Singh, Dr. Rajinder

Homepage und Blog von Dr. Rajinder Singh

Dr. rer. nat. Rajinder Singh

Institut für Physik  (» Postanschrift)

Singh, Dr. Rajinder

Externer Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter (Lehrkraft)


  • Internationale Kontakte und die Entwicklung der Physik in Indien
  • Physik/Chemie- Nobelpreise
  • Jugend forscht – Schüler experimentieren


  • PTA Berlin “Replication of the Einstein-de Haas effect” (mit Wolfgang Engels & Professor Dr. Falk Riess)
  • 2012-2014: Leiter der EU Projekte an der GTS 2001 Syke: Erasmus+, E-Twinning & Comenius. Setting a seed for Change (France, U.K., Romania, Lithuania, Spain, Italy, Germany)
  • 2015-2017: Leiter der EU Projekte an der GTS 2001 Syke: Erasmus+, Mission into the Future - A quest for substainability (France, U.K., Italy, Romania, Turkey, Latvia, Poland, Portugal, Greece, the Netherlands, Germany)



Singh R., Roy S.C., N. R. Sen - Life and Science, Shaker Publisher, Düren 2021.

Singh R., Roy S.C., Clay, Craft, Music and Science: Purnima Sinha's Life, Shaker Publisher, Düren 2020.

Singh R., C.V. Raman and the press: Science reporting and image building - Part III: The Raman Research Institute Period, Shaker Publisher, Düren 2020.

Singh R., C.V. Raman and the Press: Science Reporting and Image Building - Part II: The Indian Institute of Science Period, Shaker Publisher, Düren 2020.

Singh R., Roy S.C., Bibha Chowdhuri, eine indische Hochenergiephysikerin als "Star" am Himmel, Shaker Verlag, Düren 2020.

Singh R., Albert Einstein und Indien - Wissenschaftliche und persönliche Verbindungen, Shaker Verlag, Düren 2020.

Singh, R., (2019). Einstein rediscovered - Interaction with Indian Academics, Shaker Publisher, Aachen 2019.

Roy, S.C., & Singh, R., (2019). D.M. Bose - His Life, Science and Connection with Global Elites, Shaker Publisher Dueren 2019.

Singh, R., (2019). C.V. Raman's student Sukumar Chandra Sirkar: Life and Science, Shaker Publisher, Aachen.

Singh, R., (2019). Mahatma Gandhi für Anfänger - 100 Fragen und Antworten, Shaker Verlag, Aachen.

Singh, R., Roy, S.C., (2018). A Jewel Unearthed: Bibha Chowdhuri - The story of an Indian woman scientist, Shaker Publisher, Aachen.

Singh, R., (2018). C.V. Raman's laboratory and discovery the Raman effect, Shaker Publisher, Aachen.

Singh, R., (2018). Gandhi and the Nobel Peace Prize, Manohar Publisher, New Delhi.

Singh, R., (2017). Gandhi and the Nobel Peace Prize, Routledge Publisher, New York.

Roy, S.C. & Singh, R. (2017). D.M. Bose - A scientist incognito, Bose Institute Publication, Kolkata.

Bidhu Bhushan Ray - A pioneer of X-ray spectroscopy, Shaker Verlag, Aachen 2017.  

Mahatma Gandhi - der verpasste Friedensnobelpreis, Shaker Verlag, Aachen 2017.

Mahatma Gandhi für Lehrkräfte und Eltern - "Mahatma" - ein normaler Menschen wie du und ich, Shaker Verlag, Aachen 2016.

Mahatma Gandhi - Die Schattenseite, Wenn Mandela, King und Lama das gewusst hätten!, Shaker Verlag, Aachen 2016.

D.M. Bose – His Scientific Work in International Context, Shaker Verlag Aachen 2016.

Chemistry and Physics Nobel Prizes - India's Contribution, Shaker Verlag Aachen 2016.

Die Nobelpreise und die indische Elite, Shaker Verlag Aachen 2016.

Inside Story of the Nobel Peace Prize Award – Indian Contestants, Shaker Verlag Aachen 2016.

India's Nobel Prize Nominators and Nominees - The Praxis of Nomination and Geopgraphical Distribution, Shaker Verlag Aachen 2016

The Making of the Politician Gandhi by Muslims, Jews and Christians -Gandhi's Methods to Solve Immigration Problems, Shaker Verlag Aachen 2015

Mahatma Gandhi - Sex Scandals and the Missed Peace Nobel Prize. Shaker Verlag Aachen 2015.

Nobel Prize nominator Sisir Kumar Mitra – His scientific work in international context, Shaker Verlag Aachen 2014.

