Symposium Oktober 2011

Jadebusen Symposium 2011

1st Announcement and Call for Abstracts

Natural and anthropogenic induced dynamics in tidal basins – Geological, chemical, biological, and data infrastructure approaches

The coastal zone of the North Sea is highly dynamic. The present-day coastal landscape started to develop during the Holocene and is characterized by barrier islands, estuaries, tidal basins, and marshlands. Apart from natural dynamics, it is subject to anthropogenic induced changes such as dike building, fairway deepening, and harbour constructions. To better understand natural and anthropogenic induced dynamics and their possible consequences for the ecosystem, interdisciplinary research is essential.

Since 2008, the joint-venture “Jade Bay Project” has been focusing on a baseline study for the coastal region of the tidal inlet of the Jade Bay, southern german North Sea, in order to collect data from geosphere, biosphere and anthroposphere for scientific studies and a coastal database of Lower Saxony.

We would like to invite you to discuss natural and anthropogenic induced dynamics occurring in tidal basins in the Wadden Sea Region.

Questions which may be addressed are:

  1. What were the major controlling parameters for the recent tidal inlet of the Jade Bay to evolve during the Holocene?
  2. How did the Jade Bay area respond to different climatic and morphodynamic conditions prior and after human influence?
  3. How do coastal eco- and geosystems respond to changing future conditions?
  4. What are the threats of a complex Data Management System to support interdisciplinary research?
  5. Do increased anthropogenic activities lead to changes in the chemical and biological inventory? Do sediment, water, and/or biota exhibit an increasing level of contamination

Answers require complex and interdisciplinary approaches; therefore the symposium offers a platform for scientists from all relevant fields of coastal research (Geology, Archaeology, Historical Geography, Biology, Chemistry and Data Management). Scientists of the Jade Bay Project will present their research results and are keen on bringing them together and discuss them with experts from other projects, institutions and the science community.

Congress structure

The symposium is organized in plenary and moderated poster sessions. Plenary sessions will be organized along thematic subjects (Geology, Chemistry & Biology, Archaeology & Historical Geography and Data Management), introduced by key notes of invited speakers. The length of oral presentations is 20 minutes plus discussion. The poster sessions will be introduced to the plenary by oral summaries of 3 minutes for each poster by the authors. The goal is to foster discussion and to revalorize poster contributions.


Accommodation should be organized by the participants ( There are quite a lot of small and large hotels in the vicinity of the conference venue situated at the “Südstrand” in Wilhelmshaven. For BSc, MSc and Phd-students we offer the opportunity to stay at the student accommodation of the ICBM-Terramare. Please contact Mrs. Heike Scheele ( and note the keyword “Jade bay Symposium 2011”.

Abstract submission

Submission for abstract and registration must be made via E-Mail . The Guideline for abstracts is available on

Abstracts must follow the format suggested and must be submitted online by the 31. July 2011. We encourage you to submit early to ensure a quick processing.

  • The abstract is limited to 500 words
  • It contains title, authors and affiliation
  • The content embraces objectives, methods, results and brief conclusions
  • Keywords are obligatory to refer to sessions
  • Oral presentation or poster must be denoted

For accepted abstracts, we offer the possibility to publish regular papers of about 10-15 pages as part of a special issue of an international peer-reviewed journal. To ensure quick publication manuscripts should reach the organizers in October at the latest.

Important Dates:

  • Registration and Abstract submission for oral presentations and posters starting June 15, 2011
  • Acceptance: September, 2011
  • Symposium: October 6-7, 2011 at the ICBM-Terramare, Schleusenstr. 1; 26382 Wilhelmshaven
  • Publication 2012


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