

Publications of Jethro Betcke

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Journal Papers

Behrendt, Tanja, Jan Kuehnert, Annette Hammer, Elke Lorenz, Jethro Betcke, and Detlev Heinemann: 2013. 'Solar Spectral Irradiance Derived from Satellite Data: A Tool to Improve Thin Film PV Performance Estimations?' Solar Energy 98 (December): 100–110. doi:10.1016/j.solener.2013.05.011.

Drews, A., de Keizer, C., Lorenz, E., van Sark, W.G.J.H.M., Beyer, H.G., Wiemken, E., Heydenreich, W., Stettler, S., Toggweiler, P., Betcke, J., Bofinger, S., Heilscher, G., Schneider, M., Heinemann, D.: 2007, 'Monitoring and remote failure detection of grid-connected PV systems based on satellite observations', Solar Energy, Volume 81, Issue 4, pp548-564. 

Book Chapters

Drews, A., Lorenz, E., Hammer, A., Beyer, H.G., Betcke, J., Behrendt, T., Hurka, J., Heinemann, D.: 2008, 'Energy meteorology: solar radiation information for an efficient use of solar energy', in Solar Energy: Research, Technology and Applications, Editors: William L. Olofsson, Viktor I. Bengtsson, Nova Science Publishers, Hauppauge NY (USA), ISBN: 978-1-60456-739-7.

Beyer, H.G., Lorenz, E., Betcke, J., Drews, A., Heinemann, D., de Keizer, C. van Sark, W., Feige, S., Bofinger, S., Schneider, M., Heilscher, G., Stettler, S., Toggweiler, P., Wiemken, E., Heidenreich, W.: 2006, 'Monitoring of Solar Energy Systems in Large Scale - The Project PVSAT-2', in E.D. Dunlop, L.Wald, M. Suri (Eds.): Solar Energy Resource Management for Electricity Generation from Local Level to Global Scale, Nova Science Publishers, Nova Science Publishers, New York, pp69-81.

Conference papers

Kühnert, J., Lorenz, E., Betcke, J., Hammer, A., Heinemann, D.:
'Regionale PV-Leistungsvorhersagen für den Kurzzeit-Bereich auf Basis
von Satellitendaten, numerischen Wetterprognosen und
PV-Leistungsmessungen', Tagungsband des 29. Symposiums Photovoltaische
Solarenergie, Bad Staffelstein, 2014.

Bucher, C., Betcke, J., Andersson, G.: "Effects of variation of temporal resolution on domestic power and solar irradiance measurements." PowerTech (POWERTECH), 2013 IEEE Grenoble. IEEE, 2013.

Bucher, C., Betcke, J., Andersson, G., Bletterie, B., Küng, L.: "Simulation of distribution grids with photovoltaics by means of stochastic load profiles and irradiance data." 27th EUPVSEC Frankfurt 24 (2012): 28.

Kühnert, J., Behrendt, T., Lorenz, E., Hammer, A., Betcke, J.,
Heinemann, D.: 'Spectral and reflection effects for different
PV-technologies based on ground measurements and satellite data',
Proceedings of 26th EUPVSEC Hamburg, 5. - 9. September 2011

J. Betcke, T. Behrendt, J.Kühnert, A. Hammer, E. Lorenz, D. Heinemann: Spectrally resolved solar irradiance derived from meteosat cloud information - Methods and validation, EUMETSAT Meteorological Satellite Conference, Cordoba 20-24 Sept 2010.
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T. Behrendt, J. Kühnert, A. Hammer, E. Lorenz, J. Betcke, D. Heinemann: Spectrally resolved solar irradiance from satellite data to investigate the performance of thin film photovoltaics, 25th EPVSEC Valencia, 6-10. 9. 2010.

