


Prof. Dr. med. Tania Zieschang

+49 (0)441 798-4644



Carl von Ossietzky Universität Oldenburg
Fakultät VI - Medizin und Gesundheitswissenschaften
Abteilung Geriatrie
Ammerländer Heerstr. 114-118
26129 Oldenburg


Campus Haarentor, Gebäude V04
Ammerländer Heerstraße 140
26129 Oldenburg



  • Feld L, Schell-Majoor L, Hellmers S, Koschate J, Hein A, et al. (2024) Comparison of professional and everyday wearable technology at different body positions in terms of recording gait perturbations. PLOS Digital Health 3(8): e0000553.
  • Büker L, Hackbarth M, Quinten V, Hein A, Hellmers S (2024) Towards comparable quality-assured Azure Kinect body tracking results in a study setting—Influence of light. PLOS ONE 19(8): e0308416.
  • Tölgyesi, B., Altbäcker, A., Barkaszi, I. Stuckenschneider, T. et al. Effect of artificial gravity on neurocognitive performance during head-down tilt bedrest. npj Microgravity 10, 59 (2024). 
  • Voß M, Zieschang T, Schmidt L, Hackbarth M, Koschate J, Stuckenschneider T (2024) Reduced adaptability to balance perturbations in older adults with probable cognitive impairment after a severe fall. PLoS ONE 19(7): e0305067. 
  • Schmidt, L., Zieschang, T., Koschate, J., & Stuckenschneider, T. (2024). Impaired standing balance in older adults with cognitive impairment after a severe fall. Gerontology.
  • Morganti, Wanda; Custodero, Carlo; Veronese, Nicola; Topinkova, Eva; Michalkova, Helena; Polidori, M. Cristina; Cruz-Jentoft, Alfonso J.; Arnim, Christine A. F. von; Azzini, Margherita; Gruner, Heidi; Castagna, Alberto; Cenderello, Giovanni; Custureri, Romina; Seminerio, Emanuele; Zieschang, Tania; Padovani, Alessandro; Sanchez-Garcia, Elisabet; Pilotto, Alberto (2024) The Multidimensional Prognostic Index predicts incident delirium among hospitalized older patients with COVID-19: a multicenter prospective European study. European geriatric medicine. May 2024 


  • Koschate, J., Stuckenschneider, T. & Zieschang, T. Reaktive dynamische Balance im geriatrischen Setting. Z Gerontol Geriat 56, 458–463 (2023). 
  • Gehle, T.; Lau, S.; Hackbarth, M.; Zieschang, T.; Koschate, J. (2023): Physical performance and compensation strategies of older adults to maintain physical fitness and well-being during the COVID-19 pandemic in Germany. In: BMC Geriatr 23 (1), S. 239. DOI: 10.1186/s12877-023-03952-9; 
  • Lohmöller, M.; Zieschang, T.; Koschate, J. (2023): Leisure time physical activity and exercise performance in active older people in rural areas-Comparison of the first and second COVID-19 related lockdown in Germany. In: PloS one 18 (9), e0291560. DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0291560;  
  • Zieschang, T.; Otto-Sobotka, F.; Shakoor, A.; Lau, S.; Hackbarth, M.; Koschate, J.; The impact of pandemic-related social distancing regulations on exercise performance—Objective data and training recommendations to mitigate losses in physical fitness; Frontiers in Public Health; VOL.11; 2023; doi: 10.3389/fpubh.2023.1099392; ISSN=2296-2565; 
