Corrigenda to Petri Net Primer
Corrigenda to Petri Net Primer
Page 152:
Line -16: replace „safe” by „live and safe”.
Line -15: it is actually the same example. A different example (with fewer reachable markings) can be found in Piotr Chrzastowski-Wachtel and Piotr Ulanowski: „Some Petri Net Problems with Counterintuitive Solutions”, Proc. PeNGE’24 Workshop (to appear).
Page 198:
Lines 6-8: Here, a correspondence is suggested between the notion of „impartiality” defined in one of the seminal papers on fairness [LPS81] and „weak fairness” as defined in Section 8.5. This correspondence seems shaky, because Proposition 5.18 states that „every strongly fair sequence is also weakly fair”, while [LPS81] state on page 276 that „every impartial computation is also a [strongly] fair computation”. It may also be debatable whether [LPS81]’s notion of „justice” corresponds to one hundred percent to the „finite delay property” as defined in Section 8.5, but these two notions certainly seem close to each other.
The authors are grateful to Rob van Glabbeek for pointing out the above on June 28, 2024, during the annual Petri Net Conference in Genève, Switzerland, at which he was an Invited Speaker.
Page 295:
Line 10: replace „to” by „the”.
Page 388:
Replace Theorem 17.23 and its proof by THIS .