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Onderzoeksbezoek in 2023 aan het Centre for Dutch and Flemish Studies van de Universiteit Sheffield: Focus on linguistics

Lehrkonzeptesammlung der Hochschuldidaktik der Universität Oldenburg. Leerconcept van het college Taaltypologie: Overeenkomsten en verschillen tussen West-Germaanse morfologie en syntaxis (zomersemester 2020)

Een sandwich Duits en Engels met daartussen Nederlands, alstublieft! door studenten Neerlandistiek

Ontstaan in het kader van het college Taaltypologie: Overeenkomsten en verschillen tussen West-Germaanse morfologie en syntaxis

De Belder, M. & Hiemstra, A. (2023). Creating awareness of pluricentricity at university language departments: A case study of Dutch. In M. Callies, & S. Hehner, (Eds.), Pluricentric Languages and Language Education: Pedagogical Implications and Innovative Approaches to Language Teaching (pp. 132–174). Routledge.

Open access

Andreas Hiemstra

Double Degree PhD Studentnull

(University of Oldenburg & University of Groningen)

Dutch Linguistics


Research interests:

Language acquisition, language processing & language production

multilingualism, especially third language acquisition

linguistic transfer (morphology & syntax)

multilingual pedagogies & didactics


Current project:

Dissertation project: Morphosyntactic transfer between closely related languages in third language production(L1/L2 German/English – L3 Dutch): A study on Dutch superlatives and two-verb clusters (working title).

In this project, we investigate the acceptability, processing and production of superlatives and 2-verb clusters in Dutch by L3 learners who either have German as the L1 and English as the L2 or English as the L1 and German as the L2. Dutch has two optional variants for superlatives and 2-verb clusters, whereas German and English allow only one opposing option: natuurlijkste (GER)/meest natuurlijke (ENG) and gedanst heeft (GER)/heeft gedanst (ENG). In Dutch, both variants of the superlative and 2-verb clusters are grammatical. In our study, we aim to find out how L3 learners of Dutch differ from native speakers in how they process, judge and produce different types of superlatives and 2-verb clusters. In particular, we are interested to see whether deviations from non-native behaviour can be explained by transfer from the L1, transfer from the L2 (Bardel & Falk, 2007), (psycho-)typological factors (Rothman, 2011), foreign language proficiency, or a combination of several of these factors.

Supervisors: Prof. Dr. Esther Ruigendijk (University of Oldenburg), Prof. Dr. Marije Michel (University of Groningen), Dr. Greg Poarch (University of Groningen), Dr. Ankelien Schippers (University of Oldenburg)

Long-distance wh-questions in L3 Dutch

In this joint project with Ankelien Schippers (Groningen), we investigate the acceptability and processing of different types of long-distance wh-questions in Dutch by L3 learners who either have German as the L1 and English as the L2 or English as the L1 and German as the L2. Long-distance questions involve movement of a question word from a subordinate clause into a higher clause and are highly complex structures, which are not explicitly taught in language courses. They show a lot of variability in their acceptability and the ways in which they are realized across languages. In our study, we aim to find out how L3 learners of Dutch differ from native speakers in how they process, judge and produce different types of long-distance questions. In particular, we are interested to see whether deviations from non-native behaviour can be explained by transfer from the L1, transfer from the L2, access to UG principles or processing factors, or a combination of several of these factors.

Extraposition of prepositional phrases in Dutch and German

In this joint project with Esther Ruigendijk (University of Oldenburg), we investigate the acceptability of different types of extraposition of PPs in Dutch and German. Extraposition of adjunct PPs is considered grammatical in both Dutch and German, especially with increasing PP complexity. However, while extraposition of complement PPs is considered grammatical in Dutch, particularly with increasing PP complexity, it is deemed ungrammatical or highly marked in German. In our study, we aim to determine how native speakers of German differ from native speakers of Dutch in their judgments of various types of extraposition of PPs. In particular, we are interested in exploring whether judgments of native speakers of German and Dutch vary between adjunct and complement PPs, are influenced by PP complexity, and whether factors such as age and gender play a role.