  • Weimann, A.; Ahlert, M.; Seehofer, D.; Zieschang, T.; Schweda, M.; Old age and frailty in deceased organ transplantation and allocation : a plea for geriatric assessment and prehabilitation;        2023 1 Diagramm Transplant international Lausanne : Frontiers Media, 1988 36(2023), Artikel-ID 11296, Seite 1-7 Online-Ressource old age, frailty, organ allocation, organ transplantation, prehabilitation;
  • Hellmers, S.; Krey, E.; Gashi, A.; Koschate; J.; Schmidt, L.; Stuckenschneider, T.; Hein, A.; Zieschang, T.; Comparison of machine learning approaches for near-fall-detection with motion sensors; Frontiers in digital health Lausanne : Frontiers Media, 2019 5(2023), Artikel-ID 1223845, Seite 1-10 Online-Ressource;
  • Brinkmann, A.; Kowalski, C.; Lau, S.; Meyer, O.; Diekmann, R.; Hein, A.; Chair squat performance as a potential predictor of nurses' physical capabilities in ergonomic patient transfers; Scientific reports [London] : Macmillan Publishers Limited, part of Springer Nature, 2011 13(2023), Artikel-ID 2825, Seite 1-10 Online-Ressource;
  • Büker, L.; Quinten, V.; Hackbarth, M.; Hellmers, S.; Diekmann, R.; Hein, A.; How the processing mode influences Azure Kinect body tracking results; Sensors Basel: MDPI, 2001 23(2023), 2, Artikel-ID 878, Seite 1-28 Online-Ressource; 
  • Hackbarth, M.; Koschate, J.; Lau, S.; Zieschang, T.; Depth-Imaging for Gait Analysis on a Treadmill in Older Adults at Risk of Falling; IEEE Journal of Translational Engineering in Health and Medicine, vol. 11, pp. 479-486; https://doi.10.1109/JTEHM.2023.3277890 
  • Stuckenschneider, T.; Schmidt, L.; Speckmann, E-L.; Koschate, J.; Zieschang, T.; Recruiting patients for falls prevention in the emergency department – worth the challenge; BMC Geriatrics volume 23, Article number: 880 (2023);
  • Klein, T.; Braunsmann, L.; Koschate, J.; Hoffmann, U.; Foitschik, T.; Krieger, S.; Crucian, B.; Schneider, S.; Abeln,V.; Short-term isolation effects on the brain, cognitive performance, and sleep—The role of exercise Front.; Physiol., 30 January 2023 Sec. Environmental, Aviation and Space Physiology Volume 14 – 2023;  
  • Zieschang, T., Schütze, S.; Allgemeine Aspekte demenzieller Erkrankungen.; Innere Medizin 64, 127–130 (2023);                                                                              


  • Fudickar, S.; Pauls, A.; Lau, S.; Hellmers, S.; Gebel, K.; Diekmann, R.; Bauer, J.; Hein, A.; Koppelin, F.; Measurement system for unsupervised standardized assessments of timed up and go test and 5 times chair rise test in community settings : a usability study; Illustrationen.; 20. Sensors Basel: MDPI, 2001 22(2022), 3, Artikel-ID 731, Seite 1-20 Online-Ressource; 
  • Brinkmann, A.; Fifelski-von Böhlen, C.; Kowalski, C.; Lau, S.; Meyer, O.; Diekmann, R.; Hein, A.; Providing physical relief for nurses by collaborative robotics; Scientific reports [London]: Macmillan Publishers Limited, part of Springer Nature, 2011 12(2022), Artikel-ID 8644, Seite 1-14 Online-Ressource;
  • Stuckenschneider, T.; Koschate J.; Dunker, E.; Reeck, N.; Hackbarth, M.; Hellmers, S.; Kwiecien, R.; Lau, S.; Brütt, A.; Hein, A.; Zieschang, T.; Sentinel fall presenting to the emergency department (SeFallED) : protocol of a complex study including long-term observation of functional trajectories after a fall, exploration of specific fall risk factors, and patients' views on falls prevention; BMC geriatrics London : BioMed Central, 2001 22(2022), Artikel-ID 594, Seite 1-12 Online-Ressource;
