
Institute of Music | Administration 

Ines Willke

+49 (0)441 798-2987

Office: A10  0-009  

International Office

Institute of Music | Professor, Instructor

Prof. Dr. Gunter Kreutz


General Information

The online classes will be held between 1st February and 31st of March 2025 as scheduled. Please note that the schedule may be subject to changes. We will keep the information at this website up to date as far as possible.

The onsite classes will be held at the Department of Music at the Carl von Ossietzky University, Germany, from Monday, 19th of May 2025, to Friday, 23rd of May 2025. Please note that the cultural program will start on the suggested arrival data on the evening of Friday, 16th of May and will entail activities over the weekend preceding the onsite classes.

The onsite program will entail a composition of plenary sessions and individually selected classes as offered by the regular music education programs for all school levels during the week. This means that students can sign up or just drop individually into sessions during the week in available courses to be announced. These courses can be practical, e.g. vocal or instrumental ensembles, pedagogical, or research oriented, e.g. historical musicology, music psychology, music and media.

First steps in Design-Based Research

Instructor: Rolando Angel-Alvarado

 Location: Online |

 Date/Time: Wednesday March 5th, 2 – 4 pm (CET) March 21st, 2 – 4 pm (CET)


Directions for a Contemporary School Music Education

Instructor: Dr. José Luis Aróstegui

 Location: Onsite

 Date/Time: TBA


Music teacher education for an unstable future – technology’s affordances for creativity

Instructor: Dr. Smaragda Chrysostmou

 Location: Onsite

 Date/Time: TBA


Music Education 4.0: Shaping a new technocentric music-educational framework incorporating emerging technologies, AI, and ST(R)EAM practices

Instructor: Yannis Mygdanis

 Location: Online |

 Date/Time: Monday, March 24th, 10 – 12 am (CET)


Music in the lives of older people

Instructor: Dr. Eva Schurig

 Location: Onsite

 Date/Time: TBA


Composing today for children's choir.
Reflections on choral music activities in the inclusive school

Instructor: Giuseppe Sellari

 Location: Onsite

 Date/Time: TBA


Musical Identities in Music Education

Instructor: Dr. Angeliki Triantafyllaki

 Location: Online |

 Date/Time: Thursday, March 27th, 2 – 4 pm (CET)


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