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  • Drolshagen, S., Pfingsthorn, M. & Hein, A. Improving Work Skills in People with Disabilities in a Long-Term, In-Field Study on Robotic Tutors. Int J of Soc Robotics 16, 1933–1952 (2024). doi: 
  • Friedrich, B., Elgert, L., Eckhoff, D., Bauer, J. M., & Hein, A. (2024, May). Interpretable AI for Decision Support for Mobility Changes of Older Adults. In 2024 International Conference on Activity and Behavior Computing (ABC) (pp. 1-11). IEEE. doi:
  • Hermes, M., Wolters, T., Schult, N., & Hein, A. (2024). Pre-Processing of Categorical Features Within Medical Analysis Systems. Studies in health technology and informatics, 316, 741-745. doi:
  • Schult, N., Wolters, T., Hermes, M., Dählmann, K., & Hein, A. (2024). Comparison of Ensemble Learning Methods for Classification in Cancer Registries. Studies in health technology and informatics, 316, 731-735. doi:
  • Furuno, E., Hein, A., Stratmann, T. C., & Pfingsthorn, M. (2024, May). A Coarse-to-Fine Method for Data-Efficient Collaborative Place Recognition. In 2024 9th International Conference on Control and Robotics Engineering (ICCRE) (pp. 140-146). IEEE. doi:
  • Siegel, F., Buj, C., Merfort, R., Hein, A., & Müller-von Aschwege, F. (2024). Evaluating the Viability of Neural Networks for Analysing Electromyography Data in Home Rehabilitation: Estimating Foot Progression Angle. In BIOSTEC (2) (pp. 132-141). doi:
  • Friedrich, B., & Hein, A. (2024). Ensemble classifier for nurse care activity prediction based on care records. In Human Activity and Behavior Analysis (pp. 323-332). CRC Press. doi:
  • Maszuhn, M., Müller-von Aschwege, F., Jansen, F., Hein, A., Knol, H., Snowdon, D., Buschermöhle, M., Barth, D., Haag, L., Wohler, N., Rüde, L. & Pieske, O. (2024). Bridging Gaps in Fracture Rehabilitation: A Mobile Solution Proposal for Comprehensive Recovery. In BIOSTEC (2) (pp. 646-653). doi: 
  • Nieto Agraz, C., Hinrichs, P., Eichelberg, M. Hein, A. (2024). Is the Robot Spying on me? A Study on Perceived Privacy in Telepresence Scenarios in a Care Setting with Mobile and Humanoid Robots. Int J of Soc Robotics. doi: 
  • Röhl, J. H., Günther, U. Hein, A., Cauchi, B. (2024). Effect of Simulated Hearing Loss on Automatic Speech Recognition for an Android Robot-Patient. Frontiers in Robotics and AI, 11:1391818. doi:  
  • Büker, L., Hackbarth, M., Quinten, V., Hein, A., Hellmers, S. (2024). Towards comparable quality-assured Azure Kinect body tracking results in a study setting — Influence of light. PLOS ONE 19(8): e0308416.
  • Blohm, K., Korfkamp, D., Hübner, J., Oesterling, F., Schulze, S., Hein, A. (2024). Die Clinical Quality Language als Werkzeug zur Unterstützung der Datenanalyse in deutschen klinischen Krebsregistern. GMS Medizinische Informatik, Biometrie und Epidemiologie. doi:
  • Al-Omairi, H.R., Al-Zubaidi, A., Fudickar, S., Hein, A., Rieger, J.W. (2024). Hammerstein–Wiener Motion Artifact Correction for Functional Near-Infrared Spectroscopy: A Novel Inertial Measurement Unit-Based Technique. Sensors 24 (10), 3173. doi:
  • Arizpe-Gómez, P., Harms, K., Janitzky, K., Witt, K., Hein, A. (2024). Towards automated self-administered motor status assessment: Validation of a depth camera system for gait feature analysis. Biomedical Signal Processing and Control 87, 105352. doi:
  • Hellmers, S.; Krahn, T.; Hasseler, M. and Hein, A. (2024). A Concept for Daily Assessments During Nutrition Intake: Integrating Technology in the Nursing Process. In Proceedings of the 17th International Joint Conference on Biomedical Engineering Systems and Technologies - HEALTHINF; ISBN 978-989-758-688-0; ISSN 2184-4305, SciTePress, pages 613-619. doi: 10.5220/0012428700003657



  • Schwarz, Patricia; Hein, Andreas (2023): Conception of a Humanoid-Robot-Patient in Education to Train and Practice. In: 2023 IEEE 2nd German Education Conference (GECon), Berlin, Germany, 2023, pp. 1-5, doi: 10.1109/GECon58119.2023.10295118
  • Happe, L., Sgraja, M., Hein, A. et al. Usability and feasibility of a tablet-based e-coach for older adults in rehabilitation units to improve nutrition and physical activity: a prospective pilot study. BMC Geriatr 23, 578 (2023). doi: 10.1186/s12877-023-04204-6
  • Feld, L., Hellmers, S., Schell-Majoor, L., Koschate, J, Zieschang, T., Kollmeier, B., Hein, A. (2023). Towards the Application of Hearables for Near-Fall Detection. In Current Directions in Biomedical Engineering (Vol. 9, No. 1, pp. 623-626). De Gruyter. doi: 10.1515/cdbme-2023-1156
  • Kowalski, C., Hellmers, S., & Hein, A. (2023). Investigation of interaction forces in robotic assistance during the nursing activity of positioning a patient simulator to the bed edge. Proceedings on Automation in Medical Engineering, 2(1), 740-740.
  • Kowalski, C., Hellmers, S., Hinrichs, P., & Hein, A. (2023, April). Estimating the Maximum Pushing Force of Robot Manipulators to Physically Assist Caregivers. In 2023 8th International Conference on Control and Robotics Engineering (ICCRE) (pp. 121-127). IEEE. doi: 10.1109/ICCRE57112.2023.10155588
  • Röhl, J. H., Klausen, A. D., Feldmann, N., Diekmann, R., Hellmers, S., Günther, U., Hein, A. (2023). Android Robot-Patient for Teaching and Training of Delirium Assessment Instruments: A Pilot Study. 2023 IEEE International Conference on Advanced Robotics and Its Social Impacts (ARSO), 78-83. doi: 10.1109/ARSO56563.2023.10187448
  • Hellmers S., Krey E., Gashi A., Koschate J., Schmidt L., Stuckenschneider T., Hein A. and Zieschang T. (2023). Comparison of machine learning approaches for near-fall-detection with motion sensors. Front. Digit. Health 5:1223845. doi: 10.3389/fdgth.2023.1223845
  • Pauls A, Bauer JM, Diekmann R, Fudickar S, Hein A, Hellmers S, Lau S, Meyer J, von Holdt K, Koppelin F. (2023). Motivationsgründe und Vorstellungen über eine zukünftige Beteiligung älterer Menschen im Forschungs-und Entwicklungsprozess von Gesundheitstechnologien – eine Mixed Methods-Studie. Das Gesundheitswesen. 2023 May. doi: 10.1055/a-2042-9629
  • Brinkmann, A., Kowalski, C., Lau, S., Meyer, O., Diekmann, R. & Hein, A. (2023). Chair squat performance as a potential predictor of nurses’ physical capabilities in ergonomic patient transfers. Scientific Reports, 13, 2825. doi: 10.1038/s41598-023-29968-0
  • Warneke, K., Keiner, M., Wohlann, T., Lohmann, L. H., Schmitt, T., Hillebrecht, M., Brinkmann, A., Hein, A., Wirth, K. & Schiemann, S. (2023). Influence of long lasting static stretching intervention on functional and morphological parameters in the plantar flexors: A randomised controlled trial. The Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research. doi: 10.1519/JSC.0000000000004513
  • Büker L, Bussenius D, Schobert E, Hein A, Hellmers S (2023). Camera-Based Tracking and Evaluation of the Performance of a Fitness Exercise. In: Proceedings of the 16th International Joint Conference on Biomedical Engineering Systems and Technologies - HEALTHINF. SciTePress, 489-496. doi: 10.5220/0011755700003414
  • Büker L, Quinten V, Hackbarth M, Hellmers S, Diekmann R, Hein A (2023): How the Processing Mode Influences Azure Kinect Body Tracking Results. In: Sensors. 23(2):878. doi: 10.3390/s23020878
  • Fifelski-von Böhlen, C., Brinkmann, A., Fudickar, S., Hellmers, S. & Hein, A. (2023). Technology-based education and training system for nursing professionals. Springer Communications in Computer and Information Science. doi: 10.1007/978-3-031-20664-1_7



  • Böhlen, C.Fv., Brinkmann, A., Fudickar, S., Hellmers, S., Hein, A. (2022): Technology-Based Education and Training System for Nursing Professionals. In: , et al. Biomedical Engineering Systems and Technologies. BIOSTEC 2021. Communications in Computer and Information Science, vol 1710. Springer, Cham.
  • Kowalski, Christian; Brinkmann, Anna; Hellmers, Sandra; Fifelski-von Bohlen, Conrad; Hein, Andreas (2022): Comparison of a VR-based and a rule-based robot control method for assistance in a physical human-robot collaboration scenario. In: 2022 31st IEEE International Conference on Robot and Human Interactive Communication (RO-MAN). Napoli, Italy, 29.08.2022 - 02.09.2022: IEEE, S. 722–728.
  • Kowalski, Christian; Brinkmann, Anna, Filfeksi von Böhlen, Conrad; Hinrichs, Pascal; Hein, Andreas (2022): A rule-based robotic assistance system providing physical relief for nurses during repositioning tasks at the care bed. International Journal of Intelligent Robotics and Applications, 1-12
  • Rohl, Jan Hendrik; Hellmers, Sandra; Diekmann, Rebecca; Hein, Andreas (2022): Concept of an Observation-driven Android Robot-Patient with individualized Communication Skills. In: 2022 9th IEEE RAS/EMBS International Conference for Biomedical Robotics and Biomechatronics (BioRob). Seoul, Korea, Republic of, 21.08.2022 - 24.08.2022: IEEE, S. 1–7.
  • Björn Friedrich; Carolin Lübbe; Enno-Edzard Steen; Jürgen Martin Bauer; Andreas Hein (2022): Using Sensor Graphs for Monitoring the Effect on the Performance of the OTAGO Exercise Program in Older Adults. In: Sensors 22 (2), S. 493.
  • Björn Friedrich; Enno-Edzard Steen; Sandra Hellmers; Jürgen M Bauer; Andreas Hein (2022): Estimating the Gait Speed of Older Adults in Smart Home Environments. In: SN COMPUT. SCI. 3 (2), S. 1–14.
  • Brinkmann, Anna; Böhlen, Conrad Fifelski-von; Kowalski, Christian; Lau, Sandra; Meyer, Ole; Diekmann, Rebecca; Hein, Andreas (2022): Providing physical relief for nurses by collaborative robotics. In: Scientific reports 12 (1), S. 8644. DOI: 10.1038/s41598-022-12632-4.
