Curriculum Vitae
Curriculum Vitae
Short CV of Jethro Betcke
Jethro Betcke was born November 24, 1969. He studied physics at Utrecht University. He did an optional research at the Department of Science, Technology and Society in 1995 on the subject of HVDC transmission cables for the project "Large-Scale Wind Energy Application". In 1997 he graduated at the Department of Theoretical Physics on the subject of mid gap states in hydrogenated amorphous silicon. The research for this subject was performed at and for the Department of Atomic and Interface Physics.
From April 1997 until November 1997 he was employed as project employee at Adviesbureau E-connection, a Dutch consultancy on the subject of wind energy.
From December 1997 until December 2002 he was employed at the Department of Science, Technology and Society of Utrecht University in the Netherlands. He performed contract research in the field of photovoltaic systems and solar irradiation, assisted teaching and was a member of the library and PR commity.
From February 2003 to January 2006 he was employed at the solar energy meteorology group at the Energy and Semiconductor Research Laboratory at Oldenburg University Germany. Here his research concerned with different aspects of remote sensing of solar irradiance for the apllication to solar energy.
Between February 2006 and September 2009 he was employed at Forwind where he was working on weather dependent demand load prediction.
Since Octobre 2009 is back at the solar energy meteorology group working on solar irradiance research.