  • Koschate, J.; Möller, F.; Haeger, M.; Hoffmann, U.; Drescher, U.; Fomina, E.; ... & Steinberg, F.; Effects of aerobic exercise in confinement on cardiorespiratory kinetics and cognitive functions–results from the 4-month SIRIUS-19 isolation project.; 2022; Acta Astronautica; 
  • Abeln, V.; Fomina, E.; Popova, J.; Braunsmann, L.; Koschate, J.; Möller, F.; Fedyay, S. O.; Vassilieva, G. Y.; Schneider, S.; Strüder, H. K.; & Klein, T.; Chronic, acute and protocol-dependent effects of exercise on psycho-physiological health during long-term isolation and confinement.; 2022 BMC Neuroscience, 23(1)  
  • Latscha, R.; Koschate, J.; Bloch, W.; Werner, A.; Hoffmann, U.; Cardiovascular Regulation During Acute Gravitational Changes with Exhaling on Exertion.; 2022; Int J Sports Med;  
  • Weigert, H.; Stuckenschneider, T.; Pickert, L.; Rossi, A.; Meyer, A. M.; Nelles, G.; Schulz, R.-J.; Stahl, W.; Schneider, S.; & Polidori, M. C.; Influence of a 12-Month Structured Exercise Program on the Micronutrient-Cognitive Fitness-Physical Association Profiles in Mild Cognitive Impairment.; 2022; Journal of Alzheimer's Disease Reports, 6(1), 711-722.;
  • Bailey, T.G.; Klein, T.; Meneses, A.L.; Stefanidis, K.B.; Ruediger, S.; Green, D.J.; Stuckenschneider, T.; Schneider, S.; Askew, C.D.; Cerebrovascular function and its association with systemic artery function and stiffness in older adults with and without mild cognitive impairment.; 2022 Eur J Appl Physiol,  
  • Diekmann, R.; Hellmers, S.,; Lau, S. et al.; Are vertical jumps able to predict 24-month follow-up functional geriatric assessment in a healthy community-dwelling older cohort?; 2022; Aging Clin Exp Res;
  • Hellmers, S.; Brinkmann, A.; Böhlen, C.Fv.; Lau, S.; Diekmann, R.; Hein, A.; Posture and Mechanical Load Assessment During Patient Transfers.; 2022; SN COMPUT. SCI. 3, 375;  
  • Brinkmann, A.; Böhlen, C.Fv.; Kowalski, C.; Lau, S.; Meyer, O.; Diekmann, R.; Hein, A.; Providing physical relief for nurses by collaborative robotics.; 2022; Sci Rep 12, 8644;  
  • Fudickar, S.; Pauls, A.; Lau, S.; Hellmers, S.; Gebel, K.; Diekmann, R.; Bauer, JM.;, Hein, A.; Koppelin, F.; Measurement System for Unsupervised Standardized Assessments of Timed Up and Go Test and 5 Times Chair Rise Test in Community Settings — A Usability Study.; 2022; Sensors. 2022; 22(3):731.;   
  • Pilotto, A.; Topinkova, E.; Michalkova, H.; Polidori, MC.; Cella, A.; Cruz-Jentoft, A.; von Arnim, CAF.; Azzini, M.; Gruner, H.; Castagna, A.; Cenderello, G.; Custureri, R.; Custodero, C.; Zieschang. T.; Padovani, A.; Sanchez-Garcia, E.; Veronese, N.; MPI-COVID-19 Study Group Investigators; Can the Multidimensional Prognostic Index Improve the Identification of Older Hospitalized Patients with COVID-19 Likely to Benefit from Mechanical Ventilation? An Observational, Prospective, Multicenter Study.; 2022; J Am Med Dir Assoc. 2022 Sep;23(9):1608.e1-1608.e8; Epub 2022 Jul 1.PMID: 35934019;    
  • Lau, S.; Koschate, J.; Hellmers, S.; Hackbarth, M.; Zieschang, T.; Impact of Rollator Use on Gait and Balance in the Oldest Old – New Strategies for Falls Prevention?; 2022; Abstracts of the 18th Congress of the European Geriatric Medicine Society. Eur Geriatr Med 13 (Suppl 1), 1–439 (2022).;