  • Diekmann, Rebecca; Hellmers, Sandra; Lau, Sandra; Heinks, Andrea; Elgert, Lena; Bauer, Juergen M. et al. (2022): Are vertical jumps able to predict 24-month follow-up functional geriatric assessment in a healthy community-dwelling older cohort? In: Aging Clinical and Experimental Research. DOI: 10.1007/s40520-022-02230-9.
  • Elfert, Patrick; Berndt, Julia; Dierkes, Louisa; Eichelberg, Marco; Rösch, Norbert; Hein, Andreas; Diekmann, Rebecca (2022): A Novel Digital Nutrition Diary for Geriatric Patients at High Risk of Frailty Syndrome. In: Nutrients 14 (3). DOI: 10.3390/nu14030400.
  • Friedrich, Björn; Lübbe, Carolin; Steen, Enno-Edzard; Bauer, Jürgen Martin; Hein, Andreas (2022): Using Sensor Graphs for Monitoring the Effect on the Performance of the OTAGO Exercise Program in Older Adults. In: Sensors 22 (2). DOI: 10.3390/s22020493.
  • Friedrich, Björn; Orsot, Tetchi Ange-Michel; Hein, Andreas (2022): Using K-Nearest Neighbours Feature Selection for Activity Recognition. In: Md Atiqur Rahman Ahad, Sozo Inoue, Daniel Roggen und Kaori Fujinami (Hg.): Sensor- and Video-Based Activity and Behavior Computing. Bd. 291. Singapore: Springer Nature Singapore (Smart Innovation, Systems and Technologies), S. 217–225.
  • Friedrich, Björn; Sawabe, Taishi; Hein, Andreas (2022): Unsupervised statistical concept drift detection for behaviour abnormality detection. In: Appl Intell 25 (3), S. 367. DOI: 10.1007/s10489-022-03611-3.
  • Friedrich, Björn; Steen, Enno-Edzard; Hellmers, Sandra; Bauer, Jürgen M.; Hein, Andreas (2022): Estimating the Gait Speed of Older Adults in Smart Home Environments. In: SN COMPUT. SCI. 3 (2), S. 604. DOI: 10.1007/s42979-022-01013-3.
  • Fudickar, Sebastian; Pauls, Alexander; Lau, Sandra; Hellmers, Sandra; Gebel, Konstantin; Diekmann, Rebecca et al. (2022): Measurement System for Unsupervised Standardized Assessments of Timed Up and Go Test and 5 Times Chair Rise Test in Community Settings-A Usability Study. In: Sensors 22 (3). DOI: 10.3390/s22030731.
  • Happe, Lisa; Sgraja, Marie; Hein, Andreas; Diekmann, Rebecca (2022): Iterative Development and Applicability of a Tablet-Based e-Coach for Older Adults in Rehabilitation Units to Improve Nutrition and Physical Activity: Usability Study. In: JMIR human factors 9 (1), e31823. DOI: 10.2196/31823.
  • Hellmers, Sandra; Brinkmann, Anna; Böhlen, Conrad Fifelski-von; Lau, Sandra; Diekmann, Rebecca; Hein, Andreas (2022): Posture and Mechanical Load Assessment During Patient Transfers. In: SN COMPUT. SCI. 3 (5), S. 1717. DOI: 10.1007/s42979-022-01263-1.
  • Jan Hendrik Röhl; Sandra Hellmers; Rebecca Diekmann; Andreas Hein (2022): Concept of an Observation-driven Android Robot-Patient with individualized Communication Skills. Conference for Biomedical Robotics and Biomechatronic. Online verfügbar unter
  • Kutzleben, Milena von; Galuska, Jan Christoph; Hein, Andreas; Griesinger, Frank; Ansmann, Lena (2022): Needs of Lung Cancer Patients Receiving Immunotherapy and Acceptance of Digital and Sensor-Based Scenarios for Monitoring Symptoms at Home-A Qualitative-Explorative Study. In: International journal of environmental research and public health 19 (15). DOI: 10.3390/ijerph19159265.
  • Lau, S.; Hellmers, S.; Koschate, J.; Hackbarth, M.; Zieschang, T. (2022): Influence of rollator use on walking speed, balance and arm swing. In: Zeitschrift für Gerontologie und Geriatrie. Bd. 55. Springer, Heidelberg, S. 119.
  • Lins, Christian; Friedrich, Björn; Hein, Andreas; Fudickar, Sebastian (2022): An evolutionary approach to continuously estimate CPR quality parameters from a wrist-worn inertial sensor. In: Health Technol. 12 (1), S. 161–173. DOI: 10.1007/s12553-021-00618-7.
  • Lins, Christian; Hein, Andreas (2022): Classification of body postures using smart workwear. In: BMC musculoskeletal disorders 23 (1), S. 921. DOI: 10.1186/s12891-022-05821-9.
  • Meyer, Jochen; Ratz, Tiara; Pauls, Alexander; Hellmers, Sandra; Boll, Susanne; Fudickar, Sebastian et al. (2022): Designing and applying technology for prevention—Lessons learned in AEQUIPA and its implications for future research and practice. In: Frontiers in Public Health 10. DOI: 10.3389/fpubh.2022.832922.
  • Muenzberg, Alexander; Sauer, Janina; Hein, Andreas; Roesch, Norbert (2022): Machine Learning and Context-Based Approaches to Get Quality Improved Food Data. In: Xin-She Yang, Simon Sherratt, Nilanjan Dey und Amit Joshi (Hg.): Proceedings of Sixth International Congress on Information and Communication Technology. Bd. 236. Singapore: Springer Singapore (Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems), S. 423–435.
  • Nieto Agraz, Celia; Pfingsthorn, Max; Gliesche, Pascal; Eichelberg, Marco; Hein, Andreas (2022): A Survey of Robotic Systems for Nursing Care. In: Frontiers in Robotics and AI 9, S. 832248. DOI: 10.3389/frobt.2022.832248.
  • Sauer, Janina; Muenzberg, Alexander; Reisewitz, Franz; Hein, Andreas; Roesch, Norbert (2022): Increase the Quality of Treatment with Medical Apps Through Remote Compliance Testing. In: Xin-She Yang, Simon Sherratt, Nilanjan Dey und Amit Joshi (Hg.): Proceedings of Sixth International Congress on Information and Communication Technology. Bd. 235. Singapore: Springer Singapore (Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems), S. 963–972.
  • Spöhrer, Kristina; Buhr, Eike; Hein, Andreas; Schweda, Mark; Scherer, Martin (2022): Hausärztliche Medizin im digitalen Zeitalter: Szenarien und Empfehlungen. In: Gesundheitswesen (Bundesverband der Arzte des Offentlichen Gesundheitsdienstes (Germany)) 84 (7), S. 597–602. DOI: 10.1055/a-1791-0834.
  • Stuckenschneider, Tim; Koschate, Jessica; Dunker, Ellen; Reeck, Nadja; Hackbarth, Michel; Hellmers, Sandra et al. (2022): Sentinel fall presenting to the emergency department (SeFallED) - protocol of a complex study including long-term observation of functional trajectories after a fall, exploration of specific fall risk factors, and patients' views on falls prevention. In: BMC geriatrics 22 (1), S. 594. DOI: 10.1186/s12877-022-03261-7.
  • Elfert, Patrick; Tiryaki, Enes; Eichelberg, Marco; Rosch, Norbert; Hein, Andreas (2021): A Deep Learning Assisted Digital Nutrition Diary to Support Nutrition Counseling for People Affected by the Geriatric Frailty Syndrome. In: 2021 IEEE Symposium on Computers and Communications (ISCC). Athens, Greece, 05.09.2021 - 08.09.2021: IEEE, S. 1–7.




  • Gliesche, Pascal; Kowalski, Christian; Pfingsthorn, Max; Hein, Andreas (2021): Commanding a Whole-Arm Manipulation Grasp Configuration With One Click: Interaction Concept and Analytic IK Method. In: 2021 30th IEEE International Conference on Robot & Human Interactive Communication (RO-MAN). Vancouver, BC, Canada, 08.08.2021 - 12.08.2021: IEEE, S. 573–579.
  • Brinkmann, Anna; Böhlen, Conrad; Hellmers, Sandra; Meyer, Ole; Diekmann, Rebecca; Hein, Andreas (2021): Physical Burden in Manual Patient Handling: Quantification of Lower Limb EMG Muscle Activation Patterns of Healthy Individuals Lifting Different Loads Ergonomically. In: Proceedings of the 14th International Joint Conference on Biomedical Engineering Systems and Technologies. 11.02.2021 - 13.02.2021: SCITEPRESS - Science and Technology Publications, S. 451–458.
  • Hellmers, Sandra; Brinkmann, Anna; Böhlen, Conrad; Lau, Sandra; Diekmann, Rebecca; Hein, Andreas (2021): Assessing Postures and Mechanical Loads during Patient Transfers. In: Proceedings of the 14th International Joint Conference on Biomedical Engineering Systems and Technologies. 11.02.2021 - 13.02.2021: SCITEPRESS - Science and Technology Publications, S. 21–29.
  • Kowalski, Christian; Gliesche, Pascal; Böhlen, Conrad; Brinkmann, Anna; Hein, Andreas (2021): Handling Comparison between a Human and a Patient Simulator for Nursing Care Related Physical Human-robot Interaction. In: Proceedings of the 14th International Joint Conference on Biomedical Engineering Systems and Technologies. 11.02.2021 - 13.02.2021: SCITEPRESS - Science and Technology Publications, S. 605–612.
  • Anna Brinkmann; Conrad Fifelski-Von Böhlen; Sandra Lau; Andreas Hein; Rebecca Diekmann (2021): Relevanz der unteren Extremität im Kontext muskuloskelettaler Belastungen in der Pflege. In: Pflegewissenschaft 23 (4-2021), S. 229–237. DOI: 10.3936/1813.
  • Anna Brinkmann; Sandra Lau; Conrad Fifelski-Von Böhlen; Ole Meyer; Rebecca Diekmann; Andreas Hein (2021): Age-Related Lower Limb Muscle Co-Activation in Sit-to-Stand/Stand-to-Sit Performances. ISB 2021 - XXVIII Congress of the International Society of Biomechanics, Stockholm.
  • Björn Friedrich; Enno-Edzard Steen; Sebastian Fudickar; Andreas Hein (2021): Analysing the Correlation of Geriatric Assessment Scores and Activity in Smart Homes. In: International Journal of UbiComp 12 (2), S. 1–15. DOI: 10.5121/iju.2021.12201.
  • Björn Friedrich; Jürgen M Bauer; Andreas Hein; Rebecca Diekmann (2021): Detecting Impending Malnutrition of (Pre-) Frail Older Adults in Domestic Smart Home Environments. In: Nutrients 13 (6), S. 1955. DOI: 10.3390/nu13061955.
