
Prof. Dr. Georg Martin Klump


Carl von Ossietzky Universität Oldenburg 
Fakultät VI - Medizin und Gesundheitswissenschaften
Dept. für Neurowissenschaften
Abteilung für Zoophysiologie & Verhalten
Carl-von-Ossietzky-Straße 9-11
26129 Oldenburg

Zufahrtswege zur Universität Oldenburg


Aktuelle Vortragsthemen und Termine zum Seminar der Abteilung für Zoophysiologie & Verhalten
Termin: Montag 9:00 bis 10.30 Uhr

Please note that the seminar takes place as an online meeting until further notice. Please register for course 6.03.016 via StudIP to participate in the online meetings!

The coming weeks we will try a new format for our group seminar, it will be a journal club-style discussion in which everyone reads the same paper and then comes together to discuss about the findings, methods used, and any questions or comments that arose during the reading.

no seminar (LAVES seminar)

Sonny Bovee
Qi, J., Huang, W., Lu, Y., Yang, X., Zhou, Y., Chen, T., Wang, X., Yu, Y., Sun, J.-Q., & Chai, R. (2024). Stem Cell-Based Hair Cell Regeneration and Therapy in the Inner Ear. Neuroscience Bulletin, 40(1), 113-126. doi.org/10.1007/s12264-023-01130-w 

Carolin Jüchter

short presentations (everyone)

(Stand: 04.11.2024)  | 
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