

Publications 1997-1998

Ordered by year/date of publication.

  1. Gülker, G.; Hinsch, K.D.: Detection of surface microstructure changes by electronic speckle pattern interferometry, Opt. Laser Eng. 26.2-3 (1997) 165-178
  2. Bothe, T.; Burke, J.; Helmers, H.: Spatial phase shifting in ESPI: minimization of phase reconstruction errors, Appl. Opt. 36.22 (1997) 5310-5316
  3. Sirohi, R. S.; Burke, J.; Helmers, H.; Hinsch, K.: Spatial phase shifting for pure in-plane displacement and displacement-derivative measurements in electronic speckle pattern interferometry (ESPI) , Appl. Opt. 36.23 (1997) 5787-5791
  4. Böhmer, M.; Hinrichs, H.; Hinsch, K.; Kickstein, J.; Netter, R.; Surmann, C.: Optical Coherence Tomography for the Analysis of Three-dimensional Flow Fields, Opt. Photonics News 8.12 (1997) 19-20
  5. Hinrichs, H.; Hinsch, K.; Kickstein, J.; Böhmer, M.: Light-in-flight holography for visualization and velocimetry in three-dimensional flows, Opt. Lett. 22.11 (1997) 828-830
  6. Adams, M.; Hinsch, K.; Lange, F.; Wolff, K.: Polarization effects in speckle correlation metrology, Opt. Eng. 36.8 (1997) 2225-2228
  7. Gülker, G.: Investigation of Decay Mechanisms in Historical Artwork Using TV-Holography, Proc. Optics within Life Science OWLS IV (Optical Technologies in the Humanities) (1997) 52-68, Springer-Verlag, Berlin u.a.
  8. Burke, J.; Bothe, T.; Helmers, H.; Kunze, C.; Sirohi, R. S.; Wilkens, V.: Spatial Phase Shifting in ESPI: Influence of second-Order Speckle Statistics on Fringe Quality, Proc. FRINGE "97 (1997) 111-116, Akademie-Verlag, Berlin
  9. Sirohi, R. S.; Burke, J.; Bothe, T.; Helmers, H.; Hinsch, K. D.: New Applications of Michelson Stellar Interferometer in Speckle Metrology using Spatial Phase-Shifting, Proc. FRINGE "97 (1997) 489-496, Akademie-Verlag, Berlin
  10. Hinsch, K. D.; Joost, H.; Meinlschmidt, P.; Schlüter, F.: Modulation of Laser Diode Parameters for Special Performance Electronic Speckle Pattern Interferometry (ESPI), Opt. Commun. 144 (1997) 12-16
  11. Fricke-Begemann, T.; Gülker, G.; Hinsch, K.; Kurscheit, D.; Wolff, K.: Speckle Field Decorrelation - a Limiting Factor in Interferometric Metrology, Proc. FRINGE "97 (1997) 325-327, Akademie-Verlag, Berlin
  12. Hinrichs, H.; Hinsch, K.; Kickstein, J.; Böhmer, M.: Deep field noise in holographic particle image velocimetry (HPIV): numerical and experimental particle image field modelling, Exp. Fluids 24 (1998) 333-339
  13. Sirohi, R. S.; Hinsch, K. D. [Eds.]: Holographic Interferometry - Principles and Techniques, (SPIE milestone series Vol. 144), SPIE Optical Engineering Press, Bellingham, 1998
  14. Gülker, G.; Helmers, H.; Hinsch, K.; Meinlschmidt, P.; Wolff, K.: Berührungslose Ferndiagnostik von Mikroverformungen an Baudenkmälern, Jahresberichte Steinzerfall - Steinkonservierung 1994-1996 Bd. 6 (1998) 165-171, Fraunhofer IRB Verlag, Stuttgart
  15. Fricke-Begemann, T.; Gülker, G.; Hinsch, K.; Meinlschmidt, P.: Videoholographie - eine neue Methode zur berührungslosen Detektion und Kartierung loser Putzstellen an historischer Wandmalerei, Jahresberichte Steinzerfall - Steinkonservierung 1994-1996 Bd. 6 (1998) 281-289, Fraunhofer IRB Verlag, Stuttgart
  16. Meinlschmidt, P.; Bothe, T.; Hinsch, K. D.; Mehlhorn, L.: Nondestructive testing and evaluation of historical monuments using thermography and electronic speckle pattern interferometry (ESPI), Proc. SPIE 3396 (1998) nn-mm
  17. Andrés, N.; Arroyo, M. P.; Quintanilla, M.; Hinrichs, H.; Hinsch, K.: Holographic interferometry as a velocimetry technique in gaseous flow, in: IMechE Conference Transactions 2 (1998) 3-9, Institution of Mechanical Engineers, London
  18. Hinrichs, H.; Hinsch, K. D.; Netter, R.; Surmann, C.: Light-in-flight particle holography for velocimetry in a wind tunnel, Proc. 8th Intl. Symp. on Flow Visualization (1998) in print
  19. Hinrichs, H.; Hinsch, K. D.; Netter, R.; Surmann, C.: Dreidimensionale Strömungsfeldanalyse mit kurzkohärenter Teilchenholografie, Laser und Optoelektronik 30 (4) (1998) 50-55
  20. Fricke-Begemann, T.; Beyrau, F.; Gülker, G.; Hinsch, K. D.; Jäschke, P.; Wolff, K.: Analysis of microstructure changes and dynamic processes at rough surfaces using speckle correlation, Proc. SPIE "Scattering and Surface Roughness II" 3426 (1998) 113-123
  21. Burke, J.; Helmers, H.; Hinsch, K.; Kunze, C.; Wilkens, V.: Messung schnell veränderlicher Verformungen mit räumlich phasenschiebender elektronischer Specklemuster-Interferometrie (ESPI), Z. Angew. Math. Mech. 78 (Suppl. 1) (1998) 321-322
  22. Burke, J.; Helmers, H.: Complex division as a common basis for calculating phase differences in electronic speckle pattern interferometry in one step (Technical Note), Appl. Opt. 37.13 (1998) 2589-2590
  23. Burke, J.; Helmers, H.; Kunze, W.; Wilkens, V.: Speckle intensity and phase gradients: influence on fringe quality in spatial phase shifting ESPI-systems, Opt. Commun. 152.1-3 (1998) 144-152
  24. Brozeit, A.; Burke, J.; Helmers, H.; Sagehorn, H; Schuh, R.: Noise reduction in ESPI fringes by merging orthogonally polarised speckle fields, Opt. Laser Technol. 30 (1998) 325-329
  25. Fricke-Begemann, T.; Gülker, G.; Hinsch, K.D.; Joost, H.: Mural inspection by vibration measurements with TV holography, Proc. SPIE "Vibration measurements by laser techniques: advances and applications" 3411 (1998) 431-438
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