

Prof. Dr. Matthias Wollenhaupt

Carl von Ossietzky Universität Oldenburg
Fakultät V - Institut für Physik
Carl-Von-Ossietzky-Str. 9-11
D-26129 Oldenburg

Tel.: +49-441-798-3482
Raum: W2-1-101




"Photoelectron angular distributions from strong-field coherent electronic excitation"
M. Wollenhaupt, M. Krug, J. Köhler, T. Bayer, C. Sarpe-Tudoran and T. Baumert
Applied Physics B 95, 245 – 259 (2009)

"Three-dimensional tomographic reconstruction of ultrashort free electron wave packets"
M. Wollenhaupt, M. Krug, J. Köhler, T. Bayer, C. Sarpe-Tudoranand T. Baumert
Applied Physics B 95, 647 – 651 (2009)

"Control of Ionization Processes in High Band Gap Materials"
M. Wollenhaupt, L. Englert, A. Horn and T. Baumert
JLMN-Journal of Laser Micro/Nanoengineering 4, 144 – 151 (2009)

"Coherent strong-field control of multiple states by a single chirped femtosecond laser pulse"
M. Krug, T. Bayer, M. Wollenhaupt, C. Sarpe-Tudoran, T. Baumert, S. S. Ivanov and N. V. Vitanov
New Journal of Physics 11, 105051 (17pages) (2009)
Selected for inclusion in IOP Select

"Robust Photon Locking"
T. Bayer, M. Wollenhaupt, C. Sarpe-Tudoran and T. Baumert
Physical Review Letters 102, 023004 (4 pages) (2009)

"Tailored Femtosecond Pulses for Nanoscale Laser Processing of Dielectrics"
L. Englert, M. Wollenhaupt, L. Haag, C. Sarpe-Tudoran, B. Rethfeld and T. Baumert
In: Ultrafast Phenomena XVI,  Proceedings of the 16th Intranational Conference, Palazzo dei Congressi Stresa, Italy
Editors: P. Corkum, S. De Silvestri, K. A. Nelson, E. Riedle, R. W. Schoenlein
Springer, Berlin Heidelberg, 976 – 978 (2012)


"Ultrafast Switching of Coherent Electronic Excitation: Great Promise for Reaction Control on the Femtosecond Time Scale"
M. Wollenhaupt, T. Bayer, A. Klumpp, C. Sarpe-Tudoran and T. Baumert
In: "Physics and Engineering of New Materials Series: Springer Proceedings in Physics 127"
Editors: D.T. Cat, A. Pucci and K. Wandelt
Springer, Berlin, 327 – 335 (2008)

"Material processing of dielectrics with temporally asymmetric shaped femtosecond laser pulses on the nanometer scale"
L. Englert, M. Wollenhaupt, L. Haag, C. Sarpe-Tudoran, B. Rethfeld and T. Baumert
Applied Physics A 92, 749 – 753 (2008)

"Strong-field control landscapes of coherent electronic excitation"
T. Bayer, M. Wollenhauptand T. Baumert
Journal of Physics B 41, 074007 (13 pages) (2008)

"Modeling of ultrafast coherent strong-field dynamics in potassium with neural networks"
R. Selle, T. Brixner, T. Bayer, M. Wollenhaupt and T. Baumert
Journal of Physics B 41, 074019 (7 pages) (2008)

"Electron generation in laser-irradiated insulators: theoretical descriptions and their application"
B. Rethfeld, S. Linden, L. Englert, M. Wollenhaupt, L. Haag, C. Sarpe-Tudoran and T. Baumert
Proc. SPIE, High-Power Laser Ablation VII, 2008, 700500


"Control of ionization processes in high band gap materials via tailored femtosecond pulses"
L. Englert, B. Rethfeld, L. Haag, M. Wollenhaupt, C. Sarpe-Tudoran and T. Baumert
Optics Express 15 (26), 17855 – 17862 (2007)

"Femtosecond Laser Pulses: Linear Properties, Manipulation, Generation and Measurement"
M. Wollenhaupt, A. Assion and T. Baumert
In: "Springer Handbook of Lasers and Optics"
Editor: F. Träger
Springer, Chapter 12, 937-983 (2007)

"Coherent control of electrons, atoms and molecules with intense shaped light pulses"
M. Wollenhaupt, T. Bayer, M. Krug, C. Sarpe-Tudoran and T. Baumert
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 88, 012053 (8 pages) (2007)

"Tailored Femtosecond Pulses for Nanoscale Laser Processing of Dielectrics"
L. Englert, M. Wollenhaupt, B. Rethfeld, L. Haag, C. Sarpe-Tudoran and T. Baumert
Proceedings of the Fourth International WLT-Conference on Lasers in Manufacturing, Munich (2007)

