Michael Roehrdanz

Michael Roehrdanz

Raum: W3 3-374

Tel.: +49441 798 3561

E-Mail: :


Research field:

  • Hydrothermal Carbonisation (HTC)

  • biochar (pyrolysis) 

  • biogas production

  • biomass valorisation 

  • peat substitutes

  • residues from agriculture

  • landscape ecology

  • peat lands



The TOPKO-project

Dr. Michael Röhrdanz is a research assistant and coordinator of the TOPKO project (peat-free, climate-friendly plant substrates made from hydro- and pyrolysis char). In the TOPKO project, the University of Oldenburg, in collaboration with the peat factory Moorkultur Ramsloh Werner Koch GmbH & Co. KG and Floragard Vertriebs-GmbH, is pursuing the goal of producing gardening substrates by using mixtures of compost, biochars (Pyrolysis) and/or hydrochars (Hydrothermal Carbonization) for tree nurseries. 

Mr. Röhrdanz is responsible for the overall coordination of the project and is conducting plant growth trials with the newly developed char-compost substrates.

Duration: 06/2024 – 04/2027

Project sponsor: Federal Office for Agriculture and Food (BLE), Germany


Curriculum vitae

Born 1982 in Oldenburg (Germany), married

Professional Career:

  • Since 09/2024: research assistant and project coordinator, Oldenburg University, project TOPKO  https://uol.de/topko

  • 04/2021 – 08/2024: parental leave; preparation of draft and proposal of the TOPKO project

  • 09/2019 – 04/2021: Climate protection manager, City of Seelze (Hannover Region)

  • 01/2019 – 06/2019: research assistant, Thünen-Institute for Agricultural Technology (Brunswik), project MITODE https://www.mitode.de/ . Lifecycle assesment of peat and peat substrates, political advice

  • 04/2011 – 09/2018: research assistant, Oldenburg University, project HTC in Lower saxonie https://uol.de/htc and BIOCAS https://northsearegion.eu/biocas/. Hydrothermal Carbonization (HTC) of landscape management cuttings, plant growth trials, soil application of hydrochar

Academic Education:

  • 1988 – 2001 Elemental school and high school in Oldenburg

  • 09/2001 – 06/2002 civilian service

  • 10/2002 – 03/2009 Studies of landscape ecology (diploma) at Oldenburg University

    Title of Diploma thesis:  Investigation into the suitability of solid fermentation for the utilization of landscape management cuttings from rush-rich moorland sites

  • 04/2012 – 08/2017 Dr. rer. nat. (PhD) (magna cum laude), Oldenburg University, Germany. Title of the PhD thesis: Hydrothermal carbonization – Investigation into the production of hydrochar from landscape management cuttings and its use in horticultural substrates. 

(Stand: 18.11.2024)  | 
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