

Dr. Pauline N. Fleischmann

Carl von Ossietzky Universität Oldenburg
Institut für Biologie und Umweltwissenschaften
AG Neurosensorik/Animal Navigation
Carl-von-Ossietzky-Straße 9-11
26122 Oldenburg


+49 441 798 3743


Derzeitige Position

since 6/2022  Research Group Fellow associated with the SFB 1372 – Magnetoreception and Navigation in Vertebrates, Institute of Biology and Environmental Sciences, Carl von Ossietzky Universität Oldenburg, Germany

Frühere Positionen

6/2019-5/2022  Temporary principal investigator (“Eigene Stelle”) in the research group “Neuroethology of social insects”, Zoology II - Behavioural Physiology and Sociobiology, Biocenter, University of Würzburg, Germany

6/2013-3/2018  Research assistant in the research group “Neuroethology of social insects”, Zoology II - Behavioural Physiology and Sociobiology, Biocenter, University of Würzburg, Germany

6/2010-6/2013  Student assistant in the research group “Behavioural Physiology”, Institute for Biology, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Germany


2013-2018: Dr. rer. nat. in Integrative Biology, Graduate School of Life Sciences, University of Würzburg, Germany

2010-2013 M. Sc. Neurobiology and Behaviour, Freie Universität Berlin, Germany

2011-2012 Master studies abroad, Kavli Institute for Systems Neuroscience, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Trondheim, Norway

2007-2010 B. A. Philosophy and Biology, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Germany


2/2024 Research visit at field site of Eric Warrant supported by Research Partnership Kickstart Travel Grant, The Company of Biologists, Adaminaby, Australia

since 2019: Organisation, funding and realisation of the field season in the summer months, Marathon, Greece, Neuroethological field experiments on navigation and magnetoreception desert ant C. nodus, supervising a team of 2–4 students

2015–2017: Organisation and realisation of the field season in the summer months, Marathon, Greece, Neuroethological field experiments on navigation and landmark learning desert ant C. nodus, leading a team of 2–4 students

2013–2014: Organisation and realisation of the field season in the summer months, Mahares, Tunisia, Behavioral field experiments on navigation and compass calibration in Saharan desert ant C. fortis, leading a team of 2–3 students

8-9/2013: Field experimenter, La Selva, Costa Rica, Performing behavioural experiments on decision-making in bats (Glossophaga commissarisi)

6/2011–7/2011: Field assistant, Mahares, Tunisia, Assisting to perform behavioural experiments with C. fortis


since 6/2024: Konishi Neuroethology Research Award funded by the International Society of Neuroethology

since 6/2019: DFG project “The Dynamics of Geomagnetic and Celestial Compass Cues in Cataglyphis Ant Navigation” funded by the German Research Foundation (DFG)

4/2020-8/2023: Klaus Tschira Boost Fund “In search of the magnetic sense: The ANTenna as COMPASS needle” funded by German Scholars Organization e.V. and Klaus Tschira Stiftung gGmbH


11/2021 “For Women in Science Deutschland 2021”–Prize by the UNESCO-L’ORÉAL-Program “For Women in Science” in collaboration with the Christiane Nüsslein-Volhard Foundation

7/2020 “Young Investigator Award 2020” by the International Society of Neuroethology

2/2020 “Best Paper Award 2019”, Myrmecological News, awarded for the review by Zeil and Fleischmann 2019

6/2019 “Promotionspreis der Unterfränkischen Gedenkjahrstiftung und der Universität Würzburg”, Würzburg, Germany

7/2018 “Biocenter Science Award”, Würzburg, Germany


3/2020–4/2022: Fellowship of the Christiane Nüsslein-Volhard Foundation

1/2019–10/2020: SCIENTIA Fellowship of the University of Würzburg, Würzburg, Germany

8-9/2013 PROMOS scholarship of German Academic Exchange Service, La Selva, Costa Rica

7/2011–6/2012: ERASMUS Scholarship of the European Union, Trondheim, Norway

5/2010–3/2013 Scholarship holder of Studienförderwerk Klaus Murmann by the Stiftung der Deutschen Wirtschaft (Foundation of German Business funded by the German government), Berlin, Germany

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