Dinora Abdulazhanova

seit Sep 2023 Doctoral researcher funded by the SFB 1372 „Magetoreception and navigation in vertebrates”, Project Neu04, supervised by Dr. Dominik Heyers
2020-2022 Master’s studies in Biology, St. Petersburg State University, Russia; Specialization: Orientation and navigation of vertebrates; Biodiversity conservation of vertebrates; Behavioral ecology; Ecology of bird migration
2016-2020 Bachelor’s studies in Biology, Russian-Tajik (Slavonic) University, Dushanbe, Tajikistan. Specialization: Physiology of plants and animals; Higher Nervous activity; Ecology; Bioastronautics.
2017 Internship at Institute of Botany, Plant Physiology And Genetics, Dushanbe, Tajikistan. Identification of higher plants by family and species; Instruction in the basics of planting and caring for plants; Herbarium collection and storage.
2018 Internship at Institute of Zoology and Parasitology, Dushanbe, Tajikistan. Studying the fauna of Tajikistan through the Institute's collection of stuffed animals; Observing and identifying wild animals in their habitat; Breeding of the red-listed pheasants.
2019 Internship at Institute of Agriculture, Dushanbe, Tajikistan. Training in the basics of agronomy and selection; Keeping an agronomical journal on the corn sowing.
2020 Internship at Secondary School #21, Dushanbe, Tajikistan. Teaching of Biology for students of higher grade; Developing teaching skills for children.
2020-2022 Internship at Saint Petersburg State University, Saint Petersburg, Russian Federation Identification of vertebrate species from preparations and in natural habitats
2022-2023 Internship at Avicenna Tajik State Medical University, Dushanbe, Tajikistan. Analysis of human body fluids; Practicing of сollection of physiological material for analysis.