

05/2017    Against Relative Overlap Measures of Coherence, 5th Reasoning Club Conf., Turin.

03/2017    Genuine confirmation and tacking by conjunction, Hamburg-Oldenburg Rationality

Workshop, Hamburg.

09/2015    Coherentism, pluralism and measure sensitivity, EPSA 2015, Düsseldorf.

08/2015    Contrastive coherentism, JUSTGroningen, Groningen.

08/2015    Coherentism, pluralism, and measure sensitivity, CLMPS 2015, Helsinki.

06/2015    Coherentism, pluralism and measure sensitivity,  MBR015, Sestri Levante.

03/2015    Contrastive coherence, New Frameworks of Rationality - Annual meeting, Etelsen.

01/2015    Genuine coherence and genuine confirmation, Forschungsseminar, Uni Düsseldorf.

07/2014    Coherence and inconsistency*, EENM 2014, Madrid.

01/2014    Coherence and inconsistency*, Unification and coherence workshop, Düsseldorf.

09/2013    Partial entailment and partial equivalence, SoPhiA 2013, Salzburg.

08/2013    Coherence and (likeness to) truth, EPSA 2013, Helsinki.

04/2013    Coherence and (likeness to) truth, Graduate conference, Groningen.

03/2013    Coherence and (likeness to) truth, 1. Konferenz der GWP, Hannover.

01/2013    Probabilistic measures of coherence: a two-level approach, TIF, Valencia.

12/2012    Measuring coherence, LEMMing graduate conference, Köln.

10/2012    Probabilistische Kohärenzmaße. Eine Neubewertung, Graduate conference, Bonn.

09/2012    Probabilistic measures of coherence: a two-level approach, GAP 8, Konstanz.

05/2012    Coherence: Explicating Conceptual Distinctions, GOFEW I, Oldenburg.

03/2012    Reanimating Probabilistic Coherence Measures, Tutzing.

01/2012    Kohärenz - Eine mathematische Perspektive, Forschungskolloquium, Oldenburg.

* joint work with M. Siebel

(Stand: 20.06.2024)  | 
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