

  • [article] bibtex
    W. Damm, M. Fränzle, W. Hagemann, P. Kröger, und A. Rakow, "Justification Based Reasoning in Dynamic Conflict Resolution" CoRR abs/1905.11764.
  • [inbook] bibtex
    E. Böde, W. Damm, G. Ehmen, M. Fränzle, K. Grüttner, P. Ittershagen, B. Josko, B. Koopmann, F. Poppen, M. Siegel, und I. Stierand, "MULTIC Tooling." FAT-Schriftenreihe 316.
  • [inproceedings] bibtex
    W. Damm, G. Ehmen, K. Grüttner, P. Ittershagen, B. Koopmann, F. Poppen, und I. Stierand, "Multi-layer time coherency in the development of ADAS/AD systems: design approach and tooling." 2019.
  • [inproceedings] bibtex
    W. Damm, M. Fränzle, A. Lüdtke, J. W. Rieger, A. Trende, und A. Unni, "Integrating Neurophysiological Sensors and Driver Models for Safe and Performant Automated Vehicle Control in Mixed Traffic" , Paris, 2019.
  • W. D. Eckard Böde Matthias Büker, M. Fränzle, B. Kramer, C. Neurohr, und S. V. Maelen, "Identifikation und Quantifizierung von Automationsrisiken für hochautomatisierte Fahrfunktionen" , techreport , 2019.
  • [incollection] bibtex | Dokument aufrufen Dokument aufrufen
    Werner Damm Eike Möhlmann und A. Rakow, A Scenario Discovery Process Based on Traffic Sequence ChartsSpringer International Publishing.
    doi: 10.1007/978-3-030-14628-3_7
  • [incollection] bibtex | Dokument aufrufen Dokument aufrufen
    Werner Damm Eike Möhlmann und A. Rakow, Traffic Sequence Charts for the ENABLE-S 3 Test ArchitectureSpringer International Publishing.
    doi: 10.1007/978-3-030-14628-3
  • [inproceedings] bibtex | Dokument aufrufen Dokument aufrufen
    W. Damm, M. Fränzle, W. Hagemann, P. Kröger, und A. Rakow, "Dynamic Conflict Resolution Using Justification Based Reasoning" in Proc. Proceedings of the 4th Workshop on Formal Reasoning about Causation, Responsibility, and Explanations in Science and Technology, CREST@ETAPS 2019, Prague, Czech Republic, 7th April 2019, 2019.
    doi: 10.4204/eptcs.308.4


  • A. Benveniste, B. Caillaud, D. Nickovic, R. Passerone, J. Raclet, P. Reinkemeier, A. Sangiovanni-Vincentelli, W. Damm, T. A. Heinzinger, und K. G. Larsen, "Contracts for System Design" Foundations and Trends in Electronic Design Automation, vol. 12, iss. 2-3.
    doi: 10.1561/1000000053
  • [inproceedings] bibtex
    W. Damm, E. Möhlmann, T. Peikenkamp, und A. Rakow, "A Formal Semantics for Traffic Sequence Charts" in Proc. Principles of Modelling Essays dedicated to Edmund A. Lee on the Occasion of his 60th Birthday, 2018.
  • [inproceedings] bibtex | Dokument aufrufen Dokument aufrufen
    W. Damm, S. Kemper, E. Möhlmann, T. Peikenkamp, und A. Rakow, "Using Traffic Sequence Charts for the Development of HAVs" in Proc. ERTS 2018, 2018.
  • [inproceedings] bibtex | Dokument aufrufen Dokument aufrufen
    W. Damm, M. Fränzle, S. Gerwinn, und P. Kröger, "Perspectives on the Validation and Verification of Machine Learning Systems in the Context of Highly Automated Vehicles" in Proc. 2018 AAAI Spring Symposia, Stanford University, Palo Alto, California, USA, March 26-28, 2018, 2018.
  • [inproceedings] bibtex | Dokument aufrufen Dokument aufrufen
    W. Damm und R. Galbas, "Exploiting Learning and Scenario-Based Specification Languages for the Verification and Validation of Highly Automated Driving" in Proc. 1st IEEE/ACM International Workshop on Software Engineering for AI in Autonomous Systems, SEFAIAS@ICSE 2018, Gothenburg, Sweden, May 28, 2018, 2018.


  • [article] bibtex
    W. Damm und R. Kalmar, "Autonome Systeme - Fähigkeiten und Anforderungen" Informatik-Spektrum, iss. Vol. 40, No. 5. Berlin Heidelberg: Springer-Verlag.
    doi: 10.1007/s00287-017-1063-0
  • [article] bibtex
    W. Damm und P. Heidl, "SafeTRANS Working Group: Highly automated Systems:Test, Safety, and Development Processes" Recommendations on Actions and Research Challenges.
  • [inproceedings] bibtex
    E. Böde, M. Büker, W. Damm, G. Ehmen, M. Franzle, S. Gerwinn, T. Goodfellow, K. Grüttner, B. Josko, B. Koopmann, T. Peikenkamp, F. Poppen, P. Reinkemeier, M. Siegel, und I. Stierand, "Design Paradigms for Multi-Layer Time Coherency in ADAS and Automated Driving (MULTIC)" in Proc. FAT Series, 2017.
  • [techreport] bibtex
    W. Damm, S. Kemper, E. Möhlmann, T. Peikenkamp, und A. Rakow, "Traffic Sequence Charts - From Visualization to Semantics" SFB/TR 14 AVACS, Reports of SFB/TR 14 AVACS 117, 2017.
  • [inbook] bibtex
    W. Damm, E. Möhlmann, T. Peikenkamp, und A. Rakow, "A Formal Semantics for Traffic Sequence Charts." Festschrift in honor of Edmund A. Lee.
  • E. Althaus, B. Beber, W. Damm, S. Disch, W. Hagemann, A. Rakow, C. Scholl, U. Waldmann, und B. Wirtz, "Verification of linear hybrid systems with large discrete state spaces using counterexample-guided abstraction refinement" Science of Computer Programming.
    doi: 10.1016/j.scico.2017.04.010


  • [techreport] bibtex
    E. Althaus, B. Beber, W. Damm, S. Disch, W. Hagemann, A. Rakow, C. Scholl, U. Waldmann, und B. Wirtz, "Verification of Linear Hybrid Systems with Large Discrete State Spaces: Exploring the Design Space for Optimization" SFB/TR 14 AVACS, Reports of SFB/TR 14 AVACS 103, 2016.
  • [techreport] bibtex
    W. Damm, E. Möhlmann, und A. Rakow, "A Design Framework for Concurrent Hybrid Controllers with Safety and Stability Annotations" SFB/TR 14 AVACS, Reports of SFB/TR 14 AVACS 105, 2016.
  • [techreport] bibtex
    W. Damm, B. Finkbeiner, und A. Rakow, "Contract-based compositional synthesis of distributed controllers" SFB/TR 14 AVACS, Reports of SFB/TR 14 AVACS 115, 2016.
  • W. Damm, B. Finkbeiner, und A. Rakow, What You Really Need To Know About Your Neighbor.
  • [inproceedings] bibtex
    A. Stühring, G. Ehmen, und S. Fröschle, "Analyzing the Impact of Injected Sensor Data on an Advanced Driver Assistance System using the OP2TiMuS Prototyping Platform" in Proc. Proceedings of the Conference on Design, Automation and Test in Europe (DATE) 2016, 3001 Leuven, Belgium, 2016.


  • W. Hagemann, "Efficient Geometric Operations on Convex Polyhedra, with an Application to Reachability Analysis of Hybrid Systems" Mathematics in Computer Science, vol. 9, iss. 3.
    doi: 10.1007/s11786-015-0238-9
  • [inproceedings] bibtex | Dokument aufrufen Dokument aufrufen
    E. Moehlmann, W. Hagemann, und O. Theel, "Hybrid Tools for Hybrid Systems - Proving Stability and Safety at Once" in Proc. Formal Modeling and Analysis of Timed Systems, 2015.
    doi: 10.1007/978-3-319-22975-1_15
  • [techreport] bibtex
    W. Hagemann, E. Moehlmann, und O. Theel, "Hybrid Tools for Hybrid Systems: Proving Stability and Safety at Once -- Extended Version" SFB/TR 14 AVACS, Reports of SFB/TR 14 AVACS 108, 2015.
  • [techreport] bibtex
    W. Damm, M. Horbach, und V. Sofronie-Stokkermans, "Decidability of Verification of Safety Properties of Spatial Families of Linear Hybrid Automata" SFB/TR 14 AVACS, Reports of SFB/TR 14 AVACS 111, 2015.
  • [inproceedings] bibtex | Dokument aufrufen Dokument aufrufen
    W. Hagemann und E. Moehlmann, "Inscribing H-Polyhedra in Quadrics using a Projective Generalization of Closed Convex Sets" in Proc. Proceedings of the 27th Canadian Conference on Computational Geometry (CCCG 2015), Kingston, Ontario, Canada, 2015, 2015.
  • [incollection] bibtex
    W. Damm, M. Horbach, und V. Sofronie-Stokkermans, Decidability of Verification of Safety Properties of Spatial Families of Linear Hybrid AutomataSpringer International Publishing.
    doi: 10.1007/978-3-319-24246-0_12
  • [inproceedings] bibtex | Dokument aufrufen Dokument aufrufen
    W. Damm und A. Sangiovanni-Vincentelli, "A conceptual model of Systems of Systems" in Proc. Proceedings Second International Workshop on the Swarm at the Edge of the Cloud, CPS Week 2015, 2015.
  • [incollection] bibtex
    P. Reinkemeier, A. Benveniste, W. Damm, und I. Stierand, Contracts for Schedulability AnalysisSpringer International Publishing.
    doi: 10.1007/978-3-319-22975-1_18
  • [article] bibtex
    E. Boede, H. Daembkes, W. Damm, F. Griebel, F. Koester, K. Lemmer, A. Luedtke, J. Niehaus, und T. Peikenkamp, "SafeTRANS: Safety, Testen und Entwicklungsprozesse hochautomatisierter Systeme" Haus der Technik (Expert Verlag), vol. Fahrerassistenz und Aktive Sicherheit, iss. Volume 137.


