

apl. Prof. Dr. phil. Helmut Hildebrandt

+49 (0)441 798-5128



Workshop Neglect Juli 2023

Treatment of visual and visuospatial deficits after brain damage

14 & 15 July 2023
Campus Haarentor (Uhlhornsweg): University Library Hall

Participation is free, but registration is needed for organisation.

Please register here (deadline June 15th 2023).

The attendance of this workshop certifies for 10 CME points (continuing medical education).

If you need a hotel, you may find this helpful: https://www.oldenburg-tourismus.de/uebernachten


Scientific Program

Friday, 14. July 2023

Opening of the meeting by Christiane Thiel (speaker of the RTG “Neuromodulation”) (13.00-13.10)

Session 1: Introductory clinical case presentations (13.10 – 14.15)

Helmut Hildebrandt (Bremen/Oldenburg)

                            Balint’s syndrome

                            Representation left side of the body in neglect patients

                            A case with reaching impairments: what is the cause?


Session 2: Attentional models and interventions in visuospatial neglect (14.30 – 16.30)

(Moderator Christiane Thiel, Oldenburg)

Simone Vossel (Jülich):                 Deficits in probabilistic inference in patients with neglect and potential implications for rehabilitation

Andreas Sprenger (Lübeck):       Gaze-contingent modification can help to reduce ipsilesional attention bias

Nadine Schenke (Oldenburg/Bremen):  Testing the Sprague effect with unilateral eye patching in LH and RH patients after small and large strokes

Brigitte Kaufmann (Luzern):       Video-Oculography During Free Visual Exploration – a sensitive method to detect neglect

Christoph Herrmann (Oldenburg):          taCS and the modulation of visuospatial attention in healthy subjects

Riccardo Galli (Genf):                    fMRI-based Neurofeedback Modulation of Visual Attention: Implication for Hemi-spatial Neglect Syndrome Rehabilitation


Session 3: Neuromodulation as treatment option for visuospatial neglect (17.00 – 18.40)

(Moderator Christoph Herrmann, Oldenburg)

Marij Middag-van Spanje (Maastricht): Transcranial alternating current stimulation in chronic neglect patients: effective as add-on to functional treatment?

Thomas Nyffeler (Luzern):          Theta Burst Stimulation in patients with neglect

Monika Harvey (Glasgow):          Is neuromodulation (tDCS) a feasible tool for enhancing action training for the rehabilitation of chronic spatial neglect?

Bernhard Elsner (Lübeck):                Transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS) for improving activities of daily living, and physical and cognitive functioning, in people after stroke

Hans-Otto Karnath (Tübingen): Magnetic Vestibular Stimulation as treatment option for patients with neglect


Saturday, 15. July 2023

Session 4: Treatment options for patients with neglect and lateropulsion (8.45 -10.15)

(Moderator Andreas Sprenger, Lübeck)

Lisa Kunkel gnt. Bode (Lübeck): Combined optokinetic stimulation and cueing-assisted reading therapy

Helmut Hildebrandt (Bremen): Recalibration, not realignment improves visuospatial attention in patients with neglect. Results from an RCT using prism adaptation

Nadine Külzow (Beelitz-Heilstätten): Effects of end-effector-controlled gait training on walking ability in non-ambulatory patients with left-sided neglect

Anna E. Pape (Bremen):               Is Prism adaptation an option to treat the Pusher syndrome?

Soraya Brosset (Genf):                  EEG-based Neurofeedback Modulation of Visual Attention: Implication for Hemi-spatial Neglect Syndrome Rehabilitation


Session 5: Virtual and augmented reality, a new horizon for the treatment of neglect (10.45- 12.15)

(Moderator Andrea Hildebrandt, Oldenburg)

Dario Cazzoli (Luzern):                  Eye-hand coordination in neglect: preliminary data from a project with augmented reality

Julia Belger (Leipzig):                     Application of immersive Virtual Reality for the assessment and cognitive rehabilitation of visuospatial neglect

Eileen Bousché (Utrecht):           Gamification of Visual Scan Training as a Treatment for Visuospatial Neglect: An Evaluation of Therapists' User Experience in Virtual and Augmented Reality Environments

Hanne Huygelier (Leuven):         Assessment and rehabilitation of neglect with a VR serious game (HEMIRehApp)

Britta Stammler (Tübingen):       Active exploration training in spatial neglect with the new augmented reality app “Negami” ‒ a randomized controlled trial

Nergiz Turgut (Quito):                   Spatial Music in Neurorehabilitation

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