Karnath, H.-O., Schenk, T., Benke, T., Brinkmann, S., Brötz, D., Engel, A., Guggisberg, A., Hildebrandt, H., Kerkhoff, G., Rodenberg, A., Schöberl, F. & Wallesch, C.-W. (2023). Kurzfassung der S2k-Leitlinie "Diagnostik und Therapie von Neglect und anderen Störungen der Raumkognition" (AWMF-030/126). Zeitschrift für Neuropsychologie, 34(3), 119-128.
Schenke, N., Diestel, E., Kastrup, A., Eling, P. & Hildebrandt, H. (2023). Monocular eye patching modulates reorienting of covert attention in patients with unilateral middle cerebral artery stroke. Brain and Cognition, 169, No. 106000.
Heart rate variability and fatigue in MS: two parallel pathways representing disseminated inflammatory processes? Garis G, Haupts M, Duning T, Hildebrandt H. Neurol Sci. 2023 Jan;44(1):83-98. doi: 10.1007/s10072-022-06385-1.
Can biofeedback-based training alleviate fatigue and vigilance performance in fatigued MS patients? Sander C, Braun N, Modes F, Schlake HP, Eling P, Hildebrandt H. Neuropsychol Rehabil. 2022 Jan;32(1):131-147. doi: 10.1080/09602011.2020.1808023
Commentary on the article "Auditory spatial cueing reduces neglect after right-hemispheric stroke: A proof of concept study" by. Schenke N, Franke R, Puschmann S, Turgut N, Kastrup A, Thiel CM, Hildebrandt H. Cortex. 2022 Dec;157:334-335. doi: 10.1016/j.cortex.2022.08.001
Longley et al.: Non-pharmacological interventions for spatial neglect or inattention following stroke and other non-progressive brain injury. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, 2021. Hildebrandt H. Neuropsychol Rehabil. 2022 Dec;32(10):2673-2678. doi: 10.1080/09602011.2021.1956977.
Comparing two relaxation procedures to ease fatigue in multiple sclerosis: a single-blind randomized controlled trial. Garis G, Dettmers C, Hildebrandt A, Duning T, Hildebrandt H. Neurol Sci. 2023 Nov;44(11):4087-4098. doi: 10.1007/s10072-023-07042-x.
Is recovery from left-sided neglect based on changes in automatic attention? An auditory event related potentials study. Hildebrandt H, Notbohm A, Duning T, Schweser I. Appl Neuropsychol Adult. 2023 Jan 1:1-11. doi: 10.1080/23279095.2022.2163173.
Jansen et al. Prevalence Estimates of Amyloid Abnormality Across the Alzheimer Disease Clinical Spectrum. JAMA Neurol. 2022. doi.org/doi:10.1001/jamaneurol.2021.5216
Hildebrandt: Zehn Argumente für dialogische Interaktion und kognitive Modelle als Grundlage neuropsychologischer Rehabilitation. Zeitschrift für Neuropsychologie 2021. doi.org/doi:10.1024/1016-264X/a000337
Scheffels, Korabova, Eling, Kastrup, Hildebrandt: The Effects of Continuous vs. Intermittent Prism Adaptation Protocols for Treating Visuospatial Neglect: A Randomized Controlled Trial. . Frontiers in Neurology, 2021. doi.org/doi:10.3389/fneur.2021.742727
Turgut, Hildebrandt: Rehabilitation organisch bedingter Gedächtnisstörungen: Was, wann, für welche Betroffenen? Neurol Rehabil 2021; 27(4): 239–254. doi.org/doi:10.14624/NR2104005
Hildebrandt: LETTER TO THE EDITOR: Longley et al.: Non-pharmacological interventions for spatial neglect or inattention following stroke and other non-progressive brain injury. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, 2021 Neuropsychological Rehabilitation, doi.org/DOI:10.1080/09602011.2021.1956977
Hildebrandt: Lassen sich reflexive horizontale Augenbewegungen von Neglekt-Patienten durch das Tragen einer Augenklappe therapeutisch beeinflussen? Ergebnisse der Video-Okulographie. Neurol Rehabil 2021; 27(2) doi.org/10.14624/NR2102002
