

Prof. Dr. Matthias Wollenhaupt

Carl von Ossietzky Universität Oldenburg
Fakultät V - Institut für Physik
Carl-Von-Ossietzky-Str. 9-11
D-26129 Oldenburg

Tel.: +49-441-798-3482
Raum: W2-1-101




"Phase control of a two-photon transition with shaped femtosecond laser-pulse sequences"
A. Präkelt, M. Wollenhaupt, C. Sarpe-Tudoran and T. Baumert
Physical Review A 70, 063407 (10 pages) (2004)

"Quantum Control by Ultrafast Polarization Shaping"
T. Brixner, G. Krampert, T. Pfeiffer, R. Selle, G. Gerber, M. Wollenhaupt, O. Gräfe, C. Horn, D. Liese and T. Baumert
Physical Review Letters 92 (20), 208301 (4 pages) (2004)

"Quantum control beyond spectral interference and population control: Can resonant intense laser pulses freeze the population?"
M. Wollenhaupt, A. Assion, O. Graefe, C. Horn, D. Liese, C. Sarpe-Tudoran, M. Winter and T. Baumert
In "Ultrafast Molecular Events in Chemistry and Biology"
Editors: M. Martin and J. Hynes
Elsevier, 139 – 142 (2004)


"Reaction of HO and DO with 2-vinylfuran"
M. Wollenhaupt, J. Williams and J. N. Crowley
Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 5, 4612 – 4616 (2003)

"Femtosecond laser-induced-breakdown spectrometry for Ca2+ analysis of biological samples with high spatial resolution"
A. Assion, M. Wollenhaupt, L. Haag, F. Maiorov, C. Sarpe-Tudoran, M. Winter, U. Kutschera and T. Baumert
Applied Physics B 77 (4), 391 – 398 (2003)

"Compact, robust and flexible setup for femtosecond pulse shaping"
A. Präkelt, M. Wollenhaupt, A. Assion, C. Horn, C. Sarpe-Tudoran, M. Winter and T. Baumert
Review of Scientific Instruments 74 (11), 4950 – 4953 (2003)

"Changes of the electronic structure along the internuclear coordinate studied by ultrafast photoelectron spectroscopy: the 21Σu+ Na2 double-minimum-state"
M. Wollenhaupt, A. Assion, O. Gräfe, D. Liese, C. Sarpe-Tudoran, M. Winter and T. Baumert
Chemical Physics Letters 376, 457 – 464 (2003)

"Control of interferences in an Autler-Townes Doublet: Symmetry of control parameters"
M. Wollenhaupt, A. Assion, O. Bazhan, C. Horn, D. Liese, C. Sarpe-Tudoran, M. Winter and T. Baumert
Physical Review A 68, 015401 (4 Pages) (2003)


"Interferences of Ultrashort Free Electron Wave Packets"
M. Wollenhaupt, A. Assion, D. Liese, C. Sarpe-Tudoran, T. Baumert, S. Zamith, M. A. Bouchene, B. Girard, A. Flettner, U. Weichmann and G. Gerber
Physical Review Letters 89 (17), 173001 (4 pages) (2002)

"One-parameter control of quantum dynamics using femtosecond pump-probe photoelectron spectroscopy on a model system"
M. Wollenhaupt, A. Assion, O. Bazhan, D. Liese, C. Sarpe-Tudoran and T. Baumert
Applied Physics B 74, 121 (2002)

"Femtosecond Pump-Probe Photoelectron-Spectroscopy on Electronic States of Na2: A Tool to Study Ultrafast Control of Chemical Reactions"
M. Wollenhaupt, A. Assion, O. Bazhan, D. Liese, C. Sarpe-Tudoran and T. Baumert
In: "Femtochemistry and Femtobiology”
Editors: A. Douhal and J. Santamaria
World Scientific Publishing, 568 – 575 (2002)


"The position dependent 15N enrichment of nitrous oxide in the stratosphere"
T. Röckmann, J. Kaiser, C.A.M. Brenninkmeijer, W.A. Brand, R. Borchers, J.N. Crowley, M. Wollenhaupt and P.J. Crutzen
Isotopes in Environmental and Health Studies 37, 91 – 95 (2001)


"Rate Coefficients for Reaction of OH with Acetone between 202 and 395 K"
M. Wollenhaupt, S. A. Carl, A. Horowitz and J. N. Crowley
Journal of Physical Chemistry A 104, 2695 – 2705 (2000)

"Measurement of the isotopic fractionation of 15N14N16O, 14N15N16O and 14N14N18O in the UV photolysis of nitrous oxide"
T. Röckmann, C.A.M. Brenninkmeijer, M. Wollenhaupt, J.N. Crowley and P.J. Crutzen
Geophysical Research Letters 27 (9), 1399 – 1402 (2000)

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