
Prof. Dr. Stefan Debener
Research Interests
My personal goal is to further our understanding of the brain-behaviour relationship. How does the brain respond to sensory deprivation, and how could a better knowledge of compensatory mechanisms help us to improve rehabilitation strategies, for instance in the deaf? How is information of the different senses, such as seeing and hearing, combined to create a coherent percept of the world? Why do we make errors even in very simple tasks? And could we predict those errors before they occur? To investigate these questions we combine established approaches in experimental psychology with non-invasive recordings of human brain function. Our key tool is the high-density EEG, but we also use MEG, fMRI, and concurrent EEG-fMRI recordings. Because these tools provide us with very complex, mixed signals that reflect different features of human brain function, we spend some time on the application and evaluation of signal un-mixing and signal integration procedures as well.
"As long as our brain is a mystery, the universe, the reflection of the structure of the brain, will also be a mystery" Santiago Ramon y Cajal (1852-1934)
Education - Career
Since December 2009 November 2008 - November 2009 March 2006 - October 2008 October 2005 - October 2008 July 2003 - September 2003 January 2003 - September 2005 August 2001 - December 2002 July 2001 1997 & 1999 August 1996 - July 2001 July 1996 1994 - 1996 |
Memberships in scientific societies
Deutsche Gesellschaft für Psychologie |
Editorial board memberships
Associate Editor of Psychophysiology (since 2009) Member of the Editorial Board of Brain Topography (since 2010) Guest Editor for International Journal of Psychophysiology (2008) |
Reviewer activities and publications
Frequently requested ad-hoc reviewer for various scientific journals (>15) and research funding bodies
For up-to-date lists of publications please visit Google Scholar and PubMed.
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