de la Piedra Walter, Notbohm, Eling, Hildebrandt: Audiospatial evoked potentials for the assessment of spatial attention deficits in patients with severe cerebrovascular accidents. Journal of Clinical and Experimental Neuropsychology, doi.org/DOI:10.1080/13803395.2021.1984397
Hildebrandt: Neuropsychological Tools for Dementia: Differential Diagnosis and Treatment. Elsevier, 2021
Turgut, Jansen, Nielsen, Heber, Eling, Hildebrandt: Repeated application of the covert shift of attention task improves endogenous but not exogenous attention in patients with unilateral visuospatial inattention. Brain and Cognition, 2021
Garis, Hildebrandt, Hanken: Yoga als Möglichkeit zur Reduktion von Fatigue bei Multiple Sklerose. Neurol Rehabil 2021; 27 (1): 49-55
Hildebrandt, Belhaj, Al-Joudi, Eling : Fatigue bei Patienten mit Multipler Sklerose oder Neuromyelitis optica: ein systematischer Vergleich. Neurol Rehabil 2021; 27 (1): 31-36
Hildebrandt, Stachowiak, Heber, Schlake, Eling: Relation between cognitive fatigue and circadian or stress related cortisol levels in MS patients. Mult Scler Relat Disord., 2020
Scheunemann, Gawęda, Reininger, Jelinek, Hildebrandt, Moritz. Advice weighting as a novel measure for belief flexibility in people with psychotic-like experiences. Schizophr Res., 2020
Weicker, Hudl, Hildebrandt, Obrig, Schwarzer, Villringer, Thöne-Otto A. The effect of high vs. low intensity neuropsychological treatment on working memory in patients with acquired brain injury. Brain Injury, 2020
Sander, Braun, Modes Schlake, Eling, Hildebrandt: Can biofeedback-based training alleviate fatigue and vigilance performance in fatigued MS patients? Neuropsychol Rehabil. 2020
Hildebrandt, Kastrup, Eling: A “Stress Test” of the 2018 NIA AA Research Criteria for Alzheimer’s Disease. Specificity of Biomarkers and Neuropsychological Assessment. Zeitschrift für Neuropsychologie (2020)
Scheffels, Turgut, Pape, Kastrup, Hildebrandt: Die Komibination von Prismen-Adaptation und visueller Suche zur Behandlung des Neglekts in der Phase B der neurologischen Rehabilitation. Neurologie & Rehabilitation, 2019
Sander, Eling, Hildebrandt: Störungen des autonomen Nervensystems und erhöhtes Fatigueerleben bei Multipler Sklerose. Neurologie & Rehabilitation, 2019
Hildebrandt, Schill, Bördgen, Kastrup, Eling: Picture recognition errors in the differential diagnosis of Alzheimer's Disease. Zeitschrift für Neuropsychologie, 2019
Helmut Hildebrandt: Cognitive Rehabilitation of Memory. Elsevier 2019
Hanken, Sander, Schlake, Kastrup, Eling, Hildebrandt: Fatigue in Multiple Sclerosis is related to relapses, autonomic dysfunctions and introversion: A quasi-experimental study. Mult Scler Relat Disord. 2019
Sander, Modes, Schlake, Eling, Hildebrandt: Capturing fatigue parameters: The impact of vagal processing in multiple sclerosis related cognitive fatigue. Multiple Sclerosis and Related Disorders, 2019
Turgut, Möller, Dengler, Steinberg, Sprenger, Eling, Kastrup, Hildebrandt: Adaptive cueing treatment of neglect in stroke patients leads to improvements in activities of daily living: A randomized controlled, crossover trial. Neurorehabilitation and Neural Repair, 2018
Kastrup, Brunner, Hildebrandt, Roth, Winterhalter, Papanagiotou: Endovascular therapy versus thrombolysis in patients with with large vessel occlusions within the anterior circulation aged >= 80. Journal of Neurointerventional Surgery, 2018.