  • [inproceedings] bibtex
    W. Hagemann, E. Möhlmann, und A. Rakow, "Verifying a PI Controller using SoapBox and Stabhyli: Experiences on Establishing Properties for a Steering Controller." 2014.
  • [incollection] bibtex
    W. Hagemann, Reachability Analysis of Hybrid Systems Using Symbolic Orthogonal ProjectionsSpringer International Publishing.
    doi: 10.1007/978-3-319-08867-9_27
  • [inproceedings] bibtex | Dokument aufrufen Dokument aufrufen
    G. Baumgarten, M. Oertel, A. Rettberg, und M. Götz, "First results of automatic fault-injection in an AUTOSAR tool-chain" in Proc. Industrial Informatics (INDIN), 2014 12th IEEE International Conference on, 2014.
    doi: 10.1109/INDIN.2014.6945503
  • [techreport] bibtex
    W. Damm, W. Hagemann, E. Möhlmann, und A. Rakow, "Component Based Design of Hybrid Systems: A Case Study on Concurrency and Coupling" SFB/TR 14 AVACS, Reports of SFB/TR 14 AVACS 95, 2014.
  • [inproceedings] bibtex
    W. Damm, E. Möhlmann, und A. Rakow, "Component Based Design of Hybrid Systems: A Case Study on Concurrency and Coupling" in Proc. HSCC, 2014.
    doi: 10.1145/2562059.2562120
  • [incollection] bibtex | Dokument aufrufen Dokument aufrufen
    S. Fröschle und A. Stühring, Idea: Security Engineering Principles for Day Two Car2X ApplicationsSpringer International Publishing.
    doi: 10.1007/978-3-319-04897-0_14
  • [inproceedings] bibtex
    S. Henkler, T. Gezgin, I. Stierand, und A. Rettberg, "Evaluation of a State-based Real-Time Scheduling Analysis Technique" in Proc. International Conference on Industrial Informatics (INDIN2014), 2014.
  • [inproceedings] bibtex
    T. Gezgin, S. Henkler, I. Stierand, und A. Rettberg, "Impact Analysis for Timing Requirements on Real-Time Systems" in Proc. The 20th IEEE International Conference on Embedded and Real-Time Computing Systems and Applications (RTCSA 2014), 2014.
  • [inproceedings] bibtex
    I. Stierand, S. Malipatlolla, S. Fröschle, A. Stühring, und S. Henkler, "Integrating the Security Aspect into Design Space Exploration of Embedded Systems" in Proc. The 2nd IEEE International Workshop on Reliability and Security Data Analysis (RSDA 2014), 2014.
  • [incollection] bibtex
    W. Damm und B. Finkbeiner, Automatic Compositional Synthesis of Distributed SystemsSpringer International Publishing.
    doi: 10.1007/978-3-319-06410-9_13
  • [inproceedings] bibtex
    I. Stierand, P. Reinkemeier, und P. Bhaduri, "Virtual Integration of Real-Time Systems based on Resource Segregation Abstraction" in Proc. Proc. Formal Modelling and Analysis of Timed Systems (FORMATS'14), 2014.


  • M. Büker, "An Automated Semantic-Based Approach for Creating Task Structures" PhD Thesis , 2013.
  • M. Büker, W. Damm, G. Ehmen, S. Henkler, D. Janssen, I. Stierand, und E. Thaden, From Specification Models to Distributed Embedded Applications: A Holistic User-Guided Approach.
    doi: 10.4271/2013-01-0432
  • M. Büker, W. Damm, G. Ehmen, S. Henkler, D. Janssen, I. Stierand, und E. Thaden, "From Specification Models to Distributed Embedded Applications: A Holistic User-Guided Approach" SAE International Journal of Passenger Cars- Electronic and Electrical Systems, vol. 6.
    doi: 10.4271/2013-01-0432
  • [article] bibtex
    W. Damm, H. Peter, J. Rakow, und B. Westphal, "Can we build it: formal synthesis of control strategies for cooperative driver assistance systems" Mathematical Structures in Computer Science, vol. 23, iss. 4.
    doi: 10.1017/s0960129512000230
  • [incollection] bibtex
    T. Gezgin, S. Henkler, A. Rettberg, und I. Stierand, Contract-Based Compositional Scheduling Analysis for Evolving SystemsSpringer Berlin Heidelberg.
    doi: 10.1007/978-3-642-38853-8_25
  • [article] bibtex
    T. Gezgin, I. Stierand, S. Henkler, und A. Rettberg, "State-based scheduling analysis for distributed real-time systems" Design Automation for Embedded Systems.
    doi: 10.1007/s10617-013-9112-7
  • [inproceedings] bibtex
    S. Malipatlolla und I. Stierand, "Evaluating the Impact of Integrating a Security Module on the Real-Time Properties of a System" in Proc. International Embedded Systems Symposium (IESS), 2013.
  • [techreport] bibtex
    P. Reinkemeier, P. Ittershagen, I. Stierand, P. A. Hartmann, S. Henkler, und K. Grüttner, "Seamless Segregation for Multi-Core Systems" OFFIS, Technical Report , 2013.
  • [incollection] bibtex
    P. Reinkemeier und I. Stierand, Compositional Timing Analysis of Real-Time Systems based on Resource Segregation AbstractionSpringer Berlin Heidelberg.
    doi: 10.1007/978-3-642-38853-8_17
  • [inproceedings] bibtex
    I. Stierand und S. Malipatlolla, "Exploiting Functional Models to Assess the Security Aspect in Embedded System Design" in Proc. International Symposium on Security in Computing and Communications (SSCC 2013), 2013.
  • [inproceedings] bibtex
    I. Stierand, P. Reinkemeier, T. Gezgin, und P. Bhaduri, "Real-Time Scheduling Interfaces and Contracts for the Design of Distributed Embedded Systems" in Proc. Industrial Embedded Systems (SIES), 2013 8th IEEE International Symposium on, 2013.
  • E. M. Thaden, "Semi-Automatic Optimization of Hardware Architectures in Embedded Systems" PhD Thesis , 2013.


  • A. Benveniste, B. Caillaud, D. Nickovic, R. Passerone, J. Raclet, P. Reinkemeier, A. Sangiovanni-Vincentelli, W. Damm, T. Henzinger, und K. G. Larsen, "Contracts for System Design" INRIA, Rapport de recherche RR-8147, 2012.
  • [incollection] bibtex | Dokument aufrufen Dokument aufrufen
    M. Broy, W. Damm, S. Henkler, K. Pohl, A. Vogelsang, und T. Weyer, Introduction to the SPES Modeling FrameworkBerlin Heidelberg: Springer.
    doi: 10.1007/978-3-642-34614-9_3
  • M. Büker, K. Grüttner, P. A. Hartmann, und I. Stierand, "Mapping of Concurrent Object-Oriented Models to Extended Real--Time Task Networks." Springer.
  • [inproceedings] bibtex
    T. Gezgin, S. Henkler, A. Rettberg, und I. Stierand, "Abstraction Techniques for Compositional State-based Scheduling Analysis" in Proc. Brazilian Symposium on Computing System Engineering (SBESC), 2012.
  • H. Jost, "Reasoning on Domain Knowledge and Technical Standards to Support the Development of Safety-Critical Automotive Systems" PhD Thesis , 2012.
  • [incollection] bibtex
    A. Rakow, Safety Slicing Petri NetsSpringer Berlin Heidelberg.
    doi: 10.1007/978-3-642-31131-4_15
  • A. L. Sangiovanni-Vincentelli, W. Damm, und R. Passerone, "Taming Dr. Frankenstein: Contract-Based Design for Cyber-Physical Systems." Eur. J. Control, vol. 18, iss. 3.
    doi: 10.3166/ejc.18.217-238
  • [inproceedings] bibtex
    T. Toben und J. Rakow, "Safety and Precision of Spatial Context Models for Autonomous Systems" in Proc. Proceedings of the 1st ETAPS Workshop on "Hybrid Autonomous Systems" (HAS 2011), 2012.


  • [techreport] bibtex
    M. Büker, W. Damm, G. Ehmen, A. Metzner, I. Stierand, und E. Thaden, "Automating the design flow for distributed embedded automotive applications: keeping your time promises, and optimizing costs, too" SFB/TR 14 AVACS, Reports of SFB/TR 14 AVACS 69, 2011.
  • [inproceedings] bibtex
    M. Büker, W. Damm, G. Ehmen, A. Metzner, I. Stierand, und E. Thaden, "Automating the Design Flow for Distributed Embedded Automotive Applications: Keeping Your Time Promises, and Optimizing Costs, too" in Proc. Proc. International Symposium on Industrial Embedded Systems (SIES'11), 2011.
  • [inproceedings] bibtex
    M. Büker, W. Damm, G. Ehmen, und I. Stierand, "An Automated Semantic-Based Approach for Creating Tasks from Matlab Simulink Models" in Proc. Proc. of 16th International Workshop on Formal Methods for Industrial Critical Systems (FMICS), 2011.
  • A. Baumgart, E. Böde, M. Büker, W. Damm, G. Ehmen, T. Gezgin, S. Henkler, H. Hungar, B. Josko, M. Oertel, T. Peikenkamp, P. Reinkemeier, I. Stierand, und R. Weber, "Architecture Modeling" OFFIS, Technical Report , 2011.
  • [techreport] bibtex
    M. Büker, T. Gezgin, und I. Stierand, "On the Implementability of Complex Real-Time Systems" SFB/TR 14 AVACS, Reports of SFB/TR 14 AVACS 68, 2011.
  • [inproceedings] bibtex
    B. Clark, I. Stierand, und E. Thaden, "Cost-Minimal Pre-Allocation of Software Tasks Under Real-Time Constraints" in Proc. Research in Applied Computation Symposium (RACS 2011), 2011.
  • [article] bibtex
    W. Damm, H. Dierks, S. Disch, W. Hagemann, F. Pigorsch, C. Scholl, U. Waldmann, und B. Wirtz, "Exact and Fully Symbolic Verification of Linear Hybrid Automata with Large Discrete State Spaces" Science of Computer Programming, Special Issue on Automated Verification of Critical Systems.
  • [techreport] bibtex
    W. Damm, S. Disch, W. Hagemann, C. Scholl, U. Waldmann, und B. Wirtz, "Integrating Incremental Flow Pipes into a Symbolic Model Checker for Hybrid Systems" SFB/TR 14 AVACS, Reports of SFB/TR 14 AVACS 76, 2011.
  • [inproceedings] bibtex
    W. Damm und B. Finkbeiner, "Does It Pay to Extend the Perimeter of a World Model?" in Proc. Proceedings of the 17th International Symposium on Formal Methods, 2011.
  • [techreport] bibtex
    W. Damm, C. Ihlemann, und V. Sofronie-Stokkermans, "PTIME parametric verification of safety properties for reasonable linear hybrid automata" SFB/TR 14 AVACS, Reports of SFB/TR 14 AVACS 70, 2011.
  • [inproceedings] bibtex
    W. Damm, C. Ihlemann, und V. Sofronie-Stokkermans, "Decidability and complexity for the verification of safety properties of reasonable linear hybrid automata" in Proc. Proceedings of the 14th ACM International Conference on Hybrid Systems: Computation and Control, HSCC 2011, Chicago, April 12-14, 2011, 2011.
  • [article] bibtex
    W. Damm, C. Ihlemann, und V. Sofronie-Stokkermans, "PTIME parametric verification of safety properties for reasonable linear hybrid automata" Mathematics in Computer Science, Special Issue on Numerical Software Verification.
  • [article] bibtex
    W. Damm, H. Peter, J. Rakow, und B. Westphal, "Can we build it: Formal Synthesis of control strategies for cooperative driver assistance systems" Mathematical Structures in Computer Science, Special Issue on Practical and Lightweight Formal Methods for the Design, Modeling and Analysis of Software Systems.
  • [techreport] bibtex
    W. Damm, J. Rakow, und B. Westphal, "Can we build it: Formal Synthesis of control strategies for cooperative driver assistance systems" SFB/TR 14 AVACS, Reports of SFB/TR 14 AVACS 73, 2011.
  • [techreport] bibtex
    R. Ehlers, M. E. Hahn, M. Mehlmann, H. Peter, J. Rakow, T. Toben, und B. Westphal, "Dynamic Communicating Probabilistic Timed Automata Playing Games" SFB/TR 14 AVACS, Reports of SFB/TR 14 AVACS 75, 2011.
  • [inproceedings] bibtex
    H. Jost, S. Köhler, und F. Köster, "Towards a Safer Development of Driver Assistance Systems by Applying Requirements-Based Methods" in Proc. Proceedings of the 14th International IEEE Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems -- ITSC 2011, 2011.
  • [inproceedings] bibtex
    J. -D. Quesel, M. Fränzle, und W. Damm, "Crossing the bridge between similar games" in Proc. Formal Modeling and Analysis of Timed Systems - 9th International Conference (FORMATS), Aalborg, Denmark, 21-23 September, 2011. Proceedings, 2011.
  • [inproceedings] bibtex
    P. Reinkemeier, I. Stierand, P. Rehkop, und S. Henkler, "A pattern-based requirement specification language: Mapping automotive specific timing requirements" in Proc. Software Engineering 2011 - Workshopband, 2011.
  • [inproceedings] bibtex
    A. Sangiovanni-Vincentelli, W. Damm, und R. Passerone, "Taming Dr. Frankenstein: Contract-Based Design for Cyber-Physical Systems" in Proc. 50th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, 2011.
  • [techreport] bibtex
    B. Westphal, I. Stierand, und T. Gezgin, "Observer-based Model-Checking of Real-Time Live Sequence Charts for Uppaal" SFB/TR 14 AVACS, Reports of SFB/TR 14 AVACS 71, 2011.
  • [techreport] bibtex
    B. Westphal, I. Stierand, T. Gezgin, und H. Dierks, "The Power of Uppaal - A language-based characterisation of verification complexity" SFB/TR 14 AVACS, Reports of SFB/TR 14 AVACS 72, 2011.
  • [techreport] bibtex
    B. Wirtz, T. Strazny, J. Rakow, und A. Rakow, "A Lane Change Assistence Systen: Cooperation and Hybrid Control" SFB/TR 14 AVACS, Reports of SFB/TR 14 AVACS 78, 2011.


