Dr. Susan Bainbridge

Sessional Instructor
Athabasca University
Career, Research Areas, and Projects
Susan Bainbridge has been a leader and educator for the past 40 years. She received her doctoral degree in Distance Education at Athabasca University where she delved into the development of pedagogical models for open universities in developing countries.
Over the past 35 years, Susan has lived in Canada’s Arctic, Japan, South Korea, the United Arab Emirates, and is now based in Honduras. She has met the challenge of change in her own culture and in different cultures in which she has lived and worked. Her ideas and philosophy of transformational leadership go far beyond the rhetoric of simply a ‘vision’ and she can articulate the process in such a way, that other potential leaders can understand the specifics and map out their personal journey to create and sustain positive change. She firmly believes that educational technology holds the potential of becoming the ‘great equalizer’; helping to transform our worldview of knowledge and our global access to knowledge.
Susan has continued her journey online as a Content Curator with her popular topics on Scoop.it and her articles on leadership. As well as her academic writing, Susan is the author of Hoarfrost and Cherry Blossoms, a novel based on her experiences in the Arctic and Japan.
Susan Bainbridge is a writer, researcher, and expert in online learning in developing countries. Her work includes leadership and Distance Education consultations. Her research interests include open universities in developing countries, ePortfolios, and leadership.
Selected Publications
- Kulyk, M., & Bainbridge, S. (2023). A journey in pursuit of the brass tacks: Ada Lovelace and Susan Herring, computer science visionaries. International Women Online Journal of Distance Education, 12(1), 9-22.
- Marlow, B., Bainbridge, S., & Wark, N. (2022). Mitigating the Matilda Effect on Liz Burge: Light a fire, don’t curse the dark. International Women Online Journal of Distance Education, 11(2), 27-38.
- Anderson, C., Bainbridge, S., & Wark, N. (2022). Mitigating the Matilda Effect on Helen Farley: A profile of an early online researcher and her ongoing dedication to social justice. International Women Online Journal of Distance Education, 11(2), 1-7.
- Bainbridge, S., & Wark, N. (2022). The Encyclopedia of Female Pioneers of Online Learning. Routledge.
- Schmidt, H., Bainbridge, S., & Wark, N. (2022). Mitigating the Matilda Effect on Christine von Prümmer: A (re) illumination of her extraordinary work. International Women Online Journal of Distance Education 11(1), 8-20.
- Schmidt, H., Bainbridge, S., & Wark, N. (2021). Mitigating the Matilda Effect on Starr Roxanne Hiltz: A superlative early online learning researcher. International Women Online Journal of Distance Education 10(2), 1-13.
- Lazou, C., & Bainbridge, S. (2019). Fundamental issues and challenges facing women in distance education. Athabasca University, Master of Education in Distance Education Online Course (MDDE) 651-Gender Issues in Distance Education. Athabasca, Alberta, Canada.
- Bainbridge, S. (2018). Integrating Assessment into the Learning Cycle. In Conrad, D. & Openo, J., Assessment Strategies for Online Learning: Engagement and Authenticity. p. 176. Athabasca University: AU Press. www.aupress.ca/index.php/books/120279.
- Skordaki, E. & Bainbridge, S. (2018). Blended Training on Scientific Software: A Study on How Scientific Data are Generated. International Review of Research in Open and Distributed Learning, 19(2). doi: 10.19173/irrodl.v19i2.3353.
- Bainbridge, S. & Ally, M. (2015). Open and virtual universities worldwirde. In Ally, M. & Khan, B. H. (Eds.), International Handbook of E-Learning, Volume 2: Implementation and Case Studies. Chapter 16. Routledge. routledge-ny.com/books/details/9781138793729/