
Dr. Ferdinand Esser, MBA
Akademischer Koordinator für Forschende in frühen Karrierephasen
Koordinator des Promotionsprogramms „Environmental Sciences and Biodiversity
Koordinator des ICBM Alumni-Netzwerk
Geschäftsführung und Koordination der Graduiertenschule Naturwissenschaft, Medizin und Technik (OLTECH)

+49 (0)441 - 798 3171

Raum: W15-0-031

Archiv Kursprogramm "Environmental Sciences and Biodiversity" sowie für das in den SFB Roseobacter intergrierte Graduiertenkolleg und des Promotionsprogramms "EcoMol"


Veranstaltungen & Kurse für Promovierende

In der Promotions- und Postdocphase werden Sie durch viele anspruchsvolle Aufgaben herausgefordert. Sie sind forschend und häufig auch lehrend tätig und erwerben gleichzeitig vielfältige Qualifikationen für spätere Aufgaben in Wissenschaft, Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft. Um Sie bei Ihrer jetzigen Tätigkeit und bei Ihrer Weiterqualifizierung optimal zu unterstützen, bietet das ICBM ein vielfältiges Unterstützungsangebot an.


15.01.2025Workshop „Profilbildung, Netzwerken
und Karriereplanung für Promivierende des ICBM
Time: 09:00 - 18:00 Uhr
ICBM Standort Wilhelmshaven 
(Raum wird noch bekanntgegeben)


every first thursday„Coffee break” with PhD representatives
Time: 16:00 Uhr
online meeting via BigBlueButton
23.02.2024Career insights online  
Time: 14:00 – 15:30 Uhr
online meeting via BigBlueButton
19.04.2024Career insights online 
Time: 14:00 – 15:30 Uhr
online meeting via BigBlueButton
29.05.2024Science Slam 2024 – 12. Oldenburger Science Slam im Jubiläumsjahr der UniversitätAula der Universität
07.06.2024Career insights online 
Time: 14:00 – 15:30 Uhr
online meeting via BigBlueButton
29.08.20247. Doktorand*innentag 2024 
Time: 08:45 – 17:30 Uhr
ICBM-Standort in Wilhelmshaven
10.09.2024 – 11.09.2024Oldenburger Klimatage /
Symposium on “Climate, People and the Ocean”
10.09.2024 – 11.09.2024 (Programme)
at University Oldenburg
13.09.2024Career insights online 
Time: 14:00 – 15:30 Uhr
online meeting via BigBlueButton
16.09.2024 – 20.09.2024ICYMARE - International Conference for Young MArine REsearchersBremen, tba
08.11.2024Career insights online 
Time: 14:00 – 15:30 Uhr
online meeting via BigBlueButton
20.11.2024UOL Doktorand*innentag 2024 - "Generative KI in der Promotion"
Time: 10:00 – 18:00
online meeting via BigBlueButton


Datum/Date Veranstaltung/Event Ort/Location
every first thursday „Coffee break” with PhD representatives
Time: 16:00
online meeting via BigBlueButton

Career insights online with Dr. Anne-Christin Schulz (Scientific employee at Federal Waterways Engineering and Research Institute) and Dr. David Probandt (Service provider and technology developer for biopharmaceuticals) Time: 14:00 – 15:30 Uhr

online meeting via Zoom or Webex
04.04.2023 6th ICBM Postgraduate Symposium - Your research in a bigger-picture!
Registration: https://uol.de/icbm-postgraduate-symposium-2023/registration

Venue: W32 Experimentierhörsaal, Wechloy Campus, Oldenburg

21.04.2023 Career insights online with Dr. Janne Rohe (Project Manager at the International Centre for Marine Conservation at WWF Germany) and Dr. Caroline Coch (Climate Science Communications Specialist at the Royal Meteorological Society) Time: 14:00 – 15:30 Uhr online meeting via Zoom or Webex
06.06.2023 Promovieren – ja oder nein?
Workshop zur Entscheidungsfindung für Studierende und Absolventinnen und Absolventen des ICBM
23.06.2023 Career insights online with Dr. Tim Kalvelage (Science Reporter and photographer) Time: 14:00 – 14:45 Uhr online meeting via Zoom or Webex
18.09.-22.09.2023 ICYMARE- International Conference for Young MArine REsearchers > Zum Newsbeitrag
> ICYMARE Aftermovie
Oldenburg, ICBM
29.11.2023 UOL Doktorand*innen Tag
Time: 14:00 – 17:30 Uhr
Library Auditorium (BIS-Saal)
29.11.2023 Science Slam
Time: ab 19:00 Uhr