  • [inproceedings] bibtex
    M. Büker, K. Grüttner, P. A. Hartmann, und I. Stierand, "Mapping of Concurrent Object-Oriented Models to Extended Real-Time Task Networks" in Proc. Proc. Forum on specification & Design Languages (FDL), 2010.
  • [inproceedings] bibtex
    A. Baumgart, P. Reinkemeier, A. Rettberg, I. Stierand, E. Thaden, und R. Weber, "A model-based design methodology with contracts to enhance the development process of safety-critical systems" in Proc. Proceedings of the 8th IFIP WG 10.2 international conference on Software technologies for embedded and ubiquitous systems, Berlin, Heidelberg, 2010.
  • [inproceedings] bibtex
    P. Bhaduri und I. Stierand, "A Proposal for Real-time Interfaces in SPEEDS" in Proc. 13th Conference on Design, Automation and Test (DATE), 2010.
  • [inproceedings] bibtex
    W. Damm, H. Dierks, J. Oehlerking, und A. Pnueli, "Towards Component Based Design of Hybrid Systems: Safety and Stability" in Proc. Time for Verification: Essays in Meory of Amir Pnueli, 2010.
  • [inbook] bibtex
    W. Damm, R. Achatz, K. Beetz, M. Broy, H. Daembkes, K. Grimm, und P. Liggesmeyer, "Nationale Roadmap Embedded Systems" , Broy, M. . Ed.,
    doi: 10.1007/978-3-642-14901-6_5
  • [inproceedings] bibtex
    M. Fränzle, T. Gezgin, H. Hungar, S. Puch, und G. Sauter, "Using Guided Simulation to Assess Driver Assistance Systems" in Proc. Proc. FORMS/FORMAT 2010, 2010.
  • [inproceedings] bibtex
    J. Gacnik, H. Jost, F. Köster, und M. Fränzle, "The DeSCAS Methodology and Lessons Learned on Applying Formal Reasoning to Safety Domain Knowledge" in Proc. Proceedings of the 8th Symposium on Formal Methods for Automation and Safety in Railway and Automotive Systems (FORMS/FORMAT 2010), 2010.
  • [inproceedings] bibtex
    H. Jost, "Automating the Risk and Hazard Analysis via Generic Domain Concepts in Formal Ontologies" in Proc. Reliability, Risk and Safety -- Back to the Future, European Safety and Reliability Conference (ESREL 2010), 2010.
  • [inproceedings] bibtex
    H. Jost, S. Köhler, S. Häusler, J. Gacnik, A. Hahn, F. Köster, und K. Lemmer, "Supporting Qualification -- Safety Standard Compliant Process Planning and Monitoring" in Proc. Proceedings 2010 IEEE Symposium on Product Compliance Engineering (PSES 2010), 2010.
  • [inproceedings] bibtex | Dokument aufrufen Dokument aufrufen
    T. Kerstan und M. Oertel, "Design of a real-time optimized emulation method" in Proc. Proceedings of the Conference on Design, Automation and Test in Europe, 3001 Leuven, Belgium, Belgium, 2010.
  • [inproceedings] bibtex
    E. Thaden, H. Lipskoch, A. Metzner, und I. Stierand, "Exploiting Gaps in Fixed-Priority Preemptive Schedules for Task Insertion" in Proc. Proceedings of the 16th IEEE International Conference on Embedded and Real-Time Computing Systems and Applications (RTCSA), 2010.
  • [inproceedings] bibtex
    J. Thyssen, D. Ratiu, W. Schwitzer, A. Harhurin, M. Feilkas, und E. Thaden, "A System for Seamless Abstraction Layers for Model-based Development of Embedded Software" in Proc. Proceedings of Envision 2020 Workshop, 2010.
  • [inproceedings] bibtex | Dokument aufrufen Dokument aufrufen
    T. Toben, B. Westphal, und J. Rakow, "Spotlight Abstraction of Agents and Areas" in Proc. Quantitative and Qualitative Analysis of Network Protocols, Dagstuhl, Germany, 2010.


  • [inproceedings] bibtex
    M. Baumann, H. Colonius, H. Hungar, F. Köster, M. Langner, A. Lüdtke, C. Möbus, J. Peinke, S. Puch, C. Schiessl, R. Steenken, und L. Weber, "Integrated Modeling for Safe Transportation - Driver modeling and driver experiments" in Proc. Fahrermodellierung in Wissenschaft und Wirtschaft, 2. Berliner Fachtagung für Fahrermodellierung, Düsseldorf, 2009.
  • [article] bibtex
    E. Bode, M. Herbstritt, H. Hermanns, S. Johr, T. Peikenkamp, R. Pulungan, J. Rakow, R. Wimmer, und B. Becker, "Compositional Dependability Evaluation for STATEMATE" Software Engineering, IEEE Transactions on, vol. 35, iss. 2.
  • [inproceedings] bibtex
    M. Büker, A. Metzner, und I. Stierand, "Testing Real-Time Task Networks with Functional Extensions Using Model-Checking" in Proc. 14th International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation (ETFA'09), 2009.
  • [inproceedings] bibtex
    W.~Damm, T.~Peikenkamp, und B.~Josko, "Contract Based ISO CD 26262 Safety Analysis" in Proc. SAE World Congress -- Session on Safety-Critical Systems, 2009.
  • [inproceedings] bibtex
    H. Dierks, A. Metzner, und I. Stierand, "Efficient Model-Checking for Real-Time Task Networks" in Proc. 6th International Conference on Embedded Software and Systems, 2009.
  • [inproceedings] bibtex
    F. Frische, T. Mistrzyk, und A. Lüdtke, "Detection of Pilot Errors in Data by combining Task Modeling and Model Checking" in Proc. Proceedings INTERACT 2009, 12th IFIP TC13 Conference in Human-Computer Interaction, Part I, 2009.
  • [inproceedings] bibtex
    J. G. c, H. Jost, D. Beisel, J. Rataj, und F. Köster, "DeSCAS Design Process Model for Automotive Systems -- Development Streams and Ontologies" in Proc. Safety-Critical Systems 2009, 2009, p. 10.
  • [inproceedings] bibtex
    J. G. c, H. Jost, F. Köster, J. Rataj, K. Lemmer, W. Damm, M. Fränzle, und E. Schnieder, "DeSCAS -- Formale Ontologien zur Verwebung von interdisziplinären Entwicklungsprozessen" in Proc. AUTOMATION 2009, 2009.
  • [inproceedings] bibtex
    A. Lüdtke, "New Requirements for Modelling how Humans Succeed and Fail in Complex Traffic Scenarios" in Proc. Proceedings of the 7th Working Conference on Human Error, Safety and Systems Development Systems Development (HESSD), 2009.
  • [inproceedings] bibtex
    A. Lüdtke und J-P. Osterloh, "Simulating Perceptive Processes of Pilots to Support System Design" in Proc. Proceedings INTERACT 2009, 12th IFIP TC13 Conference in Human-Computer Interaction, Part I, 2009.
  • [inproceedings] bibtex
    A. Lüdtke, J. -P. Osterloh, T. Mioch, F. Rister, und R. Looije, "Cognitive Modelling of Pilot Errors and Error Recovery in Flight Management Tasks" in Proc. Proceedings of the 7th Working Conference on Human Error, Safety and Systems Development Systems Development (HESSD), 2009.
  • [inproceedings] bibtex
    A. Lüdtke, L. Weber, J. Osterloh, und B. Wortelen, "Modeling Pilot and Driver Behavior for Human Error Simulation" in Proc. Proceedings of the HCI International 2009, San Diego, 2009.
  • [article] bibtex
    R. Passerone, I. B. Hafaiedh, S. Graf, A. Benveniste, D. Cancila, A. Cuccuru, S. Gerard, F. Terrier, W. Damm, A. Ferrari, L. Mangeruca, B. Josko, T. Peikenkamp, und A. Sangiovanni-Vincentelli, "Metamodels in Europe: Languages, Tools, and Applications" IEEE Design and Test of Computers, vol. 26.
    doi: 10.1109/MDT.2009.64
  • [inproceedings] bibtex | Dokument aufrufen Dokument aufrufen
    G. Sauter, H. Dierks, M. Fränzle, und M. R. Hansen, "Light-weight hybrid model checking facilitating online prediction of temporal properties" in Proc. Proceedings of the 21st Nordic Workshop on Programming Theory, NWPT '09, Kgs. Lyngby, Denmark, 2009.
  • T. Toben, "Analysis of Dynamic Evolution Systems by Spotlight Abstraction Refinement" PhD Thesis , 2009.
  • [article] bibtex
    L. Weber, M. Baumann, A. Luedtke, und R. Steenken, "Modellierung von Entscheidungen beim Einfädeln auf die Autobahn" to appear: Fortschritts-Berichte VDI: Der Mensch im Mittelpunkt technischer Systeme. 8. Berliner Werkstatt Mensch-Maschine-Systeme.
  • [inproceedings] bibtex
    B. Wortelen und A. Lüdtke, "Ablauffähige Modellierung des Einflusses von Ereignishäufigkeiten auf die Aufmerksamkeitsverteilung von Autofahrern" in Proc. Der Mensch im Mittelpunkt technischer Systeme, 8. Berliner Werkstatt, Mensch-Maschine-Systeme, ZMMS Spektrum Band 22, Düsseldorf, 2009.
  • [proceedings] bibtex
    Proceedings of the First Workshop on Certification of Safety-Critical Software Controlled Systems (SafeCert 2008).


