Aktuelle Projekte

Aktuelle Projekte
The production of stress in morphologically complex items: A study with non-native speakers of English
Leah Klußmann
The ability to assign stress in morphologically complex words presents a significant challenge for learners of English as a second language, particularly for native speakers of German. English stress patterns differ notably from those in German; therefore, requiring learners to internalize new rules that do not necessarily mirror those of their first language. In both English and German, stress assignment patterns are closely linked to suffix categories (e.g., stress-shifting vs. neutral); however, equivalent suffixes often follow distinct stress patterns in each language. While extensive research has focused on stress perception, relatively few studies have investigated how non-native speakers produce stress in morphologically complex English words. This project addresses this gap by examining how German native speakers assign stress in derived English words. Data collection includes reading tasks involving both English and German bases and derivatives, a lexical assessment (LexTALE), and evaluations of participants’ English proficiency in terms of comprehensibility and accent.
Die Interpretation und Verarbeitung von Wh-Fragen bei deutschen und niederländischen Kindern: Eine cross-linguistische Studie
Ziel dieses Projektes ist es, die Rolle von Kasusmarkierung und DP-Struktur bei der Interpretation und der Verarbeitung von Subjekt- und Objektstrukturen zu untersuchen. Zu diesem Zweck wird ein Vergleich zwischen der Interpretation und der Verarbeitung von deutschen Wh-Fragen einerseits und niederländischen Wh-Fragen andererseits angestellt. Die Fragen in diesen Sprachen sind sich was die Struktur angeht sehr ähnlich, aber unterscheiden sich bezüglich Kasusmarkierung. Konkret werden deutschsprechende und niederländischsprechende Kinder und Erwachsene an einer Satz-Bild-Matching-Aufgabe teilnehmen, bei der zusätzlich von Eyetracking Gebrauch gemacht wird.
Processing of morphosyntactic structures in heritage speakers of Russian in Germany: a psycholinguistic study
Heritage speakers of Russian in Germany form a heterogeneous group with highly variable Russian language skills, influenced by the linguistic environment and family input. While daily life outside the family predominantly takes place in German, Russian is mainly used within the family.
The research project investigates the processing of morphosyntactic structures in Russian by heritage speakers using electroencephalography (EEG) and event-related potential (ERP) analysis. EEG data will be collected during the processing of auditory stimuli that include morphosyntactic structures consistent with Russian norms as well as structures that deviate from these norms but are commonly found among heritage speakers.
The aim of the study is to investigate the morphosyntactic processing of heritage speakers in Germany and to compare them with monolingual Russian speakers. One question is whether heritage speakers can make use of the morphosyntactic structures of Russian to the same extent as L1 speakers. Another question is how morphosyntactic transfer phenomena from German are processed. The study combines aspects of heritage language research, morphosyntax, and psycholinguistics in order to gain deeper insights into bilingual language processing.
The effect of strategy-based intervention on L2 fluency of anxious learners of Dutch
The aim of the study is to examine whether strategy instruction with an app can help enhance fluency of anxious L2 learners by raising their awareness about different aspects of fluency and teaching them fluency strategies. Through the app Reppen, strategies are offered, practiced and feedback is provided.
The expectation is that the training will increase participants' fluency and decrease their speaking anxiety. Three different groups will be compared: two experimental groups and one control group. The participants in this study are Gymnasium students (L1 German) with at least level B1 (GeR).
Freies Erzählen und Vorlesen von angehenden Lehrpersonen (Katrin Kleinschmidt-Schinke, Ulla Licandro und Jörg Peters)
Wir untersuchen mit dieser Studie, wie angehende Lehrpersonen gegenüber unterschiedlichen Kleingruppen einer zweiten Grundschulklasse freie Erzählungen produzieren und Erzählungen vorlesen. Dabei stellen diese sich die Situation vor, dass sie im Rahmen ihres Deutschunterrichts im Schulpraktikum in einer zweiten Grundschulklasse im Distanzlernen mit diesen beiden Kleingruppen arbeiten.
Das Experiment besteht aus vier Aufgaben mit jeweils einer kurzen Pause dazwischen. Die Aufgabe der angehenden Lehrpersonen ist es, jeweils eine freie Erzählung für jede der zwei Kleingruppen zu produzieren und jeder der zwei Kleingruppen eine Erzählung vorzulesen. Sie erhalten Beschreibungen der vier Schüler*innen der beiden Kleingruppen. Bei den Aufgaben zum freien Erzählen erhalten sie eine Bildergeschichte als Grundlage und bei den Aufgaben zum Vorlesen den vorzulesenden Text. Die Sprachproben werden digital aufgezeichnet (Tonaufnahmen), transkribiert (GAT2), mit einem akustischen Analyseprogramm (Praat) untersucht sowie mit einem Datenanalyseprogramm codiert (MAXQDA).
Perception and acquisition of non-native vowel contrasts in adverse listening conditions
Perception of non-native speech sounds is often a challenge, especially if the non-native sound is similar to another one that is part of the native language. In that case, the non-native sound will typically be perceptually assimilated to the native category. However, not much is known yet about how people with impaired hearing perceive non-native speech and how they can acquire non-native sound categories. Thus, in this project, native English speakers will be presented with the German vowels /y/ and /ø/ in either clear speech or in a noise condition in order to simulate a hearing impairment. This way, it can be examined which vowels they confuse the German /y/ and /ø/ with. In later stages of the project, it will be examined whether listeners are able to use a learning bias for vowel harmony to their advantage to form new vowel categories and in doing so improve their vowel discrimination abilities even in adverse listening conditions.
Long-distance wh-questions in L3 Dutch
Ankelien Schippers & Andreas Hiemstra
We investigate the acceptability and processing of different types of long-distance wh-questions in Dutch by L3 learners who either have German as the L1 and English as the L2 or English as the L1 and German as the L2. Long-distance questions involve movement of a question word from a subordinate clause into a higher clause and are highly complex structures, which are not explicitly taught in. They show a lot of variability in their acceptability and the ways in which they are realized across languages. In our study, we aim to find out how L3 learners of Dutch differ from native speakers in how they process, judge and produce different types of long-distance questions. In particular, we are interested to see whether deviations from non-native behavior can be explained by transfer from the L1, transfer of the L2, access to UG principles or processing factors, or a combination of several of these factors.
Linguistic transfer between closely related languages in third language acquisition
Andreas Hiemstra
Andreas Hiemstra works on grammatical cross-linguistic influence (CLI) between closely related languages (German, English & Dutch) in third language acquisition. Moreover, he is interested in the consequences of CLI for, on the one hand, the debate on the organisation of linguistic knowledge in the memory system and, on the other hand, foreign language teaching. His work at the Speech and Music Lab at Oldenburg University focusses on experimental work (e. g. self-paced reading and grammaticality judgement tasks).
COMP-trace effects: A comparative and psycholinguistic approach
This DFG-funded project investigates so-called long-distance dependencies, a specific syntactic construction in which a constituent from a subordinate clause is moved into a structurally higher clause. This movement results in an empty position (traces) in the subordinate clause itself.
Long-distance dependencies are restricted in various ways and not all traces are licensed. Traces of subjects are particularly problematic, presumably because of their position (the start of the embedded clause). Languages deal with this problem in different ways and not all languages have the same difficulty with embedded subject traces. German, English and Dutch, three closely related languages, already differ in this respect. This project aims to find out where these differences come from, and whether they are syntactic in nature or rather processing induced, or a combination of both. We investigate these questions by experimental syntactic methods (speeded grammaticality judgments), self-paced reading and production tasks.