Letizia Weichgrebe


Email: flora.letizia.weichgrebe@uol.de

Letizia Weichgrebe

MSc Biol. Letizia Weichgrebe

Mitarbeiterin bis 2022


Zotz G, Almeda F, Bautista-Bello AP, Eskov AK, Giraldo-Cañas D, Hammel BE, Harrison RD, Köster N, Krömer T, Lowry II PP, Moran RC, Plunkett GM & Weichgrebe L. 2021. Hemiepiphytes revisited. Perspectives in Plant Ecology Evolution and Systematics, in press.

Einzmann HJR, Weichgrebe L & Zotz G. 2021. Long‐term community dynamics in vascular epiphytes on Annona glabra along the shoreline of Barro Colorado Island, Panama. Journal of Ecology :1–16. doi.org/10.1111/1365‐2745.13618

Zotz G, Bautista AP, Kohlstruck J & Weichgrebe T. 2020. Life forms in aroids - natural variability vs. terminological confusion. Aroideana, 43: 315-333.

Hoeber V, Weichgrebe T & Zotz G. 2019. Accidental epiphytism in the Harz Mountains, Central Europe. Journal of Vegetation Science, 4: 765-775.

Zotz G, Weichgrebe T, Happatz H & Einzmann HJR. 2016. Measuring the terminal velocity of tiny diaspores. Seed Science Research 26: 222-230.


(Stand: 20.06.2024)  Kurz-URL:Shortlink: https://uol.de/p61027
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