Datum/Date Veranstaltung/Event Ort/Location

ICBM PhDs: Connected – as online PhD colloquium
The overall idea of ICBM PhDs: Connected is to provide a platform for 15 min PhD project presentations, but also to talk about organizational topics in small breakout groups, and to stay in touch in these times of limited physical presence.

Date: monthly; Thuesday`s 2022: 20/01, 17/02, 17/03, 21/04, 17/06
Time: 16:15 – 18:00
online meeting via BigBlueButton
25.02.2022 Career insights online with Dr. Judith Zimmermann (Labteam leader “Microbiology” at BASF SE) and Dr. Jannes Vagts (Eisenführ Speiser) Time: 14:00 – 15:30 Uhr online meeting via Zoom or Webex
22.04.2022 Career insights online with Dr. Mithra Hajati (Expert on ground water Lower Saxony Competence Center for Climate Change) and Dr. Valeria Bers (Head of the Watt Welten Visitor Center Norderney) Time: 14:00 – 15:30 Uhr online meeting via Zoom or Webex
24.06.2022 Career insights online with Dr. Paula Senff , Dr. Stephanie Helber (Senff and Helber published together the children Book "The Heroes of the Underwater Forest") and Dr. Julia Schnetzer (Scientific coordinator of the international exhibition on “Ocean Plastics Lab”) Time: 14:00 – 15:00 Uhr online meeting via Zoom or Webex
every first thursday “Coffee break” with PhD representatives
Time: 16:00
online meeting via BigBlueButton

ICYMARE - International Conference for Young MArine REsearchers

02.12.2022 Career insights online with Dr. Matthias Winkel (Scientific
assistant at the Federal Institute for
Risk Assessment) Time: 14:00 – 15:00 Uhr
online meeting via Zoom or Webex


Datum/Date Veranstaltung/Event Ort/Location
10.02. +

SFB Roseobacter Status Seminar
Time: 13:00 - 16:00


EcoMol Status Seminar
Time: 09:00 - 16:30

online meeting via BigBlueButton

ICBM PhDs: Connected – as online PhD colloquium
The overall idea of ICBM PhDs: Connected is to provide a platform for 15 min PhD project presentations, but also to talk about organizational topics in small breakout groups, and to stay in touch in these times of limited physical presence.

Date: monthly; Thuesday`s 2021: 21/01, 18/02, 18/03, 15/04, 20/05, 17/06, 15/07; Time: 16:15 – 18:00
online meeting via BigBlueButton
22.01.2021 Career insights online with Dr. Bevis Fedder (Adviser for Marine Environmental Protection and Pollution Response) and Dr. Laura Verbeek (Deutsches Museum München in an EU-Project and research assistant) Time: 14:00 – 15:30 Uhr online meeting via Zoom or Webex
26.01. + 29.01.2021

Mentoring program 2020/21 -
Workshop: Mentoring relationship; Mentor found?
Time: 09:00 - 12:00

online meeting via BigBlueButton
every first thursday “Coffee break” with PhD representatives
Time: 16:00
online meeting via BigBlueButton
26.02.2021 Career insights online with Dr. Nadine Rippert (Executive Assistant for Appointment Management President’s Office) and Dr. Tanja Michler-Cieluch (Representative Graduate Academy) Time: 14:00 – 15:30 Uhr online meeting via Zoom or Webex

Time: 12:00 - 18:00

Jacobs University Bremen
26.03.2021 Career insights online with Dr. Laura Wolter (PostDoc at Bioproduction Research Institute) and Dr. Chia-I Huang (Pfizer and AstraZeneca) Time: 14:00 – 15:30 Uhr online meeting via Zoom or Webex

