2017 - 2018


Prof. Dr. Christoph Lienau

Institut für Physik  (» Postanschrift)

W02 3-318, Carl-von-Ossietzky-Str. 9 - 11 (» Adresse und Lageplan)

Di 11 - 12 Uhr

+49 441 798-3485  (F&P

2017 - 2018


Plasmonen mit Drehsinn

C. Lienau, P. Groß, and M. Wollenhaupt

Physik Journal 6, 24 (2017)


In-line interferometer for broadband near-field scanning spectroscopy

J. Brauer, J. Zhan, A. Chimeh, A. Korte, C. Lienau, and P. Groß

Opt. Express 15, 15504 (2017)


Vibronic coupling in organic semiconductors for photovoltaics

A. De Sio, C. Lienau

Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 19, 18813-18830 (2017)


Long-lived electron emission reveals localized plasmon modes in disordered nanosponge antennas

G. Hergert, J.Vogelsang, F. Schwarz, D. Wang, H. Kollmann, P. Groß, C. Lienau, E. Runge, and P. Schaaf

Light: Science & Applications 6, e17075 (2017)


Ultrafast Plasmonics

J. Yi, P. Groß, and C. Lienau

In Volume 4 of the World Scientific Handbook of Metamaterials and Plasmonics (2017)


Probing Coherent Surface Plasmon Polariton Propagation Using Ultrabroadband Spectral Interferometry

Jue-Min Yi , Dongchao Hou, Heiko Kollmann, Vladimir Smirnov, Zsuzsanna Pápa, Péter Dombi, Martin Silies, and Christoph Lienau

ACS Photonics 4, 347 (2017)


Spotlight on Excitonic Coupling in Polymorphic and Textured Anilino Squaraine Thin Films

Frank Balzer, Heiko Kollmann, Matthias Schulz, Gregor Schnakenburg, Arne Lützen, Marc Schmidtmann, Christoph Lienau, Martin Silies, and Manuela Schiek

ACS Crystal Growth & Design (2017)


Fourier-transform spatial modulation spectroscopy of single gold nanorods

Heiko Kollmann, Martin Esmann, Julia Witt, Aleksandra Markovic, Vladimir Smirnov,
Gunther Wittstock, Martin Silies and Christoph Lienau

Nanophotonics (2018)


Roadmap on plasmonics

M. I. Stockman et al.


Roadmap on plasmonics

M. I. Stockman et al.


Roadmap on plasmonics

M. I. Stockman et al.


Plasmonic-nanofocusing-based electron holography
Jan Vogelsang, Nahid Talebi, Germann Hergert, Andreas Wöste, Petra Groß, Achim Hartschuh, and Christoph Lienau
ACS Photonics 5, 3584

Observing charge separation in nanoantennas via ultrafast point-projection electron microscopy
Jan Vogelsang, Germann Hergert, Dong Wang, Petra Groß, and Christoph Lienau
Light: Science & Applications 7, 55

Roadmap on plasmonics
M.I. Stockman et al.
J. Opt. 20, 043001

Fourier-transform spatial modulation spectroscopy of single gold nanorods
Heiko Kollmann, Martin Esmann, Julia Witt, Aleksandra Markovic, Vladimir Smirnov, Gunther Wittstock, Martin Silies, and Christoph Lienau
Nanophotonics 7, 715


Spotlight on Excitonic Coupling in Polymorphic and Textured Anilino Squaraine Thin Films
Frank Balzer, Heiko Kollmann, Matthias Schulz, Gregor Schnakenburg, Arne Lützen, Marc Schmidtmann, Christoph Lienau, Martin Silies, and Manuela Schiek
ACS Crystal Growth & Design 17, 6455

Ultrafast Plasmonics
Juemin Yi, Petra Groß, and Christoph Lienau
In Volume 4 of the World Scientific Handbook of Metamaterials and Plasmonics

Long-lived electron emission reveals localized plasmon modes in disordered nanosponge antennas
Germann Hergert, Jan Vogelsang, Felix Schwarz, Dong Wang, Heiko Kollmann, Petra Groß, Christoph Lienau, Erich Runge, and Peter Schaaf
Light: Science & Applications 6, e17075 (2017)

Perspective: Vibronic coupling in organic semiconductors for photovoltaics
Antonieta De Sio and Christoph Lienau
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 19, 18813-18830 (2017)

In-line interferometer for broadband near-field scanning spectroscopy
Jens Brauer, Jinxin Zhan, Abbas Chimeh, Anke Korte, Christoph Lienau, and Petra Groß
Opt. Express 15, 15504 (2017)

Plasmonen mit Drehsinn
Christoph Lienau, Petra Groß, and Matthias Wollenhaupt
Physik Journal 6, 24 (2017)

Probing Coherent Surface Plasmon Polariton Propagation Using Ultrabroadband Spectral Interferometry
Jue-Min Yi , Dongchao Hou, Heiko Kollmann, Vladimir Smirnov, Zsuzsanna Pápa, Péter Dombi, Martin Silies, and Christoph Lienau
ACS Photonics 4, 347 (2017)

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