Drews, A., Lorenz, E., Betcke, J., de Keizer, A.C., van Sark, W.G.J.H.M., Beyer, H.G., Heydenreich, W., Wiemken, E., Stettler, S., Toggweiler, P., Bofinger, S., Schneider, M., Heilscher, G., Heinemann, D.: 2006, 'Remote performance check and automated failure identification for grid-connected PV systems - results and experiences from the test phase within the PVSAT-2 project', EUROSUN2006 (ISES Europe Solar Congress), Glasgow, UK, 27.06.-30.06.2006
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Drews, A., Lorenz, E., Betcke, J., Heinemann, D., de Keizer, A.C., van Sark, W.G.J.H.M., Schneider, M., Heilscher, G., Stettler, S., Toggweiler, P., Wiemken, E., Heydenreich, W., Beyer, H.G.: 2005, 'PVSAT-2: An automated performance check for photovoltaic systems based on solar irradiance information from satellite data', 5th Annual Meeting of the European Meteorological Society (EMS), Utrecht, The Netherlands, 12.09.-16.09.2005
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Lorenz, E., Betcke, J., Drews, A., Heinemann, D., Heilscher, G., Schneider, M., Toggweiler, P., van Sark, W., Wiemken, E., Beyer, H.G.: 2005, 'Automatische Ertragsüberwachung von Photovoltaikanlagen auf der Basis von Satellitendaten: Evaluierung des PVSAT-2 Verfahrens', 20. Symposium Photovoltaische Solarenergie, Staffelstein, Germany, 09.03.-11.03.2005
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Schroedter-Homscheidt, M. Betcke, J. Gesell, G. Heinemann, D., Holzer-Popp, T., Energy-specific solar radiation data from MSG: current status of the HELIOSAT-3,
MSG 2nd RAO workshop, Salzburg, 8. - 10. 9. 2004

Elke Lorenz, Jethro Betcke, Anja Drews, Detlev Heinemann, Peter Toggweiler, Sandra Stettler, Wilfried van Sark, Gerd Heilscher, Martin Schneider, Edo Wiemken, Wolfgang Heydenreich, Hans Georg Beyer, Intelligent Performance Check of PV System Operation based on Satellite Data,  19th European Photovolatic Solar Energy Conference & Exhibition, Paris 7.6.-11.6.2004.

Hans Georg Beyer*, Jethro Betcke, Anja Drews, Detlev Heinemann, Elke Lorenz, Gerd Heilscher, Stefan Bofinger, Identification of a general model for the MPP Performance of PV-modules for the application in a procedure for the peroformance check of grid connected systems, 19th European Photovolatic Solar Energy Conference & Exhibition, Paris 7.6.-11.6.2004.

Betcke, J, Beyer, H.G.  Accuracy Improvement of Irradiation Data by Combining Ground and Satellite Measurements, EUROSUN 2004 (ISES Europe Solar Congress) Freiburg 20.6.-23.6. 2004.

A. Drews*, J. Betcke, E. Lorenz, D. Heinemann, P. Toggweiler, S. Stettler, J. Rasmussen,W. van Sark, G. Heilscher, M. Schneider, E. Wiemken, W. Heydenreich,
H.G. Beyer, Intelligent Performance Check of PV System Operation based on Satellite Data, EUROSUN 2004 (ISES Europe Solar Congress) Freiburg 20.6.-23.6. 2004.

Hans Georg Beyer, Marcel Schondorf-Rother, Jethro Betcke, Anja Drews, Annette Hammer, Detlev Heinemann, Elke Lorenz, Ertragsberechnung für PV-Anlagen in Brasilien über das
PVSat Verfahren
, 19. Symposium Photovoltaische Solarenergie, Staffelstein 11.3.-13.3. 2004.

G. Heilscher, M. Schneider, J. Betcke, A. Drews, D. Heinemann, E. Lorenz, P. Toggweiler, W. van Sark, E. Wiemken, H.G. Beyer, Satellitengestützte Ertragsüberwachung mit automatischer
Fehlererkennung für kleine und mittlere Photovoltaikanlagen
, 19. Symposium Photovoltaische Solarenergie, Staffelstein 11.3.-13.3. 2004.

J. Betcke, J., V. v. Dijk, D. Hirsch, j. Swens, W. Turkenburg, Technische en marktmonitoring van netgekoppelde PV-systemen in Nederland in 1995-2000, in: C. Zijdeveld and J. Beurskens (Eds.), Proceedings of the  Nederlandse Duurzame Energie Conferentie 2002: DE versnelling,  Rotterdam, 27 & 28 February 2002, Duurzame Energie Federatie, Utrecht, February 2002, pp. 60-61.

Betcke, J., v. v. Dijk, F. Wiezer, c. Reise, E. Wiemken, P. Toggweiler, D. Heineman, PVSAT: Satelliet controleert de energieopbrengst van netgekoppelde PV-systemen, in: C. Zijdeveld and J. Beurskens (Eds.), Proceedings of the  Nederlandse Duurzame Energie Conferentie 2002: DE versnelling,  Rotterdam, 27 & 28 February 2002, Duurzame Energie Federatie, Utrecht, 27 February 2002, pp. 58-59.