  • Schweda, M.; Zieschang, T.; Kommentar zum Fall „Sturzereignis beim geriatrischen Patienten“ – Eine medizinethische Perspektive.; 2022; Med. Ethik 68 (2022), 105-107
  • Zielasek, J., Reinhardt, I., Schmidt, L., & Gouzoulis-Mayfrank, E. (2022). Adapting and implementing apps for mental healthcare. Current Psychiatry Reports, 24(9), 407-417
  • Reinhardt, I., Schmidt, L., Reske, D., Zielasek, J., Braun, G., Böttche, M., ... &
    Gouzoulis-Mayfrank, E. (2023). Blended-ALMAMAR app for inpatient mental health
    care for refugees: study protocol for a multicenter implementation study within the IREACH
    consortium (Internet based REfugee mentAl healtH Care). BMC Health
    Services Research, 23(1), 1409



  • Hackbarth, M.; Koschate, J.; Lau, S.; Zieschang, T.; New ways for a simple gait-analysis in older people during perturbated walking. 2022; EU Fall Festival, 4-5 April, Leuven, Belgium. 
  • Hackbarth, M.; Koschate, J.; Lau, S.; Zieschang, T.; Gangparameter nach Perturbation bei älteren Menschen mit und ohne Sturzhistorie.; 2022; Tagung der Bundesinitiative Sturzprävention, 6-7 Mai, Heidelberg. 
  • Lau, S.; Hellmers, S.; Koschate, J.; Zieschang, T.; Statisches Gleichgewicht und Gehgeschwindigkeit bei älteren Personen mit und ohne Rollator; 2022; Tagung der Bundesinitiative Sturzprävention, 6-7 Mai, Heidelberg. 
  • Lau, S.; Koschate, J.; von Kutzleben, M.; Zieschang, T.; Falls and prescription of rollators in older adults: State of the art; 2022; EU Fall Festival, 4-5 April, Leuven, Belgium.
  • Gashi, A.; Koschate, J.; Zieschang, T.; Cardiorespiratory fitness and gait instability in older people.; 2022; EU Fall Festival, 4-5 April, Leuven, Belgium. 
  • Dunker, E.; Stuckenschneider, T.; Koschate, J.; Zieschang, T.; Study Enrollment of Older Adults with a Fall in the Emergency Department – Chances and Challenges from the SeFallED Study; 2022; EU Falls Festival, 4-5 April, Leuven. 
  • Stuckenschneider, T.; Dunker, E.; Koschate, J.; Zieschang, T.; Home Assessments in Older Adults with a History of Falls – Lessons Learned from the Pilot Phase of the SeFallED Study.; 2022; EU Falls Festival, 4-5 April, Leuven. 
  • Koschate, J.; Gashi, A.; Stuckenschneider, T.; Dunker, E.; Hackbarth, M.; Zieschang, T.; Cardiorespiratory fitness in older adults with a history of falls – the SeFallED study.; 2022; EU Falls Festival, 4-5 April, Leuven. 
  • Reeck, N.; Stuckenschneider, T.; Dunker, E.; Ansmann, L.; Zieschang, T.; Levke Brütt, A.; Involvement of older adults in the development of interventions for falls prevention.; 2022; EU Falls Festival, 4-5 April, Leuven. 
  • Stuckenschneider, T.;  Koschate, J.; Dunker, E.; Zieschang, T.; Die Notaufnahme – komplexes Setting zur Probandenrekrutierung. Tagung der Bundesinitiative Sturzprävention; 2022; 6-7 Mai, Heidelberg.
  • Stuckenschneider, T.; Dunker, E.; Koschate, J.; Zieschang, T.; Physical activity levels after falling – assessment methods for older adults with and without cognitive impairment.; 2022; 27th annual Congress of the European College of Sport Science, Sevilla, Book of Abstracts, p. 129.