Workshop/impulse talk:
"Online presentation skills for scientists"
Time: 16:15

30.04.2021 Career insights online with Dr. Ronja Paffrath (Research
assistant in the Biocides department Federal Environment Agency) and Dr. Markus Kayser (Project scientist at the Lindenberg Meteorological Observatory) Time: 14:00 – 15:30 Uhr
online meeting via Zoom or Webex

Mentoring program: 2020/21
1/2-day workshop: Half year meeting
Time: 09:00 - 17:00

04.06.2021 Career insights online with Dr. Annika Mackensen (advisor for sustainable fisheries and aquaculture at the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit) and Dr. Pelin Yilmaz (Advisor at b.experts GmbH and b.value AG) Time: 14:00 – 15:30 Uhr online meeting via Zoom or Webex
25.06.2021 Career insights online with Dr. Patricia Slabon (Federal Maritime and Hydrographic Agency of Germany) and Dr. Daniel Thewes (University of Hamburg at the Department of Informatics) Time: 14:00 – 15:30 Uhr online meeting via Zoom or Webex
05.07. +

Online Workshop: „Promotion – und dann? Profilbildung für den Arbeitsmarkt“
for PhD students of the Integrated Research Training Group of the CRC Roseobacter
Time: 09:00 - 16:00

22.09. - 24.09.2021

ICYMARE - International Conference for Young Marine REsearchers

24.09.2021 Career insights online with Dr. Marten Fischer (Federal Maritime and Hydrographic Agency of Germany in a Marine
chemistry lab) and Dr. Frank Schreiber (Member of the research staff at the Federal Institute for Materials Research and Testing in Berlin) Time: 14:00 – 15:30 Uhr
online meeting via Zoom or Webex
27.10. + 28.10.2021

Mentoring program: 2020/21
2-day workshop: Networking strategies and creative ways for career strategies – Closing symposium with Mentors
Time: 09:00 - 17:00


UOL PhD-Days
Time: 09:00 - 16:00

online meeting via BigBlueButton
10.12.2021 Career insights online with Dr. Judith Zimmermann (Labteam leader “Microbiology” at BASF SE) and Dr. Jannes Vagts (Eisenführ Speiser) Time: 14:00 – 15:30 Uhr online meeting via Zoom or Webex


Datum/Date Veranstaltung/Event Ort/Location
05. + 06. + 08.10.2020 Mentoring program 2020/21 – 1,5-day Kick-off! Workshop / Methods and strategies of finding the personal career direction, Mentoring competences, Methods and strategies finding a mentor online workshop via BigBlueButton
26.08.2020 - 27.08.2020 ICYMARE conference for young marine researchers virtual sessions

ICBM PhDs: Connected

The overall idea of ICBM PhDs: Connected is to provide a platform for 15 min PhD project presentations, but also to talk about organizational topics in small breakout groups, and to stay in touch in these times of limited physical presence.

Other dates for 2020: Thuesday`s: 16.07. / 20.08. / 17.09. / 15.10. / 19.11. / 17.12.2020

online PhD colloquium
01.07.2020 - 03.07.2020 How to publish in peer-reviewed journals” (TRESS&TRESS) online
19.06.2020 Career insights online - of ICBM Alumni online
16.05.2020 4th Graduate Symposium 'Career Paths of Marine and Climate Scientists' 2020 cancelled due to corona pandemic Bremen
02.04.2020 5th ICBM PhD Day, Programme cancelled due to corona pandemic Oldenburg
16.03.2020 - 17.03.2020 SFB Roseobacter Status Seminar cancelled due to corona pandemic Braunschweig
04.03.2020 Jacobs Career Fair 2020 PROGRAM & CATALOGUE, cancelled due to corona pandemic Bremen