Upendranath Brahmachari - A pioneer of tropical diseases: A summary of his discoveries and scientific work. Shaker Verlag, Aachen 2013.

Characteristics of Solar Radiation Photovoltaic Pyranometers Licor 200SZ and Matrix 1G, Shaker Verlag, Aachen 2013.

(Hrsg.) „Jugend forscht – Schüler experimentieren“ – nicht nur für Hochbegabte und Überflieger, Shaker Verlag, Aachen 2012.

Nobel Laureate C.V. Raman's Science, Philosophy and Religion, Dharmaram Publications Bangalore, Bangalore 2005.

2. Nobel Laureate C.V. Raman's work on light scattering - Historical contributions to a scientific biography, Logos Verlag Berlin, Berlin 2004.

Artikel in Zeitschriften

Singh R., A tale of three Science Academies of India, Sci. Cult. 86, 299-308, 2020.

Singh R., N.R. Sen - Formative Years, Indian J. Hist. Sci. 55, 269-278, 2020.

Singh R., Schrötter H., Kiefer W., C.V. Raman at the Nobel Prize winner meeting 1956 in Lindau, Germany, Asian J. Phys. 29, 635-639, 2020.

Singh R., Roy S.C., Nikhil Ranjan Sen and his contribution to turbulence research, Sci. Cult. 86, 363-371, 2020.

Singh R., Bidhu Bhushan Ray: Interaction with Yoshio Nishina and Werner Heisenberg, Scientific Voyage 1, 21-26, 2020.

Singh R., Roy S.C., 85th Anniversary of the Indian Science News Association, Sci. Cult. 86, 214-230, 2020.

Singh R., Roy S.C., Bibha Chowdhuri - From unsung heroine to a star in heaven, Sci. Cult. 86, 90-95, 2020.

Singh R., Roy S.C., 85th anniversaries of Science and Culture - An introspection, Sci. Cult. 86, 150-163, 2020.

Singh R., Sir C. V. Raman Nobel Ceremony Coverage by the European Press , Indian J. Hist. Sci. 55, 72-82, 2020.

Singh R., A look at the women who shaped science and medicine in India, Vidura, Jan.-March 2020, pp. 55-56.

Singh R., History of the Calcutta School of Physical Science, Mukherji P., Mukhopadhyay A., Springer Nature, Singapore 2018. (Book review), Isis. 111, 195-196, 2020.

Singh R., The story of econophysics, K.C. Dash, Cambridge Scholars Publishing 2019. (Book review), Sci. Cult. 86, 188-190, 2020.

Singh R., C.V. Raman and Kolkata media, Indian J. Hist. Sci. 54, 475-484, 2019.

Singh R., S.C. Sirkar, C.V. Raman and diffuse spots in Laue photograph, Sci. Cult. 85, 371-379, 2019.

Singh, R., (2019). Albert Einstein's interaction with Indian physicists - Theory of relativity and India's reaction, Sci. Cult. 85, 71-84, 2019.

Singh, R., & Roy, S. (2019). Upendra Nath Brahmachari his scientific work and nomination for the FRS and Nobel Prize, Indian J. Hist. Sci. 54, 35-49, 2019.

Singh, R. (2019). S.C. Sirkar - The witness of the discovery of the Raman effect, Asian J. Phys. 27, 647-652, 2019.

Singh, R., & Roy S.C., (2019). Purnima Sinha and her doctoral work under Prof. S.N. Bose, Sci. Cult. 85, 243-253, 2019.

Singh, R., (2019). Sukumar Chandra Sirkar and the Department of Optics at the IACS, Indian J. Hist. Sci. 54, 82-91 (DOI: 10.16943/ijhs/2019/v54i3/49743).

Singh, R., (2019). Yes, C.V. Raman wept- Booting nationalism with tears, Sci. Cult. 85, 315-318.

Singh, R., (2018). M.N Saha and Physics Nobel Prize. Celebration M.N Saha's 125th Birth Anniversary, Asian J. Phys. 27, 647-652.

Singh, R., (2018). M.N. Saha and Albert Einstein - An interaction, Sci. Cult. 84, 293-301.

Singh, R., (2018). C.V. Raman's loyality with the IACS, Sci. Cult. 84, 239-241.

Roy, S.C., Singh, R. (2018). Bibha Chowdhuri - An unknown Indian woman scientist, Sci. Cult. 84, 159-164.

Roy, S.C., Singh, R., (2018). Bibha Chowdhri - Her cosmic ray studies in Manchester, Indian J. Hist. Sci. 53, 356-373.