  • Abeln, V.; Muehler, F.; Braunsmann, L.; Stuckenschneider, T.; Brain oxygenation during cognitive processing is altered with 60 days bedridden physical inactivity.; 2022; 27th annual Congress of the European College of Sport Science, Sevilla, Book of Abstracts, p. 462. 
  • Braunsmann, L.; Stuckenschneider, T.; Abeln, V.; Brain hemodynmacis during cognitive processing is altered with 60-days of bedrest.; 2022; Human Physiology Workshop: 3rd Dexember 2022, Köln, p. 16. 
  • Braunsmann, L.; Stuckenschneider, T.; Abeln, V.; Reaktive dynamische Balance – Welche Rolle spielt die Perturbationsrichtung bei älteren Menschen? X; 2022; 34. Jahreskongress der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Geriatrie. 14-16 September, Frankfurt am Main, Germany. 
  • Lau, S.; Hellmers, S.; Koschate, J.; Hackbarth, M.; Zieschang, T.; Einfluss der Rollatornutzung auf Gehgeschwindigkeit, Balance und Armpendel; 2022; 34. Jahreskongress der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Geriatrie.  14-16 September, Frankfurt am Main, Germany. 
  • Lau, S.; Happe, L.; Koschate, J.; Hein, A.; Zieschang, T.; Video-based physiotherapy during COVID19 and beyond – Promoting physical activity in older patients; 2022; EU Fall Festival, 4-5 April, Leuven, Belgium.
  • Möller, F.; Koschate, J.; Hoffmann, U.; Fomina, E.; Didkovskaya, N.; Drescher, U.; Steinberg, F.; Effects of specific exercise training during 120 days isolation on physiological kinetics and inhibitory control; 2022; ACSM
  • Koschate, J.; Makoui, N.; Scarano, M.; Zieschang, T.; Sturzangst im Verlauf eines geriatrischen Rehabilitationsprogramms; 2022; Bundesinitiative Sturzprävention
  • Koschate, J.; Otto Sobotka, F.; Lau, S.; Hackbarth, M.; Zieschang, T.; Vergleich objektiver Trainingsdaten älterer Menschen vor und nach der pandemiebedingten Schließung von Sportangeboten  –  Wieviel geht verloren und wie kann das ursprüngliche Niveau wieder erreicht werden?; 2022; DGG
  • Koschate, J.; Makoui, N.; Scarano, M.; Zieschang, T.; Sturzangst im Verlauf der geriatrischen Rehabilitation – Perspektive der Patient:innen und deren Angehörigen; 2022; DVS
  • Koschate, J.; Gashi, A.; Dunker, E.; Stuckenschneider, T.; Hackbarth, M.; Zieschang, T.; Cardiorespiratory fitness in older adults with a history of falls – the SeFallED study; 2022; EU Falls Festival
  • Makoui, N.; Scarano, M.; Helm-Barghorn, K.; Qojle, E.; Basiora, A.; Koschate, J.; Zieschang, T.; Fear of falling in the course of a geriatric rehabilitation: Perspective of patients and their next of kin; 2022  
  • Gashi, A.; Zieschang, T.; Koschate, J.; CareFall – Is there a relationship between cardiorespiratory fitness, gait stability, and fall risk in older adults?; 2022; EuGMS
  • Koschate, J.; Zieschang, T.; Physical Fitness in Older Adults during the COVID-19 Pandemic – Comparison between Sweden and Germany; 2022; EuGMS
  • Koschate, J.; Stuckenschneider, T.; Zieschang, T.; Measuring reactive dynamic balance –  one protocol fits all?; 2022; MobEx


  • Happe, L.; Lau, S.; Koschate, J.; Diekmann, R.; Hein, A.; Zieschang, T.; Machbarkeit und Akzeptanz videobasierter Physiotherapie. Z Gerontol Geriat (2021).