  • [inproceedings] bibtex
    H. Hungar, "Positionsstatement: Zertifizierungsargumentationen mit mathematischer Präzision" in Proc. Software Engineering (Workshops), 2008.
  • [inproceedings] bibtex
    H. Hungar und E. Reyzl, "Software-Entwicklung und Zertifizierung im Umfeld sicherheitskritischer und hochverfügbarer Systeme: Bedeutung modellbasierter und formaler Ansätze für effiziente Entwicklung und Zertifizierung" in Proc. Software Engineering, 2008.
  • [inproceedings] bibtex
    H. Hungar und E. Reyzl, "Ergebnisse des Workshops "Software-Entwicklung und Zertifizierung im Umfeld sicherheitskritischer und hochverfügbarer Systeme"" in Proc. Software Engineering (Workshops), 2008.
  • [incollection] bibtex
    M. Baumann, H. Colonius, H. Hungar, F. Köster, M. Langner, A. Lüdtke, C. Möbus, J. Peinke, S. Puch, C. Schiessl, R. Steenken, und L. Weber, Integrated Modelling for Safe Transportation - Driver modeling and driver experimentsDüsseldorf: VDI Verlag.
  • [conference] bibtex
    R. Buschermoehle und J. Oelerink, "Rich Meta Object Facility as formal integration platform: Syntax, Semantics, and Implementation" in Proc. Innovations in Systems and Software Engineering, 2008.
  • [techreport] bibtex
    E. Böde, T. Peikenkamp, J. Rakow, und S. Wischmeyer, "Model Based Importance Analysis for Minimal Cut Sets" SFB/TR 14 AVACS, Reports of SFB/TR 14 AVACS 29, 2008.
  • [inproceedings] bibtex
    E. Böde, T. Peikenkamp, J. Rakow, und S. Wischmeyer, "Model Based Importance Analysis for Minimal Cut Sets" in Proc. Automated Technology for Verification and Analysis, 6th International Symposium ATVA 2008, Seoul, Korea, 2008.
  • [inproceedings] bibtex
    F. Frische, T. Mistrzyk, und A. Lüdtke, "Modellierung und Analyse von Pilotenverhalten in Flugzeug-Cockpits" in Proc. .50. Sitzung des Fachausschusses Anthropotechnik der Deutschen Gesellschaft f"ur Luft- und Raumfahrt, Beiträge der Ergonomie zur Mensch-System-Integration, Bonn, 2008.
  • [inproceedings] bibtex
    J. Gacnik, H. Jost, D. Beisel, und F. Köster, "DeSCAS -- Design Process for the Development of Safety-Critical Advanced Driver Assistance Systems" in Proc. Formal Methods for Automation and Safety in Railway and Automotive Systems, 2008.
  • [inproceedings] bibtex
    A. Lüdtke, "Analyse kognitiver Aspekte der Kommunikation im Flugzeugcockpit" in Proc. Workshop Proceedings der Tagungen Mensch & Computer 2008, DeLFI 2008 und Cognitive Design 2008, Berlin, 2008.
  • [article] bibtex
    A. Lüdtke, "Analyse von Fahrer- und Pilotenfehlern mit integrierten Mensch-Maschine-Umgebung Modellen" i-com, vol. 7, iss. 1.
  • [book] bibtex
    E. -R. Olderog und H. Dierks, Real-Time Systems: Formal Specification and Automatic Verification, Cambridge University Press.
  • [inproceedings] bibtex
    J. -P. Osterloh und A. Lüdtke, "Analyzing the Ergonomics of Aircraft Cockpits Using Cognitive Models" in Proc. Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Applied Human Factors and Ergonomic (AHFE), 2008, p. 10.
  • [inproceedings] bibtex
    T. Toben, "Counterexample Guided Spotlight Abstraction Refinement" in Proc. Proceedings of the 28th IFIP WG6.1 International Conference on Formal Techniques for Networked and Distributed Systems (FORTE 2008), Tokyo, Japan, 2008.
  • [inproceedings] bibtex
    T. Toben und B. Westphal, "Concurrent LSC Verification" in Proc. Proceedings of the 5th International Workshop on Automated Verification of Critical Systems (AVoCS'05), Warwick, UK, 2006.
  • [inproceedings] bibtex
    L. Urbas, S. Leuchter, und A. Lüdtke, "Modellierung und Simulation von Teams in sicherheitskritischen Mensch-Maschine-Systemen" in Proc. Workshop Proceedings der Tagungen Mensch & Computer 2008, DeLFI 2008 und Cognitive Design 2008, Berlin, 2008.
  • B. Westphal, "Specification and Verification of Dynamic Topology Systems" PhD Thesis , 2008.
  • [proceedings] bibtex
    Tools for the Model-based Development of Certifiable, Dependable Systems, 10.06. - 15.06.2007Internationales Begegnungs- und Forschungszentrum fuer Informatik (IBFI), Schloss Dagstuhl, Germany.


  • [inproceedings] bibtex
    M. Huhn, H. Hungar, und D. Peled, "07241 Summary - Tools for the Model-based Development of Certifiable, Dependable Systems" in Proc. Tools for the Model-based Development of Certifiable, Dependable Systems, 2007.
  • [inproceedings] bibtex
    B. Wachter und B. Westphal, "The Spotlight Principle. On Combining Process-Summarising State Abstractions." 2007.
  • [inproceedings] bibtex | Dokument aufrufen Dokument aufrufen
    J. Bauer, W. Damm, T. Toben, und B. Westphal, "Verification and Synthesis of OCL Constraints via Topology Analysis: A Case Study" in Proc. Applications of Graph Transformations with Industrial Relevance Third International Symposium, AGTIVE 2007, Proceedings of Selected and Invited Papers, Schlosshotel am Bergpark, Wilhelmshöhe, Kassel, Germany, October 10 - 12, 2007, 2007.
  • [inproceedings] bibtex
    J. Bauer, T. Toben, und B. Westphal, "Mind the Shapes: Abstraction Refinement Via Topology Invariants" in Proc. Proceedings of the Fifth International Symposium on Automated Technology for Verification and Analysis (ATVA 2007), Tokyo, Japan, 2007.
  • [inproceedings] bibtex
    S. Blom, J. Calame, B. Lisser, S. Orzan, J. Pang, J. van de Pol, M. Torabi Dashti, und A. Wijs, "Distributed analysis with $\mu$CRL: A compendium of case studies" in Proc. Proc. 13th Conference on Tools and Algorithms for the Construction and Analysis of Systems, 2007.
  • [inproceedings] bibtex | Dokument aufrufen Dokument aufrufen
    W. Damm, S. Disch, H. Hungar, S. Jacobs, J. Pang, F. Pigorsch, C. Scholl, U. Waldmann, und B. Wirtz, "Exact state set representations in the verification of linear hybrid systems with large discrete state-space" in Proc. Automated Technology for Verification and Analysis, 2007.
    doi: 10.1007/978-3-540-75596-8_30
  • [inproceedings] bibtex | Dokument aufrufen Dokument aufrufen
    W. Damm, A. Mikschl, J. Oehlerking, E. Olderog, J. Pang, A. Platzer, M. Segelken, und B. Wirtz, "Automating Verification of Cooperation, Control, and Design in Traffic Applications." in Proc. Formal Methods and Hybrid Real-Time Systems, 2007.
    doi: 10.1007/978-3-540-75221-9_6
  • [incollection] bibtex
    W. Damm, T. Toben, und B. Westphal, On the Expressive Power of Live Sequence ChartsSpringer-Verlag.
  • [inbook] bibtex
    D. Helms, G. Ehmen, und W. Nebel, "Analysis and Modeling of Subthreshold Leakage of RT Components under PTV and State Variation" , von und (HS), C. O. U. O. O. Ed., BIS-Verlag der Carl von Ossietzky Universität Oldenburg, vol. 2.
  • [inproceedings] bibtex
    S.~Kupferschmid, K.~Dräger, J.~Hoffmann, B.~Finkbeiner, H.~Dierks, A.~Podelski, und G.~Behrmann, "Uppaal/DMC -- Abstraction-based Heuristics for Directed Model Checking" in Proc. Tools and Algorithms for the Construction and Analysis of Systems (TACAS), 2007.
  • [article] bibtex
    J. Pang, W. Fokkink, R. Hofman, und R. Veldema, "Model checking a cache coherence protocol of a Java DSM implementation" Journal of Logic and Algebraic Programming, vol. 71, iss. 1.
  • [inproceedings] bibtex
    T. Toben, "Non-Interference Properties for Data-Type Reduction of Communicating Systems" in Proc. Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on Integrated Formal Methods (IFM 2007), Oxford, UK, 2007.
  • [proceedings] bibtex
    Verification, Model Checking, and Abstract Interpretation, 8th International Conference, VMCAI 2007, Nice, France, January 14-16, 2007, ProceedingsSpringer-Verlag.