Datum/Date Veranstaltung/Event Ort/Location
14.11.2019 - 15.11.2019 3rd EcoMol Status Seminar Etelsen
27.11.2019 - 28.11.2019 2nd SFB Roseobacter PhD-Workshop “Steps to a collaborative research project” Farge, Bremen
24.09.2019 - 27.09.2019 ICYMARE conference for young marine researchers Bremen
28.08.2019 - 30.08.2019 Marine Microbiota Ecology, Interactions and Systems Biology - International Symposium of the Collaborative Research Center Roseobacter Oldenburg
22.05.2019 - 23.05.2019 2nd EcoMol PhD Workshop “State of your research in the RTG EcoMol – your Scientific Career and what comes next?” Neuharlingersiel
16.05.2019 4th Career Paths in Marine Sciences – Catching the right WAYve, Programme Oldenburg
09.03.2019 4th ICBM PhD Day, Programme Oldenburg
27.02.2019 Jacobs Career Fair 2019 PROGRAM & CATALOGUE Bremen


Datum/Date Veranstaltung/Event Ort/Location
29.11.2018 Fireside chat / Kamingespräch: with Dr. Maren Zark; Landeskriminalamt (LKA) Bremen / State Office of Criminal Investigation ICBM, OL
16.10.2018 -
SFB Roseobacter PhD-Workshop at "Spiekeroog": Introduction, research topics and network in Roseobacter Spiekeroog
11.09.2018 -
YOUMARES 9 "The Oceans: Our research, Our Future" Oldenburg
25.05.2018 3rd Graduate Symposium "Career Path of Marine and Climate Scientits" 2018 Bremen, HDW
22.03.2018 3rd ICBM PhD Day, Programme ICBM, Wilhelmshaven
28.02.2018 Jacobs Career Fair 2018 PROGRAM & CATALOGUE Bremen



Datum/Date Veranstaltung/Event Ort/Location
09.10.2017 2nd ICBM PhD Day, Programme ICBM, Oldenburg
13.09.2017 - 15.09.2017 YOUMARES 8 "Ocean across boundaries: Learning from each other Kiel
08.06.2017 ICBM-Career Day "Re-Search your future - Sea what comes next" at the 'World Oceans Day Oldenburg
09.05.2017 Visit of Wageningen University international PhD group Oldenburg
24.04.2017 Kamingespräch "Scientific Management, DFG" Oldenburg
23.03.2017 1st ICBM PhD Day, Programme ICBM, Wilhelmshaven
22.02.2017 Jacobs Career Fair 2017 PROGRAM & CATALOGUE Bremen


Datum/Date Veranstaltung/Event Ort/Location
13.10.2016 - 15.10.2016 PhD-Workshop „State of your research in the CRC Roseobacter – your Scientific Career and what comes next? / And some additional research funding opportunities Neuwerk
11.09.2016 - 13.09.2016 YOUMARES 7 "People and the 7 Seas - Interaction and Innovation" Hamburg
27.05.2016 2nd Graduate Symposium "Career Path in Marine and Climate Reserach", programme Bremen, HDW
24.02.2016 Jacobs Career Fair 2016 Bremen


Datum/Date Veranstaltung/Event Ort/Location
16.10.2015 ICBM-Career Day "Career Paths in Marine Sciences - Wat(t) danach ?!" Oldenburg
16.09.2015 - 18.09.2015 YOUMARES 6 "A Journey into the blue - Ocean Reserach and Innovation" Bremen
01.06.2015 - 03.06.2015 Site Visit Hamburg “Young scientists meet industry, enterprises, scientific management and institutes” Hamburg
23.03.2015 Kamingespräch "Wissenschaftsmanagement" Oldenburg


Datum/Date Veranstaltung/Event Ort/Location
10.09.2014 - 12.09.2014 YOUMARES 5 "Opportunities and Solutions - Reserch for our changing Oceans" Stralsund
25.06.2014 - 27.06.2014 PhD Workshop "My contribution to the CRC Roseobacter – my Scientific Network" Spiekeroog
23.05.2014 1st Graduate Symposium "Career Path in Marine and Climate Sciences", programme Bremen, HDW

2013 + 2012

Datum/Date Veranstaltung/Event Ort/Location
11.09.2013 -
YOUMARES 4 "From coast to deep sea: multiscale approaches to marine sciences" Flyer Oldenburg
03.11.2012 ICBM-Career Day "Career ways in marine science", programme, conference book Oldenburg
ICBM-Webmaster (Stand: 21.11.2024)  |  Kurz-URL:Shortlink: https://uol.de/p54427
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