Double Master's Programme in Finance and Accounting

Aim of the Programme

The double master's programme offers you the opportunity to study internationally and obtain two master's degrees from two renowned universities. The integrated two-year programme offered by the Carl von Ossietzky University of Oldenburg in cooperation with the AACSB-accredited Nicolaus Copernicus University of Toruń, Poland, provides you with advanced knowledge in "Finance and Accounting". Upon successful completion of the programme, you will receive the master’s degree "Business Administration: Management and Law, M.A." with a focus on "Accounting, Finance, Taxation" from the University of Oldenburg and the master’s degree "Finance and Accounting, M.A." from the University of Toruń based on credit transfer.  

Programme Structure

Oldenburg students participating in the programme must be regular students of the master’s programme "Business Administration: Management and Law" with the specialization "Accounting, Finance, Taxation". The programme starts in winter semester. In the first and second semesters, you will study the modules outlined in the study plan below at the University of Oldenburg. In the third semester, you will study abroad in the master's programme "Finance and Accounting" at the University of Toruń. In the fourth semester, you will write your master’s thesis in one of the areas finance, accounting, or taxation at the University of Oldenburg.

University Semester Modules ECTS
wir801 Organisational and Management Concepts 6
  wir837 Advanced Corporate Finance 6

  wir808 Multivariate Statistics, wir809 Econometrics, or
  wir894 Econometrics of Policy Evaluation

  wir807 Taxation and Tax Law I, or wir815 Modern
  Transformations of International and EU Economic Law 
  wir823 International Finance and Exchange Rate
wir841 Advanced Financial Accounting 6
  wir847 Advanced Managerial Accounting  6
  wir842 Banking 6
  wir843 Financial Risk Management  6
  Elective 6
U Toruń 3
All third semester courses offered in the master's programme "Finance and Accounting" in Toruń. These courses will either focus on "Corporate Finance and Accounting" or on "Financial Markets and Institutions". 30
mam Master's Thesis Module 30

Application Procedure

The application for participation in the programme must be sent to the Coordination Office for International Studies of the Department of Business Administration, Economics, and Law (see contact details below) and must be submitted by 30 November of the year preceding the planned stay abroad.

To apply, please submit an informal cover letter accompanied by the following documents:

  1. Proof of enrolment in the Master's programme in Business Administration: Management and Law,
  2. a certified copy of the degree certificate of the degree relevant for admission to the Master's programme in Business Administration: Management and Law or - if this is not yet available - a certificate of the achievements, the credit points and the average grade according to § 2 Para. 2 of the Regulations on Admission and Admission to the consecutive Master's programme in Business Administration: Management and Law (M.A.),
  3. an informal declaration that a degree with a specialization in „Accounting, Finance, Taxation” is intended, as well as
  4. if applicable, proof of English language skills exceeding level B2 and proof of intercultural competences (e.g. proof of courses taken in this regard or internships abroad).

The admission procedure may include a selection interview. The admission decision is usually announced in December of the year preceding the planned stay abroad.

Please note that your stay abroad may be eligible for ERASMUS+ funding. To apply for funding, please also submit the respective ERASMUS+ application form provided by the University of Oldenburg’s International Office.   


Would you like to learn more about the double master's programme in Finance and Accounting? Get in touch:

Kerstin Groscurth, LL.M.EUR.

Room: A 5 2-221
Phone: 0441/798-4146



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