Abstract submission

You may submit research contributions for the 2014 ARCHES meeting on this page. The possible presentation formats are:

  • Overview talk - limited to a maximum of 10 minutes for each lab (panoramic view, preferably with photos from people), plus 5 min discussion
  • Contributed or tandem talk:  10 minutes plus 10 minutes discussion, preferably in combination with a talk on the same project/topic/data from another ARCHES partner lab
  • Poster - vertical with a maximum width of 100 cm and a maximum height of 150 cm.
    Poster presentations include a short introduction to the talker (2 min talks) during poster introduction sessions.

Please indicate your preferred presentation type during submission. We have space for 9 contributed talks in the programme, which will be divided between speakers from the different groups.

Joint talks between several research groups are highly encouraged. Please limit the length of your abstract to about half a page (DIN A4, preferably as doc file).

Please send your abstract to karin.klink@uol.de

Important: You must register before submitting your research contribution.

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