  • Büker, Linda Christin; Zuber, Finnja; Hein, Andreas; Fudickar, Sebastian (2021): HRDepthNet: Depth Image-Based Marker-Less Tracking of Body Joints. In: Sensors 21 (4). DOI: 10.3390/s21041356.
  • Christian Lins; Sebastian Fudickar; Andreas Hein (2021): OWAS interrater reliability. In: Applied Ergonomics 93, S. 103357. DOI: 10.1016/j.apergo.2021.103357.
  • Conrad Böhlen; Anna Brinkmann; Sebastian Fudickar; Sandra Hellmers; Andreas Hein (2021): Evaluating a Multi Depth Camera System to Consolidate Ergonomic Work in the Education of Caregivers. In: Proceedings of the 14th International Joint Conference on Biomedical Engineering Systems and Technologies: SCITEPRESS - Science and Technology Publications.
  • Fudickar, Sebastian; Kiselev, Jörn; Stolle, Christian; Frenken, Thomas; Steinhagen-Thiessen, Elisabeth; Wegel, Sandra; Hein, Andreas (2021): Validation of a Laser Ranged Scanner-Based Detection of Spatio-Temporal Gait Parameters Using the aTUG Chair. In: Sensors 21 (4). DOI: 10.3390/s21041343.
  • Fudickar, Sebastian; Nustede, Eike Jannik; Dreyer, Eike; Bornhorst, Julia (2021): Mask R-CNN Based C. Elegans Detection with a DIY Microscope. In: Biosensors 11 (8). DOI: 10.3390/bios11080257.
  • P. Gliesche, C. Kowalski, M. Pfingsthorn and A. Hein (2021): "Geometry-Based Two-Contact Inverse Kinematic Solution for Whole Arm Manipulation," 2021 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), Prague, Czech Republic, 2021, pp. 8269-8274, doi: 10.1109/IROS51168.2021.9636664 .
  • Haab, Henning; Alexandersson, Jan; Britz, Jochen; Diekmann, Rebecca; Eichelberg, Marco; Elfert, Patrick et al. (2021): Digitalisierte Dienstleistungen im Bereich der Ernährungsberatung von Personengruppen mit erhöhten gesundheitlichen Risiken bei Fehlernährung. In: Daniel Beverungen, Jan Hendrik Schumann, Volker Stich und Giuseppe Strina (Hg.): Dienstleistungsinnovationen durch Digitalisierung. Bd. 6. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, S. 169–212.
  • Hackelbusch, Kerstin; Lübbe, Carolin; Diekmann, Rebecca; Wojzischke, Julia; Hein, Andreas (2021): Virtuelle Durchführung von Demonstrationsstudien zur Erleichterung des Feldzugangs. German Medical Science GMS Publishing House. In: 20. Deutscher Kongress für Versorgungsforschung (DKVF). DOI: 10.3205/21dkvf313.
  • Happe, Lisa; Hein, Andreas; Diekmann, Rebecca (2021): What do geriatric rehabilitation patients and experts consider relevant? Requirements for a digitalised e-coach for sustainable improvement of nutrition and physical activity in older adults - a qualitative focus group study. In: BMC geriatrics 21 (1), S. 712. DOI: 10.1186/s12877-021-02692-y.
  • Happe, Lisa; Lau, Sandra; Koschate, Jessica; Diekmann, Rebecca; Hein, Andreas; Zieschang, Tania (2021): Machbarkeit und Akzeptanz videobasierter Physiotherapie : Neues Versorgungsangebot für ältere Menschen während der COVID-19-Pandemie. In: Zeitschrift fur Gerontologie und Geriatrie 54 (4), S. 346–352. DOI: 10.1007/s00391-021-01899-3.
  • Hein, Andreas; Lüpkes, Christian; Specht, Sebastian (2021): Großer Schaden im kleinen Kästchen? In: RaumPlanung - Fachzeitschrift für räumliche Planung und Forschung, S. 27–32. Online verfügbar unter
  • Kerstin Hackelbusch; Carolin Lübbe; Rebecca; Wojzischke, Julia Diekmann; Andreas Hein (2021): Virtuelle Durchführung von Demonstrationsstudien zur Erleichterung des Feldzugangs. In: German Medical Science GMS Publishing House. 20. Deutscher Kongress für Versorgungsforschung (DKVF).
  • Lau, Sandra; Aschwege, Frerk Mueller von; Zieschang, Tania; Bauer, Juergen; Hein, Andreas; Diekmann, Rebecca (2021): Activity Space and Functional Outcomes in Frail Older Persons Using GPS analysis. In: Innovation in Aging 5 (Supplement_1), S. 514. DOI: 10.1093/geroni/igab046.1989.
  • Sandra Hellmers (2021): Technikgestütztes klinisches Assessment der körperlichen Funktionalität für ältere Menschen. Verlag Dr. Hut.
  • Sandra Lau; Frerk Mueller-von Aschwege; Tania Zieschang; Juergen Bauer; Andreas Hein; Rebecca Diekmann (2021): Activity Space and Functional Outcomes in Frail Older Persons Using GPS analysis. In: Innovation in Aging 5 (Supplement_1), S. 516.
  • Wojzischke, Julia; Bauer, Jürgen M.; Hein, Andreas; Diekmann, Rebecca (2021): The Relevance of Obesity for Activities of Daily Living in Geriatric Rehabilitation Patients. In: Nutrients 13 (7). DOI: 10.3390/nu13072292.
  • Ahmad, Maged; Glitza, Jenny Inge; Müller-von-Aschwege, Frerk; Hein, Andreas; Cauchi, Benjamin (2020): Pulse Transit Time Estimation for Blood Pressure Measurement in Patients Implanted with a Left Ventricular Assist Device. In: Pervasive Health.




  • Arizpe-Gomez, Pedro; Harms, Kirsten; Fudickar, Sebastian; Janitzky, Kathrin; Witt, Karsten; Hein, Andreas (2020): Preliminary Viability Test of a 3-D-Consumer-Camera-Based System for Automatic Gait Feature Detection in People with and without Parkinson’s Disease. In: Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Healthcare Informatics (ICHI), S. 1–7.
  • Brinkmann, Anna; Fifelski, Conrad; Lau, Sandra; Kowalski, Christian (2020): Quantification of Lower Limb and Spine Muscle Activity in Manual Patient Handling – A Case Study. In: Studies in Health Technology and Informatics 272, S. 249–252. DOI: 10.3233/SHTI200541.
  • Brinkmann, Anna; Fifelski, Conrad; Lau, Sandra; Kowalski, Christian; Meyer, Ole; Diekmann, Rebecca et al. (2020): The AAL/Care Laboratory – A Healthcare Prevention System for Caregivers. In: Nanomaterials and Energy 9 (1), S. 1–10. DOI: 10.1680/jnaen.19.00021.
  • Diekmann, R.; Hellmers, S.; Elgert, L.; Fudickar, S.; Heinks, A.; Lau, S. et al. (2020): Minimizing comprehensive geriatric assessment to identify deterioration of physical performance in a healthy community-dwelling older cohort: longitudinal data of the AEQUIPA Versa study. In: Aging Clinical and Experimental Research. DOI: 10.1007/s40520-020-01562-8.
  • Diekmann, Rebecca; Hellmers, Sandra; Lau, Sandra; Bauer, Jürgen M.; Hein, Andreas (2020): Physical performance in a healthy community-dwelling older cohort – which are most relevant tests for the identification of deterioration? Longitudinal data of the AEQUIPA – Versa Study. In: International Conference on Sarcopenia and Frailty Research, The Journal of Frailty & Aging 9, 46‐179, P 181.
  • Eichelberg, Marco; Kleber, Klaus; Kämmerer, Marc (2020): Cybersecurity Challenges for PACS and Medical Imaging. In: Academic Radiology 27 (8), S. 1126–1139. DOI: 10.1016/j.acra.2020.03.026.
  • Elfert, Patrick; Siggelkow, Simon; Eichelberg, Marco; Hein, Andreas (2020): Towards an Ambient Estimation of Stool Types to Support Nutrition Counseling for People affected by the Geriatric Frailty Syndrome. In: 25th IEEE Symposium on Computers and Communications (ISCC), S. 866–871.
  • Elfert, Patrick; Siggelkow, Simon; Eichelberg, Marco; Hein, Andreas (2020): Towards an Ambient Survey of Consumption Quantities to Support the Nutrition Counselling Process for People affected by the Geriatric Frailty SyndromeTitle. In: Proceedings 2020 IEEE International Conference on Healthcare Informatics. Oldenburg: IEEE Computer Society Press.
  • Fifelski-von Böhlen, Conrad; Brinkmann, Anna; Kowalski, Christian; Meyer, Ole; Hellmers, Sandra; Hein, Andreas (2020): Reducing Caregiver’s Physical Strain in Manual Patient Transfer with Robot Support. In: 2020 5th International Conference on Automation, Control and Robotics Engineering (CACRE). IEEE, S. 189–194.
  • Fifelski-von Böhlen, Conrad; Brinkmann, Anna; Mävers, Stephan; Hellmers, Sandra; Hein, Andreas (2020): Virtual Reality Integrated Multi Depth Camera System for Health Care Applications. In: 3rd IEEE International conference on Artificial Intelligence & Virtual Reality (AIVR 2020).
  • Friedrich, Björn; Lübbe, Carolin; Hein, Andreas (2020): Analyzing the Importance of Sensors for Mode of Transportation Classification. In: Sensors 21 (1). DOI: 10.3390/s21010176.
  • Friedrich, Björn; Lübbe, Carolin; Hein, Andreas (2020): Combining LSTM and CNN for Mode of Transportation Classification from Smartphone Sensors. In: Adjunct Proceedings of the 2020 ACM International Joint Conference on Pervasive and Ubiquitous Computing and Proceedings of the 2020 ACM International Symposium on Wearable Computers (UbiComp/ISWC ’20 Adjunct): ACM Press, New York, S. 6.
  • Friedrich, Björn; Steen, Enno-Edzard; Suwa, Hirohiko; Hein, Andreas; Yasumoto, Keiichi (2020): Data Driven Analysis of the Behaviour of Elderly People Using k-Means and Home Automation and Power Consumption Sensors. In: International Journal of Computer Vision and Signal Processing 10 (1), S. 1–11. Online verfügbar unter
  • Fudickar, Sebastian; Hellmers, Sandra; Lau, Sandra; Diekmann, Rebecca; Bauer, Jürgen M.; Hein, Andreas (2020): Measurement System for Unsupervised Standardized Assessment of Timed “Up & Go” and Five Times Sit to Stand Test in the Community – A Validity Study. In: Sensors 20 (10), S. 2824. DOI: 10.3390/s20102824.
  • Fudickar, Sebastian; Kappes, Raphael; Horstmann, Marten; Isken, Melvin; Hein, Andreas (2020): Cycling Monitoring System - Sensing Cycling Performance via a Pedal-Integrated IMU. In: Nanomaterials and Energy 9 (1), S. 1–6. DOI: 10.1680/jnaen.19.00024.