Singh, R., Rastogi, V.K., (2018).) On the occasion of the 90th Anniversary of the Raman effect, Asian J. Phys. 27, 1-9, 2018. Republished in Asian J. Phys. 27, 83-101.

Singh, R., (2018). Nobel Prize for the year 1930 - C.V. Raman vs. Russian physicists, Asian J. Phys. 27, 153-157.

Singh, R., (2018). The beginning of the Albert Einstein's contacts with MN Saha and SN Bose, Asian J. Phys. 27, 193-202.

Singh, R., (2018). How costly was Raman's equipment to discover Raman effect?, Indian J. Hist. Sci. 53, 68-73.

Singh, R., (2018). Going beyond the big three of Calcutta physicists: B B Ray, D M Bose and S K Mitra, Indian J. Hist. Sci. 53, 88-93.

Roy, S.C., Singh, R., (2018). Bibha Chowdhuri - An unknown Indian woman scientist, Sci. Cult. 84, 159-164.

Chaudhuri, A.R., Singh, R., (2018.)., The FRS nomination for Sir Prafulla C. Ray and correspondence of N.R. Dhar, Notes and Records, Royal Soc. London 72, 57-73.

Singh, R., (2018). Celebrating 90th anniversary of the Raman effect, Indian J. Hist. Sci. 53, 50-58.

Singh, R., (2018). Netaji Subas Chandra Bose, Bidhu Bhushan Ray and "Science and Culture" - History of Science vs. Political history, Sci. Cult. 84, 103-109.

Singh, R. (2017). Sisir Kumar Mitra, Scientific achievements and the Fellow of the Royal Society London, Indian J. Hist. Sci. 52, 407-419.

Roy, S.C. & Singh, R. (2017). Coming of age - Bose Institute under D.M. Bose, Sci. Cult. 83, 364-379.

Chaudhuri, A.R. & Singh, R. (2017). The FRS nomination for Sir Prafulla C. Ray and correspondence of N.R. Dhar, Notes and Records, Royal Soc. London.

Singh, R. (2017). University of Calcutta and Knighthood for Chandra Sekhara Raman, Sci. Cult. 83, 293-296.

Singh, R. (2017). Bidhu Bhushan Ray and the glories, Sci. Cult. 83, 221-224.

Singh, R. (2017). Bidhu Bhushan Ray and controversy over the spectral Raman-lines, Indian J. Hist. Sci. 52, 343-350.

Singh, R. (2017). The ultimate facts - S.N. Bose and the missed Physics Nobel Prize, Sci. Cult. 83, 32-35.

Singh, R. (2017). B.B. Ray under the influence of C.V. Raman and M.N. Saha, Sci. Cult. 83, 84-91.

Singh, R. (2017). History of science and Bose Institute connections, Sci. Cult. 83, 108.

Singh, R. (2017). G.N. Ramachandran – A Nobel Prize nominator and nominee, Indian J. Hist. Sci. 52, 83-89.

Virk, H.S. & Singh, R. (2017). Bawa Kartar Singh (1886-1960) - A Sikh Scientist as Nominator for Nobel Prize, The Sikh Review 65, 32-35.

Singh, R. & Virk, H.S. (2017). Homi J. Bhabha - Physics Nobel Prize Nominee and Nominator, OmniScience - A Multidisciplinary Journal 7, 4-10.

B.B. Ray and the glories, Sci. Cult. 83, 221-224, 2017.

B.B. Ray and controversy over the spectral Raman-lines, Indian J. Hist. Sci. 52, 343-350, 2017.

The ultimate facts - S.N. Bose and the missed Physics Nobel Prize, Sci. Cult. 83, 32-35, 2017.

GN Ramachandran - A Noble Prize nominator and Nominee, Indian J. Hist. Sci. 52, 83-89, 2017.

(mit Virk H.S.), Bawa Kartar Singh (1886-1960) - A Sikh Scientist as Nominator for Nobel Prize, The Sikh Review 65, 32-35, 2017

(mit Virk H.S.), Homi J. Bhabha - Physics Nobel Prize Nominee and Nominator, OmniScience - A Multidisciplinary Journal 7, 4-10, 2017.

History of Science and Bose Institute Connections, Sci. Cult. 83, 108, 2017.

B.B. Ray under the influence of C.V. Raman and M.N. Saha, Sci. Cult. 83, 84-91, 2017.

(with Roy S.C.), D.M. Bose and cosmic ray research, Sci. Cult. 82, 364-377, 2016.

(with Hardev Singh Virk), The Sikh scientist who was a nomiantor for the Nobel Prize - Bawa Kartar Singh was asked by the Nobel Committee to send his proposal for the Nobel Prize in Chemistry. online publication, Dec. 2016

S. Chandrasekhar equals with Newton, ..., Einstein - CV Raman's opinion and the Physics Nobel Prize nomination, Curr. Sci. 111, 1415, 2016.

