
For questions regarding programmes for early career researchers and qualification offers: 

Promotion of Early Career Researchers and International Team 

For questions regarding doctoral and habilitation procedures: 

Academic Procedures Team

Human medicine –

Within the framework of the doctorate for the degree Dr. med., successful participation in the accompanying curriculum for the acquisition of scientific skills amounting to a total of 6 credit points (KP) is required. Through this accompanying curriculum, doctoral students acquire subject and methodological skills, as well as practical skills, which should enable them to successfully complete their doctorate and enter a science-based occupation. For further information on the accompanying curriculum, please refer to Annex 1 of the doctoral regulations and the following information sheet:

Please use the following routing slip as proof of successful participation in the accompanying curriculum:

The proof of participation in the accompanying curriculum will be submitted together with the application documents when the doctoral procedure is initiated (see § 10 para. 2 PromO). The doctoral committee decides on the recognition of the achievements.

Twice a year, during the May and November meetings, you have the opportunity to submit your course planning in advance to the doctoral committee for review.

Further information


(Stand: 09.10.2024)  | 
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