
- Closing symposium of CRC51 Roseobacter after 13 years of interdisciplinary research, Sept. 5th+6th 2022
- Sujatha´s paper about the impact of quorum sensing and tropodithietic acid production on the exometabolome of Phaeobacter inhibens is out. Frontiers Microbiol. 13: 917969. doi.org/10.3389/fmicb.2022.917969
- students sequencing course, end August 2022
- Main module, Ecology of marine mircobes, 4-weeks practial course, 27.6. - 22.07.2022
- Gerrit´s paper was published in ISME about the impact of availability of vitamin B12 and its lower ligand on marine organisms doi.org/10.1038/s41396-022-01250-7
- Gerrit´s perspective paper of B-vitamin cycling in the marine environment is published in Front. Mar. Sci., 9:876726. doi.org/10.3389/fmars.2022.876726
- Leon´s paper is out at Nature Communications about functional biogeography of the near-surface Atlantic Ocean microbiome. doi.org/10.1038/s41467-022-28128-8
- Heincke cruise HE594 under Corona safety restrictions incl. subsequent practical course Biologicial Oceanography, March 10 - March 15, 2022
- Helge´s Pacific overview paper of the microbial activity and organic mater cycling was published in Frontiers doi.org/10.3389/fmars.2021.764383, Dez. 2021
- Pract. course Methods in aquatic microbial ecology, Dez. 2021
- Sequencing course, 08.2021
- JP´s paper was published in Limnol. Oceanography about microbial enzyme activities across the Pacific Ocean doi.org/10.1002/lno.11894
- Main module, Ecology of marine mircobes, 4-weeks practial course, 21.6. - 16.07.2021
- Heincke cruise HE571 under Corona safety restrictions incl. subsequent practical course Biologicial Oceanography 22.-28.03.2021
- Pract. course Methods in aquatic microbial ecology, 4. - 11.12.2020
- Restricted lab and office presence due to Corona pandemic, 20.05.2020
- University closed due to Corona pandemic, 20.03.2020
- Heincke cruise HE549 without students, 19.-21.03.2020
- Pract. course Methods in aquatic microbial ecology, 25.11. - 6.12.2019
- R-course, Oct. 2019
- 14.10.2019: WATER damage by bursted water line valve destroyed labs, offices and scientific electronic devices.
- Group retreat, shipyard Meyer, Papenburg, 30. Sept. 2019
- International conference, SAME16, Potsdam, 1.-6. September 2019
- MarBio Symposium, Alter Landtag, Oldenburg, 28.-30. August 2019
- Educational cruise with RV Heincke, practical course Biological Oceanography. HE526, March 2019
- Group retreat, Spiekeroog, 5.-9. Sept. 2018
- ISME17, Leipzig, 12.-17. Aug 2018
- Press release (sorry, only in German): Neue Roseobacter Gattung aus Probe des DWH-Ölunfalls isoliert und beschrieben, 18.4.2018
- News report about the press release at NDR, 27.4.2018
- Ausfahrt mit der FS Heincke im Rahmen des Praktikums Biologische Meereskunde. Fahrt HE504, März 2018
- Next 4 year phase for Collaborative Research Centre "Roseobacter", 24.11.2017
- Meinhard Simon new vice president for Research and Transfer, 8.12.2017
- SFB Roseobacter site review, Oldenburg, 18.-19.09.2017
- SAME15 conference, Zagreb, Croatia, 3.-8.09.2017
- practical course: Sequencing analysis (5.08.381), 14.-21.8.2017
- 9.05.2017: Move-in into new office for phd students in building W16, campus Wechloy
- Ausfahrt mit der FS Heincke im Rahmen des Praktikums Biologische Meereskunde (17.-29.3.). Fahrt HE479: 17.-21. März 2017
- article: Die Alleskönner der Meer
- Internationale Forschungsfahrt mit der FS Sonne (SO254), Auckland - Auckland, Neuseeland
- Practical course Methods in aquatic ecology, 5.-17.12.2016
- ISME conference, Montreal, Canada, 21.-26.8.2016
- Praktikum Einführung in die Sequenzierung, 8.-19.8.2016
- 18.7.2016, Baubeginn für neue Büros im EMS-"Containerdorf" hinter dem ICBM
- May 2016, Ecology of marine microbes, practical course
- Tagung, VAAM, 13–16 March 2016, Jena (Germany)
- 14.03.-25.3.2016 Praktikum Biologische Meereskunde / Planktologie, Heincke Fahrt HE458
- 22. Feb. 2016 Container nach HH - Auckland
- Feb. 2016 Container Packen für SO248 (Beitrag Uni Info)
- Feb. 2016, Polysaccharide work shop HWK, Delmenhorst
- Dez. 2015, Untersuchungsmethoden in der Aquatischen Mikrobiellen Ökologie
- Uppsala, Sweden, Second EMBO Conference in Aquatic Microbial Ecology: SAME14, 23rd August 2015 at 16:00 - 28th August 2015
- VAAM-Jahrestagung 2015 | 01.–04.03.2015 – Marburg
- 13.03.-26.3.2015 Praktikum Biologische Meereskunde / Planktologie, Heincke Fahrt HE440
- Dez. 2014, practical course, Methods in aquatic marine ecology
- 30.6.-25.7.2014, Ecology of marine microbes, practical course
- 23.05.-07.06.2014 Forschungsausfahrt mit der FS Heincke in der deutschen Bucht, HE425
- 26.03.-8.4.2014 Praktikum Biologische Meereskunde / Planktologie, Heincke Fahrt HE418
- 23-28 February 2014 / ASLO Conference, Honolulu, Hawaii USA
- 2.-13.12.2013, Untersuchungsmethoden in der Aquatischen Mikrobiellen Ökologie
- 8.-13.09.2013 SAME13 Tagung, Stresa, Italien
- 5.+6.09.2013 SFB Roseobacter Begutachtung Braunschweig
- 1.09.2013 AG Ausflug Spiekeroog
- 12.-23. August 2013 Praktikum Einführung in die Sequenzierung und -Analyse
- 3.-28.06.2013 Praktikum Ökologie mariner Mikroorganismen
- 25.03.-05.04.2013 Praktikum Biologische Meereskunde / Planktologie
- 10.-13.03.2013 VAAM-Tagung, Bremen