C.V. Raman nominated G.N. Ramachandran for the Nobel Prize in Chemistry, Curr. Sci. 111, 1714, 2016.

(co-author Hardev Singh), The pioneers of cosmic ray research in India, Research and Reviews: Journal of Space Science and Technology, 5, 1-7, 2016.

The Nobel Laureate W.C. Roentgen and his X-Rays, Indian J. Hist. Sci. 51, 521-530, 2016.

J.C. Bose's X-ray research, Sci. Cult. 81, 164-165, 2015.

(co-author S.C. Roy) D.M. Bose and cosmic ray research in India, Ind. J. Hist. Sci. 50, 438-455, 2015.

Singh R., U.N. Brahmachari’s scientific achievements and nomination for the Royal Society of London, Science and Culture 80, 29-37, 2014.

The "Forgotten" Astronomical Society of India, Calcutta, Science and Culture 79, 366-372, 2013.

(with Falk Riess) Indian nominators and nominees for the Peace Nobel Prize, Science and Culture 78, 22-28, 2012.

The discovery of the Raman effect and early applications of Infrared and Raman spectroscopy to chemistry studies, Current Physical Chemistry 1, 152-157, 2011.

Nobel Prize for Medizine and Nominators and Nominees from India in the First Half of the Twentieth Century, Science and Culture 77, 338-339, 2011.

C.V. Raman's research in astronomy, Current Science 99, 1127-1132, 2010.

Indian Scientists vs. Science and Religion, Science and Culture 76, 206, 2010.

co-author Falk Riess) Von der Kronkolonie zur Atommacht - Der Aufstieg der Physik in Indien im 19. und 20. Jahrhundert, Physik Journal 9, 41-45, 2010.

Celebrating 125th birth anniversary of DM Bose - Invitation to the Como conference, Science and Culture 76, 494-501, 2010.

(co-authors M. Panusch, P. Heering), How Millikan won the Physics Nobel Prize, Interchange 41, 425-442, 2010

Homi J. Bhabha nd Niels Bohr, Current Science 97, 583-587, 2009.

JC Bose and the German scientific community: scientific and political context, Current Science 96, 419-422, 2009.

Historical notes in "Current Science", Current Science 97, 132, 2009.

Max Planck and the genesis of the energy quanta in historical context, Current Science 95, 788-792, 2008.

Writing the history of modern science and technology in India, Current Science 95, 829, 2008.

Indo-American relation with reference to Bernhard Peters, IJHS 437-454, 2008. 80 years ago – The discovery of the Raman effect at the Indian Association for the cultivation of sciences, Kolkata, Indian Journal of Physics 82, 969-985, 2008.

India`s physics and chemistry Nobel Prize nominators and nominees in colonial and international context, Notes Rec. R. Soc., Lond., 61, 333-345, 2007.

(co-author Falk Riess), The Nobel Laureate Sir Chandrasekhara Venkataraman FRS and his contacts with the British scientific community in a social and political context, Notes and Records of Royal Society London 58, 47-64, 2004.

Sivaraj Ramaseshan - A reminiscence, Current Science 86, 1056-1057, 2004.

Sir C.V. Raman and the American scientists, Indian Journal of History of Science 38, 153-175, 2003.

Santimay Chatterjee, Current Science 85, 102-103, 2003.

Richard Bär and his contacts with the Indian Nobel Laureate Sir C.V. Raman, Indian Journal of History of Science 38, 377-387, 2003.

Sir CV Raman and his contact with Hungarian Scientists, Indian Journal of History of Science 37, 175-191, 2002.

Sir CV Raman, Dame Kathleen Lonsdale and their Scientific Controversy due to the Diffuse Spots in X-Rays Photographs, Indian Journal of History of Science 37, 267-290, 2002.

The story of Sir C.V. Raman’s resignation from the Fellowship of the Royal Society of London, Current Science 83, 1157-1158, 2002.

C.V. Raman and the discovery of the Raman effect, Physics in Perspective 4, 399-420, 2002.

Max Born’s role in the lattice dynamic controversy, Centaurus 43, 260-277, 2001.

(co-author Falk Riess), The 1930 Nobel Prize for physics – A close decision?, Notes and Records of the Royal Society of London 55, 267-283, 2001.

Why did Daulat Singh Kothari not become a Fellow of the Royal Society?, Current Science 81, 608-610, 2001.

Arnold Sommerfeld – The supporter of Indian physics in Germany, Current Science 81, 1489-1494, 2001.