Jethro Betcke, Vincent van Dijk, Christian Reise, Edo Wiemken, Peter Toggweiler, Carsten Hoyer, Detlev Heineman, Horst Dufner, Frank Wiezer, Hans Georg Beyer, PVSAT: Remote Performance Check for Grid Connected PV Systems Using Satellite Data, Evaluation of one Year of Field-Testing, paper presented at the 17th European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference, 22-26 October 2001, Munich .

Hammer, A., D. Heinemann, C. Hoyer, P. Toggweiler, U. Brügger, C. Reise, E. Wiemken, H. G. Beyer, V. A. P. v. Dijk, J. W. H. Betcke, Surveillance of Photovoltaic Solar Energy Systems Using METEOSAT Derived Irradiances, in: Proceedings of the  EUMETSAT Meteorological Satellite Data Users' Conference,  Bologna, 2000, EUMETSAT, pp. 613-618.

Betcke, J. W. H. and V. A. P. v. D. Dijk, An Analysis of the Design of PV-systems in the Built Environment in The Netherlands in 1997-2000, in: H. Scheer, B. Mc Nelis, W. Palz, H. A. Ossenbrink and P. Helm (Eds.), Proceedings of the  Sixteenth European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference,  Glasgow, James & James, pp. 2691-2694.

Nordmann, T., A. Froelich, A. Goetzberger, G. Kleiss, G. Hille, C. Reise, E. Wiemken,  J.W.H. Betcke, V.A.P. van Dijk, N. Pearsall, K. Hynes, B. Gaidddon, S. Castello, The potential of PV Noise Barrier Technology in Europe, paper presented at the 16th European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference , 1-5 May 2000, Glasgow.

Betcke, J. W. H. and v. V. A. P. Dijk, Evaluatie van ontwerpen van PV-systemen in de gebouwde omgeving 1997-2000, in: A. v. d. Loo and C. Zijdeveld (Eds.), Proceedings of the  Nederlandse Duurzame energie conferentie 1999,  Noordwijkerhout, Duurzame  Energie Federatie, pp. 258-259.

Betcke, J.W.H., V.A.P. van Dijk, L.A.M. Ramaekers, R.J.C. van Zolingen, (1998),Evaluation of irradiation measurements on tilted planes at PV systems in the Netherlands,  in: J. Schmid, H. A. Ossenbrink, P. Helm, H. Ehrmann and E. D. Dunlop (Eds.), Proceedings of the  Second World Conference and Exhibition on Solar Energy Conversion,  Vienna, 6-10 July 1998, Joint Research Centre European Commission, pp. 2283-2286.

Coelingh, J.P., A.J.M. van Wijk, J.W.H. Betcke, (1996), Large-Scale Wind Energy Application using a HVDC Transmission Line, Proceedings of the European Union Wind Energy Conference, Göteborg, Sweden, 20-24 May 1996.


Betcke, J., Kühnert, J.,Scheidsteger, T.:  'Development and Validation of the DiGASP Weather Generator'. Technical report, commissioned by European Commission and the German Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety, Carl von Ossietzky Universität Oldenburg, August 2013.

Betcke, J.: 'Temporal and Spatial Downscaling, and Updating of the GADS Database – A Pragmatic Approach', Technical report, commissioned by DWD CM-SAF, Carl von Ossietzky Universität Oldenburg, June 2011.

Gaboardi, E., Betcke, J., Beyer, H.G., Dumortier, D., Hoyer Click, C.,
Ineichen, P., Lorenz, E., Menard, L., Martinoli, M., Polo Martinez, J.,
Remund, J., Wald, L.: MESoR Deliverable 4.4: Report on Users’ Meeting, commissioned by EU, EG iCons, June 2009.

Betcke, J.: MESoR Deliverable 4.3: Seminar concept and manual „ Using solar resource knowledge“,  commissioned by EU, Oldenburg University, June 2009.

Betcke, J.: Abschlussbericht des DEMS-Teilprojektes B0-1 Verbrauchslastprognose (vertraulich/confidential), commissioned by EWE, Oldenburg University-Forwind, 5 September 2008.

Beyer, H.G., Betcke, J.: Treatment of topics concerning the spatial Statistics of cloud index and irradiance fields, commissioned by EU,  University of Applied Sciences Magdeburg-Stendal (FH), Germany, 17 May 2005.