Reading group: Statistics for Linguists (Institute of Dutch Studies)

Starting in early 2024, I initiated the Statistics for Linguists reading group for postdocs, PhD students, and Master's students at the Institute of Dutch Studies. We hold monthly meetings where we delve into various topics related to constructing linear mixed-effects models and generalized linear mixed-effects models in R. These discussions often revolve around analyzing data on self-paced reading (RTs) and grammaticality judgments (RTs & scores). If you're interested in joining our reading group, feel free to reach out to me.

Zur Person

Seit Oktober 2019 bin ich als Promotionsstudent mit dem Institut für Niederlandistik der Universität Oldenburg verbunden. Seit Oktober 2022 bin ich im Rahmen des Double Degree PhD Programms zudem als Promotionsstudent mit der Graduate School for the Humanities der Universität Groningen verbunden. Im Rahmen meiner Promotion untersuche ich den Einfluss, den die Erstsprache (Deutsch / Englisch) und die Zweitsprache (Englisch / Deutsch) auf den Erwerb der Morphologie und Syntax der Drittsprache (Niederländisch) haben. Meine Arbeit im Labor für Sprach- und Musikforschung der Universität Oldenburg konzentriert sich dabei auf experimentelle Arbeiten (Sprachverarbeitung und Sprachproduktion) im Rahmen meiner Promotion (u. a. selfed-paced reading tasks, grammaticality judgement tasks, cloze tasks & Likert items task).

Seit Oktober 2019 Lehre ich an der Universität Oldenburg. Innerhalb meiner Lehre fokussiere ich einerseits die Geschichte und Variation des Niederländischen (Vorlesung, B.A./M.Ed.) und andererseits die Themen Spracherwerb, Sprachverarbeitung und Sprachdidaktik (Seminar, B.A.).


Seit 2019

Double Degree PhD Student (Niederländische Sprachwissenschaft). BetreuerInnen: Prof. Dr. Esther Ruigendijk, Institut für Niederlandistik, Carl von Ossietzky Universität Oldenburg; Prof. Dr. Marije Michel, Faculty of Arts, Proficiency European Languages and Cultures - Language Learning, Rijksuniversiteit Groningen; Dr. Ankelien Schippers, Institut für Niederlandistik, Carl von Ossietzky Universität Oldenburg & Dr. Greg Poarch, Faculty of Arts, Linguistics & English as a Second Language, Rijksuniversiteit Groningen

Arbeitstitel: Linguistischer Transfer zwischen eng verwandten Sprachen im Drittspracherwerb (L1/L2 Deutsch/Englisch – L3 Niederländisch)


Seit 2023 Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter am Institut für Niederlandistik der Carl von Ossietzky Universität Oldenburg
2022 – 2023 Stipendiat (Vollzeit) der Graduate School for the Humanities, Faculty of Arts, Rijksuniversiteit Groningen im Rahmen des Double Degree PhD Programms der Universitäten Oldenburg und Groningen

Forschungsaufenthalt bei Dr. Henriette Louwerse, Faculty of Arts and Humanities, School of Languages and Cultures, Dutch Studies, University of Sheffield (Großbritannien)

2019 – 2022 Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter am Institut für Niederlandistik der Carl von Ossietzky Universität Oldenburg

Lehr- und Forschungsaufenthalt bei Prof. Dr. Marije Michel, Faculty of Arts, Proficiency European Languages and Cultures - Language Learning, Rijksuniversiteit Groningen (Niederlande)

2018 – 2019 Studentische Hilfskraft am Institut für Biologie und Umweltwissenschaften (Didaktik der Biologie) und Institut für Chemie (Physikalische Chemie) der Carl von Ossietzky Universität Oldenburg
2017 – 2018 Auslandssemester an der Universiteit Gent (Belgien)
2016 – 2019 M.Ed. Biologie / Englisch an der Carl von Ossietzky Universität Oldenburg
2016 – 2019 Studentische Hilfskraft am Institut für Niederlandistik (Sprachwissenschaft, Sprachpraxis) der Carl von Ossietzky Universität Oldenburg
2015 Auslandssemester an der University of Stirling (Schottland)
2013 – 2019 Erw.fach Niederländisch an der Carl von Ossietzky Universität Oldenburg
2012 – 2016 B.A Biologie / Anglistik an der Carl von Ossietzky Universität Oldenburg


Hiemstra, A., Michel, M., & Ruigendijk, E. (accepted). Psychotypologie: Perceptie van typologische afstand tussen het Nederlands en haar Germaanse buren door Duitstalige en Engelstalige leerders en eerstetaalsprekers van het Nederlands.

