global irradiance measurements

global irradiance measurements

Short Term Fluctuations of Global Irradiance

Measurements 1992/1993 at 16 sites on the roof of Oldenburg University 

  • time resolution: one second and one minute averages
  • ascii data, archived with arj
  • the data are measured with photovoltaic modules
  • sorry, pyranometer data for calibration are not available
  • take constant calibration factor of 1/(2.8) W/m/m instead 

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German description of data in diploma thesis:

Hammer, A. and Stolzenburg, K.: 1993, 'Analyse kurzfristiger Fluktuationen der Solarstrahlung unter Berücksichtigung von Wolkenfeldstrukturen', Diploma Thesis, University of Oldenburg, Germany

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