Volker Schindel

Institut für Musik  (» Postanschrift)

12. Wettbewerb Englisch

Carl von Ossietzky – Composition Award

12. International Competition


With the announcement of the 12th International Composition Competition 2012 the Institute of Music of the Carl von Ossietzky University and the Oldenburg Chamber Choir directed by Johannes von Hoff, intend to lay the foundation for a repertoire of pieces of a medium degree of difficulty. It aims at bringing together amateurs, pupils and students from different stylistic genres in a collective musical activity.

The competition provides three prizes and a promotion prize for young composers (aged max. 25).


Requirements: a composition for mixed choir (S/A/T/B), percussion (maximum 2 players) and organ.

N.B.: All prevalent percussion-instruments can be used. Still, exceedingly complicated logistic concept, i.e. intricate instrumentation containing instruments, which are difficult to be transported, should be disclaimed.


Lyrics: psalm verses of individual choice (entire psalms or fragments).


Level of difficulty: easy – fairly difficult. The piece should be composed in a way that

allows student teachers of music and pupils from music schools to play it. The degree of difficulty is not regarded as a criterion of high quality. The division of the choir voices is allowed.


Duration: max. 10 minutes

The compositions should not have already been published of performed. There is no limitation of age of the participants. The stylistic content of the piece can be chosen freely.


Submissions until November 30th 2012 (date of postmark)


Address: Carl von Ossietzky Universität Oldenburg

Fk III, Institut für Musik,


z.Hd. Prof. Violeta Dinescu

D-26111 Oldenburg



Please, submit five copies of the composition anonymously, as well as a commentary of your composition. Please, also send a closed envelope containing name and address of the composer, as well as a short CV (biography).


Submissions are only accepted by mail (post) – no E-Mail!


The ceremony of the Carl von Ossietzky Composition Award will take place 2013.


Members of the Jury:

Violeta Dinescu (Composer), Siegrid Ernst (Composer), Johannes von Hoff (Conductor), Christoph Keller (Composer), Michael Searby (Composer)

Roberto Reale (Research assistant).


In the following years the Carl von Ossietzky Composition Contest will be carried forward with further focuses. The scheduled announcement can be found below.

2013 – Ensemble of wind instruments

(Peter Vollhardt)


2014 – Piano

(2/4 hands) or

2 pianos (4 hands)

(Werner Barho)


2015 – Voice

and oboe/ bassoon/ viola/cello/piano:

from duo to sextett

(Getraude Spier)


2016 – KlassikJazzMix

(Prof. Bernhard Mergner & Rida Murtada)

(Stand: 08.07.2024)  Kurz-URL:Shortlink: https://uol.de/p2162
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