Hanken, Sander, Qaiser, Schlake, Kastrup, Eling, Hildebrandt: Salivary IL-1ß as an objective maesure for fatigue in Multiple sclerosis. Frontiers of Neurology 2018.
Richter, Mödden, Eling, Hildebrandt: Improving everyday memory performance after acquired brain injury: An RCT on recollection and working memory training. Neuropsychology 2018.
Hanken, Francis, Kastrup, Eling, Klein, Hildebrandt: On the role of the amygdala for experiencing fatigue in patients with multiple sclerosis. Multiple sclerosis and related disorders.2018
Jansen et al. Association of cerebral amyloid-ß aggregation with cognitive functioning in persons without dementia. Jama Psychiatry. 2018
Richter, Thöne-Otto, Hildebrandt: Diagnostik und Behandlung des schweren amnestischen Syndroms. Neurotransmitter 2017
Brokate, Reimer, Hildebrandt: Charakteristik depressiver Symptome bei psychischen Erkrankungen und Multipler Sklerose - eine retrospektive Datenanalyse. Zeitschrift für Neuropsychologie, 2017
Turgut, Mödden, Brumund, Eling, Hildebrandt: A study of the independence of egocentric and allocentric neglect. Cortex, 2017
Sander, Hildebrandt, Schlake, Eling, Hanken: Subjective cognitive fatigue and autonomic abnormalities in multiple sclerosis patients. Frontiers in Neurology, 2017
Gurevich, Stuke, Kastrup, Stuke, Hildebrandt: Neuropsychological testing and machine learning distinguish Alzheimer’s disease from other causes for cognitive impairment. Frontiers in Aging Neuroscience, 2017
Hildebrandt: Was sagt der Tierversuch über die Dosis-Wirkungsbeziehung bei der Rehabilitation von Lern- und Gedächtnisstörungen? Neurologie & Rehabilitation, 2017
Sander, Voelter, Schlake, Eling, Hildebrandt: Assessment of fatigue in multiple sclerosis. Neurology International Open, 2017
Stuke, Hanken, Hirsch, Klein, Wittig, Kastrup, Hildebrandt: Cross-sectional and longitudinal relationships between depressive symptoms and brain atrophy in MS patients. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 2016
Hildebrandt: Die RehaCom-Batterie in der Behandlung von kognitiven Störungen bei Patienten mit Multipler Sklerose. Neurologie & Rehabilitation, 2016
Sander, Eling, Hanken, Klein, Kastrup, Hildebrandt: The impact of Ms-related cognitive Fatigue on Future Brain Parenchymal loss and relapse: a 17-Month Follow-up study. Frontiers in Neurology, 2016
Hanken, Bosse, Möhrke, Eling, Kastrup, Antal, Hildebrandt: Counteracting fatigue in multiple sclerosis with right parietal anaodal transcranial direct current stimulation. Frontiers in Neurology, 2016
Voelter, Hildebrandt, Kastrup: MS-assoziierte Fatigue - Welche Immuntherapie hilft? Aktuelle Neurologie, 2016
Turgut, Miranda, Kastrup, Eling, Hildebrandt: tDCS combined with optokinetic drift reduces egocentric neglect in severely impaired post-acute patients. Neuropsychological Rehabilitation, 2016
Wasser, Papanagiotou, Brunner, Hildebrandt, Winterhalter, Roth, Kastrup: Impact of ASPECTS on computed tomography angiography source images on outcome after thrombolysis or endovascular therapy in large vessel occlusions. European Journal of Neurology, 2016
Schaadt, Reinhart, Keller, Hildebrandt, Kerkhoff, Utz: The effect of rotating random dot motion on visuospatial line orientation in patients with right-sided stroke. Neuropsychologia, 2016
