Gabriele Gerlach, Prof. Dr.
Simon Käfer, Dr.
Bo Leberecht, Dr .
Magnetic conditioning and orientation in fish.
Tamara Schneider, Dr.
Genetic basis of magnetoreception in fish.
Lisa Spiecker, Dr. – jetzt Universität Tier, Einrichtungen Biowissenschaften
Magnetic orientation in fish.
Technische Assistentinnen
Anke Müller
Nicole Iben
Malien Laurien, Dr. – jetzt NTNU, Trondheim
Thema: Sensory basis of orientation behaviour in fish.
Marlene Meister
Baleen whales in a changing Arctic Ocean – A holistic approach to investigate acoustic occurrence and habitat usage of endemic and seasonally migrating species.
Gregor Schalm, Dr.
Thema: Genes of migration in marine organisms.
Svenja Wöhle
Spatio-temporal patterns of fin whale (Balaenoptera physalus) acoustic patterns and acoustic behaviour in the Atlantic sector of the Southern Ocean.
Annika Pollmann
Masterarbeit: Nocturnal orientation in Fish.
Jasmin Riggers
Praxismodul: Primer analysis for metabarcoding of algae.
Ronja Rösner
Bachelorarbeit: Cryptochrome Co-Segregation
Ikasia Schulz
Masterarbeit: Olfactory communication in zebrafish (Danio rerio).
Lena Blum
Masterarbeit: Ship hullfouling – betreut von Arlie Mc Carthy (HIFMB)