(co-author Falk Riess), Pieter Zeeman Chair in Amsterdam and C.V. Raman’s Dutch connections, Current Science 78, 351-353, 2000.

(co-author Falk Riess), Bidhu Bhushan Ray and his Western connections, Science and Culture 66 (5-6), 177-181, 2000.

(co-author Falk Riess), Mahatma Gandhi and his four chances for the Peace Nobel Prize, Diskus 10, 43-48, 2000.

(co-author Falk Riess), C.V. Raman, M.N. Saha and the Nobel Prize for the Year 1930, Indian Journal of History of Science 34, 61-75, 1999.

(co-author Falk Riess), M.N. Saha and his two chances for the Nobel Prize, Science and Culture 65, 146-151, 1999.

(co-authors Detlev Heinemann & Hans Georg Beyer), Cosine, air mass and clearness index fits for PV matrix sensor, Journal of the Solar Energy Society of India 9, 41-52, 1999.

(co-author Falk Riess), Seventy years ago – The discovery of the Raman effect as seen from German physicists, Current Science 74, 1112-1115, 1998.

(co-author Falk Riess), Sir C.V. Raman and the story of the Nobel Prize, Current Science 75, 965-971, 1998.

Immolation of widows in India – An endless story?, Diskus 6, 46-58, 1998.

Beiträge in Sammel- und Tagungsbänden

Sisir Kumar Mitra FRS - Scientific achievements in national and international context (in: CU Physics 100 - Department of Physics - 1916-2015, Eds. G. Gangopadhyay, A. Kundu), University of Calcutta, Calcutta 2016, pp. 96-135.

Betreuung der eigenen Kinder für den Wettbewerb "Jugend forscht" (in: "Jugend forscht - Schüler experimentieren"- nicht nur für Hochbegabte und Überflieger, Hrsg. Rajinder Singh) Shaker Verlag Aachen, 2012, pp. 1-10.

(with Falk Riess) Sir C.V. Raman and the story of the Noble Prize, 1998 (in: NR Singh, Chandrasekhara Venkata Raman – A life in science, Iboyaima printers and binders, Imphal), 2011, pp. 107-127.

Sir C.V. Raman and his contacts with Hungarian Scientists, 2002 (in: NR Singh, Chandrasekhara Venkata Raman – A life in science, Iboyaima printers and binders, Imphal), 2011, pp. 141-159.

Clash of Styles – Max Born and CV Raman – Lattice dynamics controversy, (in: Eds. H. Hunger, F Seebacher, G Holzer, Proceedings of the 3rd ICESHS (Vienna), Sept. 9-12, 2008, (CD: ISBN:978-3-7001-6846-1,Verlag der Österreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften, Wien),pp. 978-983.

(co-authors, M Panusch, P Heering) Wie R.A. Millikan den Nobelpreis für Physik erhielt, (in: P Heering (Ed.), Der Millikansche Öltröpfchenversuch zur Bestimmung der Elementarlandung: Historische und Didaktische Materialien I, Materialen zur Unterrichtsvorbereitung, diz Didaktiksches Zentrum, Oldenburg 2009, pp. 47-64S.

How Millikan got the Nobel Prize. "How Millikan Got the Nobel Prize", in: S. Klassen (Hrsg.): Proceedings of the Second International Conference of Stories in Science Teaching, (Co-authors M Panusch, P Heering).

The Nobel Laureate CV Raman FRS and his contacts with the European men of science in political context, Proceedings of the 2nd ICESHS (Cracow, Poland, Sept. 6-9, 2006), Ed. M. Kokowski, pp.749-756.

Albert Einstein's light quanta and Bengal based physicists, (in: Albert Einstein and SN Bose, Ed. Anwar Hossain), Bangladesh Academy of Sciences and Goethe-Institute, Dacca, 2007, pp. 70-86.

Designing, making and using scientific instruments in India: The example of Jagadis Chunder Bose, Proceedings of the Scientific Instrument Commission of the IUHPS, Athens 2002 and Newport News, 2003 (Ed. Jim Bennett), Leo S Olschki Editore MMV, Firenze, 2005, pp. 713-723.

The Indian trio SN Bose, CV Raman and MN Saha, and the light quanta, International symposium on the Centenary of Planck’s law: relevance in science and technology 25-39, Dec. 14-16, 2000.

Artikel in Enzyklopädien

Raman, C.V. (1888-1970) in, Lexikon der bedeutenden Naturwissenschaftler, Band 3, Spektrum Akademischer Verlag, Heidelberg 2004, pp. 184-185.

