 1:30 pm

SSC InfoDesk

Student Service Centre – A12

Mo         9.30 am to 12.00 noon
Tu - Th  9.30 am to 16.30 pm
Fr           9.30 am to 12.00 noon

Netiquette for requests by e-mail

For personal enquiries please have your student ID or application number ready on hand.


1FB: Bachelor's Programme (B.A., B.Sc., B.Eng., LL.B.)
2FB: Dual-Subject Bachelor's Programme (B.A., B.Sc.)
MA: Master's Programme (M.A., M.Sc., M.Eng., LL.M.)
StEx: State examination Programme
Grund: Master of Education Programme (Grundschule)
HR: Master of Education Programme (Hauptschule and Realschule)
Gym: Master of Education Programme (Gymnasium)
SoPäd: Master of Education Programme (Special Needs Education)
WiPäd: Master of Education Programme (Vocational and Business Education)
Prom: Structured Doctoral Programme

Degree programmes flyer for international students

Degree programmes A-Z

The Carl von Ossietzy University of Oldenburg offers you a wide range of study options.

A click on the program leads you to detailed information (course content and application).

Students with the goal of a teaching career first study the Dual-Subject Bachelor's Programme and after that a Master of Education Programme.

Studiengänge nach Abschluss filtern

[Zeige alle] Fach-Bachelor Zwei-Fächer-Bachelor Master Master of Education (Grundschule) Master of Education (Haupt- und Realschule) Master of Education (Gymnasium) Master of Education (Sonderpädagogik) Master of Education (Wirtschaftspädagogik) Staatsexamen Promotion

Subject Bachelor Master StEx Prom
1FB 2FB MA Master of Education
Grund HR Gym SoPäd WiPäd
Advanced Nursing Practice MA
Applied Economics and Data Science MA
Art Grund HR Gym SoPäd
Art and Media 2FB
Art and Media Studies MA
Biology 1FB 2FB MA HR Gym SoPäd
Business Administration and Law 1FB
Business Administration (extra-occupational) 1FB
Business Administration: Management and Law MA
Business Informatics 1FB MA
Chemistry 1FB 2FB MA HR Gym SoPäd WiPäd
Comparative and European Law 1FB
Computing Science 1FB 2FB MA HR Gym WiPäd
Cultural Analysis MA
Digitalised Energy Systems MA
Dutch HR Gym WiPäd
Dutch Linguistics and Literary Studies 2FB MA
Economic Education 2FB HR SoPäd
Economics and Business Administration 1FB 2FB WiPäd
Ecumenism and Religions MA
Education 1FB 2FB
Educational Science MA
Education and Research Management MA
Elementary Mathematics 2FB Grund HR SoPäd
Engineering of Socio-Technical Systems MA
Engineering Physics 1FB MA
English Grund HR Gym SoPäd WiPäd
English Studies 2FB MA
Environmental Modelling MA
Environmental Science 1FB
European History MA
European Master in Migration and Intercultural Relations MA
European Master in Renewable Energy MA
Franco-Romance Studies (in cooperation with the University of Bremen) 2FB Gym WiPäd
Gender Studies 2FB
General Education 2FB
General Studies Grund SoPäd
Geography (in cooperation with the University of Bremen) 2FB Gym SoPäd
German Grund HR Gym SoPäd WiPäd
German as a Foreign Language / German as a Second Language MA
German Studies 2FB MA
Health Services Research MA
Hearing Technology and Audiology MA
Hispanic Studies (in cooperation with the University of Bremen) 2FB
History 2FB HR Gym SoPäd WiPäd
Innovation Management and Entrepreneurship MA
Integrated Media - Audiovisual Media in Practice, Theory and Instrumentality MA
Landscape Ecology MA
Language Dynamics: Acquisition, Variation, Change MA
Law and Information Systems MA
Low German 2FB
Marine Environmental Sciences MA
Marine Sensors MA
Material Culture: Textiles 2FB
Mathematics 1FB 2FB MA Gym WiPäd
Medicine StEx
Microbiology MA
Molecular Biomedicine MA
Museum and Exhibition MA
Music 2FB Grund HR Gym SoPäd
Music Studies MA
Neurocognitive Psychology MA
Neuroscience MA
Neurosensory Science and Systems Prom
Pedagogic acting in migration society 1FB
Philosophy MA Gym
Philosophy/Values and Norms 2FB
Physics 1FB 2FB MA HR Gym SoPäd WiPäd
Physics, Engineering and Medicine 1FB MA
Politics HR SoPäd WiPäd
Politics and Economics 2FB Gym
Processes of Educational Structuring for Classroom Practice and Teacher Education Prom
Protestant Theology and Religious Education 2FB Grund HR Gym SoPäd WiPäd
Rehabilitation Counseling Education MA
Risk Management and Financial Analysis MA
Russian Gym
Slavic Studies 2FB MA
Social Sciences MA
Social Studies 1FB 2FB
Spanish (in cooperation with the University of Bremen) Gym WiPäd
Special Needs Education 2FB SoPäd WiPäd
Sports Grund HR Gym SoPäd WiPäd
Sport Science 2FB MA
Sustainability Economics 1FB
Sustainability Economics and Management MA
Sustainable Renewable Energy Technologies MA
Technology 2FB HR SoPäd
Textile Design Grund HR SoPäd
Values and Norms HR Gym SoPäd WiPäd
Water and Coastal Management MA

Number of study courses: 90
InfoPortal Studium (Changed: 11 Okt. 2024)  | 
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