Reinhart, Schaadt, Keller, Hildebrandt, Kerkhoff, Utz:Rotational coherent dot movement normalizes spatial disorientation of the subjective visual vertical in patients with rightsided stroke. Neuropsychologia, 2016
Hanken, Eling, Klein, Klaene, Hildebrandt: Different cortical underpinnings for fatigue and depression in MS? Multiple Sclerosis and related disorders, 2016
Kastrup, Brunner, Wasser, Hildebrandt, Roth, Winterhalter, Papanagiotou: Endovascular therapy versus thrombolysis in patients with anterior circulation stroke in everyday clinical practice. International Journal of Stroke, 2016
Hanken, Manousia, Klein, Kastrup, Eling, Hildebrandt: On the relation between self-reported cognitive fatigue and the posterior hypothalamic-brainstem network. European Journal of Neurology, 2015
Richter, Mödden, Hanken, Hildebrandt: Recovery after brain damage: Is there any indication for generalization between different cognitive functions? Journal of Clinical and Experimental Neuropsychology, 2015
Jansen et al.: Prevalence of cerebral amyloid pathology in persons without dementia: a meta-analysis. JAMA. 2015;313(19):1924-1938
Dengler, Fischer, Kastrup, Elsner, Hildebrandt: Was wird aus Patienten mit Mediainfarkt bzw. -blutung und Behandlung in der Phase B der neurologischen Rehabilitation? Ergebnisse des Einjahres Follow-ups. Neurologie und Rehabilitation, 2015
Braun, Debener, Sölle, Kranczioch, Hildebrandt: Biofeedback-based self-alert training reduces alpha activity and stabilizes accuracy in the sustained attention to response task. Journal of Clinical and Experimental Neuropsychology, 2015
Hanken, Eling, Kastrup, Klein, Hildebrandt: Integrity of hypothalamic fibers and cognitive fatigue in multiple sclerosis. Multiple sclerosis and related disorders, 2014
Hanken, Eling, Hildebrandt: The reprentation of inflammatory signals in the brain - a model for subjective fatigue in multiple sclerosis. Frontiers of Neurology, 2014
Brunner, Tomandl, Hanken, Hildebrandt, Kastrup: Impact of collateral circulation on early outcome and risk of hemorrhagic complications after systemic thrombolysis. International Journal of Stroke, 2014
Braun, Thorne, Hildebrandt, Debener: Interplay of agency and ownership: The intentional binding and rubber hand illusion paradigm combined. Plos One, 2014
Ehlers, Lopez-Herrero, Kastrup, Hildebrandt: The P300 in middle cerebral artery strokes or hemorrhages: outcome predictions and source localisation. Clinical Neurophysiology, 2014
Gossmann, Eling, Kastrup, Hildebrandt: No effect of cooling on cognitive fatigue, vigilance and autonomic functioning in multiple sclerosis. Journal of multiple sclerosis, 2014
Hanken, Eling, Hildebrandt: Is there a cognitive signature for MS-related fatigue? Multiple Sclerosis Journal, 2014
Richter, Mödden, Eling, Hildebrandt: Working memory training and semantic structuring imporves remembering future events, not oast events. Neurorehabilitation and Neural Repair, 2014
Thiel, Studte, Hildebrandt, Huster, Weerda: When a loved one feels unfamiliar: A case study on the neural basis of Capgras delusion. Cortex, 2014, 52, 75-85
Hildebrandt, Eling: A longitudinal study on fatigue, depression, and their relation to neurocognition in multiple sclerosis. Journal of Clinical and Experimental Neuropsychology 2014
Horn, Lopez Herrero, Elsner, Lehmann, Hildebrandt: Outcome-Prognose für Läsionen nach malignem Mediainsult in der Phase B: »Cognition matters«. Neurol Rehabil 2013
