

Publications 1999-2000

Ordered by year/date of publication.

  1. Helmers, H., Burke, J.: How knowledge about speckle intensity and phase gradients can improve electronic speckle pattern interferometry, ICO XVII: Optics for the Next Millennium, San Francisco, USA, August 2-6, 1999; Proc. SPIE 3749 (1999) 216-217
  2. Burke, J., Helmers, H.: Performance of Temporal versus Spatial Phase Shifting in ESPI, Interferometry ´99, Pultusk, Poland, September 20-23, 1999; Proc. SPIE 3744 (1999) 188-199
  3. Fricke-Begemann, T.; Gülker, G.; Hinsch, K. D.; Joost, H.: Remote localization of debonded areas in historical murals by TV-holography, Proc. art'99 'Non-Destructive Testing and Microanalysis for the Diagnostics and Conservation of the Cultural and Environmental Heritage' (1999) 247-255, Rom
  4. Fricke-Begemann, T.; Gülker, G.; Hinsch, K. D.; Joost, H.: Remote localization of debonded areas in historical murals by TV-holography, NDT NET - The e-Journal of Nondestructive Testing & Ultrasonic 4.11 (1999) www.ndt.net/article/v04n12/guelker/guelker.htm 
  5. Fricke-Begemann, T.; Gülker, G.; Hinsch, K.D.; Wolff, K.: Analyse dynamischer Vorgänge an technischen Oberflächen mit Speckle-Korrelation, Technisches Messen 66.11 (1999) 463-469
  6. Ganesan, A. R.; Hinsch, K. D., Meinlschmidt, P.: Transition between rationally and irrationally related vibration modes in time-average holography, Opt. Commun. 174.5-6 (2000) 347-353
  7. Brozeit, A.; Burke, J.; Helmers, H.: Active Phase Stabilisation in Electronic Speckle Pattern Interferometry without Additional Optical Components, Opt. Commun. 173.1-6 (2000) 95-1000
  8. Fricke-Begemann, T.; Gülker, G.; Hinsch, K. D.; Wolff, K.: Corrosion monitoring with speckle correlation, Appl. Opt. 38.28 (1999) 5948-5955
  9. Fricke-Begemann, T.; Gülker, G.; Hinsch, K. D.; Joost, H.: Vibration monitoring by TV-holography - a diagnostic tool in the conservation of historical murals, Proc. OWLS V ´Optics and Lasers in Biomedicine and Culture´ (2000) 123 - 126, Springer Verlag, Berlin u.a.
  10. Fricke-Begemann, T.; Gülker, G.; Hinsch, K.D.; Joost, H.: Mural inspection by vibration measurements with TV holography, Opt. Laser Eng. 32 (2000) 537-548
  11. Burke, J.; Helmers, H.: Spatial versus temporal phase shifting in electronic speckle-pattern interferometry: noise comparison in phase maps, Appl. Opt. 39.25 (2000) 4598-4606
  12. Burke, J.; Helmers, H.: Matched data storage in ESPI by combination of spatial phase shifting and temporal phase unwrapping, Opt. Laser Technol. 32.4 (2000) 235-240
  13. Hinsch, K. D.; Fricke-Begemann, T.; Gülker, G.; Wolff, K.: Speckle correlation for the analysis of random processes at rough surfaces, Opt. Laser Eng. 33.2 (2000) 87-105
  14. Kraft, Arne; Gülker, G.; Hinsch, K. D.; El Jarad, A.: Low-coherence videoholography for sub-surface deformation measurements in layered objects, Proc. SPIE 4101 (2000) 89-96
  15. Herrmann, S.; Hinrichs, H.; Hinsch, K. D.; Surmann, C.: Coherence concepts in holographic particle image velocimetry, Exp. Fluids 29/S1 (2000) S108-S116
  16. Herrmann, S. F.; Geiger, M.; Hinsch, K. D.; Peinke, J.: Light-in-Flight holography with switched reference beams for cross- correlation in deep volume PIV, in Adrian, R. J. et. al. [Eds.]: Eighth International Symposium on Applications of Laser Techniques to Fluid Mechanics, PIV 123b, Lissabon, 2000
  17. Geiger, M.; Herrmann, S. F.; Hinsch, K. D.; Peinke, J.: Analysis of free jet turbulence with cross-correlation Light-in-Flight holography (LiFH), in Trinite, M. [Ed.]; Kompenhans, J. [Ed.]; Stanislas, M. [Ed.]: Application of PIV to turbulence measurements - Development of 3C stereoscopic and holographic techniques, EUROMECH 411 - European Mechanics Society, Rouen, France, 2000
  18. Herrmann, S. F.; Hinsch K. D.; Geiger, M.: Electro-optic switching for cross-correlation processing in a light-in-flight HPIV system, in Carlomagno, G. M. [Ed.]; Grant, I. [Ed.]: Proceedings of the Millenium 9th International Symposium on Flow Visualization, Edinburgh, 2000
  19. Herrmann, S. F.; Hinsch K. D.; Geiger, M.: Deep-volume holographic particle image velocimetry, in Carlomagno, G. M. [Ed.]; Grant, I. [Ed.]: Proceedings of the Millenium 9th International Symposium on Flow Visualization, Edinburgh, 2000
  20. Gülker, G.; Hinsch, K. D.; Kraft, A.: TV-holography on a microscopic scale: deformation monitoring on polychrome terracotta warriors, Proc. Int. Conf. Interferometry in speckle light, Lausanne, 2000, 337-344, Springer, Berlin u.a.
  21. Gülker, G.; Hinsch, K. D.; Joost, H.: Identifikation loser Putzschichten an historischen Wandmalereien durch akustische Anregung und laseroptische Detektion, Fortschritte der Akustik - DAGA 2000 (2000) 650-651, Deutsche Gesellschaft für Akustik, Oldenburg
  22. Herrmann, S. F.; Geiger, M.; Hinsch, K. D.; Peinke, J.: Light-in-Flight holography with switched reference beams for cross-correlation in deep volume PIV, in: Adrian, R. J. et al [Eds.]: Eighth International Symposium on Applications of Laser Techniques to Fluid Mechanics, Proceedings on CD Rom, PIV 123b, Lissabon, 2000
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