Hiemstra, A. (2023). Taaltypologie: Overeenkomsten en verschillen tussen West-Germaanse morfologie en syntaxis. University of Oldenburg, Lehrkonzepte-Sammlung.

De Belder, M. & Hiemstra, A. (2023). Creating awareness of pluricentricity at university language departments: A case study of Dutch. In M. Callies, & S. Hehner, (Eds.), Pluricentric Languages and Language Education: Pedagogical Implications and Innovative Approaches to Language Teaching (pp. 132–174). Routledge. DOI: 10.4324/9781003248552-11  Open access

Vorträge, Workshops & Gastvorträge


Hiemstra, A., Michel, M., Poarch, G., Schippers, A., & Ruigendijk, E. (2024, August 29 - 31). Linguistic transfer between closely related languages in L3 acquisition: (Psycho)Typological distance vs. L2 status (L1/L2 German/English – L3 Dutch) [Oral presentation]. 13th International Conference on Third Language Acquisition and Multilingualism, Groningen, The Netherlands.

Hiemstra, A. (2024, August 26). Morphosyntactic transfer between closely related languages in third language acquisition (L1/L2 German/English – L3 Dutch): A study on Dutch superlatives and two-verb clusters. Groningen-Oldenburg-Workshop on Language Acquisition and Processing, Groningen, The Netherlands.

Hiemstra, A., Michel, M., Poarch, G., Schippers, A., & Ruigendijk, E. (2024, April 11 - 12). Linguistic transfer in L3 acquisition (L1/L2 German/English – L3 Dutch): A study on Dutch verb clusters and superlatives [Oral presentation]. A Germanic Sandwich 2024, Lancaster, Great Britain.

Hiemstra, A., & Ruigendijk, E. (2024, April 11 - 12). Extraposition of complement PPs in Dutch and German [Oral presentation]. A Germanic Sandwich 2024, Lancaster, Great Britain.

Hiemstra, A., Michel, M., Poarch, G., Schippers, A., & Ruigendijk, E. (2024, March 21 - 23). Linguïstische transfer tussen nauw verwante talen bij derdetaalverwerving (L1/L2 Duits/Engels – L3 Nederlands): Taalverwerkingsstudie [Paper presentation]. Docentenbijeenkomst (Dobij), Berlin & Leipzig, Germany.


Hiemstra, A. (2023, March 23). Linguistic transfer between closely related languages in third language acquisition (L1/L2 German/English – L3 Dutch) [Oral presentation]. University of Groningen, Faculty of Arts, Center for Language and Cognition Groningen (CLCG), Linguistics Lunch, Groningen, the Netherlands.

Hiemstra, A. (2023, March 6 - 7). Linguïstische transfer tussen nauw verwante talen vanuit didactisch perspectief [Workshop]. Nederlands – de school uit, de wereld in!. 11. Kolloquium der Fachvereinigung Niederländisch 2023, Oldenburg, Germany.

Hiemstra, A. (2023, February 28). Psycholinguistic methods in research on linguistic transfer in third language acquisition (L1/L2 German/English – L3 Dutch) [Oral presentation]. University of Sheffield, School of Languages and Cultures, Germanic Studies, Dutch, Sheffield, Great Britain.

Hiemstra, A. (2023, February 21). The role of (psycho-)typological distance in linguistic transfer (L1 English – L2 German – L3 Dutch) [Workshop]. University of Newcastle, School of Modern Languages, Germanic Studies, Dutch, Newcastle, Great Britain.


Schippers, A., Hiemstra, A. & Ruigendijk, E. (2022, September 22 - 24). Long-distance wh-dependencies in L3 German speakers of Dutch [Oral presentation]. Generative Approaches to Language Acquisition (GALA 2022), Frankfurt, Germany.