Smekal, A. (1895-1959) in, Lexikon der bedeutenden Naturwissenschaftler, Band 3, Spektrum Akademischer Verlag, Heidelberg 2004, pp. 299-300.

Saha, M. (1893-1956) in, Lexikon der bedeutenden Naturwissenschaftler, Band 3, Spektrum Akademischer Verlag, Heidelberg 2004, pp. 243-244.

Bose, S.N. (1894-1974) in, Lexikon der bedeutenden Naturwissenschaftler, Band 1, Dieter Hoffmann, Hubert Laitko & Staffan Müller-Wille (Eds.), Spektrum Akademischer Verlag, Heidelberg, 2003, pp. 220-221.


Singh R., Women Scientists Who Contributed to Shaping Science & Medicine in India: A Book Review , Indus Dictum, Nov. 29, 2019.

Singh R., Women who contributed to shaping science and medicine in India, Hastaksenp New, Nov. 30, 2019.

Singh R., Women who contributed to shaping science and medicine in India, Research Stash, Nov. 30, 2019.

Singh R., Women who contributed to shaping science and medicine in India, Indian Science Wire, Nov. 29, 2019.

Science in Denmark - A thousand year history. Helge Kragh, Peter C Kjaergaard, Henry Nielsen, KH Nielsen (eds.), Aarhus University Press, 2008.

The Moon that Wasn’t – The saga of Venus’ spurious satellite, Helge Kragh (with the assistance of Kurt Moeller Pedersen), Birhaeuser Verlag AG, Basel, 2008, pp. 199. ISBN 978-3-7643-8908-6. Current Science 95, 1749-1750, 2008.

Einstein’s Nobel Prize – A glimpse behind closed doors – The archival evidence. Aant Elzinga. Waston Publishing International, Sagamore Beach, 2006. Current Science 95, 1625-1626, 2008.

Hans Bethe and his Physics. Gerald E Brown and Chang-Hwan Lee (eds.), World Scientific Publishing Company Ltd., New Jersey, 2006, ISBN 9812566104. Current Science, 92, 1014-1015, 2007.

Eds. Nielsen H. and Nielsen K., The history of thirteen Danish Nobel Prizes - Neighbouring Nobel, Aarhus University Press, Aarhus, 2001, 624 pp, ISBN 87 7288 899 7, Current Science, 90, 1561-1563, 2006.

Nancy Greenspan, The end of certain world – The life and science of Max Born – The Nobel physicist who ignited the quantum revolution, John Wiley, Chichester, 2005, Current Science, 90, 700-701, 2006.

Kovács, László, Eugene P. Wigner and his Hungarian Teachers (Balogh and Co. Ltd., Szombathely/Hungary, 2002). 114 pp. Price unknown. ISBN 963 9290 60 2. ISSN 1219-2678, Centaurus, 48, 315-316, 2006.

Stephan F. von Welck, Crossing Borders, Stretching Boundaries – The Bose-Einstein Lectures on Indo-German Cooperation in Science, Technology and Environment (New Delhi: Manoher, 2000). 237 pp.hc. Rs. 450. ISBN 81-7304-349-3. Centaurus 44, 148-149, 2002.

Klaus Hübner, Eugen Goldstein und die frühe Verwertung der Röntgenschen Entdeckung in Berlin (Berlin: ERS - Verlag, 2000). 118 pp. pb. DM 33. ISBN 3-938577-38-7. Centaurus 43, 130-131, 2001.

Klaus Hübner, Die zwei ersten Zeitungsberichte über Röntgens Entdeckung, (Berlin: ERS - Verlag, 2000). 39 pp. pb. DM 10,50. ISBN 3-928577-39-5. Centaurus 43, 131-132, 2001.

Vorträge und Workshops

Seventy Years Ago - The Instruments which Lead to the Discovery of the Raman Effect, The International Society for the History and Philosophy of Science - Symposium of Scientific Instruments Commission, Soroe/Denmark July 20-25, 1998.

Raman spectroscopy and its instrumentation, (Poster), The International Society for the History and Philosophy of Science, Oxford/England, September 4-8, 2000.

Sir CV Raman and the Nobel Prize for Physics in 1930. Colloquium, History of Science Department, University of Aarhus/Denmark, September 23, 2000.

Sir CV Raman and the Nobel Prize for Physics in 1930. Lecture, Niels Bohr Institute, Copenhagen/Denmark, September 25, 2000.

The Raman effect, '... one of the most convincing proofs of the quantum nature of light', 100 years of quantum mechanics, International Symposium: Development of quantum mechanics between 1925 and 1935, Berlin/Germany, December 14-16, 2000.

