Marine Microbiota 2019
August 28th – 30th in Oldenburg, Germany
- Registration closed. We are looking forward to an inspiring symposium!
- SAME16 takes place subsequent to this symposium, September 1st to 6th 2019 in Potsdam, Germany
Twitter: @MarBio19
Organised by: CRC Roseobacter
Speaker: Prof. Dr. Meinhard Simon

Registration and abstract submission
Participation fee
- Students 90€
- Scientists (incl. Postdocs) 140€
The participation fee includes access to scientific presentations, a certificate of attendance (please indicate during registration), welcome reception, conference dinner incl. 3 drinks, lunch and coffee breaks.
Students need to upload a proof (student ID, verification by the supervisor) as part of the registration.
The preferred payment for european guests is direct debit. You can also pay by credit card.
Abstract guidelines
- All abstracts must be in English
- Title: maximum 200 characters
- Text: maximum 250 words
- Please do not use abbreviations or references