  • [article] bibtex
    O. Åkerlund und others, "ISAAC, a framework for integrated safety analyses of functional, geometrical and human aspects" ERTS.
  • [inproceedings] bibtex
    O. Akerlund, P. Bieber, B. E., M. Bozzano, M. Bretschneider, C. Castel, A. Cavallo, M. Cifaldi, J. Gauthier, A. Griffault, O. Lisagor, A. Lüdtke, S. Metge, C. Papadopoulos, T. Peikenkamp, L. Sagaspe, C. Seguin, H. Trivedi, und L. Valacca, "ISAAC, a framework for integrated safety analysis of functional, geometrical and human aspects" in Proc. Proceedings of the Embedded Real-Time Software conference (ERTS'06)., 2006.
  • [inproceedings] bibtex | Dokument aufrufen Dokument aufrufen
    E. Böde, W. Damm, J. Hoyem, B. Josko, J. Niehaus, und M. Segelken, "Adding Value to Automotive Models" in Proc. Automotive Software -- Connected Services in Mobile Networks, 2006.
  • [article] bibtex
    B. Badban, J. van de Pol, O. Tveretina, und H. Zantema, "Generalizing DPLL and Satisfiability for Equalities."
  • [inproceedings] bibtex | Dokument aufrufen Dokument aufrufen
    J. Bauer, I. Schaefer, T. Toben, und B. Westphal, "Specification and Verification of Dynamic Communication Systems" in Proc. Sixth International Conference on Application of Concurrency to System Design, 2006. ACSD 2006., 2006.
  • [inproceedings] bibtex
    R. Buschermöhle, H. Eekhoff, und B. Josko, "SUCCESS - Motivation, Vorgehensweise und Ergebnisse" in Proc. INFORMATIK 2006 Informatik für Menschen, Band 1, Beiträge der 36. Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft für Informatik e.V. (GI) 2.-6.Oktober 2006 in Dresden., 2006.
  • [inproceedings] bibtex
    T. Chothia, S. Orzan, J. Pang, und M. Torabi Dashti, "A framework for automatically checking anonymity with $\mu$CRL" in Proc. Proc. 2nd Symposium on Trustworthy Global Computing, 2006.
  • [inproceedings] bibtex
    W. Damm, S. Disch, H. Hungar, J. Pang, F. Pigorsch, C. Scholl, U. Waldmann, und B. Wirtz, "Automatic verification of hybrid systems with large discrete state space" in Proc. Proc. 4th Symposium on Automated Technology for Verification and Analysis, 2006.
  • [inproceedings] bibtex
    Y. Deng, J. Pang, und P. Wu, "Measuring anonymity with relative entropy" in Proc. Proc. 4th Workshop on Formal Aspects in Security and Trust, 2006.
  • [article] bibtex
    W. Fokkink und J. Pang, "Variations on Itai-Rodeh leader election for anonymous rings and their analysis in PRISM" Journal of Universal Computer Science, vol. 12, iss. 8.
  • [inproceedings] bibtex | Dokument aufrufen Dokument aufrufen
    D. Helms, G. Ehmen, und W. Nebel, "Analysis and Modeling of Subthreshold Leakage of RT Components under PTV and State Variation" in Proc. Proceedings of the 2006 International Symposium on Low Power Electronics and Design, 2006.
  • [inproceedings] bibtex
    D. Javaux, A. Lüdtke, P. Polson, F. Reuzeau, und N. Sarter, "Human Modeling and Complexity" in Proc. Proceedings of the International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction in Aeronautics (HCI-Aero 06), Toulouse, France, 2006.
  • [techreport] bibtex
    B.~Josko und H. (Eds.), "Deliverable D3.2 -- Guidelines for establishing dependability requirements and performing hazard analysis, and for verification and validation of dependability requirements and constructing a safety case, Part 2 -- Formal Verification Techniques" EASIS report2006.
  • [inproceedings] bibtex | Dokument aufrufen Dokument aufrufen
    J. Klose, T. Toben, B. Westphal, und H. Wittke, "Check it out: On the Efficient Formal Verification of Life Sequence Charts" in Proc. Proceedings of CAV 2006, 2006.
  • [inproceedings] bibtex
    S.~Kupferschmid, J.~Hoffmann, H.~Dierks, und G.~Behrmann, "Adapting an AI Planning Heuristic for Directed Model Checking" in Proc. 13th International SPIN Workshop on Model Checking of Software, Vienna, Austria, 2006.
  • [inproceedings] bibtex
    S. Leuchter, A. Lüdtke, und L. Urbas, "Human Performance Modellierung mit interoperablen kognitiven Agenten" in Proc. 48. Fachausschusssitzung Anthropotechnik der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Luft- und Raumfahrt e.V., Cognitive Systems Engineering in der Fahrzeug- und Prozessführung, 24.-25. Oktober 2006, Fraunhofer-IITB, Karlsruhe., 2006.
  • [inproceedings] bibtex
    O. Lisagor, M. Pretzer, C. Seguin, D. J. Pumfrey, F. Iwu, und T. Peikenkamp, "Towards Safety Analysis of Highly Integrated Technologically Heterogeneous Systems -- A Domain-Based Approach for Modelling System Failure Logic" in Proc. Proceedings of the 24th International System Safety Conference (ISSC), Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA, 2006.
  • [article] bibtex
    A. Lüdtke, "Prognose potentieller Bedienungsfehler beim Entwurf Sicherheitskritischer Systeme" it- Information Technology, vol. 6, p. 4.
  • [inproceedings] bibtex
    A. Lüdtke, A. Cavallo, L. Christophe, M. Cifaldi, M. Fabbri, und D. Javaux, "Human Error Analysis based on a Cognitive Architecture" in Proc. Proceedings of the International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction in Aeronautics (HCI-Aero 06), Toulouse, France, 2006.
  • [inproceedings] bibtex
    A. Lüdtke und L. Weber, "Human Error Analysis Tool" in Proc. Proceedings of the International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction in Aeronautics (HCI-Aero 06), Toulouse, France, 2006.
  • [inproceedings] bibtex
    T. Toben und B. Westphal, "On the Expressive Power of Life Sequence Charts" in Proc. Proceedings of the 32nd Conference on Current Trends in Theory and Practice of Computer Science (SOFSEM'06), Mvevrín, Czech Republic, 2006.
  • [inproceedings] bibtex | Dokument aufrufen Dokument aufrufen
    B. Westphal und T. Toben, "The Good, the Bad and the Ugly: Well-formdness of Life Sequence Charts" in Proc. Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Fundamental Approaches to Software Engineering (FASE 2006), Vienna, Austria, 2006.


  • [incollection] bibtex
    E. Brinksma, G. Coulson, I. Crnkovic, A. Evans, S. Gérard, S. Graf, H. Hermanns, J. -M. Jézeqél, B. Jonsson, N. Plouzeau, A. Ravn, P. Schnoebelen, F. Terrier, und A. Votintseva, Part II: Component-Based Design and Integration PlatformsSpringer.
  • [article] bibtex
    W. Damm, B. Josko, A. Pnueli, und A. Votintseva, "A Discrete-Time UML Semantics for Concurrency and Communication in Safety-Critical Applications" Science of Computer Programming, vol. 55, iss. 1-3.
  • [inproceedings] bibtex
    W. Damm, G. Pinto, und S. Ratschan, "Guaranteed Termination in the Verification of LTL Properties of Non-linear Robust Hybrid Systems." 2005.
  • [article] bibtex
    W. Damm und B. Westphal, "Live and Let Die: LSC-based Verification of UML-Models" Science of Computer Programming, vol. 55, iss. 1--3.
  • [techreport] bibtex
    H.~Dierks, "Heuristic Guided Model-Checking of Real-Time Systems" University of Oldenburg, Department of Computer Science, Oldenburg, Germany2005.
  • [inproceedings] bibtex
    H.~Dierks, "Finding Optimal Plans for Domains with Continuous Effects with UPPAAL CORA" in Proc. Proceedings of the ICAPS'05 Workshop on Verification and Validation of Model-Based Planning and Scheduling Systems, 2005.
  • [unpublished] bibtex
    H.~Dierks, Time, Abstraction and Heuristics -- Automatic Verification and Planning of Timed Systems using Abstraction and Heuristics.
  • [incollection] bibtex
    A. Lüdtke, Kognitive Analyse Formaler Sicherheitskritischer Steuerungssysteme auf Basis eines integrierten Mensch-Maschine-ModellsBonn: Köllen Druck und Verlag GmbH.
  • [incollection] bibtex
    A. Lüdtke, Kognitive Analyse Formaler Sicherheitskritischer Steuerungssysteme auf Basis eines integrierten Mensch-Maschine-ModellsBerlin: Akad. Verl.-Ges. Aka.
  • [inproceedings] bibtex
    A. Lüdtke und S. Leuchter, "Human Error Analyse auf Basis Zweckbestimmter Kognitiver Modelle" in Proc. Workshop-Proceedings der 5. fachübergreifenden Konferenz Mensch und Computer, 4.-7. August 2005, Linz, Österreich, 2005.
  • [inproceedings] bibtex
    A. Lüdtke und C. Möbus, "A Case Study for Using a Cognitive Model of Learned Carelessness in Cognitive Engineering" in Proc. Proceedings of HCI International'05 the 11th International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction, Mahwah, New Jersey, 2005.
  • [inproceedings] bibtex
    C. Mrugalla, O. Robbe, I. Schinz, T. Toben, und B. Westphal, "Formal Verification of a Sensor Voting and Monitoring UML Model" in Proc. Proceedings of the 4th International Workshop on Critical Systems Development Using Modeling Languages (CSDUML 2005), 2005.
  • [incollection] bibtex
    C. Möbus, O. Schröder, und A. Lüdtke, Trainingseinheit 7: Entscheiden unter Unsicherheit.Bielefeld: W.Bertelsmann-Verlag.
  • [incollection] bibtex
    C. Möbus, O. Schröder, und A. Lüdtke, Entscheidung unter UnsicherheitBielefeld: W.Bertelsmann-Verlag.
  • [inproceedings] bibtex
    H. Seebold, A. Lüdtke, und C. Möbus, "Bayesian Belief Network based Diagnostics in a Problem-oriented Learning Environment for Cardiology" in Proc. Proceedings of Training, Education & Simulation International 2005 (TESI 2005), 22.-24. March 2005, Maastricht, The Netherlands, 2005.
  • [inproceedings] bibtex
    B. Westphal, "LSC Verification for UML Models with Unbounded Creation and Destruction" in Proc. Proceedings of the Workshop on Software Model Checking (SoftMC 2005), 2005.
  • [mastersthesis] bibtex
    G. Ehmen, "Datenabhängige RT-Ebenen-Modellierung von Leckströmen in tiefen Sub-Mikrometer-CMOS-Technologien" Master's Dissertation , 2005.