Hiemstra, A. (2022, August 24 - 27). Linguistic transfer between closely related languages in L3 acquisition (L1/L2 German/English – L3 Dutch) [Oral presentation]. European Second Language Association (EuroSLA 31), Fribourg, Switzerland.

Schippers, A. & Hiemstra, A. (2022, August 23). Long-distance asymmetries in native and L3 Dutch [Oral presentation]. The mirror asymmetry: Long-distance subject/object asymmetries from a theoretical and empirical perspective, Oldenburg, Germany.

Hiemstra, A. (2022, July 14). Self-Paced reading to investigate CLI: Transformation of reaction times [Impulse presentation]. 3rd Birmingham Statistics for Linguists Summer School, Birmingham, Great Britain.

Hiemstra, A. & Ruigendijk, E. (2022, April 07 - 08). Linguistischer Transfer zwischen eng verwandten Sprachen im Drittspracherwerb (L1/L2 Deutsch/Englisch – L3 Niederländisch) [Oral presentation]. 22. Norddeutsches Linguistisches Kolloquium (NLK), Oldenburg, Germany.

Hiemstra, A. & Ruigendijk, E. (2022, March 17 - 18). Linguïstische transfer tussen nauw verwante talen bij derdetaalverwerving (L1/L2 Duits/Engels – L3 Nederlands) [Oral presentation]. A Germanic Sandwich 2022, Cologne, Germany.

Schippers, A. & Hiemstra, A. (2022, March 17 - 18). Langeafstandsvragen in L1 en L3 Nederlands [Oral Presentation]. A Germanic Sandwich 2022, Cologne, Germany.

Hiemstra, A. (2022, March 03). Introductie tot Self-Paced Reading [Guest lecture]. University of Groningen, Faculty of Arts, BA European Languages and Cultures, Groningen, the Netherlands.

Hiemstra, A. (2022, March 02). Linguistic transfer between closely related languages in third language acquisition (L1/L2 German/English – L3 Dutch) [Oral presentation]. University of Groningen, Faculty of Arts, Applied Linguistics – Applied Linguistics Lab (ALLAB), Groningen, the Netherlands.

Hiemstra, A. (2022, March 01). European Languages: Structure and Variation, Morphology I [Guest lecture]. University of Groningen, Faculty of Arts, BA European Languages and Cultures, Groningen, the Netherlands.

Hiemstra, A. (2022, February 28). Linguistic transfer between closely related languages in third language acquisition: Online data collection with E-Prime Go [Workshop]. University of Groningen, Faculty of Arts, MA Education in Language and Culture, Groningen, the Netherlands.

Hiemstra, A. (2022, February 14). Morphological and syntactic linguistic transfer between the closely related languages German (L1/L2), English (L2/L1) and Dutch (L3) [Oral presentation]. University of Groningen, Faculty of Arts, Center for Language and Cognition Groningen (CLCG) - Semantics and Cognition, Groningen, the Netherlands.

Hiemstra, A. (2022, February 08). Linguistic transfer between the closely related languages German (L1/L2), English (L2/L1) and Dutch (L3): Pedagogical implications for the L3 classroom [Oral presentation]. University of Groningen, Faculty of Arts, European Languages and Cultures - Language Learning, Groningen, the Netherlands.


Hiemstra, A. (2021, August 26 – 27). Linguïstische transfer tussen nauw verwante talen bij derdetaalverwerving (L1/L2 Duits/Engels – L3 Nederlands) [Oral presentation]. Colloquium voor doctorandi en habilitandi (DigiDoHa), Berlin, Germany.

Hiemstra, A. & Ruigendijk, E. (2021, June 10 – 11). Linguistic transfer between closely related languages in TLA (L1/L2 German/English – L3 Dutch): Pilot study [Poster presentation]. 41st TABU Dag, Groningen, the Netherlands.

Hiemstra, A. (2021, April 23 – 24). Linguistischer Transfer zwischen eng verwandten Sprachen im Drittspracherwerb (Deutsch/Englisch - Niederländisch) [Oral presentation]. 17. Sprachwissenschaftliche Tagung für Promotionsstudierende (STaPs), Freiburg, Germany.


