

Publications 1990-1993

Ordered by year/date of publication.

  1. Arnold, W.; Hinrichs, H.; Hinsch, K.: Particle image velocimetry (PIV) in the study of vortex shedding mechanisms from finite cylinders, Flow Visualization V (1990)
  2. Hinsch, K.: Laseroptik am Baudenkmal - ein Beitrag zum Erhalt steinerner Kulturgüter, Wandmalerei Wandschäden, Arbeitshefte zur Denkmalpflege in Niedersachsen, Nr.8, pp.38-48, 1990 (1990)
  3. Gülker, G.; Hinsch, K.; Hölscher, C.; Kramer, A.; Neunaber, H.: In-situ application of electronic speckle pattern interferometry (ESPI) in the investigation of stone decay, Proc. SPIE ´Laser Interferometry: Quantitative Analysis of Interferograms´ 1162 (1990) 156-167
  4. Hölscher, C.; Gülker, G.; Hinsch, K.: ESPI-monitored holographic double exposure interferometry in the study of microdeformations of natural stones, Proc. SPIE ´Laser Interferometry: Quantitative Analysis of Interferograms´ 1162 (1990) 168-179
  5. Gülker, G.; Haack, O.; Hinsch, K.; Hölscher, C.; Kuls, J.; Platen, W.: ESPI system for three dimensional deformation measurement in the investigation of stone decay, Proc. SEM ´Hologram Interferometry and Speckle Metrology´ (1990) 284-287
  6. Hinsch, K.: Laseroptik am Baudenkmal-ein Beitrag zum Erhalt steinerner Kulturgüter, Arbeitshefte zur Denkmalpflege in Niedersachsen 8 (1990) 38-48
  7. Gülker, G.; Haack, O.; Hinsch, K.; Hölscher, C.; Kuls, J.; Platen, W.: Investigation of three-dimensional deformations of corroding natural stones using ESPI, Proc. SPIE ´Optics in Complex Systems´ 1319 (1990) 412-413
  8. Hinsch, K.; Hinrichs, H.; Kuhfahl, G.; Meinlschmidt, P.: Holography with controlled coherence for 3-D particle image velocimetry, Proc. Holographics 1990 (T. Tschudi, ed.) (1990) 51-57
  9. Hinrichs, H.; Hinsch, K.; Kuhfahl, G.; Meinlschmidt, P.: Particle image velocimetry (PIV) of 3-D flow configurations by holographic recording of a batch of light sheets, in: Optics in Complex Systems, F. Lanzl, H.-J. Preuss, G. Weigelt (eds.), Proc. SPIE 1319 (1990) 530-531
  10. Hinrichs, H.; Hinsch, K.; Kuhfahl, G.; Meinlschmidt, P.: 3-D velocity registration from optically processed stereoscopic particle image velocimetry records, in: Optics in Complex Systems, F. Lanzl, H.-J. Preuss, G. Weigelt (eds.), Proc. SPIE 1319 (1990) 542-543
  11. Gülker, G.; Hinsch, K.; Hölscher, C.; Kramer, A.; Neunaber, H.: Electronic speckle pattern interferometry system for in situ deformation monitoring on buildings, Opt. Eng. 29.7 (1990) 816-820
  12. Hinsch, K.; Hinrichs, H.; Kuhfahl, G.; Meinlschmidt, P.: Holographic recording of 3-D flow configurations for particle image velocimetry (PIV), ICALEO ´90, L. I. A. Proc 72 (1991) 121-130
  13. Gülker, G.; Haack, O.; Hinsch, K.; Hölscher, C.; Kuls, J.; Platen, W.: Electronic speckle pattern interferometry for 3-D dynamic deformation analysis in industrial environments, ´Innovative Optics´, Ahlers, R., Tschudi, T. (eds.), Proc. SPIE 1500 (1991) 124-134
  14. Gülker, G.; Hinsch, K.; Hölscher, C.; Wolff, K.: Laseroptische Messungen feuchtebedingter Prozesse an Natursteinen, Jahresberichte Steinzerfall - Steinkonservierung 1989 Bd.1 (1991) 223-237, Ernst & Sohn, Berlin
  15. Hölscher, C.; Hinsch, K.; Gülker, G.: Holographic interferometry of high spatial resolution for the study of relative displacements of small grains in natural stones, Proc. SPIE ´Laser Interferometry IV: Computer-Aides Interferometry´ 1553 (1991) 366-375
  16. Gülker, G.; Haack, O.; Hinsch, K.; Hölscher, C.; Kuls, J.: Optimization of the ESPI technique for extended practically oriented deformation measurements, Proc. SPIE ´Laser Interferometry IV: Computer-Aided Interferometry´ 1553 (1992) 160-167
  17. Gülker, G.; Hinsch, K.; Hölscher, C.: Laseroptische Verformungsmessung als Prüfverfahren bei Entwicklung und Test von Steinersatzmassen und Reparaturmörteln, Jahresberichte Steinzerfall - Steinkonservierung 1990 Bd.2 (1992) 249-261, Ernst & Sohn, Berlin
  18. Gülker, G; Haack, O.; Hinsch, K.D.; Hölscher, C.; Kuls, J.; Platen, W.: Two-wavelength electronic speckle-pattern interferometry for the analysis of discontinuous deformation fields, Appl. Opt. 31.22 (1992) 4519-4521