  • Friedrich, B.; Lau, S.; Elgert, L.; Bauer, JM.; Hein, A.; A Deep Learning Approach for TUG and SPPB Score Prediction of (Pre-) Frail Older Adults on Real-Life IMU Data. Healthcare. 2021; 9(2):149.
  • Hoffmann, U.; Faber, F.; Drescher, U.; Koschate, J.; (2021) Cardiorespiratory kinetics in exercise physiology: estimates and predictions using randomized changes in work rate. Eur J Appl Physiol. 2021 Dec 28. doi: 10.1007/s00421-021-04878-z  
  • Koschate, J.; Hoffmann, U.; Lysova, N.; Thieschäfer, L.; Drescher, U.; Fomina, E.; (2021) Acquisition of cardiovascular kinetics via treadmill exercise – A tool to monitor physical fitness during space missions. Acta Astronautica 186:280–288.
  • Koschate, J.; Drescher, U.; Hoffmann, U.; (2021) Confinement, partial sleep deprivation and defined physical activity–influence on cardiorespiratory regulation and capacity. European Journal of Applied Physiology
  • Diekmann, R.; Hellmers, S.; Elgert, L.; Fudickar, S.; Heinks, A.; Lau, S.; Bauer, JM.; Zieschang, T.; Hein, A.; (2021) Minimizing comprehensive geriatric assessment to identify deterioration of physical performance in a healthy community-dwelling older cohort: longitudinal data of the AEQUIPA Versa study. Aging Clin Exp Res 33(3):563-572.
  • Koschate, J.; Thieschäfer, L.; Drescher, U.; Zieschang, T.; Hoffmann, U.; (2021) Time-series analysis of heart rate and blood pressure in response to changes in work rate before and after 60 days of 6° head down tilt bed rest. Eur J Appl Physiol 121(4):1037-1048.
  • Zieschang, T.; von Arnim, C.; 75/f with cognitive impairment and dysgeusia, presentation 3 months after delirium: Preparation for the medical specialist examination: part 78. (2021) Internist (Berl). 62(5);513-518.
  • Stuckenschneider, T.; Abeln, V.; Foitschik, T.; Abel, T.; Polidori, M. C.; & Struder, H. K.; (2021). Disease-inclusive exercise classes improve physical fitness and reduce depressive symptoms in individuals with and without Parkinson's disease-A feasibility study. Brain Behav, e2352.
  • Sander-Sandersfeld, C.; Zieschang, T.; Hildebrandt, H.; Das Delir auf der Intensivstation: Haloperidol und Clonidin als Delirtherapie. Studien im Fokus. Neurologie & Rehabilitation 3 (2021)



  • Lau, S.; Koschate, J.; von Kutzleben, M.; Zieschang, T.Walking aid use and decision-making in the prescription process in older people presenting gait disorders – a study protocol (RollGa) In: Abstracts of the 17th Congress of the European Geriatric Medicine Society. Eur Geriatr Med 12, 254 (2021).
  • Koschate, J.; Maier, J.; Lau, S.; Hackbarth, M.; Zieschang, T.; Physical activity and health-related quality of life – comparison between younger and older adults before, during and after the COVID-19 lockdown periods in Germany. In: Abstracts of the 17th Congress of the European Geriatric Medicine Society. Eur Geriatr Med 12, 129 (2021).
  • Koschate, J.; Stuckenschneider, T.; Lau, S.; Hackbarth, M.; Zieschang, T.Trajectories of functional performance after a sentinel fall with presentation to the emergency department without hospital admission – a study protocol (SeFallED). In: Abstracts of the 17th Congress of the European Geriatric Medicine Society. Eur Geriatr Med 12, 254 (2021).