Hildebrandt, Fink, Kastrup, Haupts, Eling: Cognitive Profiles of Patients with Mild Cognitive Impairment or Dementia in Alzheimer’s or Parkinson’s Disease. Dement Geriatr Cogn Disord Extra 2013
Gossmann, Kastrup, Lopez Herrero, Hildebrandt: Prism adaptation improves ego-centered but not allocentric neglect in early rehabilitation patients. Neurorehabilitation and Neural Repaier, 2013
Hildebrandt, Fink, Eling, Stuke, Klein, Lentschig, Kastrup, Thiel, Breckel: Neural correlates of stimulus response and stimulus outcome shifting in healthy participants and MS patients. Brain and Cognition, 2012
Lehmann, Eling, Kastrup, Grothues, Hildebrandt: Self-reported sleep problems, but not fatigue, leads to decline in sustained attention in MS patients. Multiple Sclerosis Journal, 2012
Hildebrandt: Fatigue - gemeinsames Endstreckensyndrom einer Dysfunktion im Bereich des Nucleus tuberomamillaris? Neurologie & Rehabilitation, 2, 2012
Hildebrandt, Kastrup, Lehmann: Rehabilitation von Gedächtnisdefizite nach Hirninfarkt. Nervenheilkunde, 6, 2012
Mödden, Behrens, Damke, Eilers, Kastrup, Hildebrandt: A randomized controlled trial comparing 2 interventions for visual field loss with standard occupational therapy during inpatient stroke rehabilitation. Neurorehabiliation & Neural Repair, 2012
Wasser, Hildebrandt, Gröschel, Stojanovic, Schmidt, Gröschel, Pilgra,-Pastor, Knauth, Kastrup: Age-dependent effects of carotid endarterectomy or stenting on cognitive performance. Journal of Neurology, 2012
Kerkhoff, Keller, Artinger, Hildebrandt, Marquardt, Reinhart, Ziegler: Recovery from auditory and visual neglect after optokinetic stimulation with pursuit eye movements - Transient modulation and enduring treatment effects. Neuropsychologia, 2011
Kerkhoff, Hildebrandt, Reinhart, Kardinal, Dimova, Utz: A long-lasting improvement of tactile extinction after galvanic vestibular stimulation: Two Sham-stimulation controlled case studies. Neuropsychologia, 2011
Kiy, Lehmann, Hahn, Eling, Kastrup, Hildebrandt: Decreased hippocampal volume, indirectly measured, is associated with depressive symptoms and consolidation deficits in multiple sclerosis. Multiple Sclerosis, 2011
Brunner, Tomandl, Schröter, Mellinghoff, Haldenwanger, Hildebrandt, Kastrup.Hemorrhagic complications after systemic thrombolysis in acute stroke patients with abnormal baseline coagulation.European Journal of Neurology, 2011
Haldenwanger, Eling, Kastrup, Hildebrandt: Correlation between Cognitive Impairment and CSF Biomarkers in Amnesic MCI, non-Amnesic MCI, and Alzheimer's Disease. Journal of Alzheimer's Disease, 2011
Wasser, Pilgram-Pastor, Stojanovic, Schmidt, Knauf, Gröschel, Knauth, Hildebrandt, Kastrup: New brain lesions after carotid revascularization are not associated with cognitive performance. Journal of vascular surgery, 2011
Hildebrandt, Gehrmann, Mödden, Eling: Enhancing memory performance after organic brain disease relies on retrieval processes rather than encoding or consolidation. Journal of Clinical and Experimental Neuropsychology, 2010
Quee, Eling, van der Heijden, Hildebrandt: Working memory in schizophrenie: A systematic study of specific modalities and process. Psychiatry Research, 2010
Fink, Rischkau, Butt, Klein, Eling, Hildebrandt: Efficacy of an executive function intervention programme in MS: a placebo-controlled and pseudo-randomized trial. Multiple Sclerosis, 2010
