Prof. Dr. Torsten J. Selck


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A06 3-302A (» Adresse und Lageplan)

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Prof. Dr. Torsten J. Selck

Short Bio

After having studied public policy and management at the University of Konstanz, I graduated in August 1999 with a master thesis on conflict management in militarized disputes. In September 2004, I received my Ph.D. from Leiden University for a dissertation that analyses the explanatory power of game-theoretic models in the area of European Union legislative politics. The book was short-listed for the 2004 award of best dissertation in public administration in the Netherlands. Apart from the Universities of Konstanz and Leiden, I studied at the Universities of Liège in Belgium and Michigan/Ann Arbor in the United States.

From September 1999 to August 2003, I worked as a researcher at Leiden University. From September 2003 to March 2004, I was employed as an assistant professor of law and international relations and as a lecturer of international relations at the University of Groningen. From April 2004 to December 2006, I worked as an assistant professor of political economy at the University of Groningen. From January 2006 to June 2009, I was employed as an associate professor in comparative politics at the University of Nottingham’s School of Politics and International Relations. From September 2008 to June 2009, I worked as an associate professor of political science at Bilkent University in Ankara.

Since June 2009, I am employed as a professor of comparative politics and public policy at the University of Oldenburg. I am a member of the editorial board of the journal Administrative Sciences, and I chair the BA exams committee.

I have taught classes on comparative politics, European Union politics, and international politics as well as organization theory and social science research methods at the Universities of Konstanz, Leiden, Bilgi/Istanbul, Groningen, Nottingham, Bilkent/Ankara, and Oldenburg.


Apart from spending time with my wife and two children, I enjoy rowing and cycling.

Research and Teaching Interests

My primary research interests include political institutions and organizational decision-making, constitutional and legislative politics, public policy and foreign policy analysis, and negotiation and bargaining.


Stephanie Ohlrogge and Torsten J. Selck (2021), Radikalisierung Rechtsextremistischer Einzeltäter: Zum Einfluss Sozialer Isolation und des Internets auf Lone Actor Terroristen, Wiesbaden: Springer.

Stephanie Ohlrogge and Torsten J. Selck (2020), Homegrown Terrorism in Westeuropa: Die Erklärungskraft von Radikalisierungsmodellen, Göttingen: Cuvillier.

Constanze Kathan-Selck and Torsten J. Selck (2011), An Organizational Challenge: Improving Hospital Performance through New Professionals, Frankfurt: Peter Lang.

Torsten J. Selck and Tim Veen (eds.) (2008), Die Politische Ökonomie des EU-Entscheidungsprozesses: Modelle und Anwendungen, Wiesbaden: VS Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften.

Herman W. Hoen and Torsten J. Selck (eds.) (2007), Europa: Charming Zeus... and Numerous Others! International Political Economy of EU Accession, Leuven: Peeters Publishers.

Torsten J. Selck (2006), Preferences and Procedures: European Union Legislative Decision-Making, Dordrecht: Springer.


Katharina F.F. Heidtmann and Torsten J. Selck (2021), ‘Local level failure? Non-Compliance of EU Environmental Policy within EU Multi-Level Governance’, Regional & Federal Studies 1-20.

Torsten J., Selck,  Julia Bök and Ramona Amintavakoli (2020). Letter to the Editor: Do Weather and Sunlight Really Affect Alcohol Consumption? Hepatology, 72(6), 2239.

Öney, B. and Torsten J. Selck (2017), What was the 'Kurdish Opening' all about? A Qualitative Text Analysis of Parliamentary Group Speeches in Turkey, Ethnicities 17(6): 771-791.

Torsten J. Selck (2017), ‘Does Income Positively Affect Obesity at the Macro Level?’, International Journal of Obesity 41(2): 352–335.

Berna Öney and Torsten J. Selck (2017), Exploring the Level of Party System Institutionalization and Party System Type in Turkey: A Convergence on Established or on New Democracies?, Turkish Studies 18(2): 209-228.

Lilit Baghdasaryan and Torsten J. Selck (2016), 'Fractionalization of Unrecognized States in Europe', Wisdom 1(6): 101-106.

Torsten J. Selck (accepted), ‘Research Note: Democracy, Culture, and Just the Right Income: On EU Membership’, Turkish Journal of Politics.

Renke Deckarm and Torsten J. Selck (2015), ‘Understanding Politics in the College of European Commissioners: Suggestions for a Research Agenda’, Journal of Contemporary European Research 11(3): 296-303.