  • Gliesche, Pascal; Krick, Tobias; Pfingsthorn, Max; Drolshagen, Sandra; Kowalski, Christian; Hein, Andreas (2020): Kinesthetic Device vs. Keyboard/Mouse: A Comparison in Home Care Telemanipulation. In: Frontiers in Robotics and AI 7, S. 172. DOI: 10.3389/frobt.2020.561015.
  • Gliesche, Pascal; Seibert, Kathrin; Kowalski, Christian; Domhoff, Dominik; Pfingsthorn, Max; Wolf-Ostermann, Karin; Hein, Andreas (2020): Robotic Assistance in Nursing Care: Survey on Challenges and Scenarios. In: International Journal of Biomedical and Biological Engineering 14 (9), S. 257–262.
  • Gort-van Dijk, Dorienke; Diekmann, Rebecca (2020): ERNÄHRUNG ‐ Worauf Sie achten sollten und was die Heilung unterstützt. In: Martin Stevens, Gesine Seeber, Inge van den Akker-Scheek und Sophie Thölken (Hg.): Ratgeber neue Hüfte, neues Knie.Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, S. 25–44.
  • Haab, Henning; Alexandersson, Jan; Britz, Jochen; Diekmann, Rebecca; Eichelberg, Marco; Elfert, Patrick et al. (2020): Digitalisierte Dienstleitungen im Bereich der rnährungsberatung von Personengruppen mit erhöhten gesundheitlichen Risiken bei Fehlernährung (DiDiER). In: Daniel Beverungen, Volker Stich, Jan H. Schumann und Giuseppe Strina (Hg.): Digitale Dienstleistungsinnovationen – Transformationspfade und betriebliche Anwendungen:Springer Verlag.
  • Happe, L.; Hein, A.; Diekmann, R. (2020): Identifikation von relevanten Themen und Inhalten für die Entwicklung eines Ernährungs- und Bewegungs- e-Coachs für Patienten in der geriatrischen Rehabilitation ‐ eine Fokusgruppen- Studie. In: 19. Dreiländertagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Ernährungsmedizin e.V. (DGEM) der Österreichischen Arbeitsgemeinschaft Klinische Ernährung (AKE) der Gesellschaft für Klinische Ernährung der Schweiz (GESKES) Jahrestagung 2020 des BerufsVerbandes Oecotrophologie e.V.
  • Hellmers, Sandra; Peng, Lianying; Lau, Sandra; Diekmann, Rebecca; Elgert, Lena; Bauer, Jürgen M. et al. (2020): Activity Scores of Older Adults based on Inertial Measurement Unit Data in Everyday Life. In: Proceedings of the 13th International Joint Conference on Biomedical Engineering Systems and Technologies (BIOSTEC 2020) - Volume 5: HEALTHINF. Valetta (Malta): SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda, S. 579–585.
  • Jan Hendrik Röhl; Alexander Gerka; Rebecca Diekmann; Andreas Hein (2020): Social interactions of invasive mechanical ventilated patients in intensive care - an example of a monitoring system. In: The Tenth International Conference on Ambient Computing, Applications, Services and Technologies (AMBIENT 2020).
  • Kiesswetter, Eva; Colombo, Miriam G.; Meisinger, Christa; Peters, Annette; Thorand, Barbara; Holle, Rolf et al. (2020): Malnutrition and related risk factors in older adults from different health-care settings: An enable study. In: Public Health Nutrition 23 (3), S. 446–456. DOI: 10.1017/S1368980019002271.
  • Kowalski, Christian; Arizpe-Gomez, Pedro; Fifelski, Conrad; Brinkmann, Anna; Hein, Andreas (2020): Design of a supportive transfer robot system for caregivers to reduce physical strain during nursing activities. In: Studies in Health Technology and Informatics.
  • Kowalski, Christian; Gliesche, Pascal; Fifelski-von Böhlen, Conrad; Brinkmann, Anna; Hein, Andreas (2020): Towards Physical Human-Robot Interaction using Force Support for Nursing Care Bed Activities. In: IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS).
  • Lübbe, Carolin; Friedrich, Björn; Fudickar, Sebastian; Hellmers, Sandra; Hein, Andreas (2020): Feature Based Random Forest Nurse Care Activity Recognition Using Accelerometer Data. In: Adjunct Proceedings of the 2020 ACM International Joint Conference on Pervasive and Ubiquitous Computing and Proceedings of the 2020 ACM International Symposium on Wearable Computers (UbiComp/ISWC ’20 Adjunct): ACM Press, New York.
  • Rösch, Norbert; Münzberg, Alexander; Sauer, Janina; Pirrung, Melissa; Lämmel, Sonja; Teichmann, Susanne et al. (2020): Comparison of app-based and paper-based diaries in food allergy diagnostics. In: Allergy, Meeting Abstract, Congress of the European-Academy-of-Allergy-and-Clinical-Immunology (EAACI) 75.
  • van Wijngaarden, Janneke P.; Wojzischke, Julia; van den Berg, Claudia; Cetinyurek-Yavuz, Aysun; Diekmann, Rebecca; Luiking, Yvette C.; Bauer, Jürgen M. (2020): Effects of Nutritional Interventions on Nutritional and Functional Outcomes in Geriatric Rehabilitation Patients: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. In: 15389375.
  • Wojzischke, J., van Wijngaarden, J., van den Berg, C., Cetinyurek-Yavuz, A., Diekmann, R., Luiking, Y., & Bauer, J. (2020). Nutritional status and functionality in geriatric rehabilitation patients: a systematic review and meta-analysis. European geriatric medicine11(2), 195–207.




  • Bauer, Jürgen M.; Diekmann, Rebecca; Goisser, Sabine (2019): Besonderheiten der Ernährung im Alter. In: A. Weimann, T. Schütz, S. Ohlrich-Hahn, M. Fedders und G. Grünewald (Hg.): Ernährungsmedizin‐Ernährungsmanagement‐Ernährungstherapie: ecomed (Ecomed Medizin), S. 109–118.
  • Cauchi, Benjamin; Hein, Andreas (2019): Combination of LFCC Features and LSTM Network as Spoofing Countermeasure in Physical Access Scenario. In: ASVspoof Challenge.
  • Christian Lins; Daniel Eckhoff; Andreas Klausen; Sandra Hellmers; Andreas Hein; Sebastian Fudickar (2019): Cardiopulmonary resuscitation quality parameters from motion capture data using Differential Evolution fitting of sinusoids! In: Applied Soft Computing. DOI: 10.1016/j.asoc.2019.03.023.
  • Daxberger, Sabine; Peters, Miriam; Fifelski, Conrad; Wirth, Lena Marie; Hülsken-Giesler, Manfred (2019): Technologieunterstütztes Kinästhetiktraining ‐ ein Beitrag zum betrieblichen Gesundheitsmanagement. Brücken bauen - Grenzen überwinden: Innovationen in der ambulanten und stationären Pflege, ENI 2019 European Nursing Informatics, 5.-6. September 2019, Flensburg, Germany.
  • Diekmann, Rebecca; Bauer, Jürgen M. (2019): Nutrition, Muscle Function, and Mobility in Older People. In: The Cambridge Handbook of Successful Aging: Cambridge University Press (Cambridge Handbooks in Psychology), S. 203–220.
  • Fifelski, Conrad; Peters, Miriam; Daxberger, Sabine; Wirth, Lena-Marie; Kowalski, Christian; Hein, Andreas; Hülsken-Giesler, Manfred (2019): Multifunktionale, technikgestützte Mobilisierung in der Pflege. In: Zukunft der Pflege Tagungsband der 2. Clusterkonferenz, S. 97–98.
  • Fifelski, Conrad; Wirth, Lena-Marie; Daxberger, Sabine; Peters, Miriam; Hülsken-Giesler, Manfred; Hein, Andreas (2019): Konzept einer technikgestützten Kinästhetikschulung für Pflegehilfspersonen. In: 19. internationaler wissenschaftlicher Kongress für Pädagogik der Pflege- und Gesundheitsberufe (Lernwelten 2019), S. 63.
  • Friedrich, Björn; Cauchi, Benjamin; Hein, Andreas; Fudickar, Sebastian (2019): Transportation mode classification from smartphone sensors via a long-short-term-memory network. In: UbiComp/ISWC 2019- - Adjunct Proceedings of the 2019 ACM International Joint Conference on Pervasive and Ubiquitous Computing and Proceedings of the 2019 ACM International Symposium on Wearable Computers, S. 709–713. DOI: 10.1145/3341162.3344855.
  • Gerka, Alexander; Cauchi, Benjamin; Hein, Andreas (2019): Multivariate Event Detection for Non-intrusive Load Monitoring. In: The Ninth International Conference on Ambient Computing, Applications, Services and Technologies (AMBIENT): IARIA, S. 25–30.
  • Gerka, Alexander; Eichelberg, Marco; Stolle, Christian; Tietjen-Müller, Carmen; Brinkmann-Gerdes, Stefanie; Hein, Andreas (2019): Interconnected living in a quarter for persons with dementia. In: Informatics for health & social care, S. 1–18. DOI: 10.1080/17538157.2019.1624968.
  • Gerka, Alexander; Lins, Christian; Pfingsthorn, Max; Eichelberg, Marco; Müller, Sebastian; Stolle, Christian; Hein, Andreas (2019): A Clustering-based Approach to Determine a Standardized Statistic for Daily Activities of Elderly Living Alone. In: Proceedings of the 12th International Joint Conference on Biomedical Engineering Systems and Technologies: SCITEPRESS - Science and Technology Publications, S. 264–271.
  • Gliesche Pascal; Pfingsthorn Max; Kowalski Christian; Drolshagen Sandra; Krahn Tobias; Hein Andreas (2019): Erster Vergleich von Eingabegeräten für die Telemanipulation im Pflegekontext. In: Zukunft der Pflege Tagungsband der 2. Clusterkonferenz, S. 35–36.
  • Glitza, Jenny I.; Müller-von Aschwege, Frerk; Feldmann, Christina; Wendl, Regina; Schmitto, Jan Dieter; Reiss, Nils et al. (2019): Analysis of LVAD Log Files considering the circadian Rhythm for the early Thrombosis Detection. In: The International Journal of Artificial Organs, p 386‐474. DOI: 10.1177/0391398819860985.
  • Hellmers, Sandra; Fudickar, Sebastian; Lau, Sandra; Elgert, Lena; Diekmann, Rebecca; Bauer, Jürgen M.; Hein, Andreas (2019): Measurement of the Chair Rise Performance of Older People Based on Force Plates and IMUs. In: Sensors 19 (6), S. 1370. DOI: 10.3390/s19061370.