Kuhleman, R., Betcke, J.: CloudS A new parameterization of radiative transfer through clouds (summary of development and first validations), Oldenburg University, May 2005.

Betcke, J. , Beyer, H.G.: Accuracy improvement of irradiation data by
combining ground and satellite measurements, December 2004, Oldenburg University, December 2004.

Betcke, J., and A. Alsema: Evaluation of the performance of PV system designs in The Netherlands in 1997-2000, report commissioned by Novem, Utrecht University, Dept. of Science, Technology and Society, Utrecht, The Netherlands, August 2002, 47 pp.(E-NWS-2002-45)  

Betcke, J.W.H., V.A.P. van Dijk and E. Alsema: Opbrengstgegevens van het PV-geluidsscherm langs de A27 na twee jaar systeembedrijf. Eindrapport, commissioned by Novem, Utrecht University, Dept. of Science, Technology and Society, Utrecht, The Netherlands, May 2002, 48 pp.(E-NWS-2002-14)

Betcke, J. W. H., V. A. P. v. Dijk, D. Hisch: Inventarisatie monitoring netgekoppelde PV-systemen in Nederland 1995-2000, report NWS-E-2002-03, commissioned by Novem, Universiteit Utrecht, sectie Natuurwetenschap en Samenleving, Utrecht, March 2002, 111 pp.

Reise, C., E. Wiemken, P. Toggweiler, J. Betcke, A. Hammer, D. Heinemann, C. Hoyer, H. G. Beyer: PVSAT Remote Performance Check for Grid Connected PV Systems Using Satellite Data, final report, report NWS-E-2001-73, commissioned by EU, Fraunhofer -Institut für Solare Energiesysteme ISE, Freiburg, December 2001, 72 pp.

Betcke, J., V. v. Dijk, E. Wiemken, P. Toggweiler, C. Hoyer: PVSAT Task 5 Technical Report, Evaluation of the test phase, report NWS-E-2001-27, commissioned by EU (Joule), Dept. of Science, Technology and Society, Utrecht University, Utrecht, 2001, 71 pp. + appendices.

Goetzberger, A, G. Kleiss, S. Castello, G. Hille, C. Reise, E. Wiemken, J.W.H. Betcke, V.A.P. van Dijk, N. Pearsall, K. Hynes, B. Gaidddon, T. Nordmann, A. Froelich: Evaluation of the potential of PV noise barrier technology for electricity production and market share, Final Report, TNC Freiburg June 1999. (Report commissioned by EU)

Betcke, J.W.H., V.A.P. van Dijk, L.A.M. Ramaekers, R.J.C. van Zolingen: Evaluatie van instralingsmetingen op horizontale en getilte vlakken, Eindrapport, Universiteit Utrecht, December 1998. (Report commissioned by Novem)

Coelingh, J.P., A.J.M. van Wijk, J.W.H. Betcke, C. Geuzendam, W. Gilijamse, C.A. Westra, A.P.W.M. Curvers, H.J.M. Beurskens: Large-Scale Wind Energy Application, Transporting wind energy over long distances using a HVDC transmission line, in combination with hydro energy or biomass energy, commissioned by Novem, Utrecht University, 1995.

Supervised student reports

Brandsma, R. H., Incorporation of shielding in the simplified Perez tilt conversion model,  report NWS-I-2002-01, supervised by  J. Betcke, NW&S, Utrecht, January 2002. 

Own student reports

Jethro Betcke, Swimming in a Defect Pool, A comparative and critical survey of models describing the mid gap states in hydrogenated amorphous silicon, (1997), Universiteit Utrecht, Faculty of Physics.

Jethro Betcke, High Voltage Direct Current Transmission: Wind by Wire, A survey of the HVDC transmission technique in general and for the project `Large Scale Wind Energy Application' in specific, (1995), Universiteit Utrecht, Faculty of Chemistry. 

Oral conference presentations

Betcke, J.: 2007, 'Wetterabhängige Verbrauchslastprognose für das dezentrale Energiemanagement', Deutsch Östereichisch Schweizerische Meteorologentagung (DACH), Hamburg, Germany, 10.09.-14.09.2007
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Betcke, J. W. H., V. A. P. Dijk, C. Reise, E. Wiemken, P. Toggweiler, C. Hoyer, D. Heineman, H. Dufner, F. Wiezer, H. G. Beyer, PVSAT: Remote Performance Check for Grid Connected PV Systems Using Satellite Data, Evaluation of one Year of Field-Testing, lecture presented at: Seventeenth European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference, organised by: WIP, Munchen, 22-26 October 2001. 