Fink, Eling, Rischkau, Beyer, Tomandl, Klein, Hildebrandt: The association between California Verbal Learning Test performance and fibre impairment in multiple sclerosis: evidence from diffusion tensor imaging. Multiple Sclerosis, 2010
Mödden, Hildebrandt: Wie effektiv ist psychotherapeutische Behandlung bei PatientInnen mit Poststroke-Depression? Neurologie & Rehabilitation, 2010
Kessels, Geurts, Eling, Hildebrandt: Allocentric spatial memory in young and older adults: A comparison of two-dimensional maze learning and object-location memory. In: Spatial Memory: Visuosatial Processes..., 2009
Hildebrandt, Haldenwanger, Eling: False recognition helps to distinguish patients with Alzheimer's disease and amnestic MCI from patients with other kinds of dementia. Dementia and Geriatric Cognitive Disorders, 2009
Fink, Klein, Lanz, Mitrovics, Lentschig, Hahn, Hildebrandt: Comparison of Diffusion Temsor-based Tractography and quantified brain atrophy for analyzing demyelination and axonal loss in MS. Journal of NeuroImaging, 2009
Groh-Bordin, Glocker, Bittl, Keller, Preger, Hildebrandt, Kerkhoff: Scanning your body is different from performing body movements: A double dissociation between body representational neglect and apraxia. Neuropsychologia, 2009
Saevarsson, Kristjansson Hildebrandt, Halsband: Prism adaptation improves visual search in hemispatial neglect. Neuropsychologia, 2009
Hildebrandt, Haldenwanger, Eling: False Recognition correlates with amyloid-beta(1-42) but not with total tau in cerebrospinal fluid of patients with dementia and mild cognitive impairment. Journal of Alzheimer's Disease, 2009
Mödden, Hildebrandt:Poststroke Depression (PSD): Diagnose, Verlauf und psychotherapeutische Behandlungsmöglichkeit. Neurologie & Rehabilitation, 14, 2008, 175-184
Hildebrandt, Brokate, Fink, Müller, Eling: Impaired stimulus-outcome but preserved stimulus-response shifting in young substance-dependent individuals. Journal of Clinical and Experimental Neuropsychology, 2008
Grimsen, Hildebrandt, Fahle: Dissociation of egocentric and allocentric coding of space in visual search after right middle cerebral artery stoke. Neuropsychologia, 2008
Brokate, Bernsdorff, Braamshorst, Eling, Hildebrandt: Object alternation in alocohol dependent patients without amnesic syndrome. Zeitschrift für Psychologie, 2008
Hildebrandt, Happe, Deutschmann, Basar-Eroglu, Eling, Brunhöber: Brain perfusion and VEP reactivity in occipital and parietal areas are associateted to recovery from hypoxic vegetative state. Journal of Neurological Sciences, 2007
Hildebrandt, Clausing, Janssen, Mödden: Rehabilitation leichter bis mittelschwerer Gedächtnisdefizit [Rehabilitation of weak to moderate memory impairments - the amount of treatment sessions is important, but which specific treatment helps more and why?] Neurologie und Rehabilitation, 2007
Wilkens, Hildebrandt: Die Bedeutung des Neglects in der neurologischen Rehabilitation. Hippokampus Verlag, 2007
Lanz, Hahn, Hildebrandt: Brain atrophy and cognitive impairment in Multiple Sclerosis: a review. Journal of Neurology, 2007
Basar-Eroglu, Brand, Hildebrandt, Kedzior, Mathes, Schmiedt: Working memory related gamma oscillations in schizophrenia patients. International Jourrnal of Psychophysiology, 64, 2007
Hildebrandt, Lanz, Hahn et al.: Cognitive training in MS: Effects and relation to brain atrophy. Restorative Neurology and Neuroscience, 2007