  • Hellmers, Sandra; Lau, Sandra; Diekmann, Rebecca; Dasenbrock, Lena; Kromke, Tobias; Bauer, Jürgen M. et al. (2019): Evaluation of Power-Based Stair Climb Performance via Inertial Measurement Units. In: Alberto Cliquet Jr., Sheldon Wiebe, Paul Anderson, Giovanni Saggio, Reyer Zwiggelaar, Hugo Gamboa et al. (Hg.): Biomedical Engineering Systems and Technologies. Cham: Springer International Publishing, S. 238–261.
  • Kappes, R.; Fudickar, S.; Deiters, J. (2019): Safety4Bikes : Assistance Systems for Cycling Children to Increase Safety. In: International Cycling Safety Conference - Abstract Book, S. 71.
  • Kowalski, Christian; Arizpe-Gomez, Pedro; Weiß, Sebastian; Gliesche, Pascal; Hein, Andreas (2019): Intuitive human-robot interaction for physical support during nursing activities using myoelectric signals. In: Zukunft der Pflege Tagungsband der 2. Clusterkonferenz, S. 92.
  • Kowalski, Christian; Blohm, Kolja; Weiss, Sebastian; Pfingsthorn, Max; Gliesche, Pascal; Hein, Andreas (2019): Multi low-resolution infrared sensor setup for privacy-preserving unobtrusive indoor localization. In: ICT4AWE 2019 - Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Information and Communication Technologies for Ageing Well and e-Health (Ict4awe), S. 183–188. DOI: 10.5220/0007694601830188.
  • Michelsen, Timo; Lins, Christian; Gudenkauf, Stefan; Hein, Andreas; Lüpkes, Christian (2019): Privacy by Design for Integrated Case and Care Management: Receiver-Oriented Encryption in STROKE OWL. In: ICT for Health Science Research - Proceedings of the EFMI 2019 Special Topic Conference - 7-10 April 2019, Hannover, Germany, S. 110–114.
  • Müller, Sebastian Matthias; Hein, Andreas (2019): Tracking and Separation of Smart Home Residents through Ambient Activity Sensors. In: Proceedings 31 (1), S. 29. DOI: 10.3390/proceedings2019031029.
  • Münzberg, Alexander; Sauer, Janina; Hein, Andreas; Roesch, Norbert (2019): Checking the Plausibility of Nutrient Data in Food Datasets Using KNIME and Big Data. In: 2019 International Conference on Wireless and Mobile Computing, Networking and Communications (WiMob): IEEE, S. 1–4.
  • Münzberg, Alexander; Sauer, Janina; Lämmel, Sonja; Teichmann, Susanne; Hein, Andreas; Rösch, Norbert (2019): Optimization and merging of food product data and food composition databases for medical use. In: Abstracts PDS.
  • Rauschenberger, Maria; Lins, Christian; Rousselle, Noelle; Hein, Andreas; Fudickar, Sebastian (2019): Designing a New Puzzle App to Target Dyslexia Screening in Pre-Readers. In: Armir Bujari, Pietro Manzoni, Anna Forster, Edjair Mota und Ombretta Gaggi: Proceedings of the 5th EAI International Conference on Smart Objects and Technologies for Social Good. New York, S. 155–159.
  • Rösch, Norbert; Münzberg, Alexander; Sauer, Janina; Lämmel, Sonja; Teichmann, Susanne; Arens-Volland, Andreas et al. (2019): Digital supported diagnostics in food allergy by analyzing app-based diaries. In: Proceedings 2019 Congress of the European Academy of Allergy and Clinical Immunology (EAACI). Lisbon, S. 153.
  • Sauer, Janina; Hein, Andreas; Muenzberg, Alexander; Roesch, Norbert (2019): Simplify Testing of Mobile Medical Applications by Using Timestamps for Remote, Automated Evaluation. In: 2019 International Conference on Wireless and Mobile Computing, Networking and Communications (WiMob): IEEE, S. 203–206.
  • Sauer, Janina; Münzberg, Alexander; Lämmel, Sonja; Teichmann, Susanne; Hein, Andreas; Rösch, Norbert (2019): The role of usability in digitized nutritional counselling settings. In: Abstracts PDS.




  • Brinkmann, Anna; Fifelski, Conrad; Meier, Angelika; Diekmann, Rebecca; Hein, Andreas (2018): Reconstruction of Skeletal Muscle Architecture from DT-MRI Sequences. In: 2018 International Conference on Computational Science and Computational Intelligence (CSCI): IEEE, S. 744–747.
  • Diekmann, Rebecca; Wojzischke, Julia (2018): The role of nutrition in geriatric rehabilitation. In: Current opinion in clinical nutrition and metabolic care 21 (1), S. 14–18. DOI: 10.1097/MCO.0000000000000433.
  • Elfert, Patrick; Eichelberg, Marco; Haab, Henning; Wojzischke, Julia; Diekmann, Rebecca; Hein, Andreas (2018): An Ambient System for Acquiring and Digitizing Health Parameters Targeting Dietary Counseling for Frailty Patients. In: Zukunft der Pflege, Tagungsband der 1. Clusterkonferenz: BIS-Verlag der Carl von Ossietzky Universität Oldenburg, S. 217–220.
  • Fudickar, Sebastian; Kiselev, Jörn; Frenken, Thomas; Wegel, Sandra; Dimitrowska, Slavica; Steinhagen-Thiessen, Elisabeth; Hein, Andreas (2018): Validation of the ambient TUG chair with light barriers and force sensors in a clinical trial. In: Assistive Technology. DOI: 10.1080/10400435.2018.1446195.
  • Fudickar, Sebastian; Stolle, Christian; Volkening, Nils; Hein, Andreas (2018): Scanning Laser Rangefinders for the Unobtrusive Monitoring of Gait Parameters in Unsupervised Settings. In: Sensors 18 (10), S. 3424. DOI: 10.3390/s18103424.
  • Gerka, Alexander; Lins, Christian; Lipprandt, Myriam; Hein, Andreas (2018): Requirements for Ambient Sensors that Enhance the Safety of Artificially Ventilated Patients. In: Zukunft der Pflege - Innovative Technologien für die Pflege. Oldenburg: BIS-Verlag der Carl von Ossietzky Universität Oldenburg, S. 163–167.
  • Gerka, Alexander; Remy, Simon; Lins, Christian; Lüpkes, Christian; Hein, Andreas (2018): Analyse von Versorgungsprozessen in Wohngemeinschaften für Menschen mit eingeschränkter Alltagskompentenz. In: 17. Deutscher Kongress für Versorgungsforschung (DKVF) (2018): German Medical Science GMS Publishing House.
  • Glitza, Jenny Inge; Müller-von Aschwege, Frerk; Eichelberg, Marco; Reiss, Nils; Schmidt, Thomas; Feldmann, Christina et al. (2018): Advanced telemonitoring of Left Ventricular Assist Device patients for the early detection of thrombosis. In: Journal of Network and Computer Applications 118, S. 74–82. DOI: 10.1016/j.jnca.2018.04.011.
  • Hellmers, Sandra; Fudickar, Sebastian; Dasenbrock, Lena; Heinks, Andrea; Bauer, Jürgen M.; Hein, Andreas (2018): A Model-Based Approach for Jump Analyses Regarding Strength and Balance. In: Peixoto Nathalia, Margarida and Silveira, and Ali Hesham H., and Maciel Carlos und and van den Broek Egon L (Hg.): Biomedical Engineering Systems and Technologies. Cham: Springer International Publishing, S. 354–375. Online verfügbar unter
  • Hellmers, Sandra; Izadpanah, Babak; Dasenbrock, Lena; Diekmann, Rebecca; Bauer, Jürgen M.; Hein, Andreas; Fudickar, Sebastian (2018): Towards an Automated Unsupervised Mobility Assessment for Older People Based on Inertial TUG Measurements. In: Sensors 18 (10). DOI: 10.3390/s18103310.
  • Hellmers, Sandra; Kromke, Tobias; Dasenbrock, Lena; Heinks, Andrea; Bauer, Jürgen M.; Hein, Andreas; Fudickar, Sebastian (2018): Stair Climb Power Measurements via Inertial Measurement Units - Towards an Unsupervised Assessment of Strength in Domestic Environments. In: Proceedings of the 11th International Joint Conference on Biomedical Engineering Systems and Technologies - Volume 5: HEALTHINF, S. 39–47. Online verfügbar unter
  • Lins, Christian; Fudickar, Sebastian; Gerka, Alexander; Hein, Andreas (2018): A Wearable Vibrotactile Interface for Unfavorable Posture Awareness Warning. In: in Proc. 4th International Conference on Information and Communication Technologies for Ageing Well and e-Health (ICT4AWE 2018). Funchal- Madeira, Portugal. Online verfügbar unter
  • Lins, Christian; Fudickar, Sebastian; Hein, Andreas (2018): SKAML: An XML Markup Language for Abstract Skeleton Definitions in the Context of Human Posture Assessments. In: in Proc. 4th International Conference on Information and Communication Technologies for Ageing Well and e-Health (ICT4AWE 2018). Funchal- Madeira, Portugal.
  • Lins, Christian; Fudickar, Sebastian; Hein, Andreas (2018): XML Skeleton Definitions for Human Posture Assessments. In: Studies in Health Technology and Informatics. Online verfügbar unter
  • Lins, Christian; Klausen, Andreas; Fudickar, Sebastian; Hellmers, Sandra; Lipprandt, Myriam; Röhrig, Rainer; Hein, Andreas (2018): Determining Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation Parameters with Differential Evolution Optimization of Sinusoidal Curves. In: Proceedings of the 11th International Joint Conference on Biomedical Engineering Systems and Technologies. Funchal - Madeira, Portugal: SCITEPRESS - Science and Technology Publications, S. 665–670. Online verfügbar unter
  • Löffler, B. S.; Stecher, H. I.; Fudickar, S.; Sordi, D. de; Otto-Sobotka, F.; Hein, A.; Herrmann, C. H. (2018): Counteracting the Slowdown of Reaction Times in a Vigilance Experiment with 40-Hz Transcranial Alternating Current Stimulation. In: IEEE - Transactions on Neural Systems & Rehabilitation Engineering. Online verfügbar unter
  • Reiss, Nils; Mueller-von Aschwege, Frerk; Schmidt, Schmidt; Feldmann, Christina; Schmitto, Jan; Hein, Andreas; Glitza, Jenny (2018): Development of New Algorithms for Early Detection of Pump Thrombosis by Analysis of HeartWare LVAD Log Files. In: Journal of Heart and Lung Transplantation 37 (4). DOI: 10.1016/j.healun.2018.01.007.
