
Prof. Dr. Esther Ruigendijk

Institut für Niederlandistik  (» Postanschrift)

A10 1-109 (» Adresse und Lageplan)

Freitag 09:00 - 10:00 Uhr

+49 441 798-4695  (F&P

Institut für Materielle Kultur  (» Postanschrift)

Workshops and conferences

Fortgeschrittener Spracherwerb, Oktober 2022 mit Tanja Jungmann und Kathrin Kleinschmidt-Schinke

GALA 2013, Sept. 5-7 in Oldenburg, organized by Cornelia Hamann & Esther Ruigendijk

proceedings published in: Hamann, C., & Ruigendijk, E. (2015). Language Acquisition and Development: Proceedings of Gala 2013. Newcastle, UK: Cambridge Scholars Publishing.

Prof. Dr. Esther Ruigendijk


Seit der ersten Einführung in der Sprachwissenschaft in meinem ersten Studienjahr bin ich fasziniert von der Frage, wie das menschliche Sprachsystem funktioniert. Während meines Studiums begann ich, mich auf Psycholinguistik zu spezialisieren, mit Schwerpunkt auf Sprachstörungen und Spracherwerb. Mein Hauptinteresse galt und gilt der Frage, wie Menschen Sprache verarbeiten, erkennen und verstehen und wie sie diese Fähigkeit erwerben. Durch eine Kooperation mit Kollegen aus der Hörforschung konnte ich meine interdisziplinäre Forschung erweitern, was zu zwei gemeinsamen DFG-Projekten führte, die die Interaktion von Hören und Satzkomplexität mit einem kombinierten audiologischen und psycholinguistischen Ansatz untersuchen. Im Rahmen des Exzellenzclusters knüpfen wir an diese Forschung an und untersuchen das Satzverständnis und die Satzverarbeitung bei jüngeren und älteren Erwachsenen mit und ohne Hörschädigung sowie bei Kindern mit Hörverlust. Letzteres geschieht in internationaler Zusammenarbeit mit Prof. Friedmann (Tel Aviv, wo ich 2019 einen Forschungsaufenthalt hatte) und Prof. Hendriks (Groningen) und seit Kürzem Prof. Karawani (Haifa, von 2022-2023 als Humboldt Fellow in meiner Arbeitsgruppe). Darüber hinaus habe ich mit Kollegen aus Hannover (Dr. Finke,  Prof. Büchner, MHH) in Studien zum Spracherwerb bei CI-versorgten Kindern zusammengearbeitet, was zu zwei abgeschlossenen Promotionen und gemeinsamen Publikationen führte. In der Hörforschung habe ich außerdem interdisziplinär mit Kollegen aus der Neuropsychologie (Prof. Thiel, Prof. Rieger) zusammengearbeitet, was zu gemeinsamen Publikationen geführt hat, in denen die Auswirkungen von Hörschädigung und Hörgeräten auf die Satzverarbeitung untersucht werden. 


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1992-1996 University of Groningen, Dutch Literature and Linguistics.
Specialization: Psycholinguistics.
1998-2001 University of Groningen, PhD in Dutch linguistics, thesis: 'Case assignment in agrammatism: a cross-linguistic study'; defense March 14, 2002.


01.04.2023 - now: Dean at the faculty for language and cultural studies at the  University of Oldenburg, Oldenburg, Germany

01.04.2010 - now: professor for Dutch Linguistics at the  University of Oldenburg, Oldenburg, Germany (full time)
01.01.2016-31.12.2019: Vice-president for early career researchers and international affairs of the University of Oldenburg, Germany
01.10.2005 - 01.04.2010: junior professor for Dutch Linguistics at the University of Oldenburg, Oldenburg, Germany (full time)
01.09.2004 - 01.07.05: junior teacher & policy advisorat Utrecht University for the Master Speech and Language Processing and Disorders (Faculty of Arts)
01.11.2001 - 31.12.2004: postdoctoral researcher at Utrecht University, in the Pionieerproject ´Comparative Psycholinguistics`
0.12.1996 - 31.12.1997 as a language pathologist in the Edith-Stein-Fachklinik für Neurologie und Orthopädie in Bad Bergzabern, Germany (in a rehabilitation center).



