O. Özkan, "Resilience of Graph Transformation Systems: Modeling Adverse Conditions and Infinite-state Verification" PhD Thesis , 2023.
author = {{\"O}zkan, Okan},
TITLE = {Resilience of Graph Transformation Systems: Modeling Adverse Conditions and Infinite-state Verification},
SCHOOL= {University of Oldenburg},
YEAR = {2023},
O. Özkan, "Decidability of Resilience for Well-structured Graph Transformation Systems" University of Oldenburg, Technical Report , 2022.
author = {{\"O}zkan, Okan},
TITLE = {Decidability of Resilience for Well-structured Graph Transformation Systems},
INSTITUTION = {University of Oldenburg},
YEAR = {2022},
TYPE={Technical Report},
O. Özkan, "Decidability of Resilience for Well-structured Graph Transformation Systems" in Proc. Graph Transformations (ICGT), 2022.
author = {{\"O}zkan, Okan},
title = {Decidability of Resilience for Well-structured Graph Transformation Systems},
booktitle = {Graph Transformations ({ICGT})},
series = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science},
volume = {13349},
pages = {38-57},
year = {2022}
O. Özkan, "Infinite-State Graph Transformation Systems under Adverse Conditions" Inf. Technol. vol. 63, iss. 5-6.
author = {{\"O}zkan, Okan},
title = {Infinite-State Graph Transformation Systems under Adverse Conditions},
journal = {Inf. Technol.},
volume = {63},
number = {5-6},
pages = {311--320},
year = {2021}
O. Özkan und N. Würdemann, "Resilience of Well-structured Graph Transformation Systems" in Proc. Graph Computation Models (GCM), 2021.
author = {{\"O}zkan, Okan and W{\"u}rdemann, Nick},
title = {Resilience of Well-structured Graph Transformation Systems},
booktitle = {Graph Computation Models ({GCM})},
series = {Electronic Proceedings in Theoretical Computer Science},
volume = {350},
pages = {69--88},
year = {2021}
O. Özkan, "Modeling Adverse Conditions in the Framework of Graph Transformation Systems" in Proc. Graph Computation Models (GCM), 2020.
author = {{\"O}zkan, Okan},
title = {Modeling Adverse Conditions in the Framework of Graph Transformation Systems},
booktitle = {Graph Computation Models ({GCM})},
series = {Electronic Proceedings in Theoretical Computer Science},
volume = {330},
pages = {35-54},
year = {2020}