

Prof. Dr. Matthias Wollenhaupt

Carl von Ossietzky Universität Oldenburg
Fakultät V - Institut für Physik
Carl-Von-Ossietzky-Str. 9-11
D-26129 Oldenburg

Tel.: +49-441-798-3482
Raum: W2-1-101




"Determination of the Judd-Ofelt parameters of the optical transitions of Sm3+ in lithiumborate tungstate glasses"
H. Ahrens, M. Wollenhaupt, P. Fröbel, Jun Lin, K. Bärner, G.S. Sun and R. Braunstein
Journal of Luminescence 82, 177 – 186 (1999)


"Probing of the reservoir, free stream and shock layers in HEG using spectroscopic techniques"
W. H. Beck, O. Trinks, M. Wollenhaupt, A. Mohamed, C. Niederbäumer, P. Andresen, T. Kishimoto and H. Bito
21st International Symposium on Shock Waves, Great Keppel Island, Australia, Paper 1350 (5 Pages) (1997)

"NO laser-induced fluorescence studies for the application of single-shot two-line thermometry to HEG"
M. Wollenhaupt, M. Rosenhauer, T. Müller, J. Jourdan, J. Scholz, S. Hartung and W.H. Beck
21st International Symposium on Shock Waves, Great Keppel Island, Australia, Paper 8360 (6 Pages) (1997)


"Status of the development and implementation of optical spectroscopic techniques on the DLR high enthalpy shock tunnel HEG"
W. H. Beck, M. Wollenhaupt, M. Rosenhauer, T. Müller and J. Jourdan
19th Advanced Measurement and Ground Testing Technology Conference, New Orleans, LA, Paper 96 (9 Pages) (1996)

"New thermally induced color centers in lithium borate tungstate glasses, (Li2B4O7 )100-x (WO3)x"
M. Wollenhaupt, H. Ahrens, P. Fröbel, K. Bärner, E.R. Giessinger and R. Braunstein
Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids 194, 191 – 197 (1996)


"LIF Measurements in the wake of a blunt body in HEG"
M. Rosenhauer, M. Wollenhaupt, M. Scheer and W.H. Beck
Proceedings of the 2nd European Symposium on Aerothermodynamics for Space Vehicles, Noordwijk, The Netherlands, 451 – 455 (1994)

"The fluorescence of Sm3+ in lithium molybdate borate glasses"
J. Maaß, M. Wollenhaupt, H. Ahrens, P. Fröbel and K. Bärner
Journal of Luminescence 62, 95 – 100 (1994)

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