Labor für Sprach- und Musikforschung

Current PhD Students:
Andreas Hiemstra, working on his PhD  "
Linguistic transfer between closely related languages in third language acquisition Linguistic transfer between closely related languages in third language acquisition"

Foekje Reitsma, working on PhD "Improvement of L2 fluency and reduction of foreign language anxiety through online formative assessment"

Matthias Reiner, working on his PhD „The role of linguistic predictions and cognitive compensation in the interpretation of wh-questions”, double doctorate candidate with Petra Hendriks, University of Groningen.

Roos Weijers, working on a PhD on wh-question interpratation in Dutch and German child language.


Jessie Nixon will start as a postdoc within the cluster of excellence Hearing 4All at December 1st.

Former PhD Students:

  • Mari Chanturidze, PhD "Acquisition of linguistic structures in abnormal auditory perception: the availability of prepositions in hearing impaired children". Defense June 12th 2020.
  • Atty Schouwenaars, PhD "Children's use of morphosyntactic cues" (defense 2018)
  • Angela Jochmann, Phd "The effects of time-manipulated speech on comprehension of syntactic complexity in agrammatic aphasia" (defense September 2016)
  • Hendrikje Ziemann, PhD "Pronoun processing by adult second language learners" (defense August 2016)
  • Sara Jonkers, PhD "Modal verbs in Dutch first language acquisition"(defense October 2013)
  • Rebecca Carroll, PhD "Understanding Speech in Noise at the Syntax-Prosody Interface"(defense June 2012)

Former postdocs:

  • Rebecca Carroll, worked as a postdoctoral research associate in Psycholinguistics in the cluster of excellence Hearing4all. Now working at Braunschweig University as a postdoctoral researcher and lecturer.
  • István Fekete worked as a postdoctoral research associate in Psycholinguistics and as a scientific associate for statistical-empirical support at the Faculty of Humanities. His postdoctoral research involved the investigation of wh-questions in German. He now works as a professor of psychology at Amity University Kolkata, India.
  • Margreet Vogelzang was working as a postdoctoral researcher at the Institute of Dutch Studies of the University of Oldenburg and the in the cluster of excellence Hearing4all, in close cooperation with the labs of Biological Psychology and Applied Neurocognitive Psychology. She is now working at Cambridge University as a postdoctoral researcher.
  • Marijke de Belder was a postdoctoral researcher working on derivational morphology and its interfaces. She now works as a lecturer at the university of Utrecht.
  • Ankelien Schippers is a postdoctoral researcher working on movement assymetries and intervention. (her own DfG project).
  • Bénédicte Grandon was a postdoctoral researcher within the cluster of excellence Hearing for All. She is working on language acquisition and language processing in children with hearing impairment. She now works as assistant professor at the university of Nantes (France)
  • Kyoko Sugisaku is a postdocural researcher with a background in computational linguistics, who will work on a project on narrative development in schoolage children using digital methods.

Publikationen der letzten 5 Jahre


Grandon B., Schlechtweg M., Ruigendijk E. (2023). Processing of noun plural marking in German-speaking children: an eye-tracking study. Journal of Child Language. DOI : 10.1017/S0305000923000521

Vogelzang, M., Fuhrhop, N., Mundhenk, T., Ruigendijk, E. (2023) Influence of capitalization and presence of an article in NP recognition in German: Evidence from eye-tracking. Journal of Research in Reading, https://doi.org/10.1111/1467-9817.12425


Treffers-Daller, J., Ruigendijk, E., Hofweber, J. (Ed.) (2021) Research Topic: Behavioral and neurophysiological approaches to code-switching and language switching. Frontiers in psychology (E-book).

Treffers-Daller, J., Ruigendijk, E., & Hofweber, J. (2021). Editorial Behavioral and Neurophysiological Approaches to Code-Switching and Language Switching. Frontiers in Psychology, 12, 565.

Ruigendijk, E., De Belder, M. & Schippers, A. (2021) Inleiding Nederlandse taalkunde. Voor aankomende neerlandici intra en extra muros. Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press.

Vogelzang, M., Thiel, C., Rosemann, S., Rieger, J., Ruigendijk, E. (2021).When hearing does not mean understanding: On the neural processing of syntactically complex sentences by listeners with hearing loss. Journal of Speech Language and Hearing 64, 250–262.