Poster conference presentations

 J. Betcke, T. Behrendt, J.Kühnert, A. Hammer, E. Lorenz, D. Heinemann: Spectrally resolved solar irradiance derived from meteosat cloud information - Comparison of two methods, EUMETSAT Meteorological Satellite Conference, Cordoba 20-24 Sept 2010.

T. Behrendt, J. Kühnert, A. Hammer, E. Lorenz, J. Betcke, D. Heinemann: Spectrally resolved solar irradiance from satellite data to investigate the performance of thin film photovoltaics, 25th EPVSEC Valencia, 6-10. 9. 2010.

J. Betcke, T. Behrendt, A. Hammer, J. Harling, K. Schneider-Leyse, A. Gosmann, K. Kuhnke, M. Voss,  A. Plüster, Fotovoltaik-Leistungsvergleich im Norddeutschen Strahlungsklima, Niedersächsisches Photovoltaik Symposium, Hameln, 19. 6. 2009

Betcke, J, Beyer, H.G.  Accuracy Improvement of Irradiation Data by Combining Ground and Satellite Measurements, EUROSUN 2004 (ISES Europe Solar Congress), Freiburg 20.6.-23.6. 2004.

G. Heilscher, M. Schneider, J. Betcke, A. Drews, D. Heinemann, E. Lorenz, P. Toggweiler, W. van Sark, E. Wiemken, W. Heydenreich, H. G. Beyer: Satellitengestützte Ertragsüberwachung mit automatischer Fehlererkennung für Photovoltaikanlagen, 19. Symposium Photovoltaische Solarenergie, Staffelstein 11.3.-13.3. 2004.

Betcke, J., V. v. Dijk, D. Hirsch, j. Swens, W. Turkenburg, Technische en marktmonitoring van netgekoppelde PV-systemen in Nederland in 1995-2000:  Nederlandse Duurzame Energie Conferentie 2002: DE versnelling, organised by: Duurzame Energie Federatie, Rotterdam, 27 & 28 February 2002.

Betcke, J., V. v. Dijk, F. Wiezer, C. Reise, E. Wiemken, P. Toggweiler, D. Heineman, PVSAT: Satelliet controleert de energieopbrengst van netgekoppelde PV-systemen, poster presented at: Nederlandse Duurzame Energie Conferentie 2002: DE versnelling, organised by: Duurzame Energie Federatie, Rotterdam, 27 & 28 February 2002.

Nordmann, T., A. Froelich, A. Goetzberger, G. Kleiss, G. Hille, C. Reise, E. Wiemken, V. v. Dijk, J. Betcke, N. Pearsall, K. Hynes, B. Gaiddon, S. Castello, The potential of PV Noise Barrier Technology in Europe, poster presented at: 16th European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference and Exhibition, organised by: WIP munich, Glasgow, may 2000.

Betcke, J. W. H. and V. A. P. v. D. Dijk, An Analysis of the Design of PV-systems in the Built Environment in The Netherlands in 1997-2000, poster presented at: Sixteenth European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference, organised by: WIP, Glasgow, May 2000.

Betcke, J. W. H., V. A. P. v. Dijk, L. A. M. Ramaekers, R. J. C. v. Zolingen, Evaluation of irradiation measurements on tilted planes at PV systems in the Netherlands, poster presented at: Second World Conference and Exhibition on Solar Energy Conversion, organised by: Joint Research Centre European Commission, Vienna, 6-10 July 1998.

Coelingh, J. P., A. J. M. v. Wijk, J. W. H. Betcke, C. Geuzendam, W. Gilijamse, C. A. Westra, A. P. W. M. Curvers, H. J. M. Beurskens, Large Scale Wind Energy Application using an HVDC Transmission Line, poster presented at: European Union Wind Energy Conference, Göteborg, Sweden, 20-24 May 1996. 


Betcke, J. W. H., Het Europees Potentieel voor Zonne-energie Geluidsschermen, Resultaten voor NederlandUtrecht, Nederland,  Universiteit Utrecht, sectie Natuurwetenschap en Samenleving,  June 2000, 4 pp.(brochure)

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