De Belder, M. & Hiemstra, A. (2020, September 30 – October 1). Creating awareness of the pluricentricity of Dutch [Oral presentation]. Pluricentric languages and foreign language teaching: Implications for reflective practice in schooling, higher education and teacher training. International Symposium, Bremen, Germany.

Organisation von Tagungen, Workshops, Gastvorträgen & Exkursionen

2024, July 3

Anne Renzel (University of Münster): Title: Processing flexible argument structure in Dutch, German and English: A self-paced reading experiment [Guest lecture within the lecture series Sprachdynamik, SOSE 24]

2024, May 2 Dr. Greg Poarch (University of Groningen): Title: Cross-linguistic activation and cognitive control in child and adult L2 and L3 learners of English [Guest lecture within the seminar Experimental linguistics: Verb clusters in West-Germanic languages and the lecture series Sprachdynamik, SOSE 24]
2024, February 1 Prof. Dr. Ann Marynissen (University of Cologne): Title: Het Nederlands in België en Nederland: een portret met vele gezichten [Guest lecture within the lecture Geschiedenis en variatie van het Nederlands, WISE 23/24]
2023, Novemver 29 Oldenburg-Groningen-Workshop on Language Acquisition and Pocessing. [Workshop jointly organised with Matthias Reiner, Roos Weijers und Esther Ruigendijk]
2023, October 24 Exhibition: Hunebedden: Großsteingräber der Jungsteinzeit (Landesmuseum Natur und Mensch Oldenburg) [Field trip within the lecture Geschiedenis en variatie van het Nederlands, WISE 23/24]
2023, January 09

Prof. Dr. Matthias Hüning (Free University of Berlin): Het Nederlands op de Caribische eilanden [Guest lecture within the lecture Geschiedenis en variatie van het Nederlands, WISE 22/23]

2022, August 22 The mirror asymmetry: Long-distance subject/object asymmetries from a theoretical and empirical perspective [Workshop jointly organised with Matthias Reiner, Esther Ruigendijk und Ankelien Schippers]
2022, June 30 – July 01

Small languages, big ideas: the smaller Germanic languages from a theoretical, general and comparative perspective (SLBI), [Conference jointly organised with Franziska Buchmann, Suzanne Dekker, Hanneke Loerts, Ankelien Schippers und Heike Schoormann]

2022, January 18

Prof. Dr. Gunther De Vogelaer (University of Münster): De historische gelaagdheid van het Nederlandse dialectenlandschap [Guest lecture within the lecture Geschiedenis en variatie van het Nederlands, WISE 21/22]

2021, December 21

Exhibition: Vortreffliche Niederländer! (Landesmuseum Kunst und Kultur Oldenburg) [Field trip within the lecture Geschiedenis en variatie van het Nederlands, WISE 21/22]

2021, November 12–13 13. Nordwestdeutsches Linguistisches Kolloquium (NWLK). [Conference jointly organised with Marina Frank und Marina Rohloff]
2019, December 06 Oldenburg-Groningen-Workshop. [Workshop jointly organised with Caroline Postler und Esther Ruigendijk]

Weitere Tätigkeiten & Mitgliedschaften

Aufgaben in der akademischen Selbstverwaltung
05/2023 - heute Stv. Mitglied der Fakultären Entwicklungsgruppe der Fakultät III
06/2021 - heute Mitglied des Institutsrats der Niederlandistik
10/2021 - 04/2023

Mitglied der Fakultären Entwicklungsgruppe der Fakultät III

07/2021 - 01/2022 Mitglied des Fakultätsrates der Fakultät III

07/2021 - 01/2022

Mitglied der Promovierendenvertretung

03/2020 - 06/2021  Stv. Mitglied des Institutsrats der Niederlandistik


12/2022 - heute Association for Low Countries Studies in the UK & Ireland (ALCS)
12/2022 - heute

Netherlands Graduate School of Linguistics (LOT)

07/2022 - heute Fachvereinigung Niederländisch
06/2021 - heute

European Second Language Association (EuroSLA)

10/2019 - heute


(Stand: 18.07.2024)  | 
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