  • Koschate, J.; Hackbarth, M.; Lau, S.; Zieschang, T.Changes in Physical Fitness of Older People During the COVID-19 Pandemic in Germany: Objective Training Data. In: Program Abstracts from The GSA 2021 Annual Scientific Meeting, “Disruption to Transformation: Aging in the “New Normal”, Innovation in Aging, Volume 5, Issue Supplement_1, 2021, Page 460,
  • Lau, S.; Mueller-von Aschwege, F.; Zieschang, T.; Bauer, J.; Hein, A.; Diekmann, R.; Activity Space and Functional Outcomes in Frail Older Persons Using GPS analysis. Innovation in Aging, Volume 5, Issue Supplement_1, 2021, Page 516,
  • Hackbarth, M.; Koschate, J.; Lau, S.; Zieschang, T.Finding Static Stability Limits: Comparison of Reactive Balance in Older People With and Without a History of Falls. In: Innovation in Aging, Volume 5, Issue Supplement_1, 2021, Pages 446–447,
  • Hackbarth, M.; Koschate, J.; Lau, S.; Zieschang, T.; Vergleich des reaktiven Gleichgewichts zwischen jüngeren und älteren Menschen mit und ohne Sturzhistorie. In: Abstracts des 33. Jahreskongresses der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Geriatrie. Z Gerontol Geriat 2021- 54 (Suppl 1): S1–S70.
  • Zieschang, T.; Lau, S.; Hackbarth, M.; Koschate, J.; Index-Sturz mit Vorstellung im Notfallzentrum ohne stationäre Aufnahme: Studienprotokoll zur Identifikation der Trajektorien funktioneller Leistungsfähigkeit. In: Abstracts des 33. Jahreskongresses der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Geriatrie. Z Gerontol Geriat 2021- 54 (Suppl 1): S1–S70.
  • Koschate, J.; Hackbarth, M.; Lau, S.; Zieschang, T.; Körperliche Aktivität und subjektives Gesundheitsempfinden älterer Menschen während der Covid-19 Lockdown Phasen in Deutschland. In: Abstracts des 33. Jahreskongresses der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Geriatrie. Z Gerontol Geriat 2021- 54 (Suppl 1): S1–S70.
  • Lau, S.; Koschate, J.; Hackbarth, M.; Zieschang, T.; Auswirkung des Gehens am Rollator auf das dynamische Gleichgewicht und die Körperhaltung älterer Menschen. In: Abstracts des 33. Jahreskongresses der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Geriatrie. Z Gerontol Geriat 2021- 54 (Suppl 1): S1–S70.
  • Koschate, J.; Gashi, A.; Zieschang, T.; Cardiorespiratory Fitness – Risk factor for falls and gait instability in older adults? 9th Biennial Australian and New Zealand Falls Prevention Conference, Dec 1st – 3rd 2021, online.
  • Koschate, J.; Stuckenschneider, T.; Lau, S.; Hackbarth, M.; Hein, A.; Zieschang, T.; Training classifiers to recognize slips and trips in daily life. 9th Biennial Australian and New Zealand Falls Prevention Conference, Dec 1st – 3rd 2021, e-conference.
  • Koschate, J.; Lau, S.; Hackbarth, M.; Zieschang, T.; Covid-19 pandemic – Time course of physical activity and functional abilities in active older people associated with the lockdown periods in Germany. European Group for Research into Elderly and Physical Activity, May 19th – 21st, Münster, e-conference.


  • Koschate, J.; Cettolo, V.; Hoffmann, U. & Francescato, M. P. (2019). Breath‐by‐breath oxygen uptake during running: Effects of different calculation algorithms. Experimental Physiology, 104(12), 1829–1840. 
  • Koschate, J.; Lau, S.; Zieschang, T. & Hoffmann, U. (2019). 28 Cardiorespiratory Regulation and Aerobic Fitness in Older People – A New Approach for Falls Interventions? Age and Ageing, 48(Supplement_4), iv6-iv8. 