  • Volkening, Nils; Unni, Anirudh; Becker, Sabeth; Rieger, Jochem W.; Fudickar, Sebastian; Hein, Andreas (2018): Development of a Mobile Functional Near-infrared Spectroscopy Prototype and its Initial Evaluation: Lessons Learned. In: Proceedings of the 11th PErvasive Technologies Related to Assistive Environments Conference on - PETRA ’18: ACM Press, S. 214–221. Online verfügbar unter
  • Volkening, Nils; Unni, Anirudh; Rieger, Jochem W.; Fudickar, Sebastian; Hein, Andreas (2018): Development of a Mobile Functional Near-Infrared Spectroscopy Prototype. In: Andrzej M.J. Skulimowski, Zhengguo Sheng, Sondès Khemiri-Kallel, Christophe Cérin und Ching-Hsien Hsu (Hg.): Internet of Vehicles. Technologies and Services Towards Smart City. Cham: Springer International Publishing, S. 146–161.
  • Wirth, R.; Diekmann, R.; Janssen, G.; Fleiter, O.; Fricke, L.; Kreilkamp, A. et al. (2018): Refeeding-Syndrom : Pathophysiologie, Risikofaktoren, Prophylaxe und Therapie. In: Der Internist 59 (4), S. 326–333. DOI: 10.1007/s00108-018-0399-0.
  • Wirth, Rainer; Diekmann, Rebecca; Fleiter, Olga; Fricke, Leonhardt; Kreilkamp, Annika; Modreker, Mirja Katrin et al. (2018): Refeeding-Syndrom bei geriatrischen Patienten : Eine oft übersehene Komplikation. In: Zeitschrift fur Gerontologie und Geriatrie 51 (1), S. 34–40. DOI: 10.1007/s00391-016-1160-8.




  • Breisig, T.; Felscher, A.; Hein, A.; Hülsken-Giesler, Manfred; Möller, Werner; Erbschwendtner, Sabine et al. (2017): Gesunde Pflegende im Fokus – Entwicklung von demografiesensiblen, technikunterstützten Arbeitsprozessen in ambulanten Pflegeorganisationen – Das Projekt ITAGAP. In: Paul Fuchs-Frohnhofen, Tobias Altmann, Sandra Döring, Andreas Felscher und Margit Weihrich (Hg.): Neue Ansätze des Arbeits- und Gesundheitsschutzes im Pflege- und Dienstleistungssektor. Weimar: Bertuch Verlag, 19‐13.
  • Eckert, Ralf; Müller, Sebastian; Glende, Sebastian; Gerka, Alexander; Hein, Andreas; Welge, Ralph (2017): LivingCare—An Autonomously Learning, Human Centered Home Automation System: Collection and Preliminary Analysis of a Large Dataset of Real Living Situations. In: R. Wichert und B. Mand (Hg.): Ambient Assisted Living. Advanced Technologies and Societal Change. Bd. 426. Cham: Springer, S. 55–72. Online verfügbar unter
  • Elfert, Patrick; Eichelberg, Marco; Tröger, Johannes; Britz, Jochen; Alexandersson, Jan; Bieber, Daniel et al. (2017): DiDiER – Digitized Services in Dietary Counselling for People with Increased Health Risks Related to Malnutrition and Food Allergies. In: 2017 IEEE Symposium on Computers and Communications (ISCC). Heraklion, Greece, S. 100–104.
  • Gerka, Alexander; Bayer, Finn; Eichelberg, Marco; Frenken, Melina; Hein, Andreas (2017): Ambient Water Usage Sensor for the Identiïcation of Daily Activities. In: Global Internet of Things Summit: IEEE, S. 225–230.
  • Gerka, Alexander; Lins, Christian; Lüpkes, Christian; Hein, Andreas (2017): Zustandserkennung von Beatmungsgeräten durch zentrale Messung des Stromverbrauchs. In: German Medical Science GMS Publishing House.
  • Hellmers, Sandra; Fudickar, Sebastian; Dasenbrock, Lena; Heinks, Andrea; Bauer, Jürgen; Hein, Andreas (2017): Understanding the Jump Landing as an Oscillating System: A Model-based Approach of Balance and Strength Analyzes. In: Proceedings of the 10th International Joint Conference on Biomedical Engineering Systems and Technologies - Volume 5: HEALTHINF, (BIOSTEC 2017). Porto, Porto, Portugal, S. 159–168. Online verfügbar unter
  • Hellmers, Sandra; Fudickar, Sebastian; Lange, Eugen; Lins, Christian; Hein, Andreas (2017): Validation of a Motion Capture Suit for Clinical Gait Analysis. In: Proceedings of the 11th EAI Conference on Pervasive Computing Technologies for Healthcare. Barcelona, Spain, S. 120–126. Online verfügbar unter
  • Hellmers, Sandra; Steen, Enno-Edzard; Dasenbrock, Lena; Heinks, Andrea; Bauer, Jürgen M.; Fudickar, Sebastian; Hein, Andreas (2017): Towards a Minimized Unsupervised Technical Assessment of Physical Performance in Domestic Environments. In: Proceedings of the 11th EAI Conference on Pervasive Computing Technologies for Healthcare. Barcelona, Spain, S. 207–216. Online verfügbar unter
  • Kiesswetter, E.; Colombo, M. G.; Volkert, D.; Peters, A.; Thorand, B.; Holle, R. et al. (2017): SUN-P054: Malnutrition and Related Risk Profiles in Older Adults from Different Settings: an Enable-Study. In: Clinical Nutrition 36, S73-S74. DOI: 10.1016/S0261-5614(17)30572-1.
  • Reiss, Nils; Schmidt, Thomas; Müller-von Aschwege, Frerk; Thronicke, Wolfgang; Hoffmann, Jan Dirk; Röbesaat, Jenny Inge et al. (2017): Telemonitoring and medical care of heart failure patients supported by left ventricular assist devices -The medolution project. In: Studies in Health Technology and Informatics 236, S. 267–274. DOI: 10.3233/978-1-61499-759-7-267.
  • Röbesaat, J. I.; Müller-von Aschwege, F.; Reiss, N.; Schmidt, T.; Feldmann, C.; Deniz, E. et al. (2017): Analysis of LVAD log files for the early detection of pump thrombosis. In: Proceedings - IEEE Symposium on Computers and Communications, S. 2–7.
  • Schmidt, Thomas; Reiss, Nils; Deniz, Ezin; Feldmann, Christina; Hein, Andreas; Hoffmann, Jan Dirk et al. (2017): Adaptive pump speed algorithms to improve exercise capacity in patients supported with a left-ventricular assist device. In: Studies in Health Technology and Informatics 236, S. 235–240. DOI: 10.3233/978-1-61499-759-7-235.




  • Behrends, Marianne; Witte, Mathias; Eckert, Ralf; Schinle, Markus; Gietzelt, Matthias (2016): Die Wohnung als Standort der Gesundheitsversorgung – Informatik in der guten Stube. In: HEC 2016: Health - Exploring Complexity. Joint Conference of GMDS, DGEpi, IEA-EEF, EFMI. München, 28.08.-02.09.2016. Düsseldorf: German Medical Science GMS Publishing House, DocAbstr. 833.
  • Dasenbrock, L.; Berg, T.; Lurz, S.; Beimforde, E.; Diekmann, R.; Sobotka, F.; Bauer, J. M. (2016): Der De Morton Mobility Index zur Evaluation der geriatrischen Frührehabilitation. In: Zeitschrift fur Gerontologie und Geriatrie 49 (5), S. 398–404. DOI: 10.1007/s00391-016-1061-x.
  • Hellmers, Sandra; Fudickar, Sebastian; Büse, Clemens; Dasenbrock, Lena; Heinks, Andrea; Bauer, Jürgen M.; Hein, Andreas (2016): Technology Supported Geriatric Assessment. In: Reiner Wichert und Beate Mand (Hg.): Ambient Assisted Living. 9. AAL-Kongress, Frankfurt/M: VDE Verlag, S. 85–100. Online verfügbar unter
  • Lins, Christian; Frenken, Melina; Halder, Luca; Hein, Andreas (2016): Designing and Introducing an Activity Motivating Mobile Web App Platform for Seniors. In: Reiner Wichert und Helmut Klausing (Hg.): Ambient Assisted Living: 8. AAL-Kongress 2015,Frankfurt/M: Springer International Publishing, S. 15–24. Online verfügbar unter
  • Lins, Christian; Hein, Andreas; Halder, Luca; Gronotte, Philipp (2016): Still in flow - long-term usage of an activity motivating app for seniors. In: 2016 IEEE 18th International Conference on e-Health Networking, Applications and Services (Healthcom). Munich: IEEE, S. 1–4. Online verfügbar unter
  • Müller, Sebastian Matthias; Steen, Enno-Edzard; Hein, Andreas (2016): Part II. Inferring Multi-person Presence in Home Sensor Networks. In: Reiner Wichert und Helmut Klausing (Hg.): Ambient Assisted Living: 8. AAL-Kongress 2015, Frankfurt/M: Springer International Publishing, S. 47–56. Online verfügbar unter
  • Volkening, Nils; Unni, Anirudh; Löffler, Birte Sofie; Fudickar, Sebastian; Rieger, Jochen W.; Hein, Andreas (2016): Characterizing the Influence of Muscle Activity in fNIRS Brain Activation Measurements. In: IFAC-PapersOnLine. Bd. 49, S. 84–88. Online verfügbar unter




  • Eckert, Ralf; Frenken, Thomas; Abmeier, Nadine; Jüptner, Alexander; Hein, Andreas (2015): Best Practice Beispiel zur Entwicklung des technisch-innovativen und von Nutzern akzeptierten Assistenzproduktes. In: 8. AAL-Kongress 2015. Frankfurt/M: VDE Verlag. Online verfügbar unter
  • Isken, Melvin; Frenken, Thomas; Frenken, Melina; Hein, Andreas (2015): Towards Pervasive Mobility Assessments in Clinical and Domestic Environments. In: Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics). Bd. 8700: Springer International Publishing, S. 71–98. Online verfügbar unter
  • Isken, Melvin; Frenken, Thomas; Frenken, Melina; Hein, Andreas (2015): Towards Pervasive Mobility Assessments in Clinical and Domestic Environments. In: Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics). Bd. 8700: Springer International Publishing, S. 71–98. Online verfügbar unter
  • Krahn, Tobias; Müller, Frerk; Eichelberg, Marco; Hein, Andreas; Appelrath, Hans-Jürgen (2015): Sekundärnutzung klinischer Patientenakten – Semi-automatische Detektion von Medikamentennebenwirkungen. In: Frank Duesberg (Hg.): e-Health 2014 - Informations- und Kommunikationstechnologien im Gesundheitswesen, S. 169–175.
  • Lins, Christian; Eichelberg, Marco; Rölker-Denker, Lars; Hein, Andreas (2015): SIRKA: Sensoranzug zur individuellen Rückmeldung körperlicher Aktivität. In: Dokumentationsband zur 55. DGAUM‐Jahrestagung. München: Deutsche Gesellschaft f5ü6r Arbeitsmedizin und Umweltmedizin e. V, S. 301–303. 
