Die Carl von Ossietzky Universität Oldenburg sucht:

PhD position

Vergütung E13
EinrichtungSchool VI of Medicine and Health Sciences, Department of Psychology
OrtOldenburg (Old)
Befristetfor 3 years

Über uns

School VI Medicine and Health Sciences comprises the fields of human medicine, medical physics and acoustics, neurosciences, psychology and health services research. Together with the four regional hospitals, School VI forms the University Medicine Oldenburg. Furthermore, there is close cooperation with the University Medicine of the University of Groningen. 

The DFG-funded Research Training Group “Neuromodulation of Motor and Cognitive Function in Brain Health and Disease” (GRK 2783) aims to understand neural mechanisms of non-invasive neuromodulatory approaches and promote technology development to improve motor and cognitive functions in patients with stroke and Parkinson’s Disease. PhD students will receive a comprehensive and transdisciplinary training in the field of neuromodulation (magnetic/electric brain stimulation, psychopharmacology and neurofeedback) and specialize in state-of-the-art neuroimaging and neurophysiological methods, experience sampling, patient’s expectations or sensor-based assessment of brain activity and behaviour in daily life scenarios. Details about the projects are listed on our website: https://uol.de/en/neuromodulation


Ihre Aufgaben

Project 18: Implicit assessment of dual tasking interference

Main PI and collaborators: Debener, Hein, Witt 

One of the key predictors of cognitive decline is gait slowing. This holds true in particular when gait speed is assessed during a cognitive task (walk & talk). This project will investigate whether gait slowing during talking can also serve as an outcome measure for the assessment of neuromodulation interventions. A focus will be the development and validation of implicit gait and speech assessments, preferably with unobtrusive sensors worn at the ear and mobile technology.

Ihr Profil

Applicants should hold an academic university degree (master or equivalent) in neurocognitive psychology, psychology, cognitive science or a related discipline. Prior experience with the recording of behavioral and neurophysiological data (EEG) and solid programming skills with Matlab and statistical analysis skills with R are required, as well as hands-on experience in conducting experimental neurocognitive research. Basic knowledge of machine learning is an advantage. Proficiency in both German and English is essential.

Wir bieten

  • Payment in accordance with collective bargaining law (special annual payment, company pension scheme, asset-related benefits) incl. 30 days annual leave
  • Option for 4-year funding to complete the PhD
  • Support and guidance during your induction phase
  • A family-friendly environment with flexible working hours (flexitime) and the possibility of pro-rata mobile work
  • Benefits from the company's health promotion programme
  • An extensive free further education programme as well as our own scientific promotion of young academics (https://uol.de/en/school6/early-career

Unser Anspruch

Die Carl von Ossietzky Universität Oldenburg strebt an, den Frauenanteil im Wissenschaftsbereich zu erhöhen. Deshalb werden Frauen nachdrücklich aufgefordert, sich zu bewerben. Gemäß § 21 Abs. 3 NHG sollen Bewerberinnen bei gleichwertiger Qualifikation bevorzugt berücksichtigt werden. Schwerbehinderte Menschen werden bei gleicher Eignung bevorzugt eingestellt.


For general questions contact .

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Bitte senden Sie bis zum 07.01.2025 Ihre Bewerbung per E-Mail an

Please send your electronic application (as one single pdf file) including a cover letter, CV, publication list (if applicable), list of two potential referees, and copies of certificates of academic grades to the RTG Office.

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Sichere Vergütung nach Tarif

30 Tage Urlaub

Betriebliche Altersvorsorge


Flexible Arbeitszeit


Mobiles Arbeiten

Vereinbarkeit von Beruf und Familie

Unterstützung bei der Kinderbetreuung


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