Hildebrandt: Sensitivität des TAP-Neglekttests bei der Erfassung postchiasmatischer Gesichtsfeldausfälle. Neurologie & Rehabilitation, 2006
Hildebrandt: Visual cortex and medial parietal cortex functions differences in hypoxia-induced vegetative state patients with and without recovery. Neurologie & Rehabilitation, 12, 2006
Hildebrandt, Hahn, Kraus et al.: Memory performance in multiple sclerosis patients correlates with central brain atrophy. Multiple Sclerosis, 2006
Hildebrandt, Bussmann-Mork, Schwendemann: Group therapy for memory imapaired patients: A partial remediation is possible. Journal of Neurology, 2006
Hildebrandt, Brokate, Hoffmann, Kroeger, Eling: Conditional Responding is Impaired in Chronic Alcoholics. Journal of Clinical and Experimental Neuropsychology, 2006
Schmiedt, Brand, Hildebrandt, Basar: Event-related theta oscillations during working memory tasks in patients with schizophrenia and healthy controls. Cognitive Brain Research, 2005
Hildebrandt, Schütze, Ebke, Brunner-Beeg, Eling: Visual search for item- and array-centered locations in patients with left middle cerebral artery stroke. NeuroCase, 2005
Böhme, Hildebrandt, Zieger: Eine räumliche Komponente des "Visuo-spatial Sketchpads" als unabhängiger Beitrag des Neglekts? Poster, GNP Tagung 2005
Lanz, M. Kraus, J.A.; Hahn, H.; Hoffmann, E.; Schwendemann, G.; Hildebrandt, H.: Gedächtnistraining bei MS: Effekte und Beziehung zu Hirnatrophie, Poster (Neurologentagung 2005)
Müller, S.V.; Harth, S.; Hildebrandt, H.; Münte, S.F.: Evidenzbasierte Therapie bei exekutiver Dyfunktion (Fortschritte der Neurologie und Psychiatrie, 2005)
Kraus, J. et al.: Discriminant analysis of the cognitive performance profile of MS patients differentiates their clinical course. (Journal of Neurology, 2005)
Vogel, M; Hildebrandt, H.; Ebke, M; Schwendemann, G.: Prädiktiver Wert ereigniskorrelierter Potentiale im Oddball Paradigma und der Pupillomotorik für die Remission des Wachkomas (Poster, DGNR, München 2005)
Hildebrandt, H.; Schütze, C.; Ebke, M.; Spang, K.: Differential impact of parvocellular and magnocellular pathways on visual impairment in apperceptive agnosia? (Neurocase, 2004).
Hildebrandt, H.; Müller, S.V.; Schwendemann, G.: Evidenzbasierte neuropsychologische Therapie (Neurologie & Rehabilitation, 2004).
Hildebrandt, H.; Schwendemann, G.: Kognitive Beeinträchtigungen bei Multipler Sklerose (2004)
von der Fecht, A.; Hildebrandt, H.: Behandlung von Aufmerksamkeitsstörungen (2004)
Hildebrandt, H.; Brokate, B.; Eling, P.; Lanz, M.: Response shifting and inhibition, but not working memory, are impaired after long-term heavy alcohol consumption (Neuropsychology, 2004)
Hildebrandt, H.; Ebke, M.; Brunhöber, J. Visual stimulation therapy in cerebral blindness (Brain & Cognition, 2004)
Brokate, B.; Hildebrandt, H.; Eling, P. et al.: Frontal lobe dysfunctions in Korsakoff's Syndrome and chronic alcoholism (Neuropsychology, 2003).
Schütze, C. & Hildebrandt, H.: Unilateral neglect and the estimation of the body midline (GNP-Tagung 2003, Poster)
Hildebrandt, H.; Brokate, B.; Hoffmann, E.: Response Inhibition and Decision-Making of Alcohol - Dependent Patients without Amnesic Syndrome (GNP-Tagung 2003, Poster).
Müller, S.V.; Hildebrandt, H.; Münte, T.: Kognitive Therapie bei Störungen der Exekutivfunktionen (Hogrefe, 2004).
Hildebrandt, H; Basar-Eroglu, C.; Brand, A.: Brain oscillations in working memory.