Torsten J. Selck and Renke Deckarm (2015), ‘Income, Democracy, and Public Policy: The Effects of Improved Sanitation on Life Expectancy’, Journal of Water, Sanitation and Hygiene for Development 3: 525-529.

Torsten J. Selck (2015), 'Letter regarding 2014 Journal of Epidemiology article by Nazrul Islam Mondal and Mahendran Shitan', Journal of Epidemiology 25(6): 459.

Andreas Slopinski and Torsten J. Selck (2014), 'Wie lassen sich Wertaussagen in Schulbüchern aufspüren? Ein politikwissenschaftlicher Vorschlag zur quantitativen Schulbuchanalyse am Beispiel des Themenkomplexes der Europäischen Integration', Journal of Educational Media, Memory, and Society 6(1): 124-41.

Torsten J. Selck and Renke Deckarm (2013), ‘A Cultured Club: Explaining EU Membership’, Turkish Journal of Politics 4(2): 127-32.

Jonathan Smiles and Torsten J. Selck (2010), 'Case Studies and EU Politics: A Reply to Miklin', West European Politics 33(6): 1362-69.

Densua Mumford and Torsten J. Selck (2010), ‘New Labour’s Ethical Dimension: Statistical Trends in Tony Blair’s Foreign Policy Speeches’, British Journal of Politics and International Relations 12(2): 295-312.

Torsten J. Selck, Şebnem Yardımcı, and Constanze Kathan (2009), ‘Still an Opaque Institution? Explaining Decision-Making in the EU Council Using Newspaper Information: A Reply to Sullivan and Veen’, Government and Opposition 44(4): 463-470.

Stephan Poth and Torsten J. Selck (2009), ‘Principal Agent Theory and Artificial Information Asymmetry’, Politics 29(2): 137-144.

Torsten J. Selck, Mark Rhinard, and Frank Haege (2007), ‘The Evolution of European Legal Integration’, European Journal of Law and Economics 24(3): 187-200.

Jonathan Sullivan and Torsten J. Selck (2007), ‘Political Preferences, Revealed Positions and Strategic Votes: Explaining Decision-Making in the EU Council’, Journal of European Public Policy 14(7): 1150-1161.

Torsten J. Selck (2006), ‘The Effects of Issue Salience on Political Decision-Making’, Constitutional Political Economy 17(1): 5-13.

Torsten J. Selck (2006), ‘Conceptualizing the European Union Legislative Process: Some Insight from The Federalist Papers’, Journal of European Integration 28(2): 121-136.

Torsten J. Selck (2006), ‘Veto Players, Decision Rules, and Dimensionality: The Effects of Institutional Change on Organizational Decision-Making’, Homo Oeconomicus 23(1): 43-55.

Torsten J. Selck and Mark Rhinard (2005), ‘Pares Inter Pares? The Relative Success of the Commission, the Council, and the Parliament in European Union Legislative Negotiations’, Swiss Political Science Review 11(3): 123-140.

Torsten J. Selck (2005), ‘Explaining the Absence of Inertia in European Union Legislative Decision-Making’, Journal of Common Market Studies 43(5): 1055-1070.

Michael Kaeding and Torsten J. Selck (2005), ‘Mapping Out Political Europe: Coalition Patterns in EU Decision-Making’, International Political Science Review 26(3): 271-90.

Torsten J. Selck (2005), ‘Improving the Explanatory Power of Bargaining Models: New Evidence from European Union Studies’, Journal of Theoretical Politics 17(3): 371-375.

Torsten J. Selck and Sanneke Kuipers (2005), ‘Shared Hesitance, Joint Success: Denmark, Finland, and Sweden in the European Union Policy Process’, Journal of European Public Policy 12(1): 157-176.

Torsten J. Selck and Bernard Steunenberg (2004), ‘Between Power and Luck: The European Parliament in the EU Legislative Process’, in Frans N. Stokman and Robert Thomson (eds.), Winners and Losers in the European Union, European Union Politics special issue 5(1): 25-46.

Torsten J. Selck (2004), ‘On the Dimensionality of European Union Legislative Decision-Making’, Journal of Theoretical Politics 16(2): 203-222.

Torsten J. Selck and Michael Kaeding (2004), ‘Divergent Interests, Different Success Rates: France, Germany, Italy, and the United Kingdom in EU Legislative Negotiations’, French Politics 2(1): 81-95.

Torsten J. Selck (2004), ‘The European Parliament’s Conditional Agenda-Setting Power Reconsidered: Assessing the Current State of the Procedural Models Literature’, Politics 24(2): 79-87.

Torsten J. Selck (2003), ‘Evaluating the Predictive Power of a Procedural Model for the European Union Legislative Process’, Journal of Legislative Studies 9(3): 140-152.