  • Löffler, Birte Sofie; Fudickar, Sebastian; Herrmann, Christoph S.; Hein, Andreas (2015): Ein Blick in das Gehirn: Messung und Verbesserung der Fahrleistung älterer Autofahrender mit Hilfe von Neuroimaging und Elektrostimulation. In: Carolin Wienrich, Thorsten Zander, Klaus Gramann (Hg.): Trends in Neuroergonomics. Technische Universität Berlin. Berlin: Universitätsverlag der TU Berlin (11. Berliner Werkstatt Mensch-Maschine-Systeme), S. 166–169. Online verfügbar unter
  • Meyer, Jochen; Hein, Andreas (2015): Don’t mind your steps: Activity trackers for the assessment of physical activity in health studies. In: 2015 17th International Conference on E-health Networking, Application & Services (HealthCom). Boston: IEEE, S. 455–458. Online verfügbar unter
  • Rölker-Denker, Lars; Seeger, Insa; Hein, Andreas (2015): Knowledge Processes in German Hospitals. First Findings from the Network for Health Services Research Metropolitan Region Bremen-Oldenburg. In: eKNOW 2015, The Seventh International Conference on Information, Process, and Knowledge Management. IARIA, S. 53–57.
  • Schlamelcher, Jan; Onken, Michael; Eichelberg, Marco; Hein, Andreas (2015): Dynamic DICOM configuration in a service-oriented medical device architecture. In: International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC): IEEE, S. 1717–1720. Online verfügbar unter




  • Eckert, Ralf; Frenken, Thomas; Frenken, Melina; Jüptner, Alexander; Hein, Andreas (2014): AmbiACT - Innovativer Stromsensor zur Aktivitätserkennung für Hausnotrufsysteme - Tagungsbeiträge - VDE VERLAG. In: 7. Deutscher AAL-Kongress mit Ausstellung. Frankfurt: VDE Verlag. Online verfügbar unter 
  • Eichelberg, Marco; Büsching, Felix; Steen, Enno-Edzard; Helmer, Axel; Thiel, Andreas; Hein, Andreas; Wolf, Lars (2014): A technical platform for environments for ageing – lessons learned from three field studies. In: Informatics for Health and Social Care 39 (3-4), S. 272–293. DOI: 10.3109/17538157.2014.931853.
  • Eichelberg, Marco; Rölker-Denker, Lars; Hein, Andreas (2014): Recommendations on Interoperability, Specifications and Standards. In: 7. Deutscher AAL-Kongress mit Ausstellung. Frankfurt: VDE Verlag, 6 pages.
  • Frenken, Thomas; Lohmann, Okko; Frenken, Melina; Steen, Enno-Edzard; Hein, Andreas (2014): Performing gait analysis within the timed up & go assessment test: comparison of aTUG to a marker-based tracking system. In: Informatics for Health and Social Care 39 (3-4), S. 232–248. DOI: 10.3109/17538157.2014.931850.
  • Haux, Reinhold; Hein, Andreas; Kolb, Gerald; Künemund, Harald; Eichelberg, Marco (2014): Five years of interdisciplinary research on ageing and technology: Outcomes of the Lower Saxony Research Network Design of Environments for Ageing (GAL) – An introduction to this Special Issue on Ageing and Technology. In: Informatics for Health and Social Care 39 (3-4), S. 161–165. DOI: 10.3109/17538157.2014.931854.
  • Haux, Reinhold; Hein, Andreas; Kolb, Gerald; Künemund, Harald; Eichelberg, Marco; Appell, Jens-Ekkehart et al. (2014): Information and communication technologies for promoting and sustaining quality of life, health and self-sufficiency in ageing societies-outcomes of the Lower Saxony Research Network Design of Environments for Ageing (GAL). In: Informatics for Health and Social Care 39 (3-4), S. 166–187. DOI: 10.3109/17538157.2014.931849.
  • Hein, Andreas; Steen, Enno-Edzard; Thiel, Andreas; Hülsken-Giesler, Manfred; Wist, Thorben; Helmer, Axel et al. (2014): Working with a domestic assessment system to estimate the need of support and care of elderly and disabled persons: results from field studies. In: Informatics for Health and Social Care 39 (3-4), S. 210–231. DOI: 10.3109/17538157.2014.931857.
  • Helmer, Axel; Müller, Frerk; Lohmann, Okko; Thiel, Andreas; Kretschmer, Friedrich; Eichelberg, Marco; Hein, Andreas (2014): Integration of Smart Home Health Data in the Clinical Decision Making Process. In: Biomedical Engineering Systems and Technologies. Communications in Computer and Information Science 452, S. 354–366.
  • Kiesswetter, E.; Schrader, E.; Diekmann, R.; Sieber, C. C.; Volkert, D. (2014): PP060-SUN: The Association between Body MASS Index and Functional Status in Older Adults in Need of Care is Mainly Moderated by Cognitive Status. In: Clinical Nutrition 33, S41-S42. DOI: 10.1016/S0261-5614(14)50102-1.
  • Kiesswetter, Eva; Pohlhausen, Stefanie; Uhlig, Katrin; Diekmann, Rebecca; Lesser, Stephanie; Uter, Wolfgang et al. (2014): Prognostic differences of the Mini Nutritional Assessment short form and long form in relation to 1-year functional decline and mortality in community-dwelling older adults receiving home care. In: Journal of the American Geriatrics Society 62 (3), S. 512–517. DOI: 10.1111/jgs.12683.
  • Knaup, Petra; Ammenwerth, Elske; Dujat, Carl; Grant, Andrew; Hasman, Arie; Hein, Andreas et al. (2014): Assessing the prognoses on health care in the information society 2013 - Thirteen years after. In: Journal of Medical Systems 38 (7), S. 73. DOI: 10.1007/s10916-014-0073-6.
  • Müller, Sebastian Matthias; Helmer, Axel; Steen, Enno-Edzard; Frenken, Melina; Hein, Andreas (2014): Automated Clustering of Home Sensor Networks to Functional Regions for the Deduction of Presence Information for Medical Applications. In: 7. Deutscher AAL-Kongress mit Ausstellung. Frankfurt: VDE Verlag, 6 pages. Online verfügbar unter
  • Rölker-Denker, Lars; Hein, Andreas (2014): Organisationale Lernroutinen in der geriatrischen Akutbehandlung und Rehabilitation. Ergebnisse einer qualitativen Studie. In: Zeitschrift für Palliativmedizin (3).
  • Rölker-Denker, Lars; Seeger, Insa; Hein, Andreas (2014): Projektvorstellung „Netzwerk Versorgungsforschung Metropolregion Bremen – Oldenburg“. In: Zeitschrift für Palliativmedizin (3), S. 15.
  • Ückert, Frank; Ammenwerth, Elske; Dujat, Carl; Grant, Andrew; Haux, Reinhold; Hein, Andreas et al. (2014): Past and next 10 years of medical informatics. In: Journal of Medical Systems 38 (7), S. 74. DOI: 10.1007/s10916-014-0074-5.
  • Volkening, Nils; Hein, Andreas (2014): Using an Autonomous Service Robot for Detection of Floor Level Obstacles and its Influence to the Gait. In: The Fourth International Conference on Ambient Computing, Applications, Services and Technologies: ThinkMind, S. 65–71. Online verfügbar unter
  • Volkening, Nils; Hein, Andreas; Isken, Melvin; Frenken, Thomas; Brell, Melina (2014): Housing Enabling: Detection of Imminent Risk Areas in Domestic Environments Using Mobile Service Robots. In: Reiner Wichert und Helmut Klausing (Hg.): Ambient Assisted Living: 6. AAL-Kongress 2013 Berlin, Germany, January 22. - 23., 2013. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, S. 301–314. Online verfügbar unter
  • Volkert, D.; Diekmann, R.; Luzsa, R.; Kolb, C.; Mouhieddine, M.; Kosak, S. et al. (2014): LB016-MON: Nutritionday in Nursing Homes ‐ Great Heterogeneity Between Institutions from Different Countries. In: Clinical Nutrition 33, S257. DOI: 10.1016/S0261-5614(14)50674-7.
  • Wallbaum, Torben; Frenken, Melina; Meyer, Jochen; Hein, Andreas (2014): Acceptance of sensor networks by dementia patients. In: 7. Deutscher AAL-Kongress mit Ausstellung. Frankfurt: VDE Verlag, 6 pages.
  • Wilken, Olaf; Kramer, Oliver; Steen, Enno-Edzard; Hein, Andreas (2014): Activity recognition using non-intrusive appliance load monitoring. In: Cesar Benavente-Peces, Andreas Ahrens und Joaquim Filipe (Hg.): PECCS 2014- Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Pervasive and Embedded Computing and Communication Systems: SciTePress, S. 40–48.




  • Frenken, Thomas; Brell, Melina; Gövercin, Mehmet; Wegel, Sandra; Hein, Andreas (2013): aTUG: Technical apparatus for gait and balance analysis within component-based Timed Up & Go using mutual ambient sensors. In: Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Humanized Computing 4 (6), S. 759–778. DOI: 10.1007/s12652-012-0151-x.
  • Helmer, Axel; Müller, Frerk; Lohmann, Okko; Thiel, Andreas; Eichelberg, Marco; Hein, Andreas (2013): Inclusion of Data from the Domestic Domain in the Process of Clinical Decision Making Using the Example of a Comprehensive Ambient Energy Expenditure Determination for COPD Patients. In: Deborah Stacey (Hg.): Proceedings of the International Conference on Health Informatics ; Barcelona, 11 - 14 February 2013 ; [integrated in BIOSTEC (International Joint Conference on Biomedical Engineering Systems and Technologies)]. S.l.: SciTePress, S. 42–51. Online verfügbar unter
  • Isken, Melvin; Borgmann, Bjoern; Hein, Andreas (2013): Mobile Robot Platform to track User Movement and Behaviour. In: Communications in Computer and Information Science. 386 CCIS: Springer Berlin Heidelberg (Communications in Computer and Information Science), S. 94–105. Online verfügbar unter
  • Kiesswetter, E.; Pohlhausen, S.; Uhlig, K.; Diekmann, R.; Lesser, S.; Heseker, H. et al. (2013): Malnutrition is related to functional impairment in older adults receiving home care. In: The journal of nutrition, health & aging 17 (4), S. 345–350. DOI: 10.1007/s12603-012-0409-1.
  • Kiesswetter, E.; Pohlhausen, S.; Uhlig, K.; Diekmann, R.; Lesser, S.; Stehle, P. et al. (2013): PP035-SUN THE MINI NUTRITIONAL ASSESSMENT LONG FORM IS SUPERIOR TO THE SHORT FORM IN PREDICTING MORTALITY OF OLDER ADULTS RECEIVING HOME CARE. In: Clinical Nutrition 32, S34. DOI: 10.1016/S0261-5614(13)60081-3.
  • Lipprandt, Myriam; Hein, Andreas (2013): Structured Documentation of Physiological Models and Behavioural Patterns containing Uncertainty. In: eTELEMED 2013: The Fifth International Conference on eHealth, Telemedicine, and Social Medicine, S. 331–337.
