Institute of Music | Administration
International Office
Institute of Music | Professor, Instructor
Dr. José Luis Aróstegui
Directions for a Contemporary School Music Education
In this session I will discuss how the school music education should be for a new emerging era as we are experiencing, characterized by uncertainty in key political and economic issues and with threats like the global warming and the irruption of AI in our lives, beyond the digitalization of the last decades. Our world is changing, so school and school music education should be. I will group these new features of music education curriculum into four: (1) an integral and transversal teaching; (2) the cultural heritage should be passed on to new generations; (3) the need to contextualize learning; and (4) a digitalization of the teaching and learning process. The talk will end by discussing, among other things, the importance of paying attention to policy issues. The main conclusion is that we need to move at once from a content-based curriculum to another student-based.

Dr. José Luis Aróstegui
University of Granada // Spain
osé Luis Aróstegui is Professor at the Department of Music Education, University of Granada, Spain. He is the coordinator of the research group SEJ-540 of Research in Music Education and PI of some R&D projects sponsored by the European Commission and the Government of Spain, among which: Evaluation of Music Teacher Education Programs in Europe and Latin America (2004-2007); The impact of School Music Education in Spain (2014-2017), Music Teacher Education for the Knowledge Society and Economy (2017-2021) and Transversality, Creativity and Inclusion in School Music Projects (2022-2025), the latter as PI1. He has been a member of the international advisory board of the research project Music Teacher Education for the Future on music teacher education in Norway (2019-2022). He is also a member of the International Advisory Team of the research project "Pilot experience of a musical pedagogy oriented towards human rights education: Proposal of pedagogical guidelines for the initial training of music teachers", in Chile (2023-2026). From these and other researches, he has produced papers published in many indexed journals and publishers, and presented at conferences.
José Luis has been editor-in-chief of the Revista Internacional de Educación Musical (2013-2023; from 2020 to 2023 as co-editor). He has been a commissioner member of MISTEC (Music in Schools and Teacher Education Commission), being its president during the biennium 2010-2012. He was also a member of the ISME (International Society for Music Education) Board from 2012 to 2016.