

Prof. Dr. Dr. Birger Kollmeier

/ -

W30 3-313


Katja Warnken

+49 (0)441 798-3902

W30 3-312

Kirsten Scheel

+49 (0)441 798-3813

+49 (0)441 798-3902

W30 3-312

Anschrift (Postanschrift)

Medizinische Physik, Fakultät VI
Universität Oldenburg
26111 Oldenburg

Standort / Anreise

Für spezifische Fragen bezüglich eines unserer Forschungsthemen kontaktieren Sie bitte die entsprechenden Personen direkt (siehe Liste der Mitarbeiter)

Arches meeting 2014

Dear ARCHES colleagues,

We are pleased to announce the 8th edition of our annual ARCHES meeting, which will take place in Oldenburg, Germany on November 17 and 18, 2014.

We are looking forward to another inspiring scientific exchange and fruitful auditory discussions between the members of the ARCHES network.

We highly encourage (1) senior investigators to submit short overview presentations about the current activities in their group, with focus on hot topics, new grants, directions, initiatives and potentials for collaboration (limited to 10 Min for each lab, panoramic view, preferably with photos from people), and (2) young investigators (students and postdocs) to submit contributions about their current projects and to actively participate in the meeting (preferably as poster with short introduction to the talker (2 min talks)). Tandem presentations (i.e., contributors from different labs with the same topic or even project) are encouraged. Some of the topics will be selected by the organizers to be presented as talks (10 min+10 min discussion).

ARCHES has so far been a successful platform to network, informally discuss research topics, and create new collaborations between our labs, and we wish to keep up this dynamic spirit and continue to share ideas in a friendly atmosphere.

On this website, you will be able to register for the 2014 meeting and submit your research contributions. You will also find relevant practical information about the meeting venue and how to book accommodation for your stay in Oldenburg.

We are looking forward to welcoming you in Oldenburg this fall.

Birger Kollmeier

(Stand: 20.06.2024)  |  Kurz-URL:Shortlink: https://uol.de/p36092
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