Torsten J. Selck and Tim Veen (2008), ‘Die Europäische Union aus der Sicht der Politischen Ökonomie’, in Torsten J. Selck and Tim Veen (eds.), Die Politische Ökonomie des EU-Entscheidungsprozesses: Modelle und Anwendungen, Wiesbaden: VS Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften, 9-28.

Constanze Kathan and Torsten J. Selck (2008), ‘Zum Stand der Dinge: Prozedurale Modelle der Gesetzgebungsbefugnisse des Europäischen Parlaments’, in Torsten J. Selck and Tim Veen (eds.), Die Politische Ökonomie des EU-Entscheidungsprozesses: Modelle und Anwendungen, Wiesbaden: VS Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften, 49-69.

Torsten J. Selck and Constanze Kathan (2008), ‘Eine Analyse des Europäischen Politischen Entscheidungsraumes’, in Torsten J. Selck and Tim Veen (eds.), Die Politische Ökonomie des EU-Entscheidungsprozesses: Modelle und Anwendungen, Wiesbaden: VS Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften, 92-110.

Herman W. Hoen and Torsten J. Selck (2007), ‘Europa: Charming Zeus... and Numerous Others!’, in Herman W. Hoen and Torsten J. Selck (eds.), Europa: Charming Zeus ... and Numerous Others! International Political Economy of EU Accession, Leuven: Peeters Publishers, ix-xxi.

Torsten J. Selck and Karolien de Bruine (2007), ‘The Effects of Enlargement on European Union Decision-Making Flexibility’, in Herman W. Hoen and Torsten J. Selck (eds.), Europa: Charming Zeus ... and Numerous Others! International Political Economy of EU Accession, Leuven: Peeters Publishers, 129-145.

Torsten J. Selck, Sanneke Kuipers, and Sylvia Simonova (2007), ‘Micro- Versus Macro-Level in EU Research: Estimating the Effects of the May 2004 Enlargement on Council Bargaining Outcomes’, in Herman W. Hoen and Torsten J. Selck (eds.), Europa: Charming Zeus... and Numerous Others! International Political Economy of EU Accession, Leuven: Peeters Publishers, 179-186.

Bernard Steunenberg and Torsten J. Selck (2006), ‘Testing Procedural Models of European Union Legislative Decision-Making’, in Robert Thomson, Frans N. Stokman, Christopher H. Achen and Thomas König (eds.), The European Union Decides, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 54-84.


Torsten J. Selck, Ramona Amintavakoli, and Julia Bök (2020), ‘Power to the Women? A Reply to Garikipati and Kambhampati’, SSRN, September 12th.

Selck, Torsten J. (2018), 'No to no deal', Letter to the Editor, The Economist, 6th December.

Renke Deckarm and Torsten J. Selck (2015), 'Turkey’s EU Perspective: How the Refugee Crisis has Accelerated Membership Negotiations ', European Futures.

Selck, Torsten J. (2013), ‘Attacking Syria’, Letter to the Editor, The Economist, 9th September.

Torsten J. Selck (2012), ‚Politikberatung: Zum Artikel ‚Zur Rolle der Ökonometrie in der Wissenschaftlichen Politikberatung’ von Gebhart Kirchgässner’, FAZ, 3rd November, p. 7.

Berna Öney and Torsten J. Selck (2011), ‘Where is Turkey Heading?’, Einblicke 54, pp. 24-29.

Kamil Marcinkiewicz, Torsten J. Selck (2011), ‚Review of ‘Nizza oder Tod! Zur Negativen Dialektik von Erweiterung und Vertiefung der Europäischen Union von Nizza bis Lissabon’’, by Helmut P. Gaisbauer, Neue Politische Literatur 56: 147-148.

Jonathan Sullivan and Torsten J. Selck (2007), ‘European Integration and the EU Reform Treaty’, International Affairs Forum, September.

Torsten J. Selck (2005), ‘An der Größe Liegt Es Nicht: Zum Bericht ‘Türkeibeschluss Beschert der EU einen Aufgabenberg’’, Financial Times Deutschland, 11th October, p. 30.

Torsten J. Selck (2004), ‘Ineffectieve Instituties of Tegengestelde Belangen? Enige Ideeen over de op Handen Zijnde Uitbreiding van de Europese Unie naar het Oosten’, Brutus, Vol. 8, No. 2.

Torsten J. Selck (2000), ‘Review of ‘Political Decisions and Agency Performance’’, by René Torenvlied, Political Studies, Vol. 48, No. 5, p. 1087.

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