Hildebrandt, H.; Schütze, C.; Schwendemann, G.: PC-gestütztes Heimtraining bei zerebral bedingter Sehstörung (Neurologie & Rehabilitation, 2003).
Hildebrandt, H.; Brokate, B.; Lanz, M.; Termes, T. Timm, C.: Exekutivfunktionsleistungen bei Patienten mit multipler Sklerose (Aktuelle Neurogie, 2003)
Hildebrandt, H.; Ebke, M.: Neglektdyslexie nach traumatischer frontotemporaler Blutung rechts (Fortschritte der Neurologie & Psychiatrie, 2003)
Hildebrandt, H.: Neuropsychologische Frührehabilitation (Z.f.Neuropsychologie, 2002)
Hildebrandt, H; Spang, K.; Ebke, M.: Visuospatial Hemi-inattendtion Following Cerebellar/ Brain Stem Bleeding (NeuroCase, 2002)
Bussmann-Mork, B. A.; Hildebrandt, H.; Gießelmann, H.; Sachsenheimer, W.: Behandlung mittelschwerer sprachlicher Gedächtnisstörungen: ein Vergleich mehrerer Methoden (Neurologie & Rehabilitation, 2001)
Hildebrandt, H.; Müller, S.; Bussmann-Mork, B. A.; Goebel, S.; Eilers, N.: Are Some Memory Deficits Unique to Lesions of the Mammillary Bodies? (J. Clin. Exp. Neuropsychol., 2001)
Hildebrandt, H.; Schwendemann, G.: Tonische und phasische Alertness - ein oder zwei rechtshemisphärische kortiko-subkortikale Netzwerke? (Aktuelle Neurologie, 2001)
Hildebrandt, H.; Gießelmann, H.; Sachsenheimer, W.; Schwendemann, G.: Topisch-neuropsychologische Diagnostik sprachlicher Gedächtnisdefizite (Fortschritte der Neurologie und Psychiatrie, 2001)
Lehmann, V.; Hildebrandt, H.; Olthaus, O.; Sachsenheimer, W.: Medikamentöse Beeinflussung visuo-räumlicher Aufmerksamkeitsstörungen bei rechtshirnigen Mediainfarkten (Aktuelle Neurologie, 2001)
Müller, S.V.; Hildebrandt, H.; Sachsenheimer, W.: Analyse des Bedarfs am klinischer Neuropsychologie in der stationären neurologischen Rehabilitation (Phase C und D) - eine empirische Studie an 788 Patienten (Die Rehabilitation, 2000)
Hildebrandt, H.; Zieger, A.; Engel, A.: Herzratenvariabilität unter sensorischer Stimulation als prognostischer Parameter für das funktionelle Outcome beim schweren Schädel-Hirn-Trauma. Aktuelle Neurologie, 27, 2000, 22-28
Hildebrandt, H.; Zieger, A.; Engel, A.; Kraft, A.: Kardiosomatische Kopplung als differentieller Indikator für Komatiefe und Effektivität sensorischer Stimulation (Aktuelle Neurologie)
Müller, S.; von der Fecht, A.; Hildebrandt, H.; Münte, T.: Kognitive Therapie von Störungen der Exekutivfunktionen. (Neurologie & Rehabilitation)
Ebke, M.; Hildebrandt, H.; Glock, E.; Schwendemann, G.: Donepezil for treating iatrogenic induced visual hallucinations (Poster)
Brokate, B.; Hildebrandt, H. & Fichtner, H. Aspekte des Kontextgedächtnisses bei Korsakow-Syndrom (Poster)
Bußmann-Mork, B.; Hildebrandt, H.; Sachsenheimer, W.: Vergleich zweier Therapieansätze zur Behandlung sprachlicher Gedächtnisstörungen
Bußmann-Mork, B.; Hildebrandt, H.: Diencephalic and temporal-lobe lesions: Differences not in memory performance but in committing different errors (Poster).