"Pulse shaping control of alignment dynamics in N2"
R. de Nalda, C. Horn, M. Wollenhaupt, M. Krug, L. Banares and T. Baumert
Journal of Raman Spectroscopy 38, 543 – 550 (2007)


"Ultrafast Control of Coherent Electronic Excitation"
M. Wollenhaupt, T. Bayer, A. Präkelt, C. Sarpe-Tudoran and T. Baumert
In: "Coherent Control of Molecules, CCP6"
Editors: B. Lasorne and G. Worth
Daresbury, United Kingdom, 7 – 11 (2006)

"Coherent matter waves for ultrafast laser pulse characterization"
M. Winter, M. Wollenhaupt and T. Baumert
Optics Communications 264, 285 – 292 (2006)

"Use of Femtosecond Laser Technique for Studying Physically Small Cracks"
Y. Motoyashiki, A. Brückner-Foit, L. Englert, L. Haag, M. Wollenhaupt and T. Baumert
International Journal of Fracture 139, 561 – 568 (2006)

"Ultrafast strong field quantum control on K2 dimers"
M. Wollenhaupt and T. Baumert
Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology A: Chemistry 180, 248 – 255 (2006)

"Plasma dynamics of water breakdown at a water surface induced by femtosecond laser pulses"
C. Sarpe-Tudoran, A. Assion, M. Wollenhaupt, M. Winter and T. Baumert
Applied Physics Letters 88, 261109 (3 pages) (2006)

"Femtosecond strong-field quantum control with sinusoidally phase-modulated pulses"
M. Wollenhaupt, A. Präkelt, C. Sarpe-Tudoran, D. Liese, T. Bayer and T. Baumert
Physical Review A 73, 063409 (15 pages) (2006)

"Quantum control by selective population of dressed states using intense chirped femtosecond laser pulses"
M. Wollenhaupt, A. Präkelt, C. Sarpe-Tudoran, D. Liese and T. Baumert
Applied Physics B 82, 183 – 188 (2006)

"Quantum control by ultrafast dressed states tailoring"
M. Wollenhaupt, D. Liese, A. Präkelt, C. Sarpe-Tudoran and T. Baumert
Chemical Physics Letters 419, 184 – 190 (2006)

"Adaptive control of molecular alignment"
C. Horn, M. Wollenhaupt, M. Krug, T. Baumert, R. de Nalda, L. Banares
Physical Review A 73, 031401 (4 pages) (2006)

"Pulse shaping control of spatially aligned rotational wavepackets of N2 and O2"
R. de Nalda, C. Horn, M. Krug, F. Ausfelder, M. Wollenhaupt, L. Banares and T. Baumert
Proceedings of the Femtochemistry VII Conference: Fundamental Ultrafast Processes in Chemistry, Physics, and Biology
Editors: M. Kimble, W. Castleman Jr.
Elsevier, Amsterdam, 510 – 513 (2006)


"Filling a Spectral Hole Via Self-Phase Modulation"
A. Präkelt, M. Wollenhaupt, C. Sarpe-Tudoran, A. Assion and T. Baumert
Applied Physics Letters 87, 121113 (3 pages) (2005)

"Strong field quantum control by selective population of dressed states"
M. Wollenhaupt, A. Präkelt, C. Sarpe-Tudoran, D. Liese and T. Baumert
Journal of Optics B 7, S270 – S276 (2005)
Selected for inclusion in IOP Select.

"Quantum control and quantum control landscapes using intense shaped femtosecond pulses"
M. Wollenhaupt, A. Präkelt, C. Sarpe-Tudoran, D. Liese and T. Baumert
Journal of Modern Optics 52 (16), 2187 – 2195 (2005)

"Adaptive Polarization Control of Molecular Dynamics"
T. Brixner, G. Krampert, T. Pfeifer, R. Selle, G. Gerber, M. Wollenhaupt, O. Gräfe, C. Horn, D. Liese and T. Baumert
In "Ultrafast Phenomena XIV"
Editors: T. Kobayashi, T. Okada, T. Kobayashi, K. A. Nelson and S. DeSilvestri
Springer Verlag Berlin (2005)

"Femtosecond Laser Photoelectron Spectroscopy on Atoms and Small Molecules: Prototype Studies in Quantum Control"
M. Wollenhaupt, V. Engel and T. Baumert
Annual Review of Physical Chemistry 56, 25 – 56 (2005)

"Optimal Control of Atomic, Molecular and Electron Dynamics with Tailored Femtosecond Laser Pulses"
T. Brixner, T. Pfeifer, G. Gerber, M. Wollenhaupt and T. Baumert
In "Femtosecond Laser Spectroscopy"
Editor: P. Hannaford
Springer Verlag, Chapter 9, 225 – 266 (2005)

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