A to Z
Central Library: +49 (0)441 798-4444
Departmental Library: +49 (0)441 798-4053
Library and Information System
Oldenburg University
Uhlhornsweg 49-55, D-26129 Oldenburg
A to Z
- 19th century English serial novels
- Access and research
- Acquisitions Department/Cataloguing
- Archive for Monetary and Land Reform
- Archives and collections
- Art / Material Culture
- Audio and video production
- Auditorium and seminar room equipment
- Barrier-free workstation
- Biology
- BIS-Verlag University Press - Contacts
- BIS Administration/Administrative Office
- BIS Directors
- Book carts
- Booking the Library Auditorium
- Borrowing
- Carl von Ossietzky Archive
- Change of address
- Chemistry
- Computer Science
- Course Reserves
- DEFA films
- Digital Library
- Digitized Historical Children's Books
- Disability representation
- Dutch Studies
- Economics
- Education
- English and American Studies
- Equipment Service
- Erwerbungsvorschlag
- Event technology
- Finding Resources
- Flyer Collection
- General research
- Geosciences / Oceanography
- German Studies
- Historical collectible pictures cards from the Liebig Company
- History
- How the BIS is organised
- Info on Open Access Publishers
- Information on Procuring Resources
- Institutional Repository oops
- Interlibrary Loan
- Jazz records
- Journals and newspapers
- Journals and newspapers on microfilm and microfiche
- Law
- Legal provisions
- Library instruction and guided tours
- Library Instructions for Teaching
- Library of the philosopher Karl Jaspers
- Links for research by discipline
- Locations
- Mathematics
- Media / Film / Theatre
- Media and Print Services
- Media Technology Services
- Medicine
- Multimedia Centre
- Multimedia Centre: AV materials
- Music
- Newspapers and Magazines online
- Open-Access Policy
- Open Access Publication Charges
- Open Access Publication Fund
- Open Access Publishing
- Opening hours
- Philosophy
- Physics
- Political Science
- Print Centre and Bookbindery
- Printing, scanning, photocopying
- Psychology
- Recordings of lectures
- Registration
- Registration form for guided tours for schools
- Research & Publishing
- Research-Data Management
- Research Services
- SciFinder
- Secondary-Publication Right
- Send us a mail
- Services for teaching
- Slavonic Studies
- Sociology / Social Sciences
- Special collections
- Sport Science
- Study cubicles
- Studying and Working
- Subject-specific information
- Television recordings
- Test Materials Collection
- Theology / Religious Studies
- Training and internships
- University Bibliography
- University of Oldenburg Press
- Using and producing audiovisual material
- Using the Departmental Library Wechloy
- Video conference technology