2021 - 2022


Prof. Dr. Christoph Lienau

Institut für Physik  (» Postanschrift)

W02 3-318, Carl-von-Ossietzky-Str. 9 - 11 (» Adresse und Lageplan)

Di 11 - 12 Uhr

+49 441 798-3485  (F&P

2021 - 2022


Charge Delocalization and Vibronic Couplings in Quadrupolar Squaraine Dyes.
Daniel Timmer, Fulu Zheng, Moritz Gittinger, Thomas Quenzel, Daniel C. Lünemann, Katrin Winte, Yu Zhang, Mohamed E. Madjet, Jennifer Zablocki, Arne Lützen, Jin-Hui Zhong, Antonietta De Sio, Thomas Frauenheim, Sergei Tretiak, and Christoph Lienau.
J. Am. Chem. Soc. (2022)


Plasmon-Enhanced Exciton Delocalization in Squaraine-Type Molecular Aggregates.
Thomas Quenzel, Daniel Timmer, Moritz Gittinger, Jennifer Zablocki, Fulu Zheng, Manuela Schiek, Arne Lützen, Thomas Frauenheim, Sergei Tretiak, Martin Silies, Jin-Hui Zhong, Antonietta De Sio, and Christoph Lienau.
ACS Nano 16 (3) (2022)


Strong inelastic scattering of slow electrons by optical near fields of small nanostructures
Germann Hergert, Andreas Wöste, Petra Gross, and Christoph Lienau

J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 54 (17) 2021.


Distinguishing between coherent and incoherent signals in excitation-emission spectroscopy.
Daniel C. Lünemann, Anitta R. Thomas, Jingjing Xu, Rabea Bartölke, Henrik Mouritsen, Antonietta De Sio, and Christoph Lienau
Opt. Express 29 (2021)


Revealing generation, migration, and dissociation of electron-hole pairs and current emergence in an organic photovoltaic cell
Ziyao Xu, Yi Zhou, Chi Yung Yam, Lynn Groß, Antonietta De Sio, Thomas Frauenheim, Christoph Lienau, Guanhua Chen
Science Advances 7.25 (2021)


Intermolecular conical intersections in molecular aggregates
Antonietta De Sio, Ephraim Sommer, Xuan Trung Nguyen, Lynn Groß, Duško Popović, Benjamin Tyler Nebgen, Sebastian Fernandez-Alberti, Stefano Pittalis, Carlo Andrea Rozzi, Elisa Molinari, Elena Mena-Osteritz, Peter Bäuerle, Thomas Frauenheim, Sergei Tretiak and Christoph Lienau
Nat. Nanotechnol. 16, 63–68 (2021)


Probing transient localized electromagnetic fields using low-energy point-projection electron microscopy
Germann Hergert, Andreas Wöste, Jan Vogelsang, Thomas Quenzel, Dong Wang, Petra Gross, and Christoph Lienau
ACS Photonics 8, 2573 (2021)


Space- and time-resolved second harmonic spectroscopy of coupled plasmonic nanocavities
Adi Salomon, Heiko Kollmann, Manfred Mascheck, Slawa Schmidt, Yehiam Prior, Christoph Lienau, and Martin Silies
Nanophotonics 10.14 (2021)


Transmitting Surface Plasmon Polaritons across Nanometer-Sized Gaps by Optical near-Field Coupling
Vladimir Smirnov, Sven Stephan, Michael Westphal, Daniel Emmrich, André Beyer, Armin Gölzhäuser, Christoph Lienau, and Martin Silies
ACS Photonics 8, 832-840 (2021)

(Stand: 20.06.2024)  |  Kurz-URL:Shortlink: https://uol.de/p81779
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