The Nobel Laureate C.V. Raman and his musical instruments, Symposium Scientific Instrument Commission, International Society for the History and Philosophy of Science, Stockholm/Sweden, October 15-19, 2001.

The Nobel Prize controversy between CV Raman and the Russian LI Mandelstam and GS Landsburg. Colloquium at the Kopernikus University, Torun/Poland, November 30, 2001.

JC Bose FRS and some of his scientific instruments, Symposium Scientific Instrument Commission, International Society for the History and Philosophy of Science, Athens/Greece, September 9-14, 2002.

Poster Presentation with Falk Riess, Entwicklung und Anwendungen der Ramanspektroskopie, Tag der Physik, Universität Oldenburg, Oldenburg/Germany, February 6, 2002.

"Das Weltbild Indien" - Indian cosmology, Institute of the History of Natural Sciences, Mathematics and Technology, University of Hamburg, Hamburg/Germany, Jan. 14, 2003.

Participated: The International Conference on “From the itinerant lecturers of the 18th century to popularizing physics in the 21st century - exploring the relationship between learning and entertainment”, Pongana, Como/Italy, June 1-6, 2003.

Das Weltbild in Hindu, Buddhist und Dschian Religionen, Colloquium at the University of Oldenburg, Research Group: Physics Education, History/Philosophy of Science, Oldenburg/Germany, SS 2003.

"India's" Nobel nominators and nominee in the first half of the twentieth century, Colloquium at the University of Oldenburg, Research Group: Physics Education, History/Philosophy of Science, Oldenburg/Germany, November 24, 2004.

How to win a Nobel Prize - The example of CV Raman, Colloquium at the University of Hamburg, Institute for the History of Science, Technology and Mathematics, Hamburg/Germany, December 6, 2004.

Albert Einstein's light quanta and the reception in India, 11th Conference of the German Physical Society "Einstein Jahr 2005", History of Physics, Berlin/Germany, March 07-09 March 2005.

Albert Einstein's light quanta and Bengal based physicists, Seminar on "Albert Einstein and S.N. Bose", conducted by the Bangladesh Academy of Sciences, Goethe Institute, Embassy of Switzerland, Ministry of Science and Information & Communication Technology, Bangladesh, Dacca/Bangladesh, April 30th - 1st May 2005.

Physics Nobel Prizes: Bengal based nominators and nominee - The cases of CV Raman, MN Saha and SN Bose, Seminar on Historical and Philosophical Work: Physicists in the 20th Century, Goethe Institute Dacca and Physical Society of Bangladesh, Dacca/Bangladesh, May 2, 2005.

Writing the History of 20th Century Physics in India: Problems and Peculiarities - The C.V. Raman Example, 88th Conference of the German Society for the History of Medizine, Mathematics and Natural Sciences and Technology, University of Oldenburg, Oldenburg/Germany, 23rd-25th Sept. 2005.

Reconstruction of Historical Instruments and their Role in Science Education, History and Popularisation of Science, Zakir Husain Education Centre – Social Study of Sciences, Jawaharal Nehru University, Delhi/India, 29th, March 2006.

CV Raman and his contact with European Men of Science in political context, European Society for the History of Science, Cracow, September, 6-9th, 2006. The Global and the Local - The History of Science and the Cultural Integration of Europe Cracow/Poland. Sept. 6-9, 2006.

eTwinning-Kontaktseminar für belgische, deutsche und niederländische Lehrkräfte (eTwinning contact seminar for teachers from Belgium, Germany and the Niederlands), Krefeld, Sept. 28, 2006.

European Community - Comenius contact seminar: Traces, traditions, treasures around us, Osnabrück, Nov. 2-5, 2006.

India – An overview, Gymnasium, Cäcilienschule, Oldenburg, Sept., 20, 2007.

Early history of the IACS, CV Raman and the discovery of the Raman effect, S.N. Sen Memorial Lecture at the Indian Association for the Cultivation of Sciences, Kolkatta, March 5th, 2008.

How to win the Nobel Prize – Learning from Sir CV Raman, Indian Institute of Science, Technology and Research, Kolkatta, March 5th, 2008.

Chandrasekhra Venkata Raman (1888-1970) - 80 Jahre Raman-Effekt, University of Hamburg, May 19, 2008.

When the research style clashes – Max Born and CV Raman: Lattice dynamics controversy, European Society for the History of Science, 3rd Conference in Vienna, – 12th September, 2008

Emergence of experimental physics in India and a short local history of scientific instruments in the first half of the 20th century, Gesellschaft Deutscher Chemiker – Deutsche Physikalische Gesellschaft - Geschichte der Materialforschung, March 24th-27th, 2009, Göttingen.