  • [incollection] bibtex
    W. Damm und B. Westphal, Introduction to Subject Area Charts.
  • [inproceedings] bibtex
    B. Becker, M. Behle, F. Eisenbrand, M. Fränzle, M. Herbstritt, C. Herde, J. Hoffmann, D. Kröning, B. Nebel, I. Polian, und R. Wimmer, "Bounded Model Checking and Inductive Verification of Hybrid Discrete-continuous Systems" in Proc. ITG/GI/GMM-Workshop ``Methoden und Beschreibungssprachen zur Modellierung und Verifikation von Schaltungen und Systemen'', 2004.
  • [incollection] bibtex
    M. Brill, R. Buschermöhle, W. Damm, J. Klose, B. Westphal, und H. Wittke, Formal Verification of LSC's in the Development Process.
  • [incollection] bibtex
    M. Brill, W. Damm, J. Klose, B. Westphal, und H. Wittke, Live Sequence Charts.
  • [inproceedings] bibtex
    J. -Y. Brunel, W. Damm, A. Ferrari, U. Freund, B. Josko, S. Kowalewski, A. Sangiovanni-Vincentelli, M. Torngren, T. Thurner, und H. von Hasseln, "The Future Design Scenario and The SEA Inititative" in Proc. IFAC Symposium on Advances in Automotive Control, University of Salerno, Italy, 2004.
  • [article] bibtex
    R. Buschermöhle, M. Brörkens, I. Brückner, W. Damm, W. Hasselbring, B. Josko, C. Schulte, und T. Wolf, "Model Checking - Grundlagen und Praxiserfahrungen" Informatik Spektrum, iss. 2.
  • [inproceedings] bibtex
    W. Damm, H. Hungar, und E. -R. Olderog, "On the Verification of Cooperating Traffic Agents" in Proc. Proc. FMCO '03: Formal Methods for Components and Objects, 2004.
  • [inproceedings] bibtex
    H.~Dierks, "Heuristic Guided Model-Checking of Real-Time Systems (Extended Abstract)" in Proc. Proceedings of the 16th Nordic Workshop on Programming Theory, 2004.
  • [article] bibtex
    H.~Dierks, "Comparing Model-Checking and Logical Reasoning for Real-Time Systems" Formal Aspects of Computing, vol. 16, iss. 2.
  • [conference] bibtex
    A. Lüdtke und C. Möbus, "Automatisierte Prognose von Bedienungsfehlern bei der Entwicklung von Pilotenassistenzsystemen" in Proc. Verlässlichkeit der Mensch-Maschine-Interaktion: 46. Fachausschusssitzung Anthropotechnik der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Luft- und Raumfahrt e.V., Bonn, 2004.
  • [inproceedings] bibtex
    A. Lüdtke und C. Möbus, "A Cognitive Pilot Model to Predict Learned Carelessness for System Design" in Proc. Proceedings of HCI-Aero the International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction in Aeronautics, Toulouse, France, 2004.
  • [incollection] bibtex
    A. Lüdtke und C. Möbus, Überprüfung eines Lernenden Pilotenmodells durch Rekonstruktion von HandlungsprotokollenDüsseldorf: VDI Verlag GmbH.
  • [inproceedings] bibtex
    A. Metzner, "Why Model Checking Can Improve WCET Analysis" in Proc. Proceeding of the $16^th$ Internation Conference on Computer Aided Verification (CAV'04), 2004.
  • [inproceedings] bibtex
    T. Peikenkamp, E. Böde, I. Brückner, H. Spenke, M. Bretschneider, und H.-J. "Model-based Safety Analysis of a Flap Control System" in Proc. Proceedings of the INCOSE 2004 -- 14th Annual International Symposium, Toulouse, 2004.
  • [inproceedings] bibtex
    I. Schinz, T. Toben, C. Mrugalla, und B. Westphal, "The Rhapsody UML Verification Environment" in Proc. Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Software Engineering and Formal Methods (SEFM 2004), Beijing, China, 2004.
  • [inproceedings] bibtex
    H. Seebold, A. Lüdtke, und C. Möbus, "The Engineering and Evaluation of an Intelligent Problem-Oriented Learning Environment." in Proc. Proceedings of the Workshop on Teaching and Learning Systems, The Role of Artificial Intelligence in Past, Present and Future, 15th Meeting of the GI Special Interest Group Intelligent Teaching and Learning Systems, KI 2004., 2004.
  • [book] bibtex
    Integration of Software Specification Techniques for Applications in Engineering, Ehrig, H., Damm, W., Desel, J., Große-Rhode, M., Reif, W., Schnieder, E., und Westkämper, E. Eds., Springer-Verlag.


  • [inproceedings] bibtex
    H.~Dierks und J.~Tapken, "Moby/DC --- A Tool for Model-Checking Parametric Real-Time Specifications" in Proc. Tools and Algorithms for the Construction and Analysis of Systems (TACAS), 2003.
  • [phdthesis] bibtex
    T. Bienmüller, "Reducing Complexity for the Verification of Statemate Designs" PhD Thesis , 2003.
  • [inproceedings] bibtex
    M. Bozzano, Villafiorita, O. A. Akerlund, P. Bieber, C. Bougnol, B. E., M. Bretschneider, A. Cavallo, C. Castel, M. Cifaldi, A. Cimatti, A. Griffault, C. Kehren, B. Lawrence, A. Lüdtke, S. Metge, C. Papadopoulos, R. Passatello, T. Peikenkamp, P. Persson, C. Seguin, L. Trotta, L. Valacca, und G. Zacco, "ESACS: an Integrated Methodology for Design and Safety Analysis of Complex Systems" in Proc. European Safety and Reliability Conference (ESREL), June 15 - 18, 2003, Maastricht, The Netherlands, 2003.
  • [inproceedings] bibtex
    W. Damm, B. Josko, A. Pnueli, und A. Votintseva, "Understanding UML: A Formal Semantics of Concurrency and Communication in Real-Time UML" in Proc. Proceedings of the First International Symposium on Formal Methods for Components and Objects (FMCO), 2003.
  • [article] bibtex
    W. Damm, C. Schulte, M. Segelken, H. Wittke, U. Higgen, und M. Eckrich, "Formale Verifikation von ASCET Modellen im Rahmen der Entwicklung der Aktivlenkung" Lecture Notes in Informatics, vol. P-34.
  • [inproceedings] bibtex
    W. Damm und B. Westphal, "Live and Let Die: LSC-based Verification of UML-Models" in Proc. Proceedings of the First International Symposium on Formal Methods for Components and Objects (FMCO), 2003.
  • [article] bibtex
    H.~Dierks und E.-R.~Olderog, "Temporale Spezifikationslogiken" at-Automatisierungstechnik, vol. 51, iss. 2.
  • [conference] bibtex
    M. Fränzle und C. Herde, "Efficient SAT engines for concise logics: Accelerating proof search for zero-one linear constraint systems" in Proc. Logic for Programming, Artificial Intelligence and Reasoning (LPAR 2003), 2003.
  • [article] bibtex
    M. Fränzle, J. Niehaus, A. Metzner, und W. Damm, "A Semantics for Distributed Execution of STATEMATE" Formal Aspects of Computing, vol. 15, iss. 4.
  • [phdthesis] bibtex
    J. Klose, "Live Sequence Charts: A Graphical Formalism for the Specification of Communication Behavior" PhD Thesis , 2003.
  • [inproceedings] bibtex
    J. Klose und B. Westphal, "Verification of a Radio-based Signaling System Using Scenarios" in Proc. International Workshop on Software Specification of Safety Relevant Transportation Control Tasks, 23 -- 24 April 2002, Braunschweig, Düsseldorf, 2003.
  • [inproceedings] bibtex
    M. Lettrari, "Using Abstractions for Heuristic State Space Exploration of Reactive Object-Oriented Systems" in Proc. FME 2003: Formal Methods, International Symposium of Formal Methods Europe, Pisa, Italy, September 8-14, 2003, Proceedings, 2003.
  • [incollection] bibtex
    A. Lüdtke, C. Möbus, R. Raabe, D. Eschrich, und T. Engwert, Evaluationsbericht für das Trainingsprogramm SHAFTBielefeld: W.Bertelsmann-Verlag.
  • [incollection] bibtex
    A. Lüdtke, C. Möbus, R. Raabe, D. Eschrich, und T. Engwert, Erfahrungsberichte bzgl. des Trainingsprogramms SHAFTBielefeld: W.Bertelsmann-Verlag.
  • [inproceedings] bibtex
    A. Metzner, "Incremental Task Allocation: Integrating Real-Time Software in Distributed Embedded Systems" in Proc. Proceeding of the $16^th$ International Conference on Software and Systems Engineering and their Application (ICSSEA'03), 2003.
  • [article] bibtex
    C. Möbus und A. Lüdtke, "ITS 2002 Tagungsbericht" KI Zeitschrift Künstliche Intelligenz, vol. 1.
  • [incollection] bibtex
    C. Möbus, A. Lüdtke, und H. -J. Thole, Hinweise zur Weiterentwicklung computersimulierter PlanspieleBielefeld: W.Bertelsmann-Verlag.
  • [article] bibtex
    E.-R.~Olderog und H.~Dierks, "Moby/RT: A Tool for Specification and Verification of Real-Time Systems" Journal of Universal Computer Science, vol. 9, iss. 2.
  • [incollection] bibtex
    O. Schröder, C. Möbus, und A. Lüdtke, Individuelle Voraussetzungen der strategischen HandlungsflexibilitätBielefeld: W.Bertelsmann-Verlag.
  • [article] bibtex
    C. Schulte, M. Brörkens, I. Brückner, R. Buschermöhle, und T. Wolf, "Sicherheit für sicherheitskritische Systeme" Electronic Embedded Systeme, vol. 09/03.
  • [proceedings] bibtex
    Tools and Algorithms for the Construction and Analysis of Systems, 9th International Conference, TACAS 2003Springer-Verlag.