  • Meyer, Jochen; Hein, Andreas (2013): Live Long and Prosper: Potentials of Low-Cost Consumer Devices for the Prevention of Cardiovascular Diseases. In: Medicine 2.0 2 (2), e7; 1‐9. DOI: 10.2196/med20.2667.
  • Müller, Sebastian Matthias; Frenken, Melina; Eckert, Ralf; Baumgartner, Hannah; Felscher, Andreas; Hein, Andreas (2013): Acceptance and Usability of a Technical Support System for Ambulant Palliative Care. In: Proceedings AAL Forum 2013. Norrköping, Sweden, S. 1–10.
  • Pielawa, Lukas; Frenken, Melina; Hein, Andreas (2013): A workflow for design and evaluation of embedded control systems in medical devices. In: International Journal of Biomedical Engineering and Technology 13 (3), S. 257. DOI: 10.1504/IJBET.2013.058446.
  • Pielawa, Lukas; Wallbaum, Torben; Frenken, Melina; Hein, Andreas (2013): Control and personalization approach for an ICT-enabled wearable artifical kidney. In: 2013 IEEE 15th International Conference on e-Health Networking, Applications and Services (Healthcom 2013): IEEE, S. 404–408. Online verfügbar unter
  • Rölker-Denker, Lars; Eichelberg, Marco; Hein, Andreas (2013): Ambient Assisted Living als quantitative Methode der Versorgungsforschung. In: 13. Deutscher Kongress für Versorgungsforschung 2013.
  • Rölker-Denker, Lars; Eichelberg, Marco; Hein, Andreas (2013): Gesund zu Hause. In: Ehealthcom (5), S. 38–39.
  • Rölker-Denker, Lars; Hein, Andreas (2013): Organisationsdiagnostik als qualitative Methode der Versorgungsforschung. In: 12. Deutscher Kongress für Versorgungsforschung. Berlin, 23.-25.10.2013. Düsseldorf: German Medical Science GMS Publishing House. Online verfügbar unter
  • Steen, Enno-Edzard; Frenken, Thomas; Eichelberg, Marco; Frenken, Melina; Hein, Andreas (2013): Modeling Individual Healthy Behavior Using Home Automation Sensor Data: Results from a Field. In: Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Smart Environments 5 (5), S. 503–523. Online verfügbar unter
  • Steen, Enno-Edzard; Frenken, Thomas; Frenken, Melina; Hein, Andreas (2013): Functional Assessment in Elderlies’ Homes: Early Results from a Field Trial. In: Lebensqualität im Wandel von Demografie und Technik: Springer‐Verlag (Advanced Technologies and Societal Change), S. 3–17. Online verfügbar unter
  • Welge, Ralph; Busch, Björn-Helge; Kabitzsch, Klaus; Laurila-Dürsch, Janina; Heusinger, Stefan; Lipprandt, Myriam et al. (2013): Representation of Integration Profiles using an Ontology. In: Helmut Klausing und Reiner Wichert (Hg.): Ambient Assisted Living: Advanced Technologies and Societal Change, S. 195–212.




  • Baumgartner, Hannah; Eckert, Ralf; Helmer, Axel; Brell, Melina; Hein, Andreas (2012): Nutzungsschnittstellen für Medizinische Kommunikationsplattform. In: Ambient Assisted Living - 5. Deutscher AAL-Kongress mit Ausstellung 24. – 25. Januar 2012, Berlin, Tagungsbeiträge. Berlin: VDE Verlag.
  • El Gazzar, Omar; Onken, Michael; Eichelberg, Marco; Hein, Andreas; Kotter, Elmar C. (2012): A Comprehensive Framework for Quality Assurance in Clinical Trials. In: William W. Boonn und Brent J. Liu (Hg.): Medical Imaging 2012: Advanced PACS-based Imaging Informatics and Therapeutic Applications 83190A. San Diego, California, USA: SPIE, 83190A. Online verfügbar unter
  • Frenken, Thomas; Lipprandt, Myriam; Brell, Melina; Gövercin, Mehmet; Wegel, Sandra; Steinhagen-Thiessen, Elisabeth; Hein, Andreas (2012): Novel Approach to Unsupervised Mobility Assessment Tests: Field Trial For aTUG. In: Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Pervasive Computing Technologies for Healthcare: IEEE, S. 131–138. Online verfügbar unter
  • Haux, Reinhold; Hein, Andreas; Eichelberg, Marco (2012): On designing new environments for ageing. In: Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine 106 (2), S. 67–69. DOI: 10.1016/j.cmpb.2012.03.003.
  • Helmer, Axel; Kretschmer, Friedrich; Deparade, Riana; Song, Bianying; Meis, Markus; Hein, Andreas et al. (2012): A system for the model based emergency detection and communication for the telerehabilitation training of cardiopulmonary patients. In: 2012 Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society: IEEE, S. 702–706. Online verfügbar unter
  • Helmer, Axel; Steen, Enno-Edzard; Rölker-Denker, Lars; Eichelberg, Marco; Hein, Andreas (2012): Umsetzung eines Konzepts zum Schutz von personenbezogenen Gesundheitsdaten für eine AAL-Plattform. In: Lecture Notes in Informatics (LNI) - Proceedings - Series of the Gesellschaft für Informatik (GI): Springer, S. 1390–1404.
  • Isken, Melvin; Volkening, Nils; Lowet, Dietwig; van Heesch, Frank; van de Wouw, Doortje; Brell, Melina; Hein, Andreas (2012): Preferred services of assistive robots for elderly: Results of user studies within the Florence project. In: Gerontechnology 11 (2), S. 375. DOI: 10.4017/gt.2012.11.02.591.00.
  • Kramer, Oliver; Wilken, Olaf; Beenken, Petra; Hein, Andreas; Hüwel, Andreas; Klingenberg, Thole et al. (2012): On Ensemble Classifiers for Nonintrusive Appliance Load Monitoring. In: Emilio Corchado, Václav Snášel, Ajith Abraham, Michał Woźniak, Manuel Graña und Sung-Bae Cho (Hg.): 7th International Conference, HAIS 2012, Salamanca, Spain, March 28-30th: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, S. 322–331. Online verfügbar unter
  • Kramer, Oliver; Wilken, Olaf; Beenken, Petra; Hein, Andreas; Hüwel, Andreas; Klingenberg, Thole et al. (2012): On Ensemble Classifiers for Nonintrusive Appliance Load Monitoring. In: Emilio Corchado, Václav Snášel, Ajith Abraham, Michał Woźniak, Manuel Graña und Sung-Bae Cho (Hg.): 7th International Conference, HAIS 2012, Salamanca, Spain, March 28-30th: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, S. 322–331. Online verfügbar unter
  • Laemmermann, Stefan; Pielawa, Lukas; Burger, Andreas; Schlemminger, Jan; Kropf, Thomas; Rosenstiel, Wolfgang; Hein, Andreas (2012): Heterogeneous Assertion-Based Verification for Medical Devices Development. In: The 17th Workshop on Synthesis And System Integration of Mixed Information Technologies (Sasimi 2012), S. 211–216.
  • Lipprandt, Myriam; Eichelberg, Marco; Hein, Andreas (2012): Standardized Representation of Medical Data in AAL Applications. In: Proceedings of the 2nd International Living Usability Lab Workshop on AAL Latest Solutions, Trends and Applications: Springer, S. 72–80.
  • Lohmann, Okko; Luhmann, Thomas; Hein, Andreas (2012): Skeleton Timed Up and Go. In: 2012 IEEE International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedicine: IEEE, S. 1–5. Online verfügbar unter
  • Müller, Frerk; Lipprandt, Myriam; Eichelberg, Marco; Helmer, Axel; Busch, Clemens; Willemsen, Detlev; Hein, Andreas (2012): AAL in Cardiac Rehabilitation. In: Juan Carlos Augusto (Hg.): Handbook of Ambient Assisted Living: Technology for Healthcare, Rehabilitation and Well-Being Bd. 11. Amsterdam and Washington, D.C.: IOS Press (Ambient intelligence and smart environments), S. 512–534.
  • Pielawa, Lukas; Poppen, Frank; Wester, Maarten; Simonis, Frank; Brell, Melina; Joles, J. A.; Hein, Andreas (2012): Integrated Monitoring for Personalized Renal Replacement Therapy. In: Biomedical Engineering / Biomedizinische Technik 57 (SI-1 Track-Q), S. 157–160. DOI: 10.1515/bmt-2012-4238.
  • Rölker-Denker, Lars; Hein, Andreas (2012): Lernende Krankenhäuser aus versorgungsforscherischer Perspektive. In: Deutsche Medizinische Wochenzeitschrift (Supplement Nr. 3. Abstractband zum 11. Deutschen Kongress für Versorgungsforschung und 4. Nationalen Pr5ä6ventionskongress), 170/ A281.
  • Rölker-Denker, Lars; Hein, Andreas (2012): Modelling Knowledge Processes In Health Care Organizations. In: Advanced Technologies and Societal Change: Springer, S. 70–75.
  • Rölker-Denker, Lars; Hein, Andreas (2012): Organisationales Lernen und Organisationale Gedächtnisse im AAL-Kontext. In: Ambient Assisted Living - 5. Deutscher AAL-Kongress mit Ausstellung 24. – 25. Januar 2012, Berlin, Tagungsbeiträge. Berlin: VDE Verlag. Online verfügbar unter
  • Steen, Enno-Edzard; Eichelberg, Marco; Nebel, Wolfgang; Hein, Andreas (2012): A Novel Indoor Localization Approach Using Dynamic Changes in Ultrasonic Echoes. In: Advanced Technologies and Societal Change: Springer, S. 6.
  • Steen, Enno-Edzard; Eichelberg, Marco; Nebel, Wolfgang; Hein, Andreas (2012): Ein neuartiger Ansatz zur Indoor-Lokalisierung mittels dynamischer Veränderungen von Ultraschallechos. In: Tagungsband Ambient Assisted Living, 5. Deutscher AAL-Kongress mit Ausstellung 24.-25. Januar 2012, Berlin: VDE Verlag, P12.3.
  • Wist, Thorben; Steen, Enno-Edzard; Hein, Andreas; Schulze, Gisela C. (2012): Ältere Menschen mit einer geistigen Beeinträchtigung als Nutzer von Ambient Assisted Living Technologien zur Sturzprävention. In: Lecture Notes in Informatics (LNI) - Proceedings - Series of the Gesellschaft für Informatik (GI): Springer, S. 1431–1444.
  • Baumgartner, Hannah; Gaefke, Christiane; Brell, Melina; Hein, Andreas (2011): System Architecture for Palliative Care in the Home Environment. In: Ambient Assisted Living - AAL - 4. Deutscher Kongress: Demographischer Wandel - Assistenzsysteme aus der Forschung in den Markt, S. 103–116.
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