Vogelzang, M., Thiel, C. M., Rosemann, S., Rieger, J. W., & Ruigendijk, E. (2021). Effects of age-related hearing loss and hearing aid experience on sentence processing. Scientific Reports, 11 (1), 1-14. doi:10.1038/s41598-021-85349-5

Schierholz, I., Schönermark, C, Ruigendijk, E., Kral, A., Kopp, B., Büchner, A. (2021) An event-related brain potential study of auditory attention in cochlear implant users. Clinical Neurophysiology


Ruigendijk, E: & Schumacher (2020) Variation in Reference Assignment Processes. Psycholinguistic evidence from Germanic languages. The Journal of comparative Germanic Linguistics, 23:39–76 doi.org/10.1007/s10828-019-09112-x

Goregliad Fjaellingsdal T, Schwenke D, Ruigendijk E, Scherbaum S, Bleichner MG (2020) Studying brain activity during word-by-word interactions using wireless EEG. PLoS ONE 15(3): e0230280. doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0230280

Vogelzang, M., Thiel, C.M., Rosemann, S., Rieger, J.W. and Ruigendijk, E. Neural mechanisms underlying the processing of complex sentences: an fMRI study, Neurobiology of Language 0 0:ja, 1-55, doi.org/10.1162/nol_a_00011


Chanturidze, M., Carroll, R., & Ruigendijk, E. (2019) Comprehension and Production of Prepositions by German-speaking Children. In P. Guijarro-Fuentes, & C. Suárez-Gómez (Eds.), Proceedings of GALA 2017: Language Acquisition and Development (pp. 271-288). Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing.

Chanturidze, M., Carroll, R. & Ruigendijk, E. (2019) Prepositions as a hybrid between lexical and functional category: Evidence from an ERP study on German sentence processing. Journal of Neurolinguistics, 52, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jneuroling.2019.100857

Schouwenaars, A., Hendriks, P., Finke, M., & Ruigendijk, E. (2019). Eye gaze reveals that children with cochlear implants have difficulty processing subject-verb agreement. In P. Guijarro-Fuentes, & C. Suárez-Gómez (Eds.), Proceedings of GALA 2017: Language Acquisition and Development (pp. 47-63). Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing.

Schouwenaars, A., Finke, M., Hendriks, P., & Ruigendijk, E. (2019). Which questions do children with cochlear implants understand? An eye-tracking study. Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research, 62(2), 387-409. doi:10.1044/2018_JSLHR-H-17-0310 

Vogelzang, M., Thiel, C. M., Rosemann, S., Rieger, J. W., & Ruigendijk, E. (2019). Cognitive Abilities to Explain Individual Variation in the Interpretation of Complex Sentences by Older Adults. Proceedings of the 41st Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society.

Weber, K., Micheli, C., Ruigendijk, E., Rieger, J.W. Sentence processing is modulated by the current linguistic environment and a priori information: An fMRI study. Brain and Behavior. https://doi.org/10.1002/brb3.1308


Fekete, I., Schulz, P., & Ruigendijk, E. (2018). Exhaustivity in single bare wh-questions: A differential-analysis of exhaustivity. Glossa: a journal of general linguistics, 3(1), 96. DOI: https://doi.org/10.5334/gjgl.549

I Schierholz, C Schönermark, B Kopp, T Lenarz, A Kral, E Ruigendijk, A. Büchner Laryngo-Rhino-Otologie 97 (S 02), 10574

Schouwenaars, A., Hendriks, P., & Ruigendijk, E. (2018). German children’s processing of morphosyntactic cues in wh-questions. Applied psycholinguistics, 39(6), 1279-1318. Doi:10.1017/s0142716418000334


Ruigendijk, E. and Friedmann, N. (2017) A Deficit in Movement-Derived Sentences in German-Speaking Hearing-Impaired Children. Front. Psychol. 8:689. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2017.00689

T.  Goregliad Fjaellingsdal, Ruigendijk, E., Scherbaum, S., and Bleichner, M. G., “Corrigendum: The N400 effect during speaker-switch – Towards a conversational approach of measuring neural correlates of language”, Front. Psychol., vol. 8:998. pp. 1-2, 2017.

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