  • [inproceedings] bibtex
    H.~Dierks und M.~Lettrari, "Constructing Test Automata from Graphical Real-Time Requirements" in Proc. FTRTFT 2002, 2002.
  • [inproceedings] bibtex
    J. Bohn, W. Damm, J. Klose, A. Moik, und H. Wittke, "Modeling and Validating Train System Applications Using Statemate and Live Sequence Charts" in Proc. Proceedings of the Conference on Integrated Design and Process Technology (IDPT2002), 2002.
  • [inproceedings] bibtex | Dokument aufrufen Dokument aufrufen
    M. Brörkens und M. Möller, "Dynamic Event Generation for Runtime Checking using the JDI" in Proc. Runtime Verification, 2002.
  • [inproceedings] bibtex
    W. Damm und B. Jonsson, "Eliminating Queues from RT UML Model Representations" in Proc. 7th Int'l Symposium on Formal Techniques in Real-Time and Faul t-Tolerance Systems, FTRTFT 2002, 2002.
  • [inproceedings] bibtex
    H.~Dierks, G.~Behrmann, und K.G.~Larsen, "Solving Planning Problems Using Real-Time Model-Checking (Translating PDDL3 into Timed Automata)" in Proc. AIPS-Workshop Planning via Model-Checking, 2002.
  • [inproceedings] bibtex
    H. Dierks und M. Lettrari, "Constructing Test Automata from Graphical Real-Time Requirements" in Proc. Formal Techniques in Real-Time and Fault-Tolerant Systems, 2002.
  • [inproceedings] bibtex
    M. Fränzle, "Take it NP-easy: Bounded Model Construction for Duration Calculus" in Proc. International Symposium on Formal Techniques in Real-Time and Fault-Tolerant systems (FTRTFT 2002), 2002.
  • [article] bibtex
    M. Fränzle, "Model-Checking Dense-Time Duration Calculus" Accepted for FACS.
  • [inproceedings] bibtex
    J. Klose, T. Kropf, und J. Ruf, "A Visual Approach to Validating System Level Designs" in Proc. International Symposioum on System Synthesis (ISSS), Kyoto, Japan, 2002.
  • [inproceedings] bibtex
    J. Klose und B. Westphal, "Relating LSC Specifications to UML Models" in Proc. Proceedings INT2002- International Workshop on Integration of Specification Techniques for Applications in Engineering, 2002.
  • [conference] bibtex
    A. Lüdtke und C. Möbus, "Prognose von Bedienungsfehlern durch Simulation der Entstehung gelernter Sorglosigkeit bei der Pilot-Cockpit Interaktion" in Proc. Situation Awareness in der Fahrzeug-- und Prozessführung: 44. Fachausschusssitzung Anthropotechnik der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Luft-- und Raumfahrt e.V, Bonn, 2002.
  • [conference] bibtex
    A. Lüdtke und C. Möbus, "Prognose von Bedienungsfehlern durch Routinebildung in teilautonomen Systemen: Konzept und empirische Untersuchung" in Proc. Bedienen und Verstehen: 4. Berliner Werkstatt Mensch-Maschine-Systeme 2001, Düsseldorf, 2002.
  • [conference] bibtex
    A. Lüdtke und C. Möbus, "Modellierung von Routineeffekten durch gelernte Sorglosigkeit bei der Bedienung teilautonomer Systeme" in Proc. 43. Kongress der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Psychologie, Lengerich, 2002, p. 464.
  • [inproceedings] bibtex
    A. Lüdtke, C. Möbus, und H. J. Thole, "Cognitive Modelling Approach to Diagnose Over-Simplification in Simulation-Based Training" in Proc. Proceedings of ITS2002 the 6th International Conference Intelligent Tutoring Systems, Biarritz, France and San Sebastian, Spain, June 2002, Berlin, 2002.
  • [book] bibtex
    Formal Techniques in Real-Time and Fault-Tolerant Systems, W.~Damm und E.-R.~Olderog, Eds., Springer-Verlag-Verlag, vol. 2469.


  • T. Bienmüller, W. Damm, J. Klose, und H. Wittke, "Formale Analyse und Verifikation von Statemate Entwürfen" it+ti, vol. 43, iss. 1.
  • [inproceedings] bibtex
    U. Brockmeyer, J. Klose, und M. Lettrari, "UML Validation Suite" in Proc. Proceedings of FATES'01 - Formal Approaches to Testing of Software, 2001.
  • [article] bibtex
    W. Damm und M. Cohen, "Advanced Validation Techniques Meet Complexity Challange in Embedded Software Development" Embedded Systems Journal.
  • [article] bibtex
    W. Damm und D. Harel, "LSCs: Breathing Life into Message Sequence Charts" Formal Methods in System Design, vol. 19, iss. 1.
  • [article] bibtex
    W. Damm und J. Klose, "Verification of a Radio-based Signaling System Using the Statemate Verification Environment" Formal Methods in System Design, vol. 19, iss. 2.
  • [article] bibtex
    H.~Dierks und J.~Tapken, "Moby/PLC: Eine graphische Entwicklungsumgebung für SPS-Programme" at-Automatisierungstechnik, vol. 49, iss. 1.
  • [inproceedings] bibtex
    M. Fränzle, "What will be eventually true of polynomial hybrid automata" in Proc. Theoretical Aspects of Computer Software (TACS 2001), 2001.
  • [article] bibtex
    M. Fränzle und K. Lüth, "Visual Temporal Logic as a Rapid Prototyping Tool" Computer Languages, vol. 27, iss. 1--3.
  • [inproceedings] bibtex
    J. Klose und M. Lettrari, "Scenario-based Monitoring and Testing of Real-time UML models" in Proc. UML 2001 - The Unified Modeling Language: Modeling Languages, Concepts, and Tools, 2001.
  • [inproceedings] bibtex
    J. Klose und H. Wittke, "An Automata Based Representation of Live Sequence Charts" in Proc. Proceedings of TACAS 2001, 2001.
  • [techreport] bibtex
    C. Möbus und A. Lüdtke, "Eingebettete Systeme: Unterstützung der Sicherheitsanalyse von Avionik-Systemen." Oldenburger Forschungs- und Entwicklungsinstitut für Informatik-Werkzeuge und -Systeme, Jahresbericht 20002001.


  • T. Bienmüller, U. Brockmeyer, Hans Jürgen Holberg, und H. Wittke, Automatic Debugging for STATEMATE Designs.
  • [inproceedings] bibtex
    T. Bienmüller, W. Damm, und H. Wittke, "The STATEMATE Verification Environment -- Making it real" in Proc. 12th international Conference on Computer Aided Verification, CAV, 2000.
  • [inproceedings] bibtex
    H.~Dierks, "Specification and Verification of Polling Real-Time Systems" in Proc. Ausgezeichnete Informatikdissertationen 1999, 2000.
  • [inproceedings] bibtex
    H.~Dierks, "A Process Algebra for Real-Time Programs" in Proc. FASE 2000: Fundamental Approaches to Software Engineering, 2000.
  • [article] bibtex
    H.~Dierks, "PLC-Automata: A New Class of Implementable Real-Time Automata" Theoret. Comput. Sci. vol. 253, iss. 1.
  • [article] bibtex
    H.~Dierks und J.~Tapken, "Modelling and Verifying of `Cash-Point Service' Using Moby/PLC" Formal Aspects of Computing, vol. 12.
  • [inproceedings] bibtex
    J. Klose und A. Moik, "Modellierung der FORMS-Fallstudien mit Statemate" in Proc. FORMS2000 - Formale Techniken für die Eisenbahnsicherung, 2000.
  • A. Metzner und J. Niehaus, "MSPARC: Multithreading in Real-Time Architectures" Journal of Universal Computer Science, vol. 6, iss. 10.
  • [techreport] bibtex
    C. Möbus und A. Lüdtke, "Eingebettete Systeme: Wissensbasierte Unterstützung der Sicherheitsanalyse" Oldenburger Forschungs- und Entwicklungsinstitut für Informatik-Werkzeuge und -Systeme, Jahresbericht 19992000.
  • [article] bibtex
    J. Niehaus, W. Damm, A. Metzner, und A. Mikschl, "Die EVENTS-Architektur" it + ti, vol. 42, iss. 2.
  • [inproceedings] bibtex
    J. Niehaus, K. Lüth, und W. Damm, "Multithreading in Rapid Prototyping Target Platforms" in Proc. AES2000, 2000.
  • [inproceedings] bibtex
    F. Terrier, N. Voros, und U. Brockmeyer, "Specification, Implementation, and Validation of Object-Oriented Embedded Systems" in Proc. Object-Oriented Technology - ECOOP 2000 Workshop Reader, 2000.

