Institute of Music | Administration
International Office
Institute of Music | Professor, Instructor
Dr. Eva Schurig
Music in the lives of older people
Getting older is often accompanied by a physical and cognitive decline which sets limits to the activities a person can engage in. In this session we will look at the way older people engage with music making and listening. On the one hand, there are the professional musicians, whose livelihood might be affected by the changes associated with getting older and who have to find ways to adapt to and manage these changes. On the other hand, there are amateur musicians, who might never have never had learned to play an instrument. Is it possible for them to do so when they are older? Or does a physical and cognitive decline automatically mean that there is also a decline in musical activities? We will find answers to these and similar questions in this session.
In preparation: Please ask at least three people who are over 60 years old (if you know any and have access to them) about their musical activities. Are they musically active? Do they play an instrument, sing or listen to music? If so, why? If not, why not? Has this changed for them since they were 30? If so, why? If not, why not?

Dr. Eva Schurig
University of Oldenburg / Germany
Eva Schurig is a postdoctoral research assistant at the Carl von Ossietzky Universität Oldenburg. Her experiences cover qualitative as well as quantitative research in areas such as mobile music listening, musical activities of young people or hearing health. She is part of the editorial board of the Yearbook of Music Psychology and the journal MAiA.