  19. Hinsch, Klaus: Lasergranulation, Physik in unserer Zeit 23.2 (1992) 59-66
  20. Hinsch, K.D.; McLysaght, F.; Wolff, K.: Tilt-compensated real-time holographic speckle correlation, Appl. Opt. (1992) 5937-5939
  21. Dreesen, F.; Hinrichs, H.; Hinsch, K.; Roshop, A.: Holographic particle image velocimetry (HPIV) - an extension of PIV to a 3-D measuring method, in: Flow Visualization VI, Y. Tanida and H. Miyashiro (eds.) (1992) 822-826
  22. Meinlschmidt, P.; Gülker, G.; Hinsch, K.D.; Hölscher, C.: Nondestructive microdeformation measurements on stone surfaces with video holography, Proc. of the 7th International Congress on Deterioration and Conservation of stone, Vol. 2, Rodrigues, J.D., Henriques, F, Jeremias, F.T. (eds.), Laboratorio Nacional de Engenharia Civil (1992) 937-946Lisabon
  23. Hinsch, K.: Coherent optical metrology for environmental diagnostics, in: Bioptics - Optics in Biomedicine and Environmental Sciences (Eds.: Soares, O., Schecci, A.), Proc. SPIE 1524 (1992) 292-313
  24. Hinsch, K.; Hinrichs, H.; Dreesen, F.; Roshop, A.: Strömungsmessung durch holografische Teilchen-Doppelbelichtungsfotografie (PIV) mit gestaffelten Lichtschnitten, Lasermethoden in der Strömungsmeßtechnik (1993) 30.1-30.3, Verlag Shaker, Aachen
  25. Hinsch, K.: Optical methods in bioindication, in: Bally, G. v.; Bjelkhagen, H. I. (Eds.): ´Optics for Protection of Man and Environment against Natural and Technological Desasters´ (1993) 267-278, Elsevier, Amsterdam
  26. Gülker, G.; Hinsch, K.; Hölscher, C.; Meinlschmidt, P.: Untersuchung der Dynamik von Salzausblühungen durch laseroptische Verformungsmessungen, Jahresberichte Steinzerfall - Steinkonservierung 1991 Bd.3 (1993) 107-115, Ernst & Sohn, Berlin
  27. Gülker, G.; Hinsch, K.D.; Hölscher, C.; Meinlschmidt, P.; Wolff, K.: Deformation monitoring in historical buildings by electronic speckle pattern interferometry, in: Bally, G. v.; Bjelkhagen, H. I. (Eds.): ´Optics for Protection of Man and Environment against Natural and Technological Disasters´ (1993) 171-176, Elsevier, Amsterdam
  28. Wolff, K.; Hinsch, K.D.: Holographic speckle correlation for the measurement of environmentally induced deterioration in natural stones, in: Bally, G. v.; Bjelkhagen, H. I. (Eds.): ´Optics for Protection of Man and Environment against Natural and Technological Disasters´ (1993) 177-182, Elsevier, Amsterdam
  29. Gülker, G.; Hinsch, K. D.; Hölscher, C.; Meinlschmidt, P.; Wolff, K.: Mapping of plaster detachments in historical murals by electronic speckle pattern interferometry (ESPI), Proc. SPIE ´Optics as a key to high technology´ 1983 (1993) 934-935
  30. Liu, L.; Helmers, H.; Hinsch, K.: Speckle metrology with novelty filtering using photorefractive two-beam coupling in BaTiO3 crystal, Opt. Commun. 100.1-4 (1993) 19-23
  31. Gülker, G.; Hinsch, K.D; Hölscher, C.: Mapping of microstructural surface changes by phase-shifting electronic speckle pattern interferometry, Proc. SPIE 1821 (1993) 215-224
  32. Hinsch, K.D: Particle Image Velocimetry (PIV), in: Speckle Metrology, R. S. Sirohi (ed.), Marcel Dekker, New York (1993) 235-324
  33. Hinsch, K.D; Hinrichs, H.; Roshop, A.; Dreesen, F.: Holographic and stereoscopic advances in 3-D PIV, in: Holographic Particle Image Velocimetry, E.P. Rood (ed), ASME FED 148 (1993) 33-36
  34. Gülker, G.; Helmers, H.; Hinsch, K.D; Hölscher, C.; FRINGE ´93, 19-21 October 1993, Bremen: Automatic timing of ESPI fringe storage in long-term measurements based on speckle correlation formalism, Proceedings of the 2nd International Workshop on Automatic Processing of Fringe Patterns (1993) 411-416, Akademie-Verlag, Berlin
  35. Gülker, G.; Hinsch, K.D; Hölscher, C.: Detection of surface microstructure changes by electronic speckle pattern interferometry, SPIE Proc 1732 (1993) 492-501
  36. Hinsch, K.D.: The many dimensions of optical flow diagnostics, Proc. SPIE 2052 (1993) 63-78
  37. Gülker, G.; Hinsch, K.D.; Hölscher, C.; Meinlschmidt, P.; Wolff, K.: Mapping of plaster detachments in historical murals by electronic speckle pattern interferometry (ESPI), ´Optics as a Key to High Technology´, Proc. SPIE (ICO 16 Budapest) 1983 (1993) 934-935
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