vor 2000

  • [inproceedings] bibtex
    H.~Dierks, "PLC-Automata: A New Class of Implementable Real-Time Automata" in Proc. ARTS'97, 1997.
  • [inproceedings] bibtex
    H.~Dierks, "Synthesising Controllers from Real-Time Specifications" in Proc. Tenth International Symposium on System Synthesis, 1997.
  • [inproceedings] bibtex
    H.~Dierks, "The Production Cell: A Verified Real-Time System" in Proc. Formal Techniques in Real-Time and Fault-Tolerant Systems, 1996.
  • [inproceedings] bibtex
    H.~Dierks und C.~Dietz, "Graphical Specification and Reasoning: Case Study ``Generalized Railroad Crossing''" in Proc. FME'97, 1997.
  • [inproceedings] bibtex
    H.~Dierks, A.~Fehnker, A.~Mader, und F.W.~Vaandrager, "Operational and Logical Semantics for Polling Real-Time Systems" in Proc. FTRTFT'98, 1998.
  • [inproceedings] bibtex
    H.~Dierks und M.~Schenke, "A Unifying Framework for Correct Program Construction" in Proc. Mathematics of Program Construction 98, 1998.
  • [inproceedings] bibtex
    E.-R.~Olderog und H.~Dierks, "Decomposing Real-Time Specifications" in Proc. Compositionality: The Significant Difference, 1998.
  • [inproceedings] bibtex
    J.~Tapken und H.~Dierks, "MOBY/PLC -- Graphical Development of PLC-Automata" in Proc. FTRTFT'98, 1998.
  • [inproceedings] bibtex
    A.~Allara, M.~Bombana, S.~Comai, B.~Josko, R.~Schlör, und D.~Sciuto, "Specification of Embedded Monitors for Property Checking" in Proc. Proceedings, Forum on Design Languages, FDL'99, 1999.
  • [incollection] bibtex
    T. Bienmüller, J. Bohn, H. Brinkmann, U. Brockmeyer, W. Damm, H. Hungar, und P. Jansen, Verification of Automotive Control UnitsSpringer Verlag.
  • [inproceedings] bibtex
    T. Bienmüller, U. Brockmeyer, W. Damm, G. Döhmen, C. Eßmann, H. Holberg, H. Hungar, B. Josko, R. Schlör, G. Wittich, H. Wittke, G. Clements, J. Rowlands, und E. Sefton, "Formal Verification of an Avionics Application using Abstraction and Symbolic Model Checking" in Proc. Towards System Safety -- Proceedings of the Seventh Safety-critical Systems Symposium, Huntingdon, UK, 1999.
  • [phdthesis] bibtex
    J. Bohn, "Mechanical Support and Validation of a Design Calculus for Communicating Systems by a Logic-Based Proof System" PhD Thesis , Germany, 1997.
  • [incollection] bibtex
    J. Bohn und H. Hungar, TRAVERDI --- Transformation and Verification of Distributed SystemsSpringer.
  • [inproceedings] bibtex
    J. Bohn, " "Formalizing the transformational design of communicating systems in the theorem prover LAMBDA" " in Proc. Higher Order Algebra, Logic and Term Rewriting (HOA'93), 1993, p. 14.
  • [inproceedings] bibtex
    J. Bohn, " "Formal transformational reasoning about reactive systems in the theorem prover LAMBDA" " in Proc. Supplementary proceedings of the 7th international workshop on Higher Order Logic Theorem Proving and its Applications, 1994, p. 17.
  • [inproceedings] bibtex
    J. Bohn, W. Damm, O. Grumberg, H. Hungar, und K. Laster, " "First-Order-CTL Model Checking" " in Proc. FSTTCS, 1998.
  • [inproceedings] bibtex
    J. Bohn und W. Janssen, "A strategic approach to transformational design" in Proc. Proc. Int. Conf. FME 96; Industrial benefit and Advances in Formal Methods, Oxford, UK, 1996.
  • [inproceedings] bibtex
    J. Bohn und S. Rössig, "On Automatic and Interactive Design of Communicating Systems" in Proc. Proceedings of the 1st International Workshop on Tools and Algorithms for the Construction and Analysis of Systems (TACAS'95), Aarhus, Denmark, 1995.
  • [phdthesis] bibtex
    U. Brockmeyer, "Verifikation von STATEMATE Designs" PhD Thesis , Oldenburg, 1999.
  • [inproceedings] bibtex
    U. Brockmeyer und G. Wittich, "Real-Time Verification of STATEMATE Designs --- Tool-Paper" in Proc. Computer Aided Verification, 1998.
  • [inproceedings] bibtex
    U. Brockmeyer und G. Wittich, "Tamagotchis Need Not Die -- Verification of STATEMATE Designs" in Proc. Tools and Algorithms for the Construction and Analysis of Systems, 1998.
  • [inproceedings] bibtex
    U. Brockmeyer und G. Wittich, "Case Study: Verification of an Embedded Fault-Tolerant Avionics System" in Proc. IEEE International Workshop on Embedded Fault-Tolerant Systems (EFTS'98), 1998.
  • [inproceedings] bibtex
    C. Courcoubetis, W. Damm, und B. Josko, "Verification of timing properties of VHDL" in Proc. 5th Conference on Computer-Aided Verification, 1993.
  • [inproceedings] bibtex
    W. Damm, U. Brockmeyer, H. -J. Holberg, G. Wittich, und M. Eckrich, "Einsatz formaler Methoden zur Erhöhung der Sicherheit eingebetteter Systeme im Kfz" in Proc. Systemengeneering in der Kfz-Entwicklung, 1997.
  • [inproceedings] bibtex
    W. Damm, G. Döhmen, V. Gerstner, und B. Josko, "Modular verification of Petri nets: The temporal logic approach" in Proc. Stepwise Refinement of Distributed Systems. Models, Formalisms, Correctness, 1990.
  • [inproceedings] bibtex
    W. Damm, G. Döhmen, und J. Klose, "Secure Decentralized Control of Railway Crossings" in Proc. Fourth International ERCIM Workshop on Formal Methods in Industrial Critical Systems, 1999.
  • [inproceedings] bibtex
    W. Damm und D. Harel, "LSCs: Breathing Life into Message Sequence Charts" in Proc. FMOODS'99 IFIP TC6/WG6.1 Third International Conference on Formal Methods for Open Object-Based Distributed Systems, 1999.
  • [incollection] bibtex
    W. Damm, H. Hungar, P. Kelb, und R. Schlör, Using graphical specification languages and symbolic model checking in the verification of a production cellSpringer.
  • [inproceedings] bibtex
    W. Damm, B. Josko, H. Hungar, und A. Pnueli, "A Compositional Real-time Semantics of STATEMATE Designs" in Proc. Proceedings COMPOS'97, 1998.
  • [incollection] bibtex
    W. Damm, B. Josko, und R. Schlör, Specification and Verification of VHDL-based System-Level Hardware DesignsOxford University Press.
  • [inproceedings] bibtex
    W. Damm, B. Josko, und R. Schlör, "A Net-Based Semantics for VHDL" in Proc. Proceedings EURO-DAC with EURO-VHDL 93, 1993.
  • [inproceedings] bibtex
    W. Damm, F. Liu, und T. Peikenkamp, "A graph Rewriting Model enhanced with sharing for OR-parallel execution of Logic Programs" in Proc. Proc. of SemaGraph'91 Symposium on the Semantics and Progmatics of Generalized Graph Rewriting, Nijmegen, The Netherlands, 1991.
  • [inproceedings] bibtex
    W. Damm und A. Pnueli, "Verifying out-of-order executions" in Proc. Advances in Hardwre Design and Verification: IFIP WG 10.5 International Conference on Correct Hardware Design and Verification Methods (CHARME), 1997.
  • [inproceedings] bibtex
    W. Damm, A. Pnueli, und S. Ruah, "Herbrand automata for hardware verification" in Proc. Proc of the 9th International Conference on Conucrrency (CONCUR), 1998.
  • [article] bibtex
    H.~Dierks, "Synthesizing Controllers from Real-Time Specifications" IEEE Transactions on Computer-Aided Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems, vol. 18, iss. 1.
  • [phdthesis] bibtex
    H.~Dierks, "Specification and Verification of Polling Real-Time Systems" PhD Thesis , 1999.
  • [inproceedings] bibtex
    H.~Dierks, "Comparing Model-Checking and Logical Reasoning for Real-Time Systems" in Proc. ESSLLI'98, 1998.
  • [mastersthesis] bibtex
    H.~Dierks, "Der Einsatz von Theorem-Beweisern am Beispiel der Graphentheorie" Master's Dissertation , 1997.
  • [mastersthesis] bibtex
    H.~Dierks, "Die Fertigungszelle als verifiziertes Realzeitsystem" Master's Dissertation , 1995.
  • [techreport] bibtex
    H.~Dierks, A.~Fehnker, A.~Mader, und F.W.~Vaandrager, "Operational and Logical Semantics for Polling Real-Time Systems" Computer Science Institute Nijmegen, Faculty of Mathematics and Informatics, Catholic University of Nijmegen, CSI-R9813, 1998.
  • [inproceedings] bibtex
    H.~Dierks und J.~Tapken, "Tool-Supported Hierarchical Design of Distributed Real-Time Systems" in Proc. Proceedings of the 10th EuroMicro Workshop on Real Time Systems, 1998.
  • [techreport] bibtex
    K. Feyerabend, "Real time symbolic timing diagrams" Department of computer science, Oldenburg University1996.
  • [inproceedings] bibtex
    K. Feyerabend und B. Josko, "A Visual Formalism for Real Time Requirement Specifications" in Proc. Transformation-Based Reactive Systems Development, Proceedings, 4th International AMAST Workshop on Real-Time Systems and Concurrentand Distributed Software, ARTS'97, 1997.
  • [inproceedings] bibtex
    K. Feyerabend und R. Schlör, "Hardware Synthesis from Requirement Specifications" in Proc. EURO-DAC'96 with EURO-VHDL'96 Proceedings, 1996.
  • [inproceedings] bibtex
    M. Fränzle, "Analysis of Hybrid Systems: An ounce of realism can save an infinity of states" in Proc. Computer Science Logic (CSL'99), 1999.
  • [unpublished] bibtex
    M. Fränzle, Model-Checking Dense-Time Duration Calculus.
  • [inproceedings] bibtex
    M. Fränzle, W. Goerigk, B. von Karger, und M. Müller-Olm, "Beyond ProCoS at Kiel: A Synopsis of Recent Research" in Proc. ProCoS WG Workshop at FM'99 (Part of the FM'99 CD-Rom), 1999.
  • [inproceedings] bibtex
    M. Fränzle und K. Lüth, "Visual Temporal Logic as a Rapid Prototyping Tool" in Proc. Proc. 1st internat. Symp. on Visual Formal Methods (VFM `99), 1999.
  • [inproceedings] bibtex
    M. Fränzle und K. Lüth, "Compiling Graphical Real-Time Specifications into Silicon" in Proc. Formal Techniques in Real-Time and Fault-Tolerant Systems (FTRTFT'98), 1998.
  • [inproceedings] bibtex
    M. Fränzle und M. Müller-Olm, "Compilation and Synthesis for Real-Time Embedded Controllers" in Proc. Correct System Design --- Recent Insights and Advances, 1999.
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    M. Grabowski und H. Hungar, "On the existence of effective Hoare logics" in Proc. 3rd IEEE Symp. on Logic in Comp. Sc., 1988.
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    H. Hungar, "Correctness of programs over poor signatures" in Proc. Foundations of Software Technology and Theoretical Comp. Sc., 1991.
  • [incollection] bibtex
    H. Hungar, Specification and Verification Using a Visual Formalism on Top of Temporal LogicSpringer.
  • [inproceedings] bibtex
    H. Hungar, "Combining model checking and theorem proving to verify parallel processes" in Proc. 5th Int. Conf. on Computer Aided Verification, 1993.
  • [inproceedings] bibtex
    H. Hungar, "Model checking of macro processes" in Proc. 6th Int. Conf. on Computer Aided Verification, 1994.
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    H. Hungar, "The complexity of verifying functional programs" in Proc. Symp. on Theoretical Aspects of Comp. Sc., 1993.
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    H. Hungar, "Complexity of proving program correctness" in Proc. Theoretical Aspects of Computer Software, 1991.
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    H. Hungar, "Local model checking for parallel compositions of context-free processes" in Proc. 5th Int. Conf. on Concurrency Theory, 1994.
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    H. Hungar, "Model Checking and Higher-Order Recursion" in Proc. Math. Found. of Comp. Sc., 1999.
  • [article] bibtex
    H. Hungar, "Expressibility of the semantics of sequential programs in first-order logic" Fundamenta Informatica, vol. 21.
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    H. Hungar, "Complexity bounds of Hoare-style proof systems" in Proc. 6th IEEE Symp. on Logic in Comp. Sc., 1991.
  • [inproceedings] bibtex
    H. Hungar, O. Grumberg, und W. Damm, "What if model checking must be truly symbolic" in Proc. Work. Conf. on Correct Hardware Design and Verification Methods, 1995.
  • [inproceedings] bibtex
    H. Hungar und B. Steffen, "Local model checking for context-free processes" in Proc. 20th Int. Coll. on Automata, Languages and Programming, 1993.
  • [article] bibtex
    H. Hungar und B. Steffen, "Local model checking for context-free processes" Nordic J. of Comp. vol. 1.
  • [inproceedings] bibtex
    B. Josko, "Verifying the correctness of AADL modules using model checking" in Proc. Stepwise Refinement of Distributed Systems. Models, Formalisms, Correctness, 1990.
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  • [inproceedings] bibtex
    B. Josko, "Modelchecking of CTL Formulae under Liveness Assumptions" in Proc. ICALP 87, 1987.
  • [phdthesis] bibtex
    B. Josko, "Modular Specification and Verification of Reactive Systems" PhD Thesis , 1993.
  • [inproceedings] bibtex
    Jürgen Bohn, "Interaktive Synthese kommunizierender Systeme mit LAMBDA" in Proc. GI/ITG Workshop Formale Methoden zum Entwurf korrekter Systeme, Bad Herrenalb, 1993.
  • [inproceedings] bibtex
    J. Klose, "Erweiterte Message Sequence Charts für die Verifikation von Statemate-Entwürfen" in Proc. Informatik'99 - Informatik überwindet Grenzen, 29. Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft für Informatik, 1999.
  • [inproceedings] bibtex
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