
Band 8
Democratization of Market Economy


Juristisches Seminar der Carl von Ossietzky Universität Oldenburg The author is concerned with the idea and possibility of a democratization of the economy. Therefore, he has researched the selfmanagement of workers, the kibbutz, the planned economy and the capital orientated economy, during various sabbaticals in the former Yugoslavia (1976), in Israel, in the Soviet Union (1985) an in the U.S.A. (1989). During the sabbaticals he had the idea to publish his ideas on the reforms required of our economic structure. The German version appeared in 1995. The present version is not only a translation but an updated edition. Ekkehart Stein tries to point out that the obvious lack of control in our economy is not a result of the market principle, but rather of the basic conditions of market coordination, and that they can be improved by democratization of the economy.

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