
Presse & Kommunikation

+49 (0) 441 798-2488

Veranstaltungskalender der Universität Oldenburg

Musik, Theater, Vorträge, Workshops

Donnerstag, 26. September 2024

  • 17:00 Uhr, Campus Haarentor, Bibliothekssaal

    "Reception for international doctoral candidates and researchers"

    The International Office cordially invites all international doctoral candidates and researchers as well as their supervisors to this reception.
    You can look forward to welcoming words from the presidential board by Vice President for Academic Career Paths, Equal Opportunities and International Affairs Prof Dr Katharina Al-Shamery, a cultural programme and opportunities for exchange and networking.
    For further information and registration, please consult our website.

    Veranstalter: Welcome Service des International Office

(Stand: 20.06.2024)  | 
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