  • Beltrame, T.; Gois, M. O.; Hoffmann, U.; Koschate, J.; Hughson, R. L.; Moraes Frade, M. C.; . . . Catai, A.M.; (2020). Relationship between maximal aerobic power with aerobic fitness as a function of signal-to-noise ratio. Journal of Applied Physiology (Bethesda, Md. : 1985), 129(3), 522–532. 
  • Koschate, J.; Thieschäfer, L.; Drescher, U.; Zieschang, T.; Hoffmann, U.; (2020) Time-series analysis of heart rate and blood pressure in response to changes in work rate before and after 60 days of 6° head down tilt bed rest. Eur J Appl Physiol. doi: DOI: 10.1007/s00421-020-04576-2
  • Lau, S.; Hellmers, S.; Diekmann, R.; Zieschang, T.; Bauer, JM.; Hein, A.; 2019. “Applicability of a Sensor-Based Stair Climb Power Test in Stair Negotiation. In: Abstracts of the 15th International Congress of the European Geriatric Medicine Society.” Pp. 1–325 in European Geriatric Medicine. Vol. 10. 
  • Hellmers, S.; Fudickar, S.; Lau, S.; Elgert, L.; Diekmann, R.; Bauer, JM. and Hein, A.; 2019. “Measurement of the Chair Rise Performance of Older People Based on Force Plates and IMUs.” Sensors (Switzerland) 19(6). 
  • Hellmers, S.; Lau, S.; Diekmann, R.; Dasenbrock, L.; Kromke, T.; Bauer, JM.; Fudickar, S. and Hein, A.; 2019. “Evaluation of Power-Based Stair Climb Performance via Inertial Measurement Units.” Pp. 238–61 in Communications in Computer and Information Science. Vol. 1024. Springer Verlag. 
  • Brinkmann, A.; Fifelski, C.; Lau, S.; Kowalski, C.; Meyer, O.; Diekmann, R.; Hein, A.; Quantification of Lower Limb and Spine Muscle Activity in Manual Patient Handling - A Case Study. Stud Health Technol Inform. 2020 Jun 26;272:249-252. PMID: 32604648. 
  • Fudickar, S.; Hellmers, S.; Lau, S.; Diekmann, R.; Bauer, JM.; Hein, A.; Measurement System for Unsupervised Standardized Assessment of Timed "Up & Go" and Five Times Sit to Stand Test in the Community-A Validity Study. Sensors (Basel). 2020 May 15;20(10):2824. PMID: 32429306; PMCID: PMC7287989. 
  • Brinkmann, A.; Fifelski, C.; Lau, S.; Kowalski, C.; Meyer, O.; Diekmann, R.; Isken, M.; Fudickar, S. and Hein, A.; 2020. “The AAL/Care Laboratory – a Healthcare Prevention System for Caregivers.” Nanomaterials and Energy 9(1):27–38. 
  • Diekmann, R.; Hellmers, S.; Elgert, L.; Fudickar, S.; Heinks, A.; Lau, S.; Bauer, JM.; Zieschang, T. und Hein, A.; "Minimizing comprehensive geriatric assessment to identify deterioration of physical performance in a healthy community-dwelling older cohort: longitudinal data of the AEQUIPA Versa study," Aging Clinical and Experimental Research, 2020. 


Kongressbeiträge seit 2019

  • Koschate, J.; Lau, S.; Zieschang, T. & Hoffmann, U. (2019). 28 Cardiorespiratory Regulation and Aerobic Fitness in Older People – A New Approach for Falls Interventions? Age and Ageing, 48(Supplement_4), iv6-iv8.
  • Lau, S.; Hellmers, S.; Diekmann, R.; Zieschang, T.; Bauer, J.; Hein, A.. 2019. “Applicability of a Sensor-Based Stair Climb Power Test in Stair Negotiation. In: Abstracts of the 15th International Congress of the European Geriatric Medicine Society.” Pp. 1–325 in European Geriatric Medicine. Vol. 10.
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