E2 Modelling of Social Embeddedness through Use Cases and Architecture Models in the Context of Innovation Processes of ACPS


This project analyses the societal embeddedness of ACPS in the energy domain. First, it focuses on the evolution of ACPS based on the use of the established Smart Grid Architecture Model (SGAM) reference framework, its standards and processes in developing an ACPS. It thereby investigates how SGAM is used in organisational innovation projects with the help of a case study. The applied architecture process is regarded as an organisationally embedded instrument that is enacted by the participating organisations and individuals. Second, the constructed ACPS will be socially embedded once it has been established. The proposed project will investigate this embeddedness through the process of extended use case modelling and formalization. The subsequent larger range of use cases associated with energy domain ACPS, in turn, requires greater technical flexibility. This results in an interdependent interaction cycle with consequences for the usage of the architecture process and its technological development, which is investigated in this project in the context of ongoing Smart Grid/Smart City projects.


Theories and Key Concepts:

The research investigates the relationship between standardization processes and their application in innovation projects. Smart Grid projects involve heterogeneous stakeholders from different domains, each with varying technical knowledge, organizational structures, country-specific conditions, and cultural backgrounds. Use Cases and SGAM help different actors collaborate on Smart Grid scenarios, agree on common standards, and achieve technical interoperability. The research explores how structured methodologies like Use Cases may influence project organization and innovation activity.


  1. Paustian, Sabrina; Köhlke, Julia; Mattes, Jannika, Lehnhoff, Sebastian: The (still unexplored) Social Side of Smart Grid Development. Towards a Social Layer for the Smart Grid Architecture Model (SGAM). In: e-Energy '22: Proceedings of the Thirteenth ACM International Conference on Future Energy Systems, June 2022, p. 521–531. DOI: 10.1145/3538637.3539585 .

  2. Köhlke, Julia; Paustian, Sabrina; Mattes, Jannika; Lehnhoff, Sebastian; Uslar, Mathias: Perspectives on the Social Embeddedness of the Smart Grid Architecture Model in Innovation Projects. In:  CIRED 2021 - The 26th International Conference and Exhibition on Electricity Distribution,  p. 2725 – 2729. DOI: 10.1049/icp.2021.1616

  3. Köhlke, Schütz, Hanna: “Cross-Domain Stakeholder-Alignment in Collaborative SoS – Applying Lego Serious Play as a Boundary Object“, Systems of Systems Engineering (SoSe) 2021.

  4. Schütz, Uslar, Meister, Köhlke, ISGAN Management Paper 2022 “How to Improve the Interoperability of Digital (ICT) Systems in the Energy Sector

  5. Köhlke, Paustian, “Unification of heterogeneous knowledge and data – Use Cases and SGAM in the Smart Grid development”, Conference and Discussion Paper at Synchronizing Data in Organizations Conference, University of Siegen, September 2021.


Talks and project presentations 


2023: Sabrina Paustian, Julia Köhlke, Jannika Mattes und Sebastian Lehnhoff 'Ready, Set, Rollout…? The role of actor collaboration in the delay of the smart meter rollout in Germany‘ Second International Conference on New Pathways for a Just and Inclusive Energy Transition: Connecting Multiple Stakeholders and Levels, University of Groningen, 20.-21.06.2023.

2023: Sabrina Paustian, Julia Köhlke, Jannika Mattes und Sebastian Lehnhoff 'Ready, Set, Rollout…? Zur Bedeutung von heterogenen Akteuren bei der Verzögerung des Smart Meter Rollouts in Deutschland' Aktuelle Perspektiven der Wissenschafts- und Technikforschung Frühjahrstagung der Sektion Wissenschafts- und Technikforschung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Soziologie, TU Dortmund , 04.-05.05.2023.

2022: Sabrina Paustian, Jannika Mattes 'Digitalisation, standardisation and their organisational impact: The example of a collaborative innovation project in the energy sector' Organisationssoziologisches Kolloquium, TU Berlin, 17.11.2022.

2022: Sabrina Paustian, Ricarda Schmidt-Scheele, Jannika Mattes 'Heterogeneous cooperation in smart grid projects: Bridging institutional logics via digital standards?' 38th EGOS Colloquium 'Organizing: The Beauty of Imperfection', Sub-theme 23 'Digital Technology, Societal Change and Shifts in Institutional Logics'. WU Vienna, 07.-09.07.2022.

2022: Sabrina Paustian, Ricarda Schmidt-Scheele, Jannika Mattes 'Heterogeneous cooperation in smart grid projects: Bridging institutional logics via digital standards?' Tagung des DGS-Arbeitskreises „Soziologie der Nachhaltigkeit“: Kann eine digitale Gesellschaft nachhaltig sein? Soziologische Perspektiven auf die Wechselwirkungen von gesellschaftlicher Transformation, Technik und Natur. Universität Passau. 23.-24.06.2022.

2022: Sabrina Paustian, Julia Köhlke, Jannika Mattes, Sebastian Lehnhoff 'The (still unexplored) Social Side of Smart Grid Development. Towards a Social Layer for the Smart Grid Architecture Model (SGAM)'. ACM e-Energy 2022 Workshop on Bridging International Societal Differences in Autonomous and Digitalized Energy Systems. Virtual event/ Hybrid hub Oldenburg. 28.06.2022.

2021: Julia Köhlke, Sabrina Paustian, Jannika Mattes, Sebastian Lehnhoff, Mathias Uslar 'Perspectives on the Social Embeddedness of the Smart Grid Architecture Model in Innovation Projects’. CIRED 2021/online. 20.-23.09.2021.

2021: Sabrina Paustian, Julia Köhlke 'Unification of heterogeneous knowledge and data – Use Cases and SGAM in the Smart Grid development'. Workshop Synchronizing Data in Organizations, CRC "Media of Cooperation", University of Siegen/ online. 09.-10.09.2021.

2021: Sabrina Paustian, Jannika Mattes 'Standardisierung durch Digitalisierung im Energiesektor – Der Umgang mit Standardisierung in kollaborativen Innovationsprozessen' Vortrag im  Rahmen der virtuellen Jahrestagung 2021 der Sektion  Organisationssoziologie der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Soziologie „Große  Herausforderungen“ und Organisationen: Themenfelder, Theorien und  Methoden im Umbruch. 10.-11.06.21.

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