Participation in international symposium “Learning by doing – Experiments and Instruments in the History of Science Teaching”, April 4th-5th, 2009, Regensburg.

Erfahrung mit Schüler-Firmen an der GTS 2001 (Jens Nadelberg, Rajinder Singh), May 23, 2009.

Freude am Forschen - Schüler entdecken die Naturwissenschaften am Beispiel Physik (Rainer Goltermann. Rajinder Singh), Pädagogische Woche, Universität Oldenburg, Sept. 21, 2009.

Die physikalischen Experimente für den Sachunterricht - Workshop (B Krah, M Komorek, E Pahl, D Nawarath), Pädagogische Woche, Universität Oldenburg, Sept. 22, 2009.

E-Twinning contact seminar, Maastricht, Oct. 9.-10., 2009.

New ways of teaching sustainable development, Comenius contact seminar, Amiens, France, Oct. 15-18, 2009.

DPG-Fortbildungskurs für Physiklehrer, Geschichte der Physik, Bad Honnef, 23. - 27. Oktober 2009.

Mit Energie in der Schule (Poster, R. Goltermann, R. Singh, W. Wordtmann), Symposium: Energiebildung, Universität Oldenburg, Feb. 14.-15., 2010.

Die physikalischen Experimente für den Sachunterricht - Workshop (M Komorek, B Krah, E Pahl, S Peters), Pädagogische Woche, Universität Oldenburg, Sept. 22, 2010.

Experiment mit Feuer und Flamme - Workshop (S Heinicke, B Krah), Pädagogische Woche, Universität Oldenburg, Sept. 22, 2010..

Experimente der Solarenergie - Workshop (W Wordtmann), Pädagogische Woche, Universität Oldenburg, Sept. 21, 2010.

An Unsuccessful example of the transmission of knowledge - Indian Astronomical Society of India, 4th Conference of European Society for the History of Science, Barcelona, Nov. 18.-20 Nov. 2010.

"Kolkata - Nobel City" - Nobel Prize nominators and nominees from Kolkata in the fields of Peace, Literature, Medicine & Physiology, Chemistry and Physics, Dr. Triguna Sen Memorial Lecture, Alumni Association, University of Jadavpur, Jan. 10, 2011.

Kolkata and her Physics/Chemistry Nobel Prize nominators and nominees - For example - PC Ray, NR Dhar, MN Saha, CV Raman, SK Mitra, DM Bose et. al., National Council of Education - Bengal, University of Jadavpur, Jan. 9, 2011.

(Renewable) Energy in Indian and German school books - A comparative study, University of Oldenburg, Feb. 8, 2011.

Simple and genius experiments of solar energy (mit Krah & Wordtmann), Pädagogical Week, Uni. Oldenburg, Sept. 2011.

Young Researchers Context from primary school to college level (with Wordtmann & Krah), ibid.

Recycling at home and at school – A comparative studies: France, Germany, Italy, Lithuania, Romania, Spain and UK, March 20, 2012, Rumania.

Feuer und Flamme - schön, gefährlich und beherrschbar, (mit Krah B.), PädagogischeWoche, Uni. Oldenburg, Sept. 2012 (forthcoming).

Jugend forscht – Schüler experimentieren für Grund-, Haupt- und Realschulen Wir sind Forscher – entdecke und fördere uns, (mit Krah B, Wordtmann W.), Pädagogische Woche, Uni. Oldenburg, Sept. 2012 (forthcoming).

Die EU macht es möglich – Comenius Projekt als Perspektive und Chance für Schulen, Pädagogische Woche, Uni. Oldenburg, Sept. 2012 (forthcoming).

Unterschiede und Gemeinsamkeiten – Erfahrung an einer indische und einer deutsche Schule, Pädagogische Woche, Uni. Oldenburg, Sept. 2012 (forthcoming).

Energiekonzept und alternative Energiequellen in indischen und deutschen Schulbüchern – Ein Vergleich, Pädagogische Woche, Uni. Oldenburg, Sept. 2012 (forthcoming).



Mitglied der Auswahlkommission der Heinrich-Böll-Stifung

Mitglied der Redaktion - Indian Journal of History of Science

Mitglied der Redaktion: Science and Culture


Deutsche Physikalische Gesellschaft - Fachverband Geschichte der Physik (GP).

Deutschen Gesellschaft für die Geschichte der Medizin, Naturwissenschaft und Technik e.V.

Gewerkschaft Erziehung und Wissenschaft.

Jugendforscht e.V. (von 2006 bis 2016).

European Physical Society.

Scientific Instrument Commission.

European Society for the History of Science.

Bulgarian Society